Mirgün Cabas ve Can Kozanoğlu önceki podcast serileri İlk Sayfası'nda yazarlarla bir "sözlü yazı atölyesi" yapmıştı. Şimdi de bir kurs/seminer dizisine başlıyorlar. Farklı disiplinlerin uzmanlarıyla yaptıkları söyleşilerde bu alanların temel kavramlarını, meselelerini konuşuyorlar. Daha fazla derinlesmek isteyenler için konuklarından okuma önerileri alıyorlar.
Güzel ve etkili konuşmak ister misin? Bu programda 5 dakikada diksiyonun püf noktalarını öğrenip birlikte eğlenceli egzersizler yapacağız!
Eğitimler için: -
You Can Pass the PMP in As Little As 7 Days. Give Up On Memorizing and Learn a Better Way!
Every week you will be treated to a new Drifting Ruby episode featuring tips and tricks with Ruby on Rails, the popular web development framework. These screencasts are short and focus on one technique so you can quickly move on to applying it to your own project. The topics are geared toward the intermediate Rails developer, but beginners and experts will get something out of it as well.
My K9 Coach Podcast aims to educate and empower dog owners, giving them the tools and knowledge to build their ideal lifestyle with and for their dogs. Episodes will provide actionable dog training protocols, explore current dog training trends and feature guests within the canine industry.
Join the conversation in the Facebook Group, just search My K9 Coach Podcast.
Welcome to Therapists Corner, where we explore the world of therapy, mental health, and the inner workings of the mind. Join me, Sarah, a Therapist with over 20 years of experience who delivers a range of therapy and runs a successful private practice; Sarah opens the door to the therapy room. Whether you're a therapist, curious about therapy, or simply interested in understanding the complexities of the mind, this podcast is for you. Get ready for conversations with experts in the field, insights into therapy practices, and a glimpse behind the scenes of private practice. Grab a cup of tea, cosy up, and join us for enlightening discussions that will leave you feeling empowered and informed.
Community Signal is a podcast for experienced online community professionals, including those working in audience engagement, association management, developer relations, moderation, trust and safety, and more. It's released every two weeks and hosted by industry veteran Patrick O’Keefe.
This is a very community-focused program. There are plenty of social media and marketing podcasts out there. That’s not what this is. Social media is a set of tools. Community is a strategy you apply to those tools. Marketing brings new customers. Community helps you keep them. -
Dive into the world of Product Lifecycle Management with PLM Evolution, formerly The PLM Quick 30. Explore the latest in digital transformation and digital thread as host Patrick Sullivan engages with industry leaders redefining product innovation. Get insights, trends, and compelling conversations from the nexus of technology and business. Your essential guide to the modern PLM landscape. Tune in and stay ahead of the curve!
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Psikoloji Öğrencileri Podcast Kanalına Hoşgeldiniz! Hep birlikte öğrendiğimiz, dinlendiğimiz, psikologlarımızı ve mezunlarımızı ağırladığımız "bizim olan" bu kanalda aradıklarınızı bulmanız dileğiyle...
پادکست جنایی دادپویان پرونده های جنایی، کیفری و حقوقی را که موسسه حقوقی دادپویان با آن دست و پنجه نرم کرده است را برای شما روایت میکند. با شنیدن این پادکست میتوانید دید بهتری نسبت به مسائل کیفری و حقوقی داشته باشید. تمام اپیزودها واقعی هستند
پادکست جنایی دادپویان، شنبه ها، یک هفته درمیون در کانال های مختلف منتشر میشود
موسسه حقوقی دادپویان با بیش از سی وکیل مجرب و متخصص در زمینه های مختلف از قبیل ملکی، داوری، خانوادگی، کیفری (قتل، کلاهبرداری، خیانت در امانت، مواد مخدر، مشروبات الکلی، جرایم مالی و اقتصادی، ضرب و شتم و دیه، جرایم پزشکی، جرایم سایبری) اداره کار، وصول مطالبات، ارث، دیوان عدالت اداری، ثبت شرکتها، دعاوی بین المللی، جرایم اقتصادی، شهرداری، بیمه و .... است که هر وکیل در زمینه تخصصی خود به انجام وکالت میپردازد
مشاوره حقوقی فوری آنلاین تلفنی و حضوری، اعطای وکالت به وکلای پایه یک دادگستری، تنظیم انواع اظهارنامه، دادخواست، لایحه، شکواییه و قراردادها
تماس با دادپویان (82807833 - 021) تدوین و مدیریت: امیر هاشمی گوینده: محمد صادقی وبسایت پادکست دادپویان وبسایت موسسه حقوقی دادپویان وبسایت مشاوره حقوقی دادپویان وبسایت خبرگزاری حقوقی و قضایی دادپویان -
Size Kendinizi Kazandırır
Bu podcast serisinde Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku’nun başlıca çalışma alanlarından olan eser, marka, tasarım, patentler ile Bilişim Hukuku alanında bilinmesi gerekenleri, stratejik hak yönetimi anlayışıyla pekiştirmek ve teori ile uygulamayı harmanlamak suretiyle ilgi uyandırıcı ve güncel konular özelinde uzman konuklar eşliğinde ele almak, irdelemek ve çözümlemeler yapmak amaçlanmaktadır.
The APsolute RecAP: Chemistry Edition, written by Sarah Rayder and hosted by Melanie Kingett, will be your guide to scoring the five! The APsolute RecAP is designed to maximize your understanding and minimize your need for memorization. Each episode will review content, skills and test taking tips to help you succeed in May.
(AP is a registered trademark of the College Board and is not affiliated with The APsolute RecAP. Copyright 2020 - The APsolute RecAP, LLC. All rights reserved.) -
Stories of teachers that are creating meaningful and memorable experiences for their students and how you can do the same.
Created and hosted by Thom Gibson; a two-time Teacher of the Year educator, podcaster, YouTuber, and lifelong learner. -
🎙 📻 چند دقیقه حرف دلمون رو بشنویم -
Join host Tut Kailech on the Blazin A Trail Podcast.
Blazin A Trail offers new perspectives and mindsets that will equip the listener with the right tools in their tool kit to start blazing their own path.
Blazin A Trail will have amazing guests who are blazin a trail in their own way. We will ask questions to understand the thought processes that occurred when they first embarked on their journey, the pitfalls they encountered, and how they overcame obstacles. If you are wanting to choose a similar career/creative path, we can assure you will learn valuable lessons from the team and the guests to save time/energy/money avoiding the obstacles.
Our goal is to inspire those who are on the fence about a certain goal. We can accomplish this by giving them context about other individuals who have had similar obstacles and doubts, but still went on to take a leap of faith and persevered.
Trailblazers, join us on this journey of making a difference and paving a way for the generations to come after! -
This podcast designed to help PTE test takers
Tobat karna disadarkan adlah kalimat yang saya benci
Subscribe to BryghtonTalksTech HERE ➤ our Discord Server for SOME FREE AWESOME BENEFITS : TubeBuddy Today ➤ My Other Videos BelowWater Lock the Apple Watch? - to Get Rolex and Hermes Apple Watch Faces, NO JAILBREAK - Support this podcast:
Kendi anlamlı bulduğumuz hedeflerimize doğru, verimli ve devamlı bir şekilde yol alabilmek. Ve en önemlisi bu yolculuktan keyif alabilmek...
Üretkenliğimizi arttırmak ve işlerimizi keyifli bir rutin içinde yapabilmek için başarılı insanlardan teknikler ve yöntemler...