
  • Just days before her 15th birthday, she went missing. She was walking home from school.

    On today's episode, Cristina tells Carmen about the case of Abby Hernandez. Then, they end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Unworhty by Agustina Bazterrica, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. Last month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • The first exorcism to ever take place in Peru was done to a young woman named Maria Pizarro. It took place during the Spanish Inquistion.

    On today's episode, Carmen tells Cristina about this exorcism.

    First, they read a listener story.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The current book club read is the Unworthy by Agustina Bazterrica, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. This month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

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  • If you call to the witches, they will come. In 1943, El Paso, Texas, teenager Nena spends her days caring for the small children of her older sisters and longing for a life of adventure. The premonitions and fainting spells she has endured since childhood are getting worse, and Nena worries she’ll end up like the scary old curandera down the street. Nena prays for help, and when the mysterious Sister Benedicta arrives late one night, Nena follows her across the borders of space and time. In the present day, Nena’s grandniece, Marta, balances a struggling legal aid practice with motherhood and the care of the now ninety-three-year-old Nena. When Marta agrees to help search for a daughter Nena left in the past, the two forge a fierce connection. Marta’s own supernatural powers emerge.

    In this book club episode, Carmen and Cristina recap the book, then answer discussion questions and rate the book.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Unworhty by Agustina Bazterrica, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. Last month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Castillo Marroquin is located in Chia, Colombia, a city and municipality in the department of Cundinamarca 10 km north of Bogotá. From the experiences of the Marroquin family, until the very last owners. many believe the castle is a magnet for bad energy and that it causes tragedy for its owners and employees

    Carmen tells Cristina about this cursed castle and Cristina talks about the case of Angie Peña, who went missing while jetksiing with her sister in Roatan, Honduras.

    First, they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The current book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. This month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • A devastating series of explosions that rocked Guadalajara on April 22, 1992. Cristina joined PNW Haunts and Homicides to talk about this tragedy in Porltand, Oregon's sister city, Guadalajaara. They unravel the events that led to this shocking disaster and yes there was greed, toxic chemicals, negligence and flawed infrastructure.

    Check out one of Espooky Tales' podcast besties:

    Visit their website! Find PNW Haunts and Homicides on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Patreon, & more!

    Check out other episodes Cristina and PNW Haunts and Homicides have done togehter:

    Haunted Port Townsend: Ghosts of Manresa Castle | Espooky Tales
    Haunted Port Townsend: Spirits of Point Wilson Lighthouse | Espooky Tales

    Stay espooky!

  • Bob Menendez was a trailblazing hard working Latino. He set records in his political career, until things took a turn for him and he found himself facing bribery charges. But he didn't stop there.

    In today's episode, Cristina tells Carmen about former senator Bob Menendez' fall from grace and into prison and Carmen talks about three stories reported by Primer Impacto. First, they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The current book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. This month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • In 2001, Mexican channel, channel 5 aired a missing person announcement for Selene Delgado Lopez, which spawned an urban legend and one of the biggest internet misteries to date.

    Carmen shares the case of Selene Delgado Lopez, and a simlar case from Chicago and Cristina shares an update from a case form episode 94, Sharon Kinne aka La Pistolera. They end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The current book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    By joining, you can help Espooky Tales donate 20% funds to charity. This month's donation went to Al Otro Lado's Water Drop program, The program is aimed at saving lives by proving water, clothing, food and First aid kits deep in the desert, where they are at most risk of death while seeking asylum.

    Find more information here: https://alotrolado.org/

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • 21 year old Julie Ann Gonzalez loved her daughter, she would do anything for her. One day, her family could not get a hold of her. Her ex-husband told them she was acting weird and that she told him she was taking off to Colorado, something they refused to believe.

    Cristina shares the case of Julie Ann Gonzalez and Carmen talks about three cryptids from Latin America, El Chonchon, the Vampire Plant and the Abagoochie. First, they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!


    Gofundmes for Displaced Latine Families

    Donate to incarcerated firefighters who are risking their lives

    Donate to immigrant workers impacted by fires

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The current book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Cristina is joined by author Amanda B. Weaver, who shares her very strange encounter at a Macy's and talks about her amazing espooky book, No one's Gonna Take Her Soul Away.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Links to Amanda's book, No One's Gonna Take Her Soul Away and her Horror Book Club Podcast:


    Gofundmes for Displaced Latine Families

    Donate to incarcerated firefighters who are risking their lives

    Donate to immigrant workers impacted by fires

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides

    Submit Things You Need Advice On: https://consejitosanonymous.com/Submit/

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • When Maria was a teen, an entity began to haunt her every night.

    On this episode, Cristina and Carmen share their mom's very creepy haunting. They translated her story, which was shared last episode. First, they read a listener story.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!


    Gofundmes for Displaced Latine Families

    Donate to incarcerated firefighters who are risking their lives

    Donate to immigrant workers impacted by fires

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Cristina guest on PNW Haunts and Homicides

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Cuando era nina, un ente se la quizo llevar. Cada noche, se le subia el muerto y mas.

    La mama de Carmen y Cristina les conto su historia de terror real, y preparense porque esta seria la historia.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • In 1977, UFOs were reported in Colares, Para and nearby surrounding cities in Northern Brazil. Local residents reported injuries were caused by the lights in the sky, and named the lights "Chupa Chupa"/

    Cristina tells Carmen about this strange and creepy UFO case from Brazil. First they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Get 10 FREE meals at Hellofresh.com/espooky10fm applied across 7 boxes, new subscribers only, varies by plan

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Espooky Tales is on a holiday break! Here is an episode that patreon members heard a while back, but for all of you! Carmen and Cristina share their favorite zombie movies, shows and books with spoilers.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Rafael Pacheco Perez was a student pilot on his first solo flight when he encountered something in the skies that changed his life forever.

    In this episode, Carmen shares the bizarre UFO case of Rafael Pacheco Perez and Cristina shares a true crime case from Argentina that changed the town of Catamarca forever.

    First they read a listener story and end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Get 10 FREE meals at Hellofresh.com/freeespooky applied across 7 boxes, new subscribers only, varies by plan

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • On November 8, 2008, two worlds clashed in Patchogue, Long Island. A group of teens from an all American town attacked two undocumented Ecuadorian men.

    Cristina shares the case of Marcelo Lucero and Carmen talks about el Tigre Dantero and the Ucumar, two South American Cryptids.

    First they read a listener story and then end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • A los 23 años de edad, Jackie Hernandez estaba empezando un nuevo capítulo de su vida. Estaba recién casada, con un hijo de dos años y embarazada de su niña. Tenía sus momentos felices, pero su matrimonio era inestable. Todo cambió en 1989, los sueños de Jackie se derrumbaron. Su Matrimonio se acabó. Se mudo a 593 W 11th St en San Pedro, California con sus niños. Lista para rehacer su vida. Pero ella no sabía que su pesadilla apenas comenzaba.

    Es otro episodio todo en español! Cristina le cuenta a Carmen sobre este caso paranormal de San Pedro, California.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • If you ever find yourself in the Bosque de Chapultepec in Mexico City you might want to avoid crossing any bridges you might find because it’s said that the end of one of these bridges is the house of la tia Toña.

    Carmen shares the legend of la Casa de la tia Toña and la Casa Maldita de Apodaca in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Cristina shares the true crime case known as the Monster of the Andes, in which Pedro Alonso Lopez admitted to murdering 300 girls across the Andes.

    First they read a listener story and then end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

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    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

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    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Border Patrol agent Juan and his partner Alex keep coming across horrific scenes of dead migrants, then, dead agents. Something is hunting them. One night, they see it for themselves.

    Carmen shares this story and Cristina talks about the murder of Ramon Casiano. Almost nothing is known about him, but his murder went on to head Border Patrol and the NRA.

    First they read a listener story and then end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/cWk7CvVgaR

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

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    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Carlos de los Santos was flying his normal rout when 3 UFOs interrupted him. Carmen shares this UFO case while Cristina talks about a woman known today as one of the most sadistic killers in Mexico, BUT is she really?

    First they read a listener story and then end with spooky recommendations.

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/4zVbvd7Hek

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube: https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668

  • Piñata by Leopoldo Gout was described as one of the best horror books by Esquire magazine. Carmen Sanchez is back in Mexico, supervising the renovation of an ancient abbey. Her daughters Izel and Luna, too young to be left alone in New York, join her in what Carmen hopes is a chance for them to connect with their roots.Then, an accident at the worksite unearths a stash of rare, centuries-old artifacts. The disaster costs Carmen her job, cutting the family trip short. But something malevolent and unexplainable follows them home to New York, and it may already be too late to escape what’s been awakened…

    Carmen and Cristina recap the book first and then answer the book club discussion questions. The next book club book will be the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo,

    Join the Espooky Tales Book Club for Busy People: https://substack.com/@espooky?utm_source=profile-page

    Listen to Carmen and Cristina's other podcast Historias Unknown

    The next book club read is the Witches of El Paso by Luis Jaramillo, if you want to purchase the book, check out our bookshop link https://bookshop.org/lists/espooky-book-club-list

    If you have a spooky story to share, email [email protected] or leave us a voicemail at the Espooky Hot Line (360)836-4486. You can also submit it on Discord!

    For more spooky stories, check out the Tiktok! https://www.tiktok.com/@espookytales

    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/espookytales/

    Chat with us on Discord! https://discord.gg/4zVbvd7Hek

    Want to be a Patron? Get episodes AD-FREE, listen before they are released to anyone else, get bonus episodes, exclusive stickers, additional and more! Support Espooky Tales. Learn more by visiting https://www.patreon.com/Espookytales

    Get Espooky Merch: https://www.bonfire.com/store/espooky-tales/

    Find us on YouTube:https://youtube.com/@espookytales

    Thank you for listening!

    Mailing Address
    Espooky Tales
    PO BOX 3234
    Vancouver, WA 98668