
  • Damien Baines, Experiential Marketing Lead at Instagram, sat down for Hubilo's Studio Chats at Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity (in partnership with Bizbash at the Hubilo Retreat). 

    In this interview Damien shares how it feels and sounds to be back at IRL events, even in spite of extreme weather patterns and a rigorous content schedule of activations. Gatherings like Cannes Lions are about more than showing off; showing up to meet and make connections is driving event attendees and event planners. 

    Visit www.hubilo.com to learn more about Hubilo and get more content to help you be the best #eventprof of your time.

  • This week on Event ProfsCast, Rachel is joined by Hubilo Customer Experience Director Yuvraj Saxena. Yuvraj is responsible for our customers having a little or a lot less heartburn while planning and executing your event experiences.  How does Yuvraj do it?  Let’s find out!

    Yuvraj believes that event planning support differs from traditional customer support models. In his tenure with Hubilo, a new and innovative way to partner with clients - event professionals - has been created and had landed Hubilo near the very top of the event planning world with regard to customer service and experience.

    Yuvraj teaches his team that they work not so much for Hubilo but for Hubilo’s clients. He’s proud of the fact that, without exception, members of the Hubilo customer experience and customer success team will not say that they work for Hubilo but for each individual event planning client.  We’re proud of that!

    We’re all using video conferencing and remote meeting tools and technologies.  But in most cases, there is no “platform representative” in your Zoom calls or your Microsoft Team meetings.  Hubilo embeds a customer experience team member inside your event where they can be intimately involved, well versed on the details of your event, and ready to help on-demand as you plan and execute your event.

    Yuvraj acknowledges that American Express is a world-class example of exemplary customer service in the credit card industry.  But he also recognized that this traditional call center support model does not fit in event planning, so Hubilo immediately attaches a dedicated customer success team member to every event that Hubilo facilitates. This means that Hubilo is always ready to help at any time exactly when you need it without requiring a call to a random support representative in a general call center.

    A dedicated Hubilo customer experience representative is present on the platform during every minute of your event. Yuvraj’s team knows you, knows what you’re doing, and stands ready at your side from the first minute of your event to the last.  There is no “wait time” for help when you’re a Hubilo partner.

    Yuvraj is dedicated to overhauling the concept of customer service and customer experience management in our industry. One way he’s following this path is to add team members at Hubilo based on their ability to embrace and thrive in this new model of customer care. In this model, it’s not so much about hard skills as it is a mindset, flexibility, and the ability to adjust to the needs of customers at all times. This task requires people who think and feel in ways that align with this new paradigm. Yuvraj is on a mission to find and hire those people.

    This new approach to CX at Hubilo means that CX team members don’t rehearse scripts, don’t have rigid procedures to follow, and aren’t pressured to be upsellers.  Yuvraj teaches his team how to respond, not react, and how to de-stress, decompress, and remain ready and able to perform at a high level. Your Hubio CX contact is in that position because they have exhibited a customer-focused mindset, a high degree of flexibility, the ability to adapt under pressure, and a temperament that suits the demands of the position. This is why Hubilo has found itself at the top of the customer experience and satisfaction list in the event planning world.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

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  • Hubilo's Studio Chats at IMEX Frankfurt welcomes Shameka Jennings, Chief Events Officer of EventsNoire, to our microphones to share how "hybrid" is hardly through with the events industry - not by a long shot.   

    In this interview Shameka shares that while events are generally back, digital aspects to experiences is truly important to include your whole audience - not just those who can afford or manage to make it to your in-person event.

    Visit www.hubilo.com to learn more about Hubilo and get more content that can help you be the best #eventprof of your time. 

    The video version of this interview is available on Spotify and on Hubilo's YouTube channel. 

  • Welcome to the second half of Rachel’s chat with Dato Loh, CEO of V-Cube Malaysia. V-Cube is now in partnership with Hubilo to bring amazing event technology to events in the APAC region of the globe. Rachel and Dato talked about the state of events and event planning in the APAC region.

    The Highlights

    Malaysia has a very vibrant financial sector, so there is a huge demand for product launches and other events, but at the time of recording there were still quite a few travel restrictions in place in the region. This means that V-Cube has been focusing intently on satisfying that need by using virtual and hybrid technologies. Even companies that have a physical presence with products you can touch and feel are turning to virtual and hybrid technologies to drive digital product launches and updates. As great as virtual and hybrid technologies are, we must acknowledge that there are some products that people want to touch and hold. We can’t reach everyone in every context, at least not now. Beyond simply creating virtual spaces for product launches and spaces, as event professionals we can use virtual and hybrid technologies to build communities.  People are craving that connection after being isolated for two years.  Tapping into that craving allow us to create virtual spaces that go beyond basic product and service showcases, which can satisfy extended needs of both audiences and event organizers and sponsors.  Community is a thing in 2022! Dato cleverly pointed out the role of golf when it comes to in-person events in his region.  While a virtual or hybrid event can’t meet golfing needs, we can examine that need and find ways to drive event technologies toward meeting the issues that lay beneath it. What is it about golfing that event attendees love so much, and how can we move technology closer to addressing that? Dato talks about “services on the ground”.  Seasoned, local, managed services are virtual in terms of knowing what will work and what might not in a given location.  Technology isn’t enough, and it doesn’t exist in a vacuum.  People that know the “lay of the land” are important, even in the virtual and hybrid event world. “Some things you can plan, but sometimes things happen and you just have to manage them.” Wise words from Dato that most if not all event professionals can identify with! Dato works hard to ensure that communication among the team at V-Cube Malaysia is flowing freely.  He’s also a huge proponent of constant learning, encouraging his team members to get out and learn something new every day. Relationship building - investing for the long run in strong relationships - is another a cornerstone of Dato’s management philosophy at V-Cube Malaysia. By the time you listen to this episode, the partnership between Hubio and V-Cube Malaysia will be in full swing.  Dato, his team, and everyone at Hubilo is excited to show you what you can do for you!

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • This week on Event ProfsCast Rachel is joined by Dato Loh, CEO of V-Cube Malaysia. V-Cube is now in partnership with Hubilo to bring amazing event technology to events in the APAC region of the globe. Dato was a wealth of information and insight about events in that part of the world, so lets go!

    The Highlights

    We want to be aware of the ins-and-outs of event and events planning all over the world. As event professionals, the more we know, the better prepared we are. V-Cube is a Japanese company specializing in secure communications technology. V-Cube is a Zoom partner in Asia, and produces and maintains its own virtual event platform. Dato has been CEO at V-Cube’s associate company in Malaysia since 2017. He is also the largest shareholder at V-Cube Malaysia. The pivot toward virtual and hybrid events in the last two years can be a stressful thing for CEOs and other company leaders. When Dato needed advanced technology to improve his virtual event support capabilities, Hubilo seemed a natural choice as a partner. Working with Hubilo, V-Cube is able to move far more quickly and less stressfully into that virtual and hybrid space without the long delay and expense of additional platform development Beyond sharing technology, Dato points at the sharing of ideas and the meeting of minds when V-Cube partners with Hubilo. An open exchange of ideas and information is not only refreshing, but almost required for all players in our space to move forward and roll with all the changes we’re facing. V-Cube focuses on communications in two areas: AGM -  Annual General Meetings. MICE  - Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions There are approximately 80 events with 100,000 attendees in the pipeline in the APAC region right now. This reprepsents roughly $200 million in business.  Two of the most important vertical segments represented in this pipeline are oil & gas, and medical tourism. Dato and V-Cube Malaysia are focused on serving these verticals on both the in-person and hybrid spaces. While travel has re-opened in the APAC region, not everyone is going to travel to attend events. As the pandemic winds down, it turns out that the option to attend an event virtually is a very desirable option for many for many reasons. Dato is committed to playing a role in the virtual and hybrid event spaces for exactly this reason.   Events now have to be planned to accommodate this, so that attendees and potential attendees have the opportunity to design the event experience that works best for them. Just because we CAN travel again doesn’t mean we will, so let’s pay attention to that!

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • In this episode of Event ProfsCast, Liz Caruso of Liz King Events and TechyTalk is back for part two of her conversation with Rachel about event production in a post-pandemic world.

    The Highlights

    In the virtual events context, an attendee multi-tasking isn’t necessarily a disaster. Do we need 100% attention to prove that an attendee is having a good experience? Probably not. In fact, many of Liz’s clients aren’t necessarily even interested in return to in-person events, so multi-tasking attendees is hardly a sign of doom. Even as in–person gathering returns, many event planners are more than happy to retain some virtual aspects of events, moving to a hybrid structure. This is not “back to normal” in our industry. We have to push each other to learn new things and incorporate the lessons of the last two years as we move forward. There is a new normal, and that’s good news! Success is no longer measured by numbers of registrations or attendees.  Success is being measured based on minutes watched, number of connections made, and other metrics that more accurately reflect the value provided by a given event. Just putting people in seats is not enough any more. We can, and should, be measuring how truly engaged those people are and were! In Liz’s world, the end of the pandemic means incorporating virtual community building while adding in-person components back into the mix. Done well, this is the best of all worlds. The growth of interest in virtual gatherings and online community building is best described as explosive. Liz found that the environment of the last two years turned even her smaller, localized events into global events. Enabling people to connect virtually when they could not connect physically has been transformative going forward. Liz and Rachel spent a little time talking about their personal experiences during lockdown and how that is impacting some of their choices personally and professionally today. Lockdown / virtual event burnout 
 the struggle is real.  If you’re dealing with that as we return to “normal”, know that you’re not alone.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • Welcome back, event profs!

    On today’s episode of Event ProfsCast, Rachel is joined by Liz Caruso, CEO of Liz King Events and Techsytalk.  Liz is without a doubt a doer of all things and quite possibly one of the busiest people walking the planet today.

    The Highlights

    2021 brought us both a ton of uncertainty about the events space, but also a ton of enthusiasm around the prospect of getting back together again at in-person events.  In-person is coming back, and now we can take what we’ve learned and done in the virtual event space and benefit from that on top of all the things we were doing before the world turned upside down.

    Many people had no idea that virtual events were in existence for 10 years before the pandemic!

    We’ve learned to hone our focus on what we truly value in events. We’ve had to come to grips with what is really important when organizing and participating in events.

    Human behavior has changed dramatically in the last two years, so in some ways we’re all on a brand new learning curve now. The past is important, but clearly we are not going back to the old ways as if nothing has happened.

    Event professionals have almost been forced to learn a new craft as a result of the pandemic. Talk about stress!  It’s pretty normal to be overwhelmed by the rapid pace of what can only be described as revolutionary change in our industry.  On the flip side there’s also excitement about all the new tools we’ve developed and lessons we’ve learned.  So its OK if you’re dealing with both right now.  Mixed emotions about our industry are the order of the day for event profs.

    In some ways, the events space needed a shake-up. If nothing else, the last two years have forced us to really consider what we’re doing rather than just rolling out the same events year after year and just assuming that everyone will come because they always have. Attendees have had to re-think how they spent time interacting in person which means event profs have to double down on creating enticing and valuable experiences both digitally and in-person that will make attendees want to return.

    Virtual events are a VERY different attendee experience. It’s a bit too easy to multi-task or even “zone out” when attending any kind of virtual gathering.  From where Liz stands, the question is “Does it even matter how an attendee is engaging with a digital event?”  Podcasts are popular for a reason. They meet listeners where they are.  Virtual event planners should embrace the new attendee experience rather than fretting over it.  Give your attendees ways to consume and engage with your event in whatever way they choose.

    Building community around brands and events is critical in this new environment.  Once-per-year events are not ideal in terms of maintaining attention and engagement.  The days of running one ad during the Super Bowl then remaining silent are gone.  Brands should be leveraging the power of digital and hybrid events to run more frequent and valuable events that allow attendees to maintain active connections to and engagement with brands.

    In 2022, event profs are better served by planning multiple smaller digital and hybrid events that meet attendees where they want to be met rather than trying to fill every seat at a once-per-year in person event like we did in 2004.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • This week on Event ProfsCast, Rachel is joined by David Adler, chairman and founder of BizBash.  This is part two of our chat with David about the renaissance in event planning and what we can learn from our own events.


    Events getting smaller and focusing more on niche audiences does not mean that impact or significance is decreased.  The experience in a niche group can have a huge impact in that group that lasts for quite some time after the event.  We don’t need 10,000 attendees any more to create meaningful events and experiences. Influencer marketing is being used to capture attention in niche industries.  Microinfluencers are a thing.  Not every event needs a global mega-celebrity at this point.  Knowing the key players and thought leaders in a small niche - even when those players have relatively small audiences on a global or mass market level -  is just as important now. Birds of a feather want to flock together. There is tremendous value in creating events for electricians, or tax accountants, or colorists, or just about any group of professionals that share a common interest and mission.  In 2022, the social media and online landscape allows us to do just that. Cities are changing. David asserts that cities and offices will become hubs for learning, socializing and entertaining. When the new remote working environment decreases the need for working or office space, those spaces get adapted for other purposes.  In this case, why not exhibition and event spaces that become reglar gathering places in niche communities? Smaller cities matter too! The renaissance in event planning means that event professionals can now leverage the power of smaller cities to create events that “own the town” rather than being lost in the middle of a huge metropolis. Niche events foster intimacy and connection, two things that humans crave and thrive on. The 10,000 person event means you don’t get to talk to many people.  Smaller niche events allow for greater connections and deeper and more meaningful interactions. Smaller events also make it easier for “catalyst attendees” to get conversations and interactions started. Sharp event planners will leverage this, working with those catalyst attendees to “get the party started”. David sees virtual event platforms as one of the most powerful problem solving tools we have today based on their ability to capture the wisdom of the crowd.  Virtual event platforms foster interaction and brainstorming among the greatest collaboration artists in the world, with low barriers to entry in terms of creating and breathing life into these vital digital spaces.

    “Puppies are the key to marketing.” - David Adler

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • This week on Events ProfsCast, Rachel is joined by David Adler, chairman and founder of BizBash.  David pops by to talk about preserving the memory of our events and how event professionals can play a larger role -  beyond traditional events -  in a world transformed by the pandemic.


    Davis was the CEO of BizBash for 20 years. He guided the business through the ups and downs of 9/11, bursting of the doc com bubble, and the economic disaster of 2008. BizBash covers events and creates databases of who did what at that event.  This gives event planners the ability to see what other event planners are doing. BizBash has created a visual vehicle to get ideas, find ideas, and expand on ideas. BizBash went global in 2019 when David sold a majority stake in the business to Tarsus. Right out of college, David started a society newspaper in Washington, DC.  With a bootstrap budget of only $6000 and his mother acting as the editor, David’s newspaper became a database of who did what at society events around the town. People generally want to know what other people are doing.  This is true in business and in virtually every aspect of life. In David’s eyes, going to an event is a way to do reconnaissance and a way to gather intelligence about what others are doing. In a competitive world, this becomes an important activity. BizBash allows event professionals to gather this intelligence without having to attend hundreds or thousands of events in a given year. For any event planning professional, providing a lasting experience that inspires attendees to talk about that experience for into the future represents a real accomplishment. BizBash provides a way to facilitate this “memorability” in the events space by capturing a visual record of what transpired at an event. Most people in the event industry are overlooking the psychology of events.  When people gather, events flow. David likes to reference the “oxytocin exchange” that happens at events. Not only paying attention to this aspect of gatherings and events, but recording it for future reference is valuable. Having hit “rock bottom” after a two year shutdown, David sees a coming renaissance in the in-person event space. People need gathering and interaction.  After having this taken away from us, “event thinking” is going to permeate everything going forward.  Event planning skills and methods can be applied in all kinds of interesting ways as we return to offices, schools and other gathering places. Learning to celebrate our “return to normal” should show us that we should and can regularly celebrate our gatherings and make them special. In a post-pandemic world, new “gathering things” are going to start happening while old “gathering things” are transformed and reinvented.  Event professionals are in a great position to play a key role in facilitating the way we re-discover gathering. As David pointed out in this episode, in every type of crisis comes opportunity. Are you ready to take advantage of this opportunity?

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • Join Rachel for part two of her chat with Hubspot Community and Advocacy Manager Christina Garnett.  Christa breaks down why planning a traditional webinar is not at all like building a community.

    The Highlights

    When building a webinar, we generally start by trying to determine what topics to discuss and what the audience wants to take away.  When building a community, we go beyond what the audience wants to take.  We also examine what the audience wants to GIVE in return.

    A virtual event is not a one way event.  A community gathering - even a virtual gathering - is a two way street with a give and take dynamic.

    Ask yourself the following questions when working toward creating a community around a virtual event:

    What are the core values of the event? What are the benefits for someone attending your event? Who will benefit from attending your event?

    Sometimes the people that you want at your event are not the people that would benefit from being at your event.  Are you chasting titles, or people?

    Planning this way requires being transparent and honest, which can be quite uncomfortable. Embrace the discomfort. Going through this exercise can help you identify the most vital aspects and features of your event. Get uncomfortable in order to find the “Why?” that drives your community building.

    The fastest and easiest ways to build community are not generally the best ways to build community.  Be patient. Get to know your audience.  Let them get to know and trust you. A community must be built on trust.  You’re not going to build that overnight with a chatbot and a series of pre-scheduled tweets.

    Be honest about why you’re building a community.  If you’re building a community for you - solely to benefit your business - you may find it difficult to really commit to building and serving the community. There’s no check box for making people feel special.  That only happens when you’re genuinely interested in making that happen as its own goal.

    Ad Break: Wondering how Hubilo actually works for actual brands and companies? Visit our Customer Stories online. 

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • Today Rachel is joined by Christina Garrett, senior manager in the Hubspot community and advocacy team.  Rachel and Christina chat about creating communities around our virtual events that make folks want to attend. This is what we all need to hear and learn if we want to do this right!

    The Highlights

    If you run into Christina at an event in the near future, be prepared.  She’s probably gonna give you a hug to make up for two years of virtual only gatherings! The virtual connections we’ve been forced to rely on for 2 years are true connections.  They matter.  Our online friends became REAL friends during the pandemic. The drive to gather in person - to finally meet these important people in our lives -  is strong.  The shared trauma of the last two years binds us.  We’re in communities already that we’ve built under adverse conditions. The concept of community is baked into the Hubspot culture. Hubspot knows that it takes more than sales and marketing to create a vibrant and engage customer base. For Hubspot, “customer first” is now “community lead” in an environment where Christina and her team work to align the work of Hubspot with the needs and values that customers express in that community context. The Hubspot community encompasses “voice of the customer” teams, user groups and hubs, and strong relationships with partners. Using community tools, Hubspot learns how to help its partners learn and grow. As Hubspot has expanded, so has the Hubspot community that’s been in place and thriving for a while now. If the Hubspot community looks like a lush garden, it's because people have been planting seeds there for years. The Hubspot community culture succeeds because people genuinely care about building community for the sake of building community and rewarding relationships.  Christina warns that invoking “community” simply as a lever to grow your business can quickly lead to the withering of your community the minute ROI isn't exactly what you’d hoped for. As long as “customer first” remains at the heart of what Hubspot does, community will remain at the heart of what Hubspot does.  Inbound 2022 is open for registration: https://www.inbound.com/ 

    Tune in for part 2 of Rachel’s chat with Christina next week!

    Ad Break: All the resources you need for your event planning are in Hubilo's Blog. 

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • Today Rachel is joined by Hubilo’s own Pradeep Vishwakarma for part 2 of our exploration of how the Hubilo team interacts with and works in tandem with our clients to create amazing virtual events.

    The Highlights

    Pradeep and his team often have a ton of ideas to share with clients, but sometimes it's better to not dump them all on the table at one time.  This can cause confusion.  Pradeep wants to hear the client’s ideas first, then he and his team can draw upon their knowledge and experience to enhance those ideas and expand upon them. The Hubilo customer experience team will always honor its obligation to inform a client in the unlikely event that something is not working. Fortunately the Hubilo team is on top of things and this has not been an issue, but Pradeep’s team is always ready with alternative solutions and creative ways to ensure that a client event comes off under and circumstances. Sometimes a client arrives at Hubilo with only a few days to work before an event must take place. This is a challenge, but we’re proud of the fact that Pradeep and his team have never failed to deliver even under the pressure of a very short lead time.  There are many moving parts to coordinate with any virtual event, but the Hubilo team is skilled and experienced enough to handle this coordination, even with little to no extra time to spare. Regardless of lead time - long or short - no Hubilo client is ever on their own.  The Hubilo platform is certainly powerful and comprehensive, but the real power of Hubilo is found in the well trained and dedicated customer engagement team that takes a hands-on approach to helping every client learn and leverage the power of our platform. From Pradeep’s point of view, the most important aspect of planning a virtual event is marketing and the promise of engagement between event attendees.  Even the best planned and best run virtual event can fall short without proper marketing. An event that offers only lectures or information sessions without attendee networking and interaction opportunities may fail to attract the number of attendees that it otherwise might. The Hubilo platform drives attendee engagement and interaction by allowing event planners to gamify sessions, offer prizes, and acknowledge attendees with instant certificates of achievement or participation. Engagement and interaction isn’t only for Hubilo clients. Pradeep and his team set aside time every day to connect virtually and simply chat with each other.  Sometimes this is just an informal chat to help support each other and learn about each other, or a gaming session just for fun.  Either way, the Hubilo team takes interaction to heart. Our team culture proudly reflects that.

    Ad Break: You're invited to MIX22, Hubilo's global hybrid event gathering on March 30. Click here to register free.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • In episode 3 of The Event ProfsCast from Hubilo Technologies, Rachel chats with Hubilo team member Pradeep Vishwakarma.  Pradeep manages the customer experience team for the US region at Hubilo and has been with the company for 18 months.  Let’s take a behind-the-scenes look at the experience, skill set and dedication it takes to support Hubilo’s amazing clients!

    The highlights:

    Pradeep is adamant in his belief that once engaged with a client, he is working for THEM, not for Hubilo! This belief does not run deep only with Pradeep, but with everyone in the Hubilo family. Hubilo’s customer experience team is attached and available at all times from the very first contact with a Hubilo client. There is no turnaround time on customer support requests because Hubilo places a customer experience manager in every client’s event.  There’s no need to wait for Hubilo to respond because Hubilo is standing right there next to you already! Hubilo’s customer experience team is happy to engage with clients on the clients’ terms.  That means being willing and able to communicate via voice, email, Slack, Discord, WhatsApp, or whichever platform a client is invested in. Meeting a client where they are is a core value for the Hubilo customer experience team. Pradeep feels strongly about being part of a system at Hubilo that does not exist anywhere else in the marketplace today. The Hubilo team is committed to not only innovating when it comes to customer experience, but also to continuously improving upon our innovations. Many of Hubilo’s clients are trade and professional associations.  The Hubilo platform was designed to adapt to the varying needs of varying clients.  Pradeep and his team have used the flexibility of the platform to meet the needs of association clients to engage more closely with association members when it comes to staging an event. That engagement as a paying member rather than just an event attendee is vital to associations. Flexibility in the way content is presented to both association members and event attendees that may not be members is baked directly into the Hubilo platform.  Pradeep and his team work closely with association clients to help them leverage this flexibility to get the most from the content present from both a member services and revenue generation perspective. Clients that come back to Hubilo to stage additional events often specifically request the customer experience manager they’ve worked with in the past. Not to brag or anything, but we kinda think that says something about our people and the level of service and support they’re dedicated to providing.  OK, we admit 
 we’re totally bragging.  ;-)

    Ad Break: You're invited to MIX22, Hubilo's global hybrid event gathering on March 30. Click here to register free.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • As SXSW is underway after a long three years of virtual-only, Hubilo continues our discussion with Hugh Forrest, Chief Programming Officer of the SXSW experience. 

    Speaking of experiences, Hugh shares how going totally virtual taught great lessons about how the vast content of SXSW can be made more available to attendees through the power of hosting events online. And, if you're just getting started with the programming happening right now in Austin, Texas at SXSW, Hugh shares a ton about the content, speakers, and must-see activities being planned for this long-awaited comeback. 

    Show Notes:

    SXSW website

    Hugh Forrest on Twitter @hugh_w_forrest

    Hugh's email [email protected]

    Beatles documentary on Netflix (not available in all regions)

    Ad Break: You're invited to MIX22, Hubilo's global hybrid event gathering on March 30. Click here to register free.

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps.

  • Today's the day. Today marks a milestone for both Hubilo and an event you may know as SXSW (South-By-Southwest). 

    On this day, Hubilo launches the reboot of our weekly podcast, EventProfsCast. Also on this day, after three long years, the city of Austin, Texas USA opens all of the doors for the start of the epic conference experience that is SXSW. 

    To commemorate both milestones, Hubilo kicks off our reboot with a special interview with the person behind every experience at SXSW, Hugh Forrest (Chief Programming Officer). Get to know Hugh as he took the time at the end of 2021 to chat with Hubilo's podcast host Rachel about how he and his team put together one of the largest, most complex, and most rewarding event experiences known to the globe. 

    If you're at SXSW today or have been in the past (or if you dream of going in the future), this Part 1 of our interview with Hugh will help you understand the epic work that eventprofs do on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annual basis. It's why Hubilo created this podcast. It's why we support events built for you. 

    Show Notes:

    SXSW website

    The Cluetrain Manifesto (book)

    Ad Break: You're invited to MIX22, Hubilo's global hybrid event gathering on March 30. Click here to register free. 

    Visit Hubilo online at www.hubilo.com.

    Follow Hubilo on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok, or search for #hubilove on any social apps. 

  • The concept of brave new virtual world is what is keeping the events industry going in full swing. While virtual has garnered ample support from event profs across the globe, the dynamic nature of online events have posed many questions on the event organizers.

    In this episode we tried to answer the most commonly asked questions by event organizers to help them get through the struggles caused while planning virtual events - which otherwise seem simple. 

    It was an absolute pleasure to be joined by one of the most renowned and event profs Ashanti Bentil-Dhue for this episode of #Eventtalks.

    Ashanti is an Events Entrepreneur and Equity & Inclusion Expert Helping The Global Events Industry Become Diverse & Inclusive | Culture & People | Anti Racism & Allyship Training. She has been associated with EventMind, a virtual event production company based in London, UK. She’s also a Co-founder of the global network, Black In Events. She spearheaded the only research in the UK exclusively focused on how organizations can invest in black millennial and generation Z women within the corporate structure.

    In this episode we converse with Ashanti about

    - What are the things organizers should keep in mind while choosing the virtual event platform for the event?

    - What are the challenges that organizers face while planning the budget for the virtual events and what are the measures to be taken to overcome them?

    - Speaker etiquettes & attendee etiquettes for best experience at Virtual Events and how organizers can do that?

    - What are the ways for organizers to facilitate speakers for the virtual events?
    - What are the challenges organizers face in approaching sponsors and exhibitors and tips to overcome these challenges?

    - How can the organizers take assistance from CSM and technical staff to avoid any glitches during the virtual event?

    - As there is much more to virtual events than just webinars, how can organizers make virtual events an opportunity for ROI and lead generation?

  • Since the events industry has seen a total shift to virtual, a lot has been spoken about how technology has helped millions of people connect through virtual events

    But do we really know what needs to be done for the people who want to attend virtual events and are not familiar with the technology?

    And how virtual events are driving digital literacy skills for people who are well versed with technology?

    We had a privilege to have an Internationally recognized public speaker - Pauline Kwansniak on #EventTalks podcast. As we moved forward, we got answers to the most commonly asked questions on virtual events, digital literacy skills and a lot more

    Pauline is an Internationally celebrated public speaker and an entrepreneur. She is also a digital marketing strategist and a content producer for the MICE industry. Having founded Female Event Planners Agency, Pauline has been putting a great emphasis on narrating the stories of female event planners in the industry.

    In this episode we converse with Pauline about

    - How have virtual events helped people become digitally smarter or skilled

    - How can event organizers make UI and UX user friendly and create an experience which is inclusive for all kinds of attendees.

    - How  will it take for people become totally tech savvy as far as virtual events are concerned

    - Hybrid events are said to be the next big thing 2021. For people who have finally become aware of the digital technology what will their transition to hybrid events be like

    - What will be the future of the events industry in terms of technology

    And a lot more! Hear till the end

  • How to keep your audience engaged for virtual conferences/events?  What are the key aspects of designing a compelling event experience?  We recently had the privilege to get answers to the most commonly asked questions about Event experience design for virtual and hybrid events from Elizabeth Glau.   Elizabeth Glau has been recognized as 40 under 40 in 2017 by Connect Association. Her work in the field of engagement technology has been featured in publications ranging from The Meeting Professional - to - The San Diego Union Tribune. She is also an advocate for integrity within the event industry and for the workforce across all industries. She is a regular speaker at PCMA, Convention Industry Council, ©-Systems.  In this episode, we converse with Elizabeth about 

     - Where should event profs use technology as a tool and where do they need to take an active role while planning for online event engagement and experience

     - Event marketing strategies for 2021 

    - What is Event Integrity? 

    - How to improve the status quo of event coordination jobs 

    - Virtual Tech is a villain for the lovers of in-person events - Misconception or Reality?  And a lot more! Hear till the end

  • How to Get Started With B2B Influencer Marketing? Is the question that most of the enterprises & organizations want to get answers to.

    We recently had the privilege to get answers to the most commonly asked questions on B2B influencer marketing from Mariska Kesteloo

    Mariska Kesteloo is the Founder of the Word of MICE established the company in 2017. She is a renowned public speaker & also the president of (Meeting Professionals International), Belgium chapter. With more than 15 years of experience in the MICE industry, she is erudite and passionate about B2B influencer marketing.

    In this episode, we converse with Mariska about -

    What is B2B influencer marketing?
    How is B2B marketing different from B2C marketing
    How can event professionals & companies in the events Industry can extract the maximum potential from a B2B influencer marketing campaigns
    How to choose right influencers for your brand
    How do we measure the ROI when it comes to influencer marketing campaigns

    And a lot more! Hear till the end

  • It’s all Virtual Now. Starting from planning to production to sessions as well as the event networking and event experience has shifted to Virtual Platforms. The wave of virtual is strong and all the event professionals are ready to withstand the pandemic together with the digital tools and technologies.

    While in the talks with one of the profound event influencers, Will Curran about the current situation of the industry, we got a chance to interview the Chief Einstein of the Endless Events.

    Are you also planning to take your event/conference virtual? Check out Hubilo's Virtual Event Software