In this episode, Peter, founder of Expedition Money, shares his favorite travel companion that keeps him feeling fresh and vibrant during tripsâsingle-use disposable toothbrushes! Whether you're in an airport, on a road trip, or camping, these compact, pre-loaded toothbrushes are the perfect way to stay clean without needing water or a full toiletry kit. Tune in as Peter explains how this simple yet effective tool makes travel easier, keeps you confident after meals, and even helps during your workday. Discover how to pack smarter and stay fresh anywhere you go with these must-have travel essentials!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Peter talks with financial coach Kate Grayson about how she customizes her coaching sessions to fit each client's unique communication style. Kate shares insights on balancing structured agendas with conversational approaches, explaining how she guides more reserved clients through targeted questions while allowing more chatty clients to express themselves freely. Discover how to strike the perfect balance between structure and flexibility in financial coaching, and learn the key to building a relationship that works for every type of client. Whether you're a coach or a client, this episode is packed with tips on creating productive, personalized coaching sessions. Tune in to learn how to make the most of your financial journey!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
Episodes manquant?
In this episode, Peter interviews financial coach Kate Grayson, exploring the fine line between coaching and giving advice. Kate sheds light on how coaches help clients navigate decisions like choosing between Roth and Traditional 401(k) options by providing a clear overview, rather than direct recommendations. She explains the importance of empowering clients to make their own choices based on their personal priorities and goals. Whether you're a coach, a client, or simply curious about the coaching process, this episode offers valuable insights into how effective coaching fosters autonomy and informed decision-making. Tune in to discover how to take control of your financial future with confidence!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this insightful episode, Peter sits down with financial coach Kate Grayson to tackle one of the most common questions: how to approach investment discussions without crossing the line into financial advice. Kate shares her expertise on cash flow strategies, explaining the differences between self-directed, Robo-advisors, and working with a financial adviser. She also breaks down the basics of ETFs, 401(k)s, and Roth IRAs, offering valuable education without giving specific stock recommendations. Whether you're new to investing or looking to clarify complex financial terms, this episode is packed with practical advice to help you navigate your financial journey with confidence! Tune in for key insights into smart financial planning.
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Peter reveals a genius airport hack that will change the way you travel! Learn how to bring your favorite drinksâlike Gatorade or bottled waterâthrough TSA security without hassle. Discover the little-known trick of freezing liquids to get them past the 3.4-ounce liquid rule, and avoid overpriced airport beverages while staying hydrated on your next trip. Packed with practical tips and travel insights, this episode is a must-listen for frequent flyers looking to save time, money, and stress at the airport. Tune in now for more travel hacks that make flying easier!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
Join Pete in this riveting episode as he dives into one of the most astonishing real estate gambles of all time. Discover how a French lawyer's "can't-miss investment" in a 90-year-old's apartment turned into a decades-long financial nightmare. Learn the fascinating true story of Jean Calment, who lived to 122, defying all odds and leaving her investor in the dust. This episode isnât just about historyâitâs about the risks we take and the surprises life throws our way. Tune in for money insights, unforgettable stories, and some key takeaways on making smarter investment decisions. Perfect for fans of finance, real estate, and jaw-dropping stories!
ⶠGet Amazing Money Stories here: â https://geni.us/7SF6rDfâ
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this insightful episode of Expedition Money Financial Coaching, Peter, a former licensed life insurance agent, tackles a complex and sensitive topic: whether life insurance policies pay out in cases of suicide. Drawing from his personal experience in the industry, Peter explains the standard exclusionary periods, the conditions under which beneficiaries may receive the death benefit, and why these policies work the way they do. He also offers important advice for those facing difficult times and encourages seeking help when needed. Tune in for essential life insurance insights and practical tips on protecting your familyâs financial future.
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this captivating episode of Expedition Money Financial Coaching, Peter reads Chapter 10 from his book Amazing Money Stories: True Tales of Greed, Generosity, Success, and Luck. Join him as he delves into the high-stakes legal battle between coffee giants Nespresso and Peetâs Coffee over the design of single-serve capsules. As Nespresso fought to protect its iconic capsule design, Peetâs launched a bold challenge with its Aluminum Dream capsules. The lawsuit had far-reaching consequences, pushing innovation in the coffee industry and reshaping the single-serve market. Tune in for a behind-the-scenes look at this groundbreaking case and discover how it impacts coffee lovers around the worldâplus Peterâs personal take on why the original Nespresso machine is still his go-to for the perfect brew!
ⶠGet Amazing Money Stories here: â https://geni.us/7SF6rDfâ
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode of Expedition Money Financial Coaching, Peter shares an essential travel tip that could save you time, money, and stress: meal replacement powders. Whether you're stuck at an airport, hiking through rough terrain, or in the middle of an emergency with no food options, these shelf-stable powders can be your best friend. Peter dives into the benefits of using brands like Soylent to quickly replace calories, avoid overpriced airport meals, and stay energized when food is scarce. Learn how to pack light while still having up to 50 meals in a small package. Donât get caught off guard on your next adventureâtune in to hear how meal replacements can keep you going when the going gets tough!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode of Expedition Money, host Peter shares expert tips on how to save big on airport parking by using off-site options and hotel parking apps. If you're tired of paying $30 a day or more just to park your car, Peterâs got you covered. Learn how to book parking for as low as $7 a day, avoid crowded airport lots, and even get a night at a nearby hotel with parking included. Whether you're flying out for a weekend getaway or a month-long vacation, this episode will show you how to save hundreds while keeping your car safe and your travel stress-free. Perfect for suburban travelers or anyone far from major airports. Tune in to learn about apps like The Parking Spot and discover smart, cost-effective alternatives for your next trip!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode of Expedition Money, Peter shares invaluable tips on how to rent a car for under $30 for an entire weekend. Drawing from his own recent experience with Enterpriseâs weekend special, Peter explains how savvy travelers can take advantage of these deals for short road trips or quick getaways without putting wear and tear on their own vehicles. Listeners will learn how to navigate mileage limits, avoid hidden fees, and get the most out of these budget-friendly car rental offers. Whether youâre planning a trip to Wisconsinâs beautiful lakes or exploring local countryside, this episode will equip you with the strategies to save on transportation and maximize your travel experience. Tune in for expert advice and real-world travel hacks!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
Join Peter on another thrilling chapter from Amazing Money Stories: True Tales of Greed, Generosity, Success, and Luck. In this episode, we dive into the jaw-dropping tale of Frank Barasa, a cunning Canadian mastermind who pulled off one of the biggest counterfeiting schemes in historyâprinting $250 million in fake U.S. bills! Discover how Barasaâs obsessive attention to detail led him to outsmart the authorities, evade detection, and run an international operation from a secret hideout. Donât miss this incredible story of greed, luck, and one of the most audacious financial crimes ever committed. Tune in to learn how even the most secure systems can be breached, and hear Peterâs personal experience with counterfeit money!
ⶠGet Amazing Money Stories here: â https://geni.us/7SF6rDfâ
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.MCX5JMEE7UGIFSFR
In this episode, Pete shares his thoughts on the upcoming AFCPE Symposium, one of the most renowned conferences for financial coaches and practitioners. Curious about whether it's worth attending? Pete discusses the event's sessions, networking opportunities, and pricing, offering a glimpse into what you can expect from this Midwest-based conference. Whether youâre considering attending for the first time or looking to connect with other financial coaches, this episode provides valuable insights to help you decide. Tune in to learn more about the AFCPE, how it can help grow your practice, and what Pete is excited about. If you're attending, he'd love to meet up and exchange ideas!
ⶠLink to the AFCPE Symposium 2024: https://www.afcpe.org/symposium/?mc_c...
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠFinancial Coaching Book Website: https://expedition.money/be-discovere...ⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Pete, founder of Expedition Money, shares his passion for camping and how it shaped his life growing up. As camping costs rise and traditional campsites disappear, Pete reveals his favorite solution: finding free campsites. Whether you're a seasoned camper or looking to explore the wilderness on a budget, Pete introduces listeners to FreeCampsites.net, a resource that helps you discover scenic, off-the-beaten-path spots without breaking the bank. He also shares tips on hammock camping, minimalist gear, and creating memorable outdoor experiences. Tune in for practical advice on how to enjoy nature, save money, and make camping accessible again!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Peter interviews financial coach Kate Grayson, who shares the creative marketing techniques that helped her bring in clientsâespecially during the challenging times of COVID-19. From offering "pay what you can" sessions to building lasting relationships through free consultations, Kate reveals how one of her early budget template clients turned into a loyal, high-paying customer years later. Peter and Kate also dive into actionable marketing strategies for coaches, including webinars, podcasting, and social media tactics, all covered in Peterâs book Be Discovered: How to Market Your Financial Coaching Business. If youâre looking for fresh, effective ways to grow your coaching business, this episode is packed with insights and inspiration!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1
----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this captivating episode, Pete reads from Amazing Money Stories: True Tales of Greed, Generosity, Success, and Luck, sharing the remarkable journey of Alex Tew and his creation of the Million Dollar Homepage. Discover how this 21-year-old student from England turned a simple ideaâselling one million pixels for $1 eachâinto an internet sensation that generated $1 million in just a few months. Pete delves into the wild west of the internet, where fortunes are made and lost, and explores the creativity and innovation behind this digital phenomenon. If you're fascinated by unique entrepreneurial success stories, this is one chapter you wonât want to miss. Tune in to hear about the highs, the copycats, and why no one else could replicate Alex's success!
ⶠGet Amazing Money Stories here: â https://geni.us/7SF6rDfâ
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this insightful interview, financial coach Peter sits down with Kate Grayson to tackle one of the biggest concerns for coaches: unsubscribers. How much should you really worry when people opt out of your email list? Kate shares her thoughts on why unsubscribers aren't the end of the world, and how coaches can reframe their email marketing strategy to focus on building meaningful relationships rather than pushing for hard sales. Learn how to create newsletters that resonate with your ideal clients and why you only need a handful of loyal customers to build a thriving coaching practice. If you're a coach struggling with email marketing, this episode is a must-listen!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1
----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Pete dives into Chapter 6 of his book How to Market Your Financial Coaching Business. Find out why this book deliberately leaves out certain coaching techniques and certification processesâand what it does focus on instead: getting your first paying client and building a profitable business. Pete reveals the real reason behind skipping these so-called âessentialsâ and why your path to success lies in mastering client acquisition rather than trying to know it all. Whether you're a new or aspiring financial coach, this is the practical advice youâve been waiting for. Tune in to learn how to flip the switch from coach to business owner and start growing your client base today!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Pete reveals a secret about his book, Be Discovered: How to Market Your Financial Coaching Business, that heâs never shared before. Beyond the wealth of insights packed into its 400+ pages, listeners will learn how purchasing the book unlocks access to hundreds of customizable social media posts designed to drive engagement and grow a financial coaching business. From money tips to motivational content, these posts are proven to save time and boost visibility. Tune in to discover how this hidden bonus can help coaches streamline their marketing efforts and elevate their brand.
ⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠFinancial Coaching Book Website: https://expedition.money/be-discovere...ⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
In this episode, Pete shares one of his top travel tips: the convenience and affordability of Hop On Hop Off city bus tours. Using his trip to Key West as an example, Pete highlights how these tours not only provide easy transportation around the island but also offer fascinating insights into local history and culture. Whether you're planning to explore the southernmost point of the U.S. or Hemingway's House, Pete explains how you can save money and avoid rental cars with this stress-free option. Tune in to learn how Hop On Hop Off tours can enhance your next vacation and keep your budget in check!
ⶠHOW TO MARKET FINANCIAL COACHING COURSE: https://geni.us/hpUWZeⶠGet HOW TO MARKET YOUR FINANCIAL COACHING BUSINESS Book Here: https://geni.us/BervUⶠHow I Make A Six-Figure Income On YouTube Book: https://geni.us/UZ2bnydⶠHow To Get Out Of Debt Fast Book: https://geni.us/HeWdQi1----------FOLLOW MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS:ⶠFacebook: / financialcoachesgroup ⶠPodcast: https://geni.us/aAYgyFⶠInstagram: / expedition.money ⶠTwitter: / expeditionmoney ⶠLinkedIn: / expeditionmoney
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