Your words matter. In the small moments, what you speak and take time to make meaningful makes a difference. Plant the seeds today so you can watch the fruits grow in your children and family later. These simple moments change the world.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Togather™ For Date Night, My One and Only Category: "The one word you could use to compliment me that would make my day."
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Ever feel like you can't remember the last time your child was easy to get along with? Feel like they act out or cause discipline problems or just have grumpy attitudes? Then it causes you to feel frustrated and yell and nobody feels happy. Here are 3 super SIMPLE ways to get back to that connection you want with your child, back to the peace in the house, and the peaceful parenting you want to have with all your children.
Let's grow,
They hear a lot of voices out there. Will yours be the loudest?
Use code: SUMMER23 for FREE SHIPPING on all Togather™ Moments products through June 30 and help your kids trust YOU more than the world.
Episodes manquant?
We live in a world where we are CONSTANTLY distracted. We have hundreds of choices everyday as to where we place our attention and many times FACE-TO-FACE communication takes the back seat.
Do you listen to UNDERSTAND or listen to REPLY? If we are not careful, they're going to find another part of the world to "understand" them. And many times that's going to lead down a wrong path with the gate being on the screen they hold in their hand.
Let's listen to understand one another.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Togather™ For Date Night, My One and Only Category: "The one word you could use to compliment me that would make my day."
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
"I believe in the sanctity of childhood." That's something that Chris says in today's episode and I know each of us can stand behind that. Parenting in the Digital Age may be one of the hardest tasks we are up against with raising our children. "We have children with children’s brains, children’s development and we put them inside a space that was made for adults and then we get upset when they act like children.
"...These spaces were not designed for them in the first place, they are by nature exploitative. They are not protective. We have to hunt for protection. And that’s the part that’s so difficult and maddening. I want us to embrace what can be so good about technology, but never trust it for a minute. Never turn your back on it.” ~Chris McKenna, Founder and CEO Protect Young Eyes.
Let's get connected AND protected with Chris's guidance today.
Let's grow,
Learn more at Protect Young Eyes
Why should we care about the ROUTER in our home? Click HERE
Connect with Chris HERE
Get information about Chris and Team coming to your school!!
They hear a lot of voices out there. Will yours be the loudest?
Use code: SUMMER23 for FREE SHIPPING on all Togather™ Moments products through June 30 and help your kids trust YOU more than the world.
This one is worth it. Let's do this as a family with screens this week. Let's set these boundaries, let's commit, let's give our children more childhood this Summer.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Placemats Togather™ Together: Live and Learn - Write each person's name with something new they learned this year.
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
I'm sure we're both sick of the values we see out there that feel like they're being shoved into our homes and used as propaganda to minimize traditional family values. Well, the truth is, they're sticking around. And if we know that then we need a plan to control what we can control. That's our FAMILY VALUES. Here are three ways to fight for yours in your home and do it in a way that fits into your real life, feels easy, and feels like you can make some change where it matters most: in your four walls.
Let's grow,
For your own stickers like the ones in this episode, visit togathermoments.com
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
The world is telling us to fight for a lot of "values". They want us to bow to them and stand up for the secular views. But if we choose to say "no" then we must be fighting for something else, right? What is that? What would happen if we all fought for our marriage from day ONE? Not from the day it starts getting hard, or the day we see it get stressful. How does your family change because of the commitment you make to fight for the kind of Covenant you vowed before God? Let's fight for our marriages a little harder. DAILY.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Togather™ for Date Night: Our best versions of ourselves shine through the most together when we....
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Here comes Summer Break and the temptation to have a bucket list and all the camps and all the activities and trying to make it all happen alongside the moments and the childhood memories. Phew! What is the answer to taking it all in without running ourselves crazy?? Slow DOWN. We all know that's the answer and we also don't want to feel the pressure if we don't get it right. Here are 4 things you can do right now to make it happen.
Let's grow,
For your own stickers like the ones in this episode, visit togathermoments.com
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Every child will leave childhood with some kind of foundation. What will your child leave with? We have the incredible opportunity to be the architect of the beginning of their life. As today's guest, Nellie Harden, says: "This life foundation is not built by accident. It takes parents who say YES to being deliberate and intentional in the every day big and small, hard and fun."
Today we're talking about 5 needs our tween and teen daughters have including: Being seen, heard, loved, and feeling belong. All of these are their worth and this is the foundation we as parents must leave our children.
Let's grow,
Don't Miss Nellie's Daughter Decoder HERE
Connect with Nellie HERE
Nellie Harden Website and 5 Things Your Daughter Needs
Listen to Nellie HERE on YouTube
They hear a lot of voices out there. Will yours be the loudest?
Use code: SUMMER23 for FREE SHIPPING on all Togather™ Moments products through June 30 and help your kids trust YOU more than the world.
Come sit with us and enjoy a glimpse into our marriage of almost 2 decades as we talk strengths and weaknesses in marriage, smells that make us think of childhood, blooper moments from past jobs, and a TON of laughter -which has been the main ingredient that keeps our family strong. We're using stickers from Togather™ for Family Dinner and Togather™ for Date Night and a whole lot of FUN!
Let's grow,
For your own stickers like the ones in this episode, visit togathermoments.com
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
How far can a compliment go to build someone up and give them confidence? We know the answer is very far when spoken the right way. Try it with your child this week with these 6 steps to speak the right words to our children to encourage them and praise them in those good virtues that we already see growing in them. Do it in a way that keeps them pursuing this virtue and excelling in it to make it grow stronger. Let's make it easy and make it communication that feels natural.
Let's grow,
Keep the conversation going at home with Togather for Family Dinner conversation stickers and Togather for Date Night and MORE!
Grab them for your kitchen table right HERE at togathermoments.com.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Spoiler Alert: it’s MARGIN. How do we do it? By small choices every day to make it happen. We know it isn’t easy among all the chaos the day can bring with a big family or with a small family. Just having stuff on the schedule can mean we feel distracted and overwhelmed. We want the quality time but oh, how we can feel so torn between the daily activities, carpooling, juggling schedules and all the things.
Keep margin and watch the meaningful moments happen!
Let’s grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Togather™ for Date Night: You make a difference to me when you…
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Can't add another CHALLENGE to your day, BUT you still want a way to win at meaningful connection when summer break arrives? The FREE 321 Connection Challenge was made for you because it's the guilt free guide for moms who have no time! (woo hoo! sign me up, right?!?)
Save your spot here and get all the free resources you need to begin May 7 and continue through the summer with habits that make connection happen effortlessly!
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
I recently sent a survey to our Togather Family asking what were some things getting in the way of our families having time for connection and communication. Among all the distractions of too many activities and overwhelming chores and work life balance, the topic of sibling relationships came up many times. You all told me that you didn't want to see this sacrificed because you just got too busy.
I completely agree and think it's a family value that we need to talk about and reflect on. Let's build and nurture positive sibling relationships within our children.
Let's grow,
Can't add another CHALLENGE to your day, BUT you still want a way to win at meaningful connection when summer break arrives? The FREE 321 Connection Challenge was made for you because it's the guilt free guide for moms who have no time! (woo hoo! sign me up, right?!?)
Save your spot here and get all the free resources you need to begin May 8 and continue through the summer with habits that make connection happen effortlessly!
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Our words matter. They matter when they are spoken and they matter when we think them. How could we change our children's daily actions and influences simply by changing the way they speak their words? We can change our family's communication as well as our own with this quick tip for choosing our words wisely.
Let's grow!
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Placemats Togather™ Together: Share a good deed you did for someone today.
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Can't add another CHALLENGE to your day, BUT you still want a way to win at meaningful connection when summer break arrives? The FREE 321 Connection Challenge was made for you because it's the guilt free guide for moms who have no time! (woo hoo! sign me up, right?!?)
Save your spot here and get all the free resources you need to begin May 7 and continue through the summer with habits that make connection happen effortlessly!
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
I was with my dearest friends this morning and our chat inspired this episode. We lean on each other for everything and one topic that came up was how we get off track with what we KNOW we should be doing for our family. I’m talking about rules we know we should have in place, family habits we should be practicing, lessons we should be teaching. And we talked about how we mess up weekly, daily, even hourly. And that is okay. It's OK.
This episode is permission to mess up, but we cannot sit there. We have to get back up and start again. We're sharing 4 Steps to starting over on habits, activities, or rules that you know are good for your family, but that you've fallen away from. We are using an acronym for the word REAP because that harvest of values and virtues and all things good is what I know we all want for our family. Let's be strong and make it happen.
Let's grow,
Can't add another CHALLENGE to your day, BUT you still want a way to win at meaningful connection when summer break arrives? The FREE 321 Connection Challenge was made for you because it's the guilt free guide for moms who have no time! (woo hoo! sign me up, right?!?)
Save your spot here and get all the free resources you need to begin May 7 and continue through the summer with habits that make connection happen effortlessly!
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
If we take time to assess what influences are coming into our daily activities, we are nurturing the value of self control, self discipline, learning how to avoid temptation, and taking ourselves out of environments that breed negativity. This will naturally lead to us being in situations that bring positive growth which will ultimately grow the virtues we want to thrive and squash the vices we don't want to focus on.
Every decision you make leads to something. Will it be good or bad? Let's help our families evaluate everyday decisions and consequences.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Togather™ for Date Night, "Say the L Word" Category: You are a good leader when you....
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Can't add another CHALLENGE to your day, BUT you still want a way to win at meaningful connection when summer break arrives? The FREE 321 Connection Challenge was made for you because it's the guilt free guide for moms who have no time! (woo hoo! sign me up, right?!?)
Save your spot here and get all the free resources you need to begin May 7 and continue through the summer with habits that make connection happen effortlessly!
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Lauren White, Intentional Edit Podcast, is back to share her expertise in decluttering, organization, and routines and systems, but in a way that works easily into our summer transition. The kids will be home for break which means lots of fun, but also changes in our schedules, our laundry load, hosting guests, and more. This episode will leave you feeling confident and prepared for the summer break shift so that you can create the memories and moments you know you want and need to but that the chaos of the house and schedule can sometimes make feel impossible.
Come along, friend. Let's grow!
Don't Miss Lauren's Practical Purging Challenge HERE!
Connect with Lauren HERE
Intentional Edit Website and FREE Tools to Help with Organization
Listen to Lauren HERE at Intentional Edit Podcast
Join the Togather™ 321 Connection Challenge and get your FREE No Pressure Guide for Increasing Family Connection. It's for Moms who have not time!!! Save your spot for the FREE May 8-May 22 Round!
It can feel much easier to just start a prompt to our children with the words "how was...." and fill in the blank. How was your day, practice, time with your friends, the test, and so on. Inevitably we end up with a one word answer and the stale conversation that leaves us wishing we could dig deeper and get our children to open up more and share in more meaningful conversation. These 4 questions are perfect for communication in those moments you need to feel more connected because they aren't even questions! Consider these a sneaky way to get that quiet child to share more stories and the chatty one to use their words in a new way. Have fun!
Let's grow,
Keep the conversation going at home with Togather for Family Dinner conversation stickers and Togather for Date Night.
Grab them for your kitchen table right HERE at togathermoments.com.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons? Visit familyconnectionframework.com
It can be easy to go through the motions day after day, get caught up in the schedule, and forget to really check the conditions of our family. But family values have to be monitored just like anything else we are growing. What ingredients are going into your soil to help keep yours thriving and strong? Let's take 3 steps to help keep up with the nurturing and the weeding of all the good virtues we want to grow abundantly in our family.
Let's grow,
Today's Togather™ Sticker is from Family Connection Framework: Today I thought of you when _______. Build yours at familyconnectionframework.com
Order from all Togather™ products and always have a plan for connection even on your busiest days.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons?Visit familyconnectionframework.com
Quick. Name all the distractions that get in your way every day. The ones that keep you from connection, from conversations, from goals, from quality time. Phones and screen time are probably some of the first you think of, but we're not talking about those today. We're taking a look at distractions in your home environment that are already there, but are easy to overlook. It's a good challenge and something you'll find you can quickly change to add more connection and time for being together as a family.
Let's grow,
Keep the conversation going at home with Togather for Family Dinner conversation stickers and Togather for Date Night.
Grab them for your kitchen table right HERE at togathermoments.com.
Join our PRIVATE Families That Stick Togather Moms Group over on Facebook. "Strong and Faith-Filled Families For Today's Mom" where we share with one another and go on this journey of motherhood in today's world TOGETHER. Join us HERE!
Are you ready for a lifetime plan for your family to stay strong and close so it will sustain you through all the busy seasons? Visit familyconnectionframework.com
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