
  • The Trump Media and Technology Group released their first quarter numbers for this year, and they are nothing short of jaw-dropping. The company posted a revenue of just $770,000 while posting losses of more than $327 MILLION in the first three months of this year. The stock for the company - which had recently seen a surprise spike - is about to bottom out like we've never seen before with this new information.

    Also, Trump lawyer and spokesperson Alina Habba is supposed to be doing damage control in the media, but all she's really doing is proving to the world that she doesn't know how trials work. In an interview with Fox News this week, Habba falsely claimed that Donald Trump was forbidden from talking about other witnesses in the case if he takes the stand to testify, but that's about as far away from the truth as possible. Trump can't say things in public, but he is more than able to say them on the stand if he's man enough to testify.

    And last Friday, Rudy Giuliani was finally served with his Arizona indictment while celebrating his 80th birthday. That part of the story has already been widely reported, but new information makes the whole thing even funnier. According to reports, Giuliani was actually bragging to his party guests about how he had avoided being served with the indictment - just moments before he was served. On top of that, Arizona officials said that they were able to track him down based on the location of his daily live streams.

    Finally, Donald Trump shared a video to his Truth Social account this week that sent shivers down the spines of normal Americans. The video, which was produced to look like vintage World War II newspaper clippings, featured the phrase "unified Reich" following a fictitious Trump victory in the election. This is Nazi language, there's no doubt about it. But Trump's campaign insists that they didn't make the video, they just shared it, but that doesn't make the situation any better.

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  • During his speech at an NRA event this past weekend, Donald Trump froze and stopped talking for a solid 35 seconds. The news was buzzing about his freezing all weekend long, and it apparently got to Trump by Monday morning, because that's when he got on Truth Social to post a lengthy defense (and denial) of freezing up, blaming it on a wobbly podium rather than a faulty brain.

    Also, Republican Representative Elise Stefanik has undergone quite the transformation in recent years, starting out as a Trump hater and then becoming one of his biggest fans. This point was recently highlighted in a piece for The New York Times, and when Fox News brought this up to Stefanik, she went absolutely ballistic claiming that these were "false smears," even though the Fox host pointed out that all of this is verifiable.

    And during his speech to the NRA this past weekend, Donald Trump once again suggested that he could stay in office longer than two terms, citing FDR as his example for doing so. But FDR's terms in office were followed by a Constitutional amendment enacting term limits, something that Trump doesn't seem to understand or perhaps he has a plan to overcome that hurdle. His threats to remain in power should be taken very seriously.

    Finally, Donald Trump isn't struggling as badly as he had been to raise money for his campaign, but his problem now is that his legal fees are intensifying so much that he is left with virtually nothing to spend on his campaign. According to a new report, Trump is spending two-thirds of the money that he is raising through his Super PAC on legal fees, leaving just one-third to spend on actual campaigning. He has to either bolster his income or reduce his legal fees in order for his campaign to stay solvent.

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  • Donald Trump just can't seem to help himself when he gets in front of a camera. The former president is so desperate for attention that he ended up actually admitting to one of the main aspects of the criminal charges against him - that he had a non-disclosure agreement between him, Michael Cohen, and Stormy Daniels. If a smoking gun didn't already exist in this case, then Trump just handed it to the prosecution.

    Also, members of Congress are required to disclose their personal financial records each year to make sure that they aren't dealing under the table. But Lauren Boebert has always struggled with her records, and now she's asking for an extension so that she doesn't have to release her information until AFTER her primary in Colorado. It is painfully obvious why Boebert is doing this, but the delay tactic only raises even more questions for her prospective voters.

    And Fox News host Sean Hannity is apparently terrified that Donald Trump is going to lose the upcoming debate against President Biden, so he demanded that CNN NOT fact check Trump while the debate is happening. This is actually an admission that Trump is going to be lying through his teeth for the entire event, which actually makes the fact checking much more necessary - all thanks to Hannity's admission.

    Finally, even though we are now into week 5 of Donald Trump's criminal trial, the former president remains convinced that all the charges against him are about to be dropped. In fact, he said so on Truth Social late last week. Trump claimed that many people - without specifying who - are saying that all the charges are about to be dropped because Bragg never even wanted to bring the case. This might be one of the most absurd lies that Trump has ever told to the public.

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  • Jim Jordan got his butt handed to him by Democratic Representative Stacey Plasket during a hearing this week. Plasket called out Jordan, and many other Republican lawmakers, for making a mockery of the hearing process and for blindly following Donald Trump's orders to pretend that the government is being weaponized against them - orders that Republicans like Jordan are all too eager to follow.

    Also, during an interview this week with conservative talker Hugh Hewitt, Donald Trump went on a tirade against President Biden. There's nothing unusual about that, but it became weird when the former president got distracted in the middle of his rant and then went on a completely new rant about water in California. It actually got so bad that Hewitt had to cut off Trump because he was no longer making any sense, and it appeared that Hewitt was starting to get concerned.

    And RNC co-chair Lara Trump didn't waste any time running interference for her father-in-law after he accepted President Biden's invitation to debates in June and September. Lara went whining to Sean Hannity at Fox about how these debates - that were only announced hours earlier - are somehow already rigged against Donald Trump. Lara and her allies are already trying to lower expectations because Trump is so bad on the debate stage, and just like with the election, they are claiming everything is rigged against him in advance to soften the blow when he loses.

    Finally, former Trump lawyer Tim Parlatore, who dumped the former president last year, said during an interview this week that the parade of weirdos coming through the courtroom to support Donald Trump aren't helping him with the judge or jury. In fact, they are causing a lot of damage that could swing this case in the prosecution's favor. Trump's friends are going out and violating the gag order for him to the point where the judge is reportedly considering sanctioning the lawmakers and other officials that keep showing up.

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  • According to a new report from a journalist who claims they witnessed the event, Donald Trump was seen during court on Tuesday editing angry speeches that were later given to the press outside the courtroom by his allies. If true, this constitutes an egregious violation of his gag order, as it would be proof that he is directing his friends about what to say and who to attack - including the people protected by the gag order.

    Also, MyPillow founder Mike Lindell went into a blind rage over the fact that Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson gave remarks to reporters outside the Trump hush money trial this week, with Lindell raging that Johnson has no passion for the country and no passion for Donald Trump. This rant came in spite of the fact that Johnson adamantly defended Trump during his remarks. It is likely that Lindell was just jealous that he didn't go to the trial and Johnson did.

    And Donald Trump is facing yet another investigation as Democrats in both the House and Senate demand answers about his possible extortion attempt against the fossil fuel industry. Trump recently told a crowd of oil executives that he would kill regulations for them (among other things) if they gave him $1 billion, and now Democrats in Congress are demanding answers from the executives about the whole interaction. This is the type of investigation that could spur an actual criminal investigation by the time it ends.

    Finally, even though both major parties already have their nominee (due to the allegation of delegates), Donald Trump is still struggling to unite the Republican Party and solidly win primaries. This week, the states of West Virginia, Nebraska, and Maryland held their primaries, and Trump struggled as roughly 20% of the voters in all these states combined voted for Nikki Haley - who dropped out of the race two months ago! Those numbers do not bode well for Trump in November, as people would rather vote for a zombie candidate than either stay home or vote for him.

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  • According to a lengthy new analysis of Donald Trump's tax records, the former president appears to have written off losses for his Chicago skyscraper in two separate tax years, meaning that he was double-dipping on tax breaks. If this audit is correct, that means that Trump scammed the government out of roughly $100 million that he could be forced to pay back once the IRS has finished with him.

    Also, Donald Trump no longer has to violate the gag order against him because his family and friends are doing it for him. This week, both Eric Trump and Donald Junior appeared to violate the gag order by attacking witnesses and the family of the judge, respectively. Eric's might be a little bit more severe considering the fact that he actually attacked the witness - Michael Cohen - while posting on social media from inside the courtroom.

    And people on social media were frantically alerting the Secret Service this week after one of Donald Trump's aides revealed that he likes to get innocent people arrested. The aide, Johnny McEntee, boasted on a podcast of handing out fake money to homeless people who will then use the money to buy things and get busted for using counterfeit money. If his story is true, then this constitutes a crime under US Code.

    Finally, Michael Cohen dropped a lot of bombshells during his testimony in the early part of this week, but one item that really stuck out the most doesn't even have relevance to the case. According to Cohen, it was Melania Trump's idea to spin the Access Hollywood tape as "locker room talk," showing that Melania is just as big of a scumbag as the rest of the Trump family. She also doesn't seem to realize that this was her husband admitting that he cheats on her all the time, or at least she didn't seem to care.

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  • Reports over the weekend suggested that Donald Trump was considering picking Nikki Haley to be his running mate, but insiders said that this was only if Haley agreed to pay his legal bills. Trump was not happy about this leaked information, and he blasted the report on Truth Social claiming that Haley is NOT under consideration. At this point, Haley as VP might be Trump's only shot at winning in November.

    Also, the bankrupt former Mayor of New York City, Rudy Giuliani, just watched as his financial problems became so much worse as ABC Radio abruptly cancelled his radio show - right in the middle of the show! Giuliani's recent financial statements at bankruptcy court revealed that the radio show was one of his only sources of income, and given the high profile that Giuliani has, it is safe to bet that he was getting paid way too much for his show to begin with, but now that's gone. Farron explains how Giuliani's repeated lies about the 2020 election cost him this source of income.

    And a former Trump campaign aide from his 2016 campaign has filed a lawsuit against the campaign, alleging that they not only fired her for becoming pregnant, but also that they hid the payment they made to her from the public by illegally funneling it through other entities. Groups are now calling for the Federal Elections Commission to investigate the claims made in this lawsuit to find out if the campaign did, in fact, break the law by concealing the payments to keep the woman quiet.

    Finally, Donald Trump held a rally in New Jersey this past weekend that was allegedly attended by upwards of 80,000 people. The tens of thousands who showed up were treated to gems such as Donald Trump praising fictional serial killer and cannibal Hannibal Lecter, and Trump being joined on stage by a registered sex offender. This campaign is almost too comical to even joke about at this point, but the crowd seemed to love every second of mayhem that Trump brought with him.

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  • Judge Juan Merchan had to lay into Donald Trump's legal team on Friday morning after they tried to subpoena records from the Manhattan district attorney's office long after discovery ended. Trump's lawyers were seeking records related to former prosecutor Mark Pomerantz who publicly resigned from the DA's office after Alvin Bragg shut down an investigation into Trump. But Merchan refused the subpoena because it is prohibited by New York law to receive the records, something Trump's lawyers should have known.

    Also, Republicans in the Senate have spent the last few weeks laughing in Ted Cruz's face and mocking him in person because he finally got, as one Senator put it, a taste of his own medicine. Cruz was put in a position where he had to whip up votes for a bill to reauthorize the Federal Aviation Administration's funding, and usually he's the guy holding up legislation like this. So instead of cooperating with him, Republicans mocked him by proposing amendments that didn't fit and laughing as he realizes how annoying he has been all these years by doing the same thing.

    And like an even more sinister version of Dr. Evil from the Austin Powers movies, Donald Trump recently promised oil executives that he would kill environmental regulations - and get rid of electric vehicles - if they give him ONE BILLION DOLLARS. This is how politics works these days, but few politicians are bold enough to actually say it out loud like Trump did. But this could also be viewed as a form of either bribery or extortion, depending on how you look at it.

    Finally, during a reality-bending segment on Newsmax late last week, RNC co-chair Lara Trump claimed that Donald Trump "obviously" accepts the results of elections. This flies in the face of everything that Trump has said about the 2020 election, as well as all the efforts of the RNC that Lara is running to challenge voting laws and get rid of voting by mail. All that is being done because of Donald's lies about the 2020 election, and it is outright insulting for Lara to pretend that none of that has happened.

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  • Alina Habba is doing Donald Trump's dirty work for him, and that could land him in even more trouble with Judge Juan Merchan. As part of his gag order, Trump is forbidden from even directing anyone to attack witnesses in the case, yet Alina Habba appeared on Fox News this week to do exactly that. And since Trump pays her to be a spokesperson, that could easily be viewed as a violation of the gag order.

    Also, Republican Representative Lauren Boebert was attacked for being a "fake Christian" this week after she launched an attack on a charity in Colorado that helps unhoused migrants get shelter. Boebert loves to claim that she is a Christian, but when it comes to following any part of the Bible or the teachings of Jesus, she consistently falls flat - and now she's facing the wrath of her constituents for her fake piety.

    And Donald Trump's lawyers filed a motion with a New York appeals court this week, begging them to expedite their appeal of the gag order against him. They've also asked that the full panel of judges take up the motion, rather than just a panel. But prosecutors don't like this idea, and they've filed a motion asking the court to deny Trump's hearing altogether, as there is nothing material left to discuss about the order. Farron discusses this new looming legal showdown in New York.

    Finally, Donald Trump's support in key swing states continues to slip, and President Biden is now running ahead of him in multiple must-win states for the first time in six months. As Trump sucks up all of the media spotlight, voters become more and more turned off by him, which is exactly what we predicted would happen months ago. The polls are now reflecting that disgust, and things will likely only get worse for Trump as time moves forward.

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  • Donald Trump and his allies threw a major fit at the start of the criminal trial when they claimed that the judge wouldn't let Trump skip court for Barron's high school graduation. That was a lie, and the judge said they'll deal with that when they get there, and he's now allowed Trump to attend the graduation. But, as usual, this was all a ruse, and Trump is actually planning on holding a rally halfway across the country that day.

    Also, we won't be getting a resolution to Donald Trump's document trial any time in the near future, as Judge Aileen Cannon issued a ruling this week that delays the trail indefinitely. While this has left a lot of people angry, maybe we need to be looking at the bright side? After all, two other Trump trials were being delayed due to the fact that the documents trial was hogging the schedule, so this opens the door for two more Trump trials before the election.

    And Rudy Giuliani's bankruptcy proceedings continue to go poorly for the former mayor of New York City, as his accountant recently said that they have had a "change of heart" and will no longer be working for him. This comes as Giuliani's creditors are ready to cast their lots for his assets, and losing the people in charge of his money is a good sign that there may not be enough to even begin to go around - and it could also mean that the court will have to take over as his new financial counsel.

    Finally, MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said during his podcast this week that Donald Trump boasted about being ready to be thrown in jail. Lindell actually said that Trump is "itching to go to jail," because he believes it will make him a martyr. He's partially correct - his base will be up in arms if he gets thrown in jail. But those are people who already support him. The former President is going to find that most average Americans don't like the idea of a jailbird sitting in the Oval Office.

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  • Alina Habba's legal career has certainly taken an interesting turn, as she has now been reduced to spending her days acting as a babysitter for Donald Trump in the courtroom. Habba has been showing up at Trump's criminal trial, in spite of the fact that she's not representing him in this case. Trump's people are worried that he's going to blow up in court, so he's now constantly accompanied by people who may prevent that from happening.

    Also, following a threat of jail time from Judge Juan Merchan on Monday, podcast host Steve Bannon went absolutely ballistic and said that it is time for Trump's supporters to go on "offense" to protect him. It isn't exactly clear what that means, but it definitely could be seen as a call to action for his base. But Bannon may want to let Trump ride out his legal problems on his own since Bannon himself is about to be in a world of legal pain as his own trial begins shortly.

    And Donald Trump is still attacking the voting mechanisms in the United States, with particular disdain for voting by mail. This is a continuation of "the big lie" that the 2020 election was stolen from him, but he refuses to back down. And his lie is now hurting the Republican Party and driving its leaders insane as they scramble to undo his damage with their "get out the vote" efforts. But his lies have already turned off so many Republicans that there could be a huge turnout disadvantage for Republicans in November.

    Finally, at a campaign fundraiser this past weekend, Donald Trump was reportedly irate over the fact that so many people paid to get their picture taken with him. It wasn't just that he had to spend so much time taking photos - he was mad that they didn't pay ENOUGH to get their pictures taken with him. He believes that he deserves a premium price for an awkward photo of him smiling like the Joker while giving a thumbs up, but people just aren't willing to pay it.

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  • Donald Trump showed up at a Miami speedway this past weekend for a Formula 1 race. But instead of hosting a fundraiser in a luxury suite like he had planned, he ended up firing off 31 posts on Truth Social in an hour because the venue told him he wasn't allowed to host a fundraiser on their property. Trump ranted about everything from California Governor Gavin Newsom to the hosts on Fox that don't like that he's being prosecuted. All in all, it showed a complete mental breakdown for the former president.

    Also, it has been over a week since Fox News ran an article on their website where one of their contributors called Marjorie Taylor Greene an idiot, but apparently the Congresswoman from Georgia can't let that insult go. Greene ran crying to Steve Bannon late last week to complain about the op-ed that trashed her crusade to destroy the Republican Party. Greene is killing her connections to all of her allies, and that's never a winning strategy for any politician.

    And Donald Trump's former chief of staff Mark Meadows has now officially been charged for his role in the fake elector scheme in Arizona. Previously, Meadows had not been "officially" named as one of the people being indicted, but it was clear from the indictment list that he was one of the people. But now the charges have been unmasked and Meadows is officially facing criminal charges in the state, and that could end up implicating Trump in the scheme, as well.

    Finally, BF Borgers, the independent auditing company hired by Trump Media & Technology, has been hit with major fraud charges by the Securities and Exchange Commission for mishandling data that could have impacted the stock prices of up to 500 publicly-traded companies. While it was not immediately clear if Trump Media was one of those companies, it is certainly a bad look for them to be sticking with an auditor that could now be facing criminal charges in the future.

  • MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell was a guest at one of the rallies that Donald Trump held on Wednesday, and his performance wasn't exactly filled with truth. Lindell told the crowd that all the Democrats he's spoken to said that they are voting for Trump in this year's election. This isn't just a lie - it is a dangerous statement that gives people like Lindell and Trump cover to claim the election was stolen if they lose in November.

    Also, Donald Trump held two midwest rallies on Wednesday of this week, and it did not go well for him. He's clearly a little rusty from being stuck in a courtroom all day, because when the teleprompter broke down during his Michigan speech, he began ranting incoherently about the word "folks". Throughout the speech he was slurring his words and appeared confused at times, a sign that his mental health has sharply declined since his trial began.

    And Marjorie Taylor Greene is moving forward with her effort to remove Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, even though she admitted to Steve Bannon this week that no one in Congress likes the drama that she is creating. So she's self-aware enough to know that she's not liked, but she's too stubborn to change her course. And her Republican colleagues are not being shy about how unhappy they are with her antics as they continue to trash her in the media.

    Finally, Donald Trump's legal team seems fairly convinced that their client is going to eventually be put behind bars by Judge Juan Merchan, so new reports say that the team is working on a "jailbreak" strategy to prevent that from happening. The strategy mostly involves filing emergency appeals with the higher courts, but that strategy is essentially the only legal option that they have at that point, so it isn't very good.

  • Donald Trump's brain appeared to completely short circuit during an interview with a local news reporter this week. Trump began talking about the crime rate in Venezuela and how they were sending all their "criminals" to America, but when the host asked where that information came from, all Trump could say was "uhhhhh..." The former President was caught in a lie and he knew it, and all it took was a simple question about where he got his information.

    Also, Donald Trump suffered another humiliating loss this week as he continued to try to get the hush money case dismissed. He had brought his grievance to the appeals court in New York, but they quickly shot him down and said that the trial will continue. Trump tried to argue that he could end up with presidential immunity and therefore the whole case would be thrown out, but the higher court is not going to end everything based on a hypothetical.

    And Republican Representative Elise Stefanik made a complete fool of herself this week by filing an ethics complaint against special prosecutor Jack Smith. In her complaint to the Department of Justice, Stefanik claimed that Smith is trying to "unlawfully interfere in the presidential election" by prosecuting Donald Trump, citing a non-official rule at the DOJ that technically wouldn't even apply to this situation.

    Finally, during an interview with Time Magazine that was made public this week, Donald Trump claimed that there is an inherent "anti-white bias" in the United States that, according to him, is far worse than the racism faced by people of color. Trump is clearly leaning into racism as the election draws closer, and he's hoping to capitalize on the politics of white rage, much like he did in 2016.

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  • Newsmax host Eric Bolling had a complete meltdown this week over a clip of President Biden eating a salad. Bolling claimed that the President can barely feed himself and yet he has access to the nuclear codes. But the clip doesn't even back up Bolling's claims that Biden was struggling - it just showed a man eating a salad that he didn't seem particularly enthusiastic about eating.

    Also, according to a new report, Donald Trump is not happy with his criminal trial lawyers, and he's been raging about them behind the scenes to his friends and allies. The main reason Trump is so angry is because he believes that his lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, is not being "aggressive" enough in the courtroom. Trump wants him to attack the judge, the witnesses, and sometimes even the jury, but doing so would absolutely seal Trump's fate in a bad way. But if that's what Trump wants, he may end up getting it, as Farron explains.

    And CNN is holding focus groups every few weeks to gauge voters' preferences ahead of the 2024 election. And their most recent focus group featured a panel of women voters who had nothing nice to say about Donald Trump. In fact, they were almost completely united in their disgust of the former President, with some going as far as to say that he should be thrown UNDER the jail. This does not bode well for Trump heading into November.

    Finally, if Donald Trump is actually held in contempt for violating the gag order against him by Judge Juan Merchan, it could have a ripple effect across the remaining criminal trials that he's facing. As part of his bond agreements in all cases, he pledged to not commit any more crimes, but a contempt charge would fit the description of a crime, which means his bond in all cases could end up being revoked - putting him in jail.

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  • Republican House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan didn't realize that he was walking into the lion's den on Sunday morning when he appeared on Fox News, but he was quickly eaten alive by host Maria Bartiromo. Jordan got torched by the usually-friendly host about conducting investigations into Biden for over a year and having absolutely nothing to show for it, before adding that Republicans are getting "sick and tired" of the theatrics.

    Also, Donald Trump's criminal trial is not only not going well for him inside the courtroom, but new reports suggest that the trial is creating massive headaches for his campaign advisers. Reports say that these advisers had no idea about the salacious details that would emerge during the trial, and they've now been blindsided by less than flattering information about their boss as they learn about it at the same time the rest of the public is.

    And during a recent interview with CNN, Donald Trump's former Attorney General Bill Barr admitted that his old boss used to regularly talk about executing his political rivals. This interview and admission emerged the day after the Supreme Court hearing last week on Presidential immunity where Trump's legal team suggested that a president has the legal authority to execute anyone they please. In spite of this admission, Barr still says he's supporting Trump for President - likely because he doesn't want to be on Trump's enemy list.

    Finally, Donald Trump has now fallen asleep nearly every day of his criminal trial while sitting in the courtroom, and a prominent psychologist is warning that this could be a sign of a larger cognitive medical problem. While napping for someone Trump's age is not abnormal at all, the circumstances certainly aren't normal. Given the fact that this is a high-stress time for the former president and he STILL can't manage to stay awake, Dr. John Gartner says this could be a sign of dementia or another serious mental problem.

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  • A new report has confirmed that Donald Trump's Trump Media and Technology Group sought H-1B visas for prospective employees so that they could bring in foreign labor to work at the company. This revelation by itself is not that bad, but it becomes that way when you remember that Donald Trump specifically railed against these types of visas and didn't want them to be used anymore. Like most people in business, Trump talks out of both sides of his mouth on issues to project one image while doing something completely different behind the scenes.

    Also, Donald Trump's social media company might be in even more trouble as a new report has found that the auditor hired by the company to deliver financial reports and status updates for stockholders has been found to use different names, possibly in order to avoid scrutiny. The company also has a bad history of being popped by regulators for providing faulty information. This information is used to ensure investors that the company is sound, and if they can't be trusted then it will be nearly impossible to attract new investments.

    And the attorney general of Arizona last week announced criminal charges against 18 of Donald Trump's allies and accomplices for their role in the fake elector scheme in the state. Some of these people have been indicted in other states already, but one person is new to the game - Christina Bobb. Bobb not only was indicted for her role in Arizona, but she was also recently appointed as the RNC's new Election Integrity leader, and that's a really bad look for the GOP.

    Finally, in spite of what every single poll on the issue says, a Republican consultant wrote an op-ed for The New York Times late last week where he swore that the ongoing criminal trial of Donald Trump will help him win the election. In fact, the consultant said that the criminal trial is a "gift from the political gods" for Trump, even though all of the available data points to the opposite being true.

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  • Donald Trump has not been shy about letting the world know how angry he is about being stuck in a courtroom for his criminal trial, and he's been showing his visible disdain for the proceedings while sitting in the courtroom. Sources close to Trump spoke to CNN this week and expressed their concerns about his anger going out of control, which could result in him blowing up in court - which would then blow up his case.

    Also, Trump Media CEO Devin Nunes sent a letter to his former Republican colleagues on Capitol Hill this week, begging them to save his company as the stock price keeps falling. Specifically, Nunes wants the House to launch an investigation into whether or not people are engaging in "naked short selling" of the stock, which is an illegal practice that involves people betting on the stock continuing to decline. But there's a very significant problem with Nunes' request.

    And Donald Trump has put his two idiot sons, Don Jr. and Eric, in charge of vetting potential White House staffers and cabinet members to make sure that they have unconditional loyalty to him. Their goal, as reported by Axios who spoke to people close to Junior, is to prevent more people like John Bolton from getting into the administration. But their REAL goal is to make sure that there won't be anyone in the administration that will tell Trump "no."

    Finally, Donald Trump's mental health is in a very bad place right now, and the whole world knows it based on his outbursts outside the courtroom as well as his posts on Truth Social. The alternative reality that he has been living in for far too long is crashing down around him, and he doesn't know how to deal with the real world that he's now faced with. The trial is certainly taking its toll on him, and we're not even close to being halfway through with it, so we can expect even more mental deterioration as it drags on.

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  • Donald Trump is losing a lot of sleep as he frets about his legal troubles, and at 2 a.m. on Wednesday morning he sent out a frantic post on Truth Social where he begged Republicans to step in and stop his trial. Trump is definitely wearing his emotions on his sleeve, and it isn't a good look. His mind is going to keep deteriorating as this process drags on.

    Also, things are going from bad to worse for Marjorie Taylor Greene as she continues to lose allies in her fight against her own Party. This past weekend, Donald Trump reversed course and said that he supports the aid packages that Greene has been railing against. Once that happened, Greene suffered an avalanche of attacks from conservative media outlets that were once her closest friends. Greene is all alone and vulnerable.

    And a treasure trove of documents related to the Mar-a-Lago documents case against Donald Trump were released this week, and they don't do Trump any favors. Among the more shocking revelations was that the FBI failed to search a secret room that was hidden within Trump's bedroom at the golf resort, which means there could be even more hidden documents that the government doesn't know about.

    Finally, Donald Trump and his lawyers have had a really bad week in court so far, and that fact is weighing heavily on Trump. During the gag order violation hearing this week, the judge snapped at Trump's lawyer for failing to answer a question and warned him that he is "losing his credibility." After court ended for the day, Trump got on Truth Social to have a meltdown about the judge humiliating his lawyer in front of the jury, and proceeded to send out a fundraising email saying that he was being "held hostage."

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  • Over the weekend, Donald Trump called for his supporters to show up in large numbers to protest his prosecution at the New York courthouse. Instead of being greeted by hordes of his supporters, there were about 10 people that showed up to protest his prosecution. The former President was furious, and once again got on Truth Social to beg people to show up and let him know that he is loved.

    Also, during an appearance on Newsmax this week, Kari Lake went on a rant about how bad Hillary Clinton is and repeated debunked conspiracy theories that people in her orbit have a bad habit of "mysteriously" dying. She then made sure to point out that she loves her life, and if anything happens to her it is because someone - like Hillary Clinton - had it out for her. This is a dangerous lie to be spreading, and is the kind of thing that prompts unhinged right wingers to commit unspeakable acts.

    And Fox News host Jesse Watters is apparently worried about Donald Trump's health as he is forced to sit for long hours in a courtroom for the next few weeks. During a segment this week, Watters whined that Trump needs exercise and he's "usually golfing", but he can't do that when he's stuck in court and that's not good for his body. Watters then went a step forward and said that denying Trump the ability to play golf is "cruel and unusual punishment."

    Finally, Alina Habba had to appear in court for Donald Trump on Monday for a bond hearing, and afterwards she immediately ran to reporters with cameras to rant about how unfair everything is. But the reporters didn't buy into her arguments, and the microphones around Habba picked up a ton of laughter coming from the audience as she attempted to claim that the justice system is rigged against Trump. No one believes her and no one respects her, but she still doesn't seem to notice.

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