In this episode Nyle tackles six different topics including...
1. Common Misconceptions about manufacturing
2. The Income Shuffle
3. 401 Que Pasa?
4. How Ya feel? (Consumer Sentiment)
5. Triple Double (Your Credit Score & You)
6. Tax Money (Where's your money going?)Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/financial-time-travelers-podcast/id1137693924?mt=2Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel: https://financialtimetraveler.com
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Gorilla - Birds
Gorilla - Boada
Gorilla - Sid
El Jarabe Tapatio - The Mexican Hat Dance
Gorilla - InLove
Gorilla - Loyb
Gorilla - Dena
Gorilla - Breakingup
Gorilla - Tactics
Gorilla - Tidegus
Gorilla - Akaido
StarRo - Milk (Outro)
In this podcast, Nyle reviews the current market stall as investors have backed off the high-speed pace of Q4 2016. The question is, what are they waiting for and what does this mean to your account? Well, you will just have to listen to the podcast!
You can also read the full blog post here.
Or email nyle@financialtimetraveler.com with any thoughts or questions!
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Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom
Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify -
Episodes manquant?
In this podcast, Nyle connects behavioral economic theory with the four stages of building wealth. Each of these four stages of building wealth inflicts a unique bias on almost everyone. How cars and misbehaving relate? Well, you will just have to listen to the beginning of the podcast.
You can also read the full blog post here.
Or email nyle@financialtimetraveler.com with any thoughts or questions!
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinTimeTrvlr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom
Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify -
In this podcast exclusive, Nyle provides a breakdown of where the FUTURE of the stock market's trajectory based on historical events. You can read the full blog post here. Or email nyle@financialtimetraveler.com with any thoughts or questions!
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinTimeTrvlr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
Music by Chillhop: http://youtube.com/chillhopdotcom
Listen on Spotify: http://bit.ly/ChillhopSpotify -
In this podcast exclusive, Nyle provides a breakdown of the current market conditions which are COMPLETELY different than they were for the past decade. You can read the full blog post here. Or email nyle@financialtimetraveler.com with any thoughts or questions!
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel
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In this podcast exclusive, Nyle provides a breakdown of where the FUTURE of the stock market's trajectory based on historical events. You can read the full blog post here. Or email nyle@financialtimetraveler.com with any thoughts or questions!
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinTimeTrvlr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
In this episode Nyle breaks down six major topics
1. Correlation chaos in the markets
2. Current events in the news
3. Personal finance money hacks
4. The time capsule
5. 401 Que?
6. Reader Response
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel: https://financialtimetraveler.com
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinTimeTrvlr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
Bob James - Nautilus
DJ Khaled - I Got The Keys
DMX - Get It On The Floor
El Jarabe Tapatio - The Mexican Hat Dance
Kevin MacLeod - Carefree
Kevin MacLeod - In The Hall of the Mountain King
Otis McDonald - Not For Nothing
Moose Dawa - Menti
Hail to the Chief - Saints Row IV OST
The Grouch - Mr. Invisible
StarRo - Milk (Outro)
Episode 17 of the podcast has become one of our most controversial episodes to date! It was titled 'Gold Is The Worst Investment EVER' and that stirred up some mixed emotions amongst our fans and listeners. So Nyle hopped on Facebook to respond, react, and reassure everyone that gold is the worst investment ever. Let us know what you think and you may see yourself pop up in next response!
You can watch the video version of this podcast here: https://youtube.com/financialtimetraveler
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel: https://financialtimetraveler.com
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
Twitter: https://twitter.com/FinTimeTrvlr
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/financialtimetraveler
We have heard it far too many times, "New year, new me!"
It makes a great sentence, however, the application is the most difficult part of achieving our goals. For me, I revise my five-year plan every year. I have a plan for my home life, each one of my kids, my wife, career, and overall picture. Writing my plans down is what keeps me on track. Today I read a stat that 85% of advisors who gross >1MM have a sales plan and business plan written out in detail.
Writing it down is nice, although if you do it wrong, your plan can be completely useless. This is why I like to follow the S.M.A.R.T. acronym when I plan any goal achieving exercise.
Whether your goal is huge or small, applying the S.M.A.R.T. system can add tremendous value, and make you feel smarter.
If you would like an outline of this episode, head to financialtimetraveler.com/smart and remember you can WATCH on youtube.com/financialtimetraveler
Don't shoot the messenger! Every good investor should do their best to remove their bias, and focus on the cold hard facts. Today, Anton and Nyle discuss one of the most widely discussed investment myths, gold.
We apologize to all of our gold bugs out there, the inflation stations, and armageddon preppers. Not only do we feel gold is a terrible investment choice, we also believe it will eventually become worthless. There are five key points we address to back this claim.
1. The numbers don't lie
2. Gold is an inefficient investment vehicle
3. Gold ETF's such as $GLD aren't any more efficient
4. Won't protect against any
5. What gold once did, technology now does better
If you have any questions or complaints, feel free to yell at nik@financialtimetraveler.com
As a bonus gift, check out financialtimetraveler.com/pdf to receive Nyle's favorite FREE tools that will save you money TODAY.
Welcome to the first of many Workflow Workshops, where we will provide small espresso shots of personal finance practicality you can implement TODAY to change TOMORROWS!
On the first episode, Nyle quickly takes us through five of his favorite FREE finance tools.
As mentioned, if you would like a simple one-page pdf outlining everything in this episode, simply go to financialtimetraveler.com/pdf and enter your email to receive the free doc.
Thank you and enjoy!
Technically, this is part two of last week's podcast, Business As Unusual, which you can watch here. However, Anton and I felt like the title "Business As Unusual" did not match up to what we would be covering during episode 15... so we changed the title! #Freedom
In 2008, people only thought of saving money, now people are less tolerant to large government and corporations. People may be more supportive of small businesses now than ever before. How to we take advantage of these changing times? Following the surprise presidential election, we feel like there are FOUR key topics that must be discussed as Financial Time Travelers. Remember, the quickest path to wealth to entrepreneurialism.
Investment Strategies under the new POTUS
How to figure out what business you should open
How to identify your target audience
How to build an online business for under $500
If you enjoyed listening to or watching this podcast, then please support us with an iTunes review. It’s easy and takes 1 minute! Just head to iTunes and leave an honest rating and review the podcast. Every review helps! If you are a YouTube person, hit that subscribe button! -
What happens when you get three fiduciary advisors on one podcast? Better questions mean better answers! Hilary Hendershott is our first of many guests on Insider Insights brought to you by the good folks at Financial Time Traveler.
On this episode, Hilary takes us on her journey through her previous life as a heavy spender/loan bender to becoming a leader in financial education. To your surprise, even Certified Financial Planners can struggle with controlling their finances.
How can that be, you ask? Hilary has the answers, Anton and Nyle have the questions!
As always, let us know your thoughts by visiting www.financialtimetraveler.com
Hilary is the host of Profit Boss Radio which you can subscribe to here:
or check her out at
We are officially in post-election season! Unfortunately, we shot this on Monday where Hillary Clinton had been the unanimous favorite to win the election, however, Trump successfully surprised the nation! Good thing this podcast is still very relevant as we discuss where we go from here as the nation returns to BUSINESS AS (UN)USUAL.
Just like we watch economic cycles in the market very carefully, we also watch out for EMOTIONAL cycles in the populous as measured by political interaction.
Where are we in the emotional cycles of America’s emotional interaction with the government? How can we protect and grow our wealth during different cycles?
We are EXTREMELY excited to bring this very special episode of the Financial Time Traveler's Podcast! I will be expanding on this topic in a long-form blog later this month, however, here are the show notes in their abbreviated form! If you have any questions or comments, hit that contact us button and send your thoughts over!
PART ONE – The Science of time (brief but necessary) Stephen Hawking proposed the theory of 3 arrows of time in his book “A Brief History of ” Thermodynamic Time: the direction in which disorder decreases. Cosmological Time:The direction of time in which the universe expands. Psychological Time:The direction in which we remember the past and not the future. We can only remember events as they occurred on their corresponding arrow of time. All arrows must point in the same direction. We cannot manipulate thermodynamic time or cosmological time (unless you have a flux capacitor and a DeLorean capable of 88mph). However, the process in which we perceive time and apply its methods are consistently manipulated. Either by ourselves our outside forces. PART TWO – How we experience time/Framework vs. Temporary happiness The difference between temporary happiness and framework happiness relies on intertemporal powers, or how we measure time preference or value. Temporary happiness would be eating your favorite meal, watching your favorite tv show or sports team, etc. Framework happiness is becoming a person of value and purpose. Next time you are in your car, turn on the old AM/FM radio and count how many times you are advertised items of temporary happiness vs. framework happiness. Take note of the billboards, business signage, local culture PART THREE – The science of time preferences “I plan on continually eating poorly, ignoring my family, and refusing to plan my financial goals until I am in critically terrible physical condition, alone, and broke.” – No One Ever. Except 1 in every four deaths in America is a result of heart disease http://www.cdc.gov/heartdisease/facts.htm Almost half of marriages end in divorce http://www.apa.org/topics/divorce/ 6 out of 10 Americans have less than $1,000.00 in their bank account http://www.marketwatch.com/story/most-americans-have-less-than-1000-in-savings-2015-10-06 Don’t feel bad! We live in the present, so it’s only natural that we serve the now over the future! How do we fight this? In my opinion, one great way to battle the staggering figures above is to learn how to give future dates the same value or rights as any present date, and then create systems that reduce the probability of negative impact. PART FOUR – Procrastination vs. Technology Procrastination is a cognitive bias which misleads us to think that a future date has less value than the present date, which is why we assign the crappy tasks to the future. However, when that future date becomes today we realize our time is just as valuable, and then we want to kick the proverbial responsibility can down the calendar once again. Rinse and repeat. It’s the human condition. However, as the great inventor Ray Kurzweil once stated, "The computer in your cell phone today is a million times cheaper and a thousand times more powerful and about a hundred thousand times smaller (than the one computer at MIT in 1965) and so that's a billion-fold increase in capability per dollar or per euro that we've actually seen in the last 40 years." As a species, we have developed a unique tool in technology and the internet of things. Artificial intelligence and algorithm backed programming allows us to quickly accomplish a goal that we previously procrastinated to the point of devastation. As Father John Culkin, SJ, a Professor of Communication at Fordham University in New York once stated: “We shape our tools and thereafter, our tools shape us.” There are many systems that computers are better for suited than humans. Technology such as TheZebra.com allows us to save money to use in other places, like investments. The compounding effect of that saved money can have huge implications after decades of use! What Does This Mean To Me?To change the future, we must change the present. As we all know, repeating our actions with an expectation of different results is the definition on insanity. By implementing new strategies and practices we will all find ourselves in a much brighter future. If you can achieve your goals at a faster rate, for example accomplishing a 5year goal in 2years, that is time travel.
Let’s get time traveling! -
Ram Palaniappan is the President and founder of Activehours, a technology company with 46 employees that enables its 200,000 users to access their paychecks on a daily basis. Unlike payday loans and pre-paid visa cards, Activehours does not charge users a fee, but rather asks that they tip based on what they feel is fair.
During our sit down with Ram at his offices in Palo Alto, we discussed:
- Where he was before starting the company
- How he came up with the idea for Activehours
- How he validated that his idea could become a company
- The transition process of leaving his job to pursue the launch of Activehours
- How artificial intelligence processes can empower everyday people
- Life hacks that he uses to achieve company goals, as well as personal goals at a faster rate
- Where he sees the future of financial technology
Make sure to check out www.Activehours.com in the Google Play Store as well as the iTunes store.
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/financial-time-travelers-podcast/id1137693924?mt=2Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel: https://financialtimetraveler.com
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on:
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In Episode 10 of the Financial Time Traveler’s Podcast, Anton and Nyle introduced a two-part series about WHY and HOW smart people make terrible investment decisions.
Part one focused on the “cognitive bias,” or how we trick our minds to make bad calls. In Episode 11 Anton and Nyle go for round two and focus on the “emotional bias,” or how the way we feel affects the way we act.
Of course, in between the facts, Anton and Nyle interact the only way a father-son team can.
"Top notch insight sprinkled with jokes, stories, and time travel."
-Someone in Nyle's (very cool) Imagination.Check out part one here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JLZisQ0T-MADon't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/financial-time-travelers-podcast/id1137693924?mt=2Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel at: https://financialtimetraveler.com
We provide unique content which is exclusive to each channel on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
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The emotional experience of investing can feel overwhelming for most. As the market acts in erratic ways, it's important to recognize how and why your emotions will affect your decisions. Unfortunately, most investment companies do not explain these concepts to us (why? we'll never know). However, Anton and Nyle outline each of the most important cognitive and emotional bias' in a two-part series. Enjoy!
Don't forget to subscribe to our podcast on iTunes here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/f...Visit our website for more ORIGINAL CONTENT on finance and time travel at https://financialtimetraveler.com
You can also follow us on our other social media platforms:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FinancialTimeTraveler
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Episode 9 is all about INVESTING convictions and the EMOTIONAL afflictions that come with volatility. The first step is knowing your number.
For instance:
HOW MUCH DO YOU NEED FOR THAT VACATION? HOW MUCH DO YOU TO BUY A HOUSE? HOW MUCH WILL YOU NEED TO RETIRE?As we have written about before, the magic of compound interest is the driving force behind the power of investing in 401ks, IRAs, 457s, 403b plans, etc. Simply put, if you are not investing your money for the long-term, you will be SIGNIFICANTLY less well off than if you did. However, the process is much more complicated than simply contributing money. You have to pick your investments, and then you have to adjust your strategy as your priorities change. While all this is happening, major headlines are pulling at your heartstrings, friends pretend to experts with conflicting advice, and your 401k broker is having a hard time emailing you back.
You are not alone, and that is why we made this episode. For many, investing is a firmly held belief or opinion which also causes stress, pain, and suffering. However, it does not have to be that way!
Watch as we share our tips and tricks to help enable you to secure your future without developing anxiety issues!
If you have any questions or comments, email me at nyle@financialtimetraveler.com
Hey, Time Travelers! We are VERY excited about today’s podcast as Anton and Nyle discuss their biggest takeaways and learning experience of SUCCESSFUL entrepreneurialism in today’s business climate.
Small businesses account for 64% of all newly created jobs in 2012 and 70% of new job creation for the past decade.
The future of the US economy is dependent on more people choosing to “earn a living”. Admittedly being an entrepreneur is not easy or for everyone. However, entrepreneurs are the business sector that changes the course of stagnant cycles of slow growth and high unemployment. Entrepreneurial small businesses are the largest employer sector in the country representing 53% of US workers, and there are over 30 million small businesses in America.
- Montre plus