Burns aren’t just about surface damage—the depth tells the story. Knowing how deep a burn goes helps determine how serious it is, what treatment is needed, and when to seek medical help.
In this episode, we break down the three main types of burn depth and how to calculate the percentage of the bodys surface area that is burnt.Not all burns are created equal—some need more than cool water.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
#FirstAidShow #BurnFirstAid #BurnDepth #EmergencyCare #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Not all bleeding is the same—and the type of blood vessel involved can change everything.
In this episode, we break down the three main types of blood vessels—arteries, veins, and capillaries—and how each presents when damaged. Understanding these differences helps you assess how serious a bleed is and respond with the right first aid.
We cover:
The role of arteries, veins, and capillaries in the body
How to recognise arterial, venous, and capillary bleeding
Why some bleeds are life-threatening and others are more manageable
What each type of bleed tells you about urgency and response
When it comes to bleeding, what you see tells you what to do.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
#FirstAidShow #BleedingControl #BloodVessels #FirstAidSkills #BePrepared #EmergencyResponse
Episodes manquant?
Bonus Episode – What Is the Monthly Skills Lab?
Want to move beyond theory and into hands-on, real-world first aid?In this bonus episode, we introduce you to the First Aid Show Monthly Skills Lab—a live, practical session designed to help you build confidence and competence in one key first aid skill each month.
We cover:
What the Monthly Skills Lab is and who it's for
How each session focuses on one life-saving skill in depth
Why it’s perfect for first aiders, medics, sports trainers, students, and responders
How to attend: in person, live online, or on demand
Details about the next session and how to book
Whether you’re new to first aid or have years of experience, the Skills Lab helps you level up one skill at a time in a supportive, hands-on environment.
🎟️ Tickets available now at firstaidshow.com.au/skillslabSpaces are limited—book now!
#FirstAidShow #SkillsLab #FirstAidTraining #LifelongLearning #PracticalFirstAid #TrainWithConfidence
Sudden fear, racing heart, gasping for breath—panic attacks can feel like a medical emergency. But knowing how to respond can help someone regain control and feel safe again.
In this episode, we explore:
How to recognise the signs of a panic attack
The difference between a panic attack and something more serious
What to say (and not say) when supporting someone
Simple first aid strategies to help someone calm their breathing
When to call for help, and when reassurance is enough
Panic attacks are real, intense, and frightening—but your calm response can make all the difference.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
#FirstAidShow #PanicAttackFirstAid #MentalHealthFirstAid #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #StayCalmSaveLives
Someone’s breathing fast—what do you do?Hyperventilation can be caused by anxiety, but it can also be a sign of something far more serious. In this episode, we unpack how to recognise hyperventilation, ask the right questions, and respond with confidence.
We cover:
What hyperventilation is and how it presents
The many possible causes—including medical emergencies
How to assess the person and rule out red flags
When to treat it as anxiety—and when to call for help
Fast breathing can be confronting—but your calm, informed response makes all the difference.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
#FirstAidShow #Hyperventilation #EmergencyResponse #BreathingFirstAid #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Half a million Australians will be diagnosed with epilepsy in their lifetime—but how much do we really know.This episode looks at what is epilepsy and whats happening to the brain.
Stay tuned for a future episode, we’ll break down the different types of seizures, what they look like, and how to respond.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #EpilepsyAwareness #Seizures #FirstAid #BePrepared #EmergencyResponse
Someone is coughing, struggling, maybe even panicking—but are they really choking? Knowing the difference between a partial and total obstruction is critical to responding the right way.
In this episode, we break down:
How to recognise a partial obstruction and why coughing is a good signWhy back blows and chest thrusts can make things worseWhen to step in and when to let the body clear the obstruction on its ownWhen to call 000 and what to do if the situation changesYour first reaction could either help—or turn a partial obstruction into a life-threatening total blockage. Learn the right steps and avoid common mistakes.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Choking #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills #SaveLives
You’ve started CPR—but when do you stop? It’s a question many people don’t think about until they’re in the moment. Knowing when to begin is crucial, but understanding when to stop is just as important.
In this episode, we cover:
The five key situations where CPR should be stoppedCPR is physically and emotionally demanding, but knowing when to stop ensures the best possible outcome for the patient—and for you.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #CPR #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #LifesavingSkills
In this episode, we explore GoodSAM, a life-saving smartphone app that connects qualified first aiders with people in cardiac arrest. You’ll learn:
How GoodSAM works and who can sign upWhy early CPR and defibrillation make all the differenceHow the app is linked to Triple Zero (000) in AustraliaWhere to go if you want to become a GoodSAM responderA stranger’s life could depend on you. This app makes sure you’re there when it matters most.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #GoodSAM #CPRSavesLives #Defibrillation #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared
A stroke can strike without warning, and when it does, time is everything. But do you know what a stroke actually is, what causes it, and how to recognise the warning signs?
In this episode, we break down:
The two main types of strokes and how they happenWhat a mini-stroke (TIA) means for future riskWho is at risk—even people under 55How fast action can mean the difference between life and deathKnowing what to do could save a life.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #StrokeAwareness #ActFAST #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
A sudden nosebleed can look dramatic, but do you know how to manage it correctly? Many people still follow outdated advice that can actually make things worse.
In this episode, we break down:
The correct technique to stop a blood noseWhat NOT to do—and why common mistakes can prolong bleedingWhen to seek medical help if the bleeding won’t stopWhy tilting the head back is a bad ideaA blood nose is usually harmless—but handling it the wrong way can make it worse. Get the facts and be prepared.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Nosebleeds #StopTheBleed #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
We all know the song, but do you really know how the bones connect? Understanding the skeletal system isn’t just about anatomy—it’s about knowing how to assess, support, and protect in an emergency.
In this episode, we dive into the structure and function of the human skeleton, exploring the key bones you need to know as a first aider. You’ll be surprised at how much a little knowledge of bone connections can improve your first aid skills.
Think you know your bones? Let’s put that to the test.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #SkeletalSystem #BoneHealth #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Break, crack, or chip—what’s the difference? Not all fractures are the same.
In this episode, we break down the three main types of fractures and what they mean for first aiders:
Open fracturesClosed fracturesComplicated fracturesKnowing the type of fracture changes how you manage the injury—and can make a life-saving difference.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Fractures #BoneInjuries #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Think you’ve been paying attention? It’s time to put your first aid knowledge to the test!
We’ve covered a lot in the last 12 episodes—fainting, burns, the heart, cultural awareness, and more. Now, it’s time to see what you remember with five key questions that could make all the difference in an emergency.
How many can you get right? Before we reveal the answers, pause and replay the episode to make sure you’re confident.
Think you’re a first aid pro? There’s only one way to find out.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #FirstAidQuiz #TestYourKnowledge #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared
In this episode, we cover how first aiders should respect the diversity of patients and adapt of treatment options.
Acting fast and knowing the right steps can be the difference between life and death.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Poisons #Poisoning #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
It beats over 100,000 times a day, but how much do you really know about your heart? More than just a pump, the heart is a powerful muscle that keeps blood flowing to every part of your body.
In this episode, we cover:
The heart’s four chambers and how they work togetherThe difference between oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich bloodWhy the left side of the heart is stronger than the rightHow the heart’s rhythm keeps blood moving and what happens when it doesn’tYour heart is the engine that keeps you going—and understanding how it works is the first step to keeping it healthy.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #TheHeart #HeartHealth #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Fire isn’t the only thing that burns. From hot liquids to chemicals, friction, and even the sun, burns can come from unexpected sources. Do you know the six main causes of burns and how to identify them?
In this episode, we break down:
The six major causes of burns—and why they’re not always visibleCommon situations where burns occur (and how to avoid them)Why treating burns correctly depends on knowing the causeHow to recognise a serious burn and when to seek medical helpBurns come in many forms, but they all need the right treatment. Knowing what caused the burn is the first step.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Burns #BurnSafety #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Ever seen someone suddenly collapse and wonder why? It might look dramatic, but fainting—or syncope—is more than just a fall. It’s the body’s way of responding to a temporary loss of oxygen to the brain.
In this episode, we cover:
What causes fainting and why it happens so quicklyThe signs and symptoms to watch for before someone collapsesWhy the body puts itself on the ground and how to respond safelyThe latest first aid guidelines—including what NOT to doFainting can happen to anyone—but knowing how to manage it can make all the difference.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Fainting #Syncope #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
Poisons can be anywhere—under the sink, in the garage, or even in your garden. But do you know how to recognise poisoning and what to do if it happens? Every minute counts.
In this episode, we cover:
The different types of poisons—from chemicals to plants and bitesSigns and symptoms of poisoning—what to look out forWhat to do (and NOT to do) if someone is poisonedWhy calling Poison Information is critical and what to say when you callActing fast and knowing the right steps can be the difference between life and death.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Poisons #Poisoning #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #FirstAidSkills
You’ve got the defibrillator, you’re ready to save a life—but are you prepared for the unexpected? Using an AED is straightforward, but knowing how to troubleshoot common issues and avoid safety risks is just as important.
In this episode, we cover:
Key safety checks before using a defibSituations when you should NOT deliver a shockWhat to do if the pads won’t stickHow to adapt and keep going when things don’t go as plannedA defibrillator can mean the difference between life and death—but only if you know how to use it safely and effectively.
Listen now on Podbean, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.https://firstaidshow.com.au/dailyminute
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#FirstAidShow #Defibrillator #AED #EmergencyResponse #BePrepared #SaveLives
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