Howard Phillips Lovecraft (August 20, 1890 – March 15, 1937) was an American writer of weird, science, fantasy, and horror fiction. Lovecraft is best known for his creation of a body of work that became known as the Cthulhu Mythos.
The GSMC Audiobook Series presents some of the greatest classic novels, audiobooks, and theatrical presentations from a bygone era. Let Golden State Media Concepts take you on a ride through classic audiobooks read by some of the top audiobook performers of all time. This compiled collection of classic audiobooks contains a wide variety of classic Novels. ***PLEASE NOTE*** GSMC Podcast Network presents these shows and audiobooks as historical content and have brought them to you unedited. Remember that times have changed, and some Audiobooks might not reflect the standards of today’s politically correct society. The shows do not necessarily reflect the views, standards, or beliefs of Golden State Media Concepts or the GSMC Podcast Network. Our goal is to entertain, educate, and give you a glimpse into the past. -
Welcome to Arts & Culture by Intelligence Squared. Here we delve into the artistic and cultural moments, movements and conversations that have shaped, and are still shaping, our world. In this podcast Intelligence Squared speaks to some of the world’s greatest orators, writers, actors and artists. Guests include Stephen Fry, Margaret Atwood, Bernardine Evaristo, Salman Rushdie, Kate Winslet, Simon Schama, Tom Hiddleston and Marina Abromović. Join us every week as we feature the best of culture today and revisit some of the best live podcasts we have produced over the last twenty years.
For more information head over to -
Olympians Adam Rippon and Ashley Wagner join forces with Sarah Hughes (no relation to 2002 Olympic Champion, Sarah Hughes) to tackle the most important questions figure skaters have been asking themselves for years.
Questions like: “Why does this short program feel so long?” or “Is there such a thing as your costume being too tight?” and the most important question of all: “Will changing my hair color fix all my problems?”
Join the team as they cover all the news, competitions, and drama of the figure skating season. Will they kiss? Will they cry? There’s only one way to find out.
Follow us on instagram: The Runthrough Instagram
In the Art During Wartime podcast, we'll be diving deep into the vibrant and diverse world of Ukrainian culture, exploring everything from the traditional to the contemporary and everything in between. The podcast features interviews with leading Ukrainian cultural figures ranging from cinema, art, photography, ballet, opera, pop, hip hop, even comedy. Art During Wartime is your one-stop destination for discovering fascinating aspects of Ukraine, a nation fighting to preserve its culture.
Dizainoskopas – tinklalaidė, kurioje ekspertai dalija praktiškus patarimus nepraktiškiems žmonėms.
The Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (RIBOCA) is an international biennial with a European focus and a strong regional profile, founded in 2016. In expanding conversations around its second edition, RIBOCA has invited thinkers, researchers, and writers from various fields to discuss their work and processes through a series of talks and conversations. For more information visit:
Tai LRT KLASIKA laida apie literatūrą. Pirmas literatūros kūrinio sakinys – prozos eilutė, dialogas dramoje, remarka filmo scenarijuje – kaip atspirtis konkrečiai temai, apie kurią ir bus kalbama laidoje. „Pirmas sakinys“ – ne tiek knygų naujienos, kiek knygose atsiveriančios temos.
Laidą veda Mindaugas Nastaravičius ir Tomas Vaiseta. Ketvirtadieniais 11:05 val. -
Dude wheres my career, cough cough cough
Meninio žodžio mėgėjų laidoje – pokalbiai su rašytojais, jų kūrybos aptarimai ir kūriniai, taip pat įvairių literatūros apraiškų svarstymai. Sekmadieniais 16.03 val. per LRT RADIJĄ.
Variación entre diversos animales
Funny podcast
A (playful and thoughtful) podcast on the strategies and effects of brands.
Kiekvieną savaitę teatro Lino Lėlės atrinkta istorija iš pasaulio klasikos ir tautų pasakų knygų, skaitoma lėlininko Lino Zubės.
Laidoje du patyrę detektyvų skaitytojai aptaria detektyvinių romanų būsenas pasaulyje ir Lietuvoje, pakeliui užkabindami ir naujienas iš kinematografinių detektyvų pasaulio.
Ved. Rasa Drazdauskienė ir Ernestas Parulskis -
Lou is currently Host of "Lou in the Morning" a guest driven radio talk show on WPFl.105.1 FM. Bruce Oliver talks about his trip to Cuba and how the average person can travel legally to Cuba during this broadcast.
Cuba Bound on a "People to People" cruise from the United States. During my first trip to Cuba I'll be traveling to the ports of Havana, Cienfuegos, and Santiago de Cuba and the surrounding areas from July 23-31, 2016. During this licensed cruise itinerary I'll interact with the musicians, artists, businesses, and families who make up the community of Cuba. Through me your readers will engage with the Cuban people, experience the sights and sounds of Cuba's beautiful country: the Spanish and French colonial architecture, American classic cars, traditional Cuban music and dance, the coastal fortresses and tall cathedrals, and the cannons on San Juan Hill. In essence I'll be searching for the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of Cuba.
The purpose of this trip is to do research on U.S. travel to Cuba.
I will focus on the licensed travel arrangements between the U.S. Government and the Cuban Government.
How can the average citizen become one of the first to travel to Cuba with agencies licensed by both governments?
What can the U.S. traveler expect to see?
What can you expect to eat if you travel to Cuba?
Follow me for more information on Cuba on this licensed cruise/tour of Cuba. -
Oprah Winfrey and author Isabel Wilkerson, take listeners through the 8 Pillars of Caste, featured in the Oprah’s Book Club selection "Caste: The Origins of our Discontents."
Two friends from different worlds discuss the beauty & mystery of creativity, joy & the human experience.
Hosted by Shakera Jones, part of the SOMM TV Podcast Network, find out the wines that changed the lives of the most influential people in the wine and culinary worlds.
Podcastas apie kvapų kutūrą, kvepalus, olfaktoriją ir viską kas turi kvapą. Laidas rengia Laimė Kiškūnė, Eglė Bertašienė ir Darius Krasauskas.
Mus taip pat galite žiūrėti per YouTube:
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Как изменится индустрия моды в России и в мире после пандемии? Когда люди снова пойдут в торговые центры и бутики? На что они будут тратить деньги? Обсуждаем в новой серии подкастов GQ о моде и шопинге.