
  • Otto Scharmer

    Otto’s hope for the future is that we get our act together!
    And do a consciousness based systems intervention.

    Dr. C. Otto Scharmer is a Senior Lecturer at MIT and co-founder of the Presencing Institute. In 2015 he co-founded the MITx u.lab, a massive open online course for leading profound change that has since activated a global eco-system of societal and personal renewal involving more than 100,000 users from 185 countries.

    I am exited about using technology more intentionally for developing social technologies that allow us to create and activate generative social fields .
    It has to do a shift in consciousness that can support a new way of doing systems thinking-

    We are global moment not yet aware of ourselves.

    Connecting to the current moment.

    The knowing doing gap!

    Action learning.
    You can not understand a system unless you change it. The litmus test.

    To work with a a political in a new way.

    If people in Silicon Valley give away their money they usually there criteria for doing so:
    1 Tech has to be the solution.
    2 It must be solvable with 10 years.
    3 They have to call the shot.

    We need to get our act together and improve the topsoil.

    We are in critical moment where so much positive things are happening and yet we are not catalyzing as a movement yet. What are the infrastructure for catalyzing and amplifying the movement. So that the moment becomes aware of it self.


    U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self
    Introduction by Otto Charmer - Leading from an emerging future

    TEDX Theory U - Learning from the future as it emerges with Otto Scharmer - TEDxTUHH

    4.0 Lab: Inventing the Future of Food, Finance, Health, Ed, & Management

    Trump And Transforming Capitalism: Making Our Movement See Itself

    The Transition:

    In this awesome conversation Jordan Greenhall, Daniel Schmachtenberger and Forrest Landry talks about the transition we need to do, in order to get to the next stage of our civilization here on Spaceship Earth. About systemic change and Holistic design thinking.


    Otto Scharmer

    Michael Sillion

    Institute for Evolutionary Leadership

    This New World Group with Guardians


    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • David Passiak with Captain Future - Michael Sillion in Gothenburg
    We are always in the now so the future never arrives.
    The Future is something we aspire to.

    The way life should and could be.

    Often times the future is with a very Utopian version us all getting along and do good shit.
Or a very dystopian version of us where every fabric of society and civilization breaks down
    Or there are those that are more balanced or even very status quo.

    I want people to ask:

    What are our purpose as a spices?
    What are we really doing?
    What do we want to accomplish in next 10 to 20 years?
    What are our relationship with the future?

    Allot of change have to start within.

    David have looked at many of the moments that we call awakenings.

 And now me and David want participate to create “The Great Awakening” that will create a massive shift in consciousness worldwide.

    Three things you can do
    1 Cultivate a sense of awareness in not knowing.
    2 Educate yourself with emerging trends.
    3 Be part of broader kind conversation around co-creation of the future, constantly networking and building bigger networks.

    Find people and host them - Give First!

    The Book
Empower - How To Co-Create The Future

    Emerging Future

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • Episodes manquant?

    Cliquez ici pour raffraichir la page manuellement.

  • Nichol Bradford is rocking this planet at Transformative Technology Lab @ Sofia University. She is here to lead the way into a mindful and science filled future.

    Facebook live video of the conversation:

    Who you are, and how you are, is as importan as what you do!

    As a spices we have some very real problems that we have to solve fairly quickly.

    He have so much potential to create a abundant future for all life on Planet Earth.

    There is still going to people involved raising the AI.

    We have to walk the middle ground between tech and humanity.

    Humans love feedback. If we can give humans feedback of a biosignal. Then people can do it.

    Many games are excellent without even trying to solve our Soft skills. What if we took our games all the way?

    Who you are, and how you are, is as importan as what you do!

    The next human agenda is going to be longevity, happiness and augmentation.

    We have to grow up as a spices and come to the end of sensation seeking and enter the era of awareness.

    Where we get the to self awareness and ability to connect.
    A 60 second coherence technique:

    ILUMINA Burning Man 2017

    Dr. Rollin McCraty

    The Power of the Heart and Social Coherence
    Rollin McCraty, Director of Research at HeartMath Institute shares research findings that prove the amazing powers of the Heart and its relationship with the brain, those around us and the vibration of the Earth

    Mary Lou Jepsen

    Books to read:

    Homo Deus and Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari.

    The Transformative Technology Conference & Expo 2017

    Katapult Future Fest in Oslo 2018 - May 14 - 16

    Reality Summit 2018 at Esalen Institute - September 30 – October 5

    Robert Kegan Orders of Mind

    Check out this amazing conversation about systemic change that Jordan Greenhall, Daniel Schmachtenberger and Forrest Landry have together

    On Soundcloud and mp3 download:

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • James Hanusa is Biggie StarDust and an awesome thought-leader in, what it is need to to take us into the near future around all things social impact, AR/VR, immersive tech, mindfulness and consciousness.

    We are having the conversation about the future are much bigger than all of us and needs top be scaled up all over the globe.

    He has created the Digital Raign - Reality Summit .

    James creates demonstration models about what it’s like to live in the future, 5 years ahead of the curve.

    His words of wisdom to you:

    Be yourself!
    Dream hard!
    Have fun!
    Love your friends and your family!
    And remember how precious life is!


    Shownotes and Links:

    2018 Reality Summit Dates & Registration:
    We are excited to announce that our 2018 happening will be held Sept. 30th-Oct 5th 2018!

    Digital Raign - Impact VR/AR/AI/Blockchain Community

    Esalen Institute

    Human Potential Movement

    Alison Raby Studied under Chris Price, Dick Price wife, founder of Esalen

    Wisdom 2.0

    Thomas A. Furness inventor of Virtual Reality


    We are the Captains of Spaceship Earth - Jason Silva

    "The new understanding of the universe has come about through the new knowledge amassed in the last hundred years — by psychologists, biologists, and other scientists, by archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians. It has defined man's responsibility and destiny — to be an agent for the rest of the world in the job of realizing its inherent potentialities as fully as possible.

    It is as if man had been suddenly appointed managing director of the biggest business of all, the business of evolution — appointed without being asked if he wanted it, and without proper warning and preparation. What is more, he can't refuse the job. Whether he wants to or not, whether he is conscious of what he is doing or not, he is in point of fact determining the future direction of evolution on this earth. That is his inescapable destiny, and the sooner he realizes it and starts believing in it, the better for all concerned."
    - Julian Huxley

    “We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully, nor for much longer, unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody.” ~ Buckminster Fuller

    What is Ontological Design


    Stu Hameroff on Consciousness
    Following a longstanding interest in the computational capacity of microtubules inside neurons, Hameroff teamed with the eminent British physicist Sir Roger Penrose to develop a controversial quantum theory of consciousness called orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) which connects brain processes to fundamental spacetime geometry

    His Ted Talks:


    Sofia the robot

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • Ray Podder - Co-Creating The Future.

    Welcome to The Captain FUTURE show with Ray Podder and the host Michael Sillion. Ray and I have an open conversation about love, the universe, innovation, creativity and the meaning of life during the #NordicFUTURE days in Sundsvall, March 2017.

    We are all on a common path of interdependence with each other towards something that is a mutual benefit for us all.

    Join the Party of Co-Creating the FUTURE and bring your good stuff!

    Find like-minded people.

    Break free from the system we have today that was invited in 800 years ago. It’s time to upgrade and invent new systems on how we run our societies.

    The technology we create is an extension of our intention.
    Intentions is always intelligent and that intention always points towards love.

    The arc of the universe is long but it always bends towards love.

    Help someone else to become their highest future potential.

    Join the Party of Co-Creating the FUTURE and bring your good stuff!

    Join us at #NordicImpactWeek in San Francisco on 6th - 14th October

    Ray Podder

    Michael Sillion

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Ray Podder on #NordicFUTURE days

  • Günther Mårder - Sätter fart på Sverige med företagande.

    Säsongen 2 av Framtidspodden som nu också heter
    the Captain FUTURE show. Första avsnittet ut är med Günther Mårder som är VD för Företagarna och det handlar om hur han vill ta Sverige och företagen in i Framtiden. Jag möter honom på #NordicFUTURE days i Sundsvall efter 3 magiska dagar där vi pratat hur vi samskapar (Co-Create) framtiden.

    Hur tar vi och sätter fart på Sverige genom företagande på riktigt?
Hur hittar vi vårt nya varför?
    Hur gör om Företagarna till en modern organisation som står redo att möta utmaningarna för framtidens företagare?


    Nordic FURURE days 21-23 March 2017


Nordic Impact Week 6-14 October 2017

    Institute for Evolutionary Leadership
    Seven Competencies of Evolutionary Leadership as Foundational Framework for Developing Designers of Alternative Economic Futures


    Günther Mårder





    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick



  • Michael Kazarnowicz

    Michael är en framtidstänkare precis som Jag Captain Future. Vi träffades och pratade om hur "Teh Internetz" har förändrat våra liv och hur vi ser på framtiden i det ihopkopplade samhället.

    All från den version i Anime filmen Ghost in the Shell från 1995 som fortfarande ställe kittlande "What If?” frågor. Ghost in the Shell är för övrigt Edward Snowdens favoritfilm enligt filmen som kom i år.

    Fortsätt utforska nätverkssamhället och vad som händer när vi kopplar samman oss och våra tankar i en “Hive-Mind" :)


    Lord Sillions first Social Media experience

    SSWC 2012 bilder


    Peter Sage and Robert Kegan: - Elevate of your mind

    Robert Kegan

    Kegan's 5 Orders of Consciousness

    Stephen Hawking - This is the most dangerous time for our planet

    Jonathan Haidt - Capitalism and Morality: Beyond Left and Right


    Solar Eclipse 2017 August 21

    Lake Of Dreams

    Burning Man 2013 - Burn // Ellie Goulding

    Jason Silva
    Shots of Awe

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Kolla in Julkalendern med Captain Future del 5 om denna pod:

    Michael Kazarnowicz



  • Fyodor - Evolutionary Designer

    Fyodor is at the forefront of the forefront in Evolutionary Leadership and Design. With his base in Oakland on the other side of San Francisco his Institute for Evolutionary Leadership set out to teach the world how best redefine how become real change makers and co-create a new world with Social Innovation.

    What is social Innovation?

    A social innovation is a novel solution to a social problem that is more effective, efficient, sustainable, or just than current solutions. The value created accrues primarily to society rather than to private individuals.

    Seven Competencies of Evolutionary Leadership as Foundational Framework for Developing Designers of Alternative Economic Futures

    Evolutionary Leadership
    We learn, practice, and co-create together to redesign cultures and institutions for
    a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world

    We can’t study Socio Economic Systems. As we study it we also change it.

    How can we switch from positional bargaining to co-creation of value?

    Social Innovation and the Human Toolbox
    Cognitive - Empathic - Social Skills

    Evolutionary designer
    Devolving Evolutionary Leadership Competences
    See systems design
    Identify stakeholders and engage them
    Develop the complexity of mind

    An evolutionary leader
    The capacity to mobilize one self and others, to consciously redesign and effekt worldviews, cultures and institutions for a better world

    Evolutionary Leadership is a capacity to mobilize oneself and others to consciously and effectively redesign worldviews, cultures, and institutions for a more just, sustainable, and flourishing world.



    The Facebook live interview - Leadership for Glocal Impact Sept 12 - 2016

    Fyodor at Nordic Impact Week 2016

    Feel free to reach out to Fyodor

    #Ulab - Theory U
    The Fifth Discipline - Peter Sengie

    #Ulab - Theory U
    The success of our actions as change-makers does not depend on What we do or How we do it, but on the Inner Place from which we operate
    The success of the intervention depends on the the inner condition of the intervenor

    Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges (2nd edition)

    Model for mapping Stakeholder & Value flows
    Melbourne Business School Asia Pacific Social Impact Centre
    Dr. Chris Dembek and Dr. Jodi York.

    Leadership for Glocal Impact: Key Insights and Related SOCAP Sessions

    The Event - Leadership for Glocal Impact: Training & International Dialogue

    Ontological Design with Jason Silva
    Everything we design in turn designs us back
    We are being actively design by that which we have designed
    Out thoughts shape our spaces and shape our tools
    Our tools and space return the favour

    The Seventh Sense - Joshua Cooper Ramo

    Yoga For Leaders - Stefan Hytfors

    Nordic Impact Week - SOCAP17 - October 7-14 2017

    Institute for Evolutionary Leadership

    Otto Scharmer - On the Making of Trump—The Blind Spot That Created Him

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • James Ehrlich - Dr. Regen

    James Ehrlich is the creator of the Tesla of Eco-Villages. He is creating Regen Villages all over the world startin gin Holland end the Nordic Countries. Find all the movies and links about it below. He is the Future Hero Dr.Regen that leads with example how we create, not a sustainable, but a regenerative future!

    Also watch the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio - Before The Flood - to get a sense the urgency to solve the global challenges we are up against.


    Recorded live at #NordicImpactWeek during SoCap i San Francisco September 2016

    Don't settle
    Don't settle into a new home that dosn't produce food water energy and waste in it's own footprint


    The FacebookLive-video with James - Nordic Impact Week 2016

    James Ehrlich - Live from Nordic Impact Week 2016

    James Ehrlich on FB live from TedX - Trondheim Spaces

    The video of Regen villages on Facebook with over 16 million views

    It’s all up to us!
    What we do Before the Flood!

    Regen Villages

    The Tesla of Ecovillages

    What is Aquaponics?

    The 'Tesla of eco-villages' is developing off-grid villages that grow their own food and generate their own power

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    I'm Captain Future

  • Isadora Wronski - Framtids-lok

    Isadora is a framtidshjälte [Future Hero] that are active both Greenpeace and Burning Man.
    The episode is in Swedish and the opening and closing are in English.

    I meet Isadora in Almedalen this summer and we talk about what we have to do, to create a flourishing future here on planet Earth for us humans.

    Also watch the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio - Before The Flood - to get a sense the urgency to solve the global challenges we are up against.

    And the documentary about the creations of Greenpeace in the movie - How to Change The World.

    Vi behöver göra saker som förenar oss som 100% människor. Vårt ensamma sekulariserade samhälle är inte rätt väg att gå in i framtiden. Vi söka något annat. Vi söker något mer. Och vi kommer samman över hela världen nu och ändrar tonen på samhället. Vi har tröttnat på Neonliberalism.

    Kom möt mig och Isadora i framtiden!

    Vad vi behöver nu är en hel grundkurs i Medborgarskap med:

    Mänskliga värden och värderingar
    Code of Conduct

    Emotionell hacking
    Grupptänk och grupphacking
    Mänskliga rättigheter OCH Mänskliga skyldigheter

    Isadora Wronski - Framtids-lok - Burner
    International Project Manager Greenpeace


    Burning Man and the Evolution of Consciousness + other burn clips

    Before the Flood med Leonardo DiCaprio

    Green Peace filmen - How to Change The World (Finns på Netflix)

    The rise of American authoritarianism

    Almedalen Seminarium - Den krackelerade välfärdsstaten?
    Wanja Lundby Wedin - Helle Klein

    Neoliberalism och ensamhet

    The future of leadership is now 2016 - Johan Rockström

    Seventh Sense:

    U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self
    Leading from an emerging future - Introduction by Otto Charmer

    Alexander Bard
    Alexander Bard: The Inevitability Of Participatory Culture (Alibis for Interaction 2015)

    Time - The Ultimate Mystery | Alexander Bard | TEDxSSE 2016

    What if the internet is God? Alexander Bard at TEDxStockholm 2013

    Alexander Bard at Filosofiska Föreningen / Lund University Philosophy Society - 13 November 2013

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • My Celebration of St Michael's Day
    It's about using our powers to create good in the world. We who are like gods (The meaning of the name Michael) must use over powers with great responsibility.

    This is a special solo episode also viewable on my YouTube channel

    My LordTalks about #NordicImpactWeek


    St Michael’s Day
    St Michael

    Alexander Bard - What if the internet is God? TEDxStockholm

    Ghost in The shell Teaser [Fan Edit]

    Ghost In The Shell - the 1995 Anime

    Daniel Priestley - Key Person Of Influence

    The Key Person of Interest Event in London Oct 7th

    Mare Nostrum Empires
    The Game

    Elon Musk - The SpaceX talk about going to mars

    400 PPM co2

    Terraforming Mars

    My Pictures

    My Blog

    Framtidspodden - The Future Pod in English

    Join in for the U.Lab course for a new new type of leadership

    Leading from an emerging future

    The MOOC that starts now in Sept 2016:
    u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future -

    Otto explains how we do sustainable change with ULab at Google

    One Earth, Two Social Fields


    And the conversation in Swedish about eSports and Code of Conduct with Carl Heath

    The St Michael’s Day SMBC comic featuring St Michael

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

  • Stefan Hyttfors - Varför jobbar du?

    Stefan Hyttfors är en Framtidshjälte som skapar framtiden genom reflektera över vart vi är på väg och sen inspirera andra på att ta den riktningen.

    Stefan känner inte så mycket för traditionella titlar jobb. Han kallar sig för Possibilsit och är nyfiken på framtiden. Han brukar istället utmana med frågan: Varför jobbar du?

    Inga tankar vi tänker nu är egentligen nya. Däremot är kontexten och mixen av dom helt nya. Det ät dags vi faktiskt skapt det samhället som vi gått och tänkt på och och pratat om så länge.

    Framtiden är en riktning!

    Framtiden är ingen karta eller ett mål. Framtiden är en riktning - en kompass. Dit vi är på väg men vi vet inte ännu riktigt vart. Vi skapar nya bättre genomtänkta system för att ta ut denna riktning och navigera den framtid vi vill ha.

    Vill du vara med och sätt denna riktningen med oss? Jag vill göra ett event där vi samla så många framtidshjältar och framtidskaptener som möjligt och hjälper varandra att sätta denna riktning.

    Jag, Michael Sillion som framtidskapten, kan även komma till dig och ditt företag, och hjälpa dig med din riktning in i framtiden genom workshop eller föreläsning. Kontakta mig!

    Tillsammans skapar vi framtiden!


    Seventh Sense
    Podcast: The Seventh Sense

    Douglas Rushkoff | Distributed: A New OS for the Digital Economy | SXSW Interactive 2016

    Stefan Hyttfors om social kapitalism 2013

    Stefan Hyttfors om Framtidens Arbete 2015

    Futurist Stefan Hyttfors - Co- creating value: future business trends 2016

    Randstad Award 2015 Stefan Hyttfors föreläsning

    It start on September 8th and an 90 minute introductory course is out now:
    Awareness-Based Systems Change with u.lab - How to Sense and Actualize the Future

    u.lab: Leading From the Emerging Future - 8 September

    Häng med till
    Nordic Impact Week 10-18th September in San Francisco

    David Eagleman on Possibilianism


    TED - David Eagleman: Can we create new senses for humans
    We accept reality as presented to us
    We are firmly settled into our Umwelt

    The Brain with David Eagleman: What Is Reality - BBC Documentary 2016

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Eran Framtidskapten


  • Johan Waller - Mr Business Wellness

    Johan Waller är en framtidshjälte som är nyfiken på samhället och hur vi gör det bättre framförallt med företagande och entreprenörskap.

    Han formulerar en vision och målbild som andra uppfattar som önskvärd och vill vara med på.

    Johan tror på en ljus framtid där mänskor gör saker tillsammans och den bästa sättet att göra saker tillsammans nu är företagande. För att företagande finansierar sig själv. Johan tror att dom som vinner i The Connection Economy är dom som attraherar människor. Ägare, medarbetare och kunder som gör val och detta går fortare och fortare och fortare i den stora accelerationen. Det går inte att gömma sig längre. Johan tror inte att det kommer att finnas ett enda förtag på sikt som inte fyller ett syfte för mänskligheten.

    Johan har bott i Kina för att förstå Världen och byggt ett konsultföretag som heter Centigo, som är ett nätverksföretag. Det är ett företag utan VD och hierarkier. Han vill gör Centigo till ett självspelande piano med sensible growth tills han inte behövs där längre. För att få ut den fulla potential ur människorna där

    Ska man ärva Familjeföretag eller lämna efter dom till dom bäst lämpade att driva företaget?

    Väljer 3 personer på ett 3 års mandat att hålla reda på det som är gemensamt.

    Nu försöker dom systemera Nätverksbaserat ledarskap istället för hierarkiskt ledarskap.

    Varje medarbetare får 2 st sponsorer som får i uppdrag att coacha denna individen som dom kallar för Stjärnor

    Vem vinner när dessa 2 företag som ska tävla mot varandra? Tänk att det ena förtaget har 20% anställda som är aktiv missnöjda och motverkar framgång. Dom som ror baklänges så fort chefen tittar bort. Och det andra har 100% anställda som aktivt bidrar till företags framgång och resa.

    Business Wellness Center på Vasagatan i Stockholm

    Business Wellness


    Videon med alla Framtidshjältar i Almedalen

    The Seventh Sense - podcast

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Johan Waller

    Eran Framtidskapten

    Framtidspodden på YouTube


    London Brand Accelerator 7th Oct

    Nordic Impact Week 10-19th Sept

    The Seventh Sense - podcast

    Douglas Rushkoff | Distributed: A New OS for the Digital Economy | SXSW Interactive 2016

    Stefan Hyttfors om Framtidens Arbete

    History of Work - School Of Life

    Scott Dinsmore - How To find work you love

    Roman Krznaric explains How to Find Fulfilling Work

    Sara Modig - Ikigai 2 eller det meningsfulla arbetet

    Ken Robinson - Finding Your Element

    Ken Robinson on Passion at School Of Life

    Gomorron Sverige
    Semestern är slut – så hanterar du omställningen

    Noam Chomsky - 'Requiem For The American Dream'

  • Feffe - med framtidskraften Passionerad Energi

    Välkommen till avsnitt 14 av Framtidspodden
    Hur går vi från Soffsittare till Framtidsskapare?

    Och hur får vi andra att växa och gå i samma riktning för att agera och göra framtiden bättre?

    Det är dessa och flera andra frågor som jag, Michael Sillion och Feffe Andersson pratar om i detta samtal i Framtidspodden inspelat i heta dagar i Almedalen. Tillsammans höjer vi samtalet om den framtid vi skapar tillsammans.

    Feffe är har tänkt mycket kring hur vi gör nätverkande bättre i Almedalen och likände event och tillställningar och tog tag i det och skapade appen Mingla genom sin roll på Milttonlabs och lanserade den inför Almedalen. Den vann där priset Innovativast i Almedalen.

    Förändra värden och göra framtiden bättre genom att agera nu genom

    1 Politiken
    2 Företagandet
    3 Personliga övertygelse och val i vardagen

    Börja med att labba med hur vi skapar framtiden!

    Tack för ett oväntat möte Feffe!
    Man vet inte vem människor är för än man pratat med dom.


    Hur sätter vi en riktning och Makrotrend?
    Hur kan vi prata mer om Framtiden?

    Hur slutar vi sitta på soffan?

    Hur bygger vi nätverk världen över. Hur gör vi det fysiska mötet ännu bättre?

    Hur bygger vi en ny folkrörelse kring att skapa framtiden?

    Nätverkshastighet på beslut
    Who else is here?
    Only invest in things that gives us Feedback

    The author of THE SEVENTH SENSE, Joshua Cooper Ramo, talks to Reid Hoffman, founder and chairman of Linkedin

    Reid Hoffman on best strategies, valuable lessons, the PayPal mafia & creating early social networks

    Jason Silva
    “Hacking your reality tunnel”

    Mingla Appen


    Urban Egenström på Fastighetspodden

    Feffe på Milttonlabs

    Feffe and Lord Sillion on why you should come to Almedalen as an Entrepreneur

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Eran Framtidskapten

  • Per Clingweld - The Value ConnectorVälkommen till avsnitt 13 av FramtidspoddenJag möter Per i ett kokande Visby under Almedalsveckan. Per är i år drivande inom kampanjen för Just Arrived Fast Track för få nyanlända snabbt anställda utan krångel och risk. Förra året fick han igång Startup Grind Almedalen. Han är Framtidshjälten Value Connector med sin framtidskraft för att skapa värdefulla möten mellan människor.Alla stora och små projekt i världen har börjat med ett samtal.Shownotes:Startup Grindhttps://www.startupgrind.com/Just Arrivedhttp://justarrived.se/Welcome Apphttp://welcomeapp.se/Effective alturism Lär dig att delta på social event och nätverka på rätt sättSatsa på att få nya vänner istället för nya kontakterTa dig från Ord till HandlingSteve BlankHow to Build a Startup - The Lean LaunchPadhttps://www.udacity.com/course/how-to-build-a-startup--ep245Bästa delen: Customer Development ProcessesMer Steve Blankhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1RTcXwJuCaUNova for Per jobbar med topp 100 listanhttp://nova.comhttp://novasverige.se/nova100/Why should you come to Almedalen as an entrepreneur and a social entrepreneur? Per Clingweld gives us his version why you should come here.I @LordSillion as Captain Future and host of Framtidspodden gives my view as wellRodrigo Muñoz shows up as well giving his story We also walks into the Startup Grind Event. One the events held in EnglishOn Youtube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uCGhZN1948On Facebook live;https://www.facebook.com/sillion/videos/vb.548842408/10153653278217409/?type=2&theaterThe final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowickhttps://soundcloud.com/davidbowick/summoners-battle/LordSillionEran Framtidskapten

  • Ulf Stenerhag - Mr Dip

    Vi möter Ulf Stenerhag som drivs av att skapa en bättre framtid genom entreprenörskap.
    Han vill koppla samman musik- natur och affärsverksamhet. Det mest går att hitta lösningar på. Även det omöjliga. Särskilt när när det re svårt.

    Find something with a dip
    If it were easy everyone would do it - Seth Godin

    Han har skapat ölet Not For Sale Ale
    Där all profit går till kampen mot modernt slaveri

    Han har massor med Ambassadörer världen över både volontärer och entreprenörer som driver Not For Sale Ale

    Kraften kommer underifrån!
    Detta är bara början!

    Han vill vara en en inspirationskälla till andra att förbättra världen med entreprenörskap.

    Show Notes

    Hans Hassle

    Daniel E Martin - Stanford

    Alla företagare måste kunna attrahera både anställda och kunder med en menig i det dom gör.

    Och ölen då?

    Det är en 3.4 folköl Pale Ale och en starköl Pale Ale

    Det var god :)

    Ulf tror på att hålla isär affärsverksamhet och fritid

    Ge inte upp. Ta dig igenom ditt dike

    FNs 17 Global Goals

    Bert-Ola Bergstrand

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Eran Framtidskapten

  • Ola Wallström - Dr. Klarsynt

    Jag träffar Ola Wallström på entreprenörveckan i Båstad och pratar med Ola om kreativt och socialt företagande och framtiden.

    Ola verkar för att vi ska förstå hur vi människor fungerar. Han är en serieentreprenör som nu mera föreläser för och coachar företagare.

    Det gäller att få Klarsynthet.
    När vi eldar upp oss kommer problemen.

    Jobba med insikter
    Ta in nytt
    Lägg pussel
    Se världen på ett bättre sätt
    Hamna i flow med dina tankar och ett avslappnat förhållande till dom
    Välj vilka tankar du väljer att lyssna på
    Våra tankar är inte sanningen

    Vi skapar vår verklighet sekund för sekund beroende på vilka tankar vi väljer att lyssna på. - Ola Wallström

    I varje givet ögonblick har du potentialen att tänka en annan tanke som förändrar din verklighet

    Peter Sage och dom 4 nivåer av medvetenhet

    Nivå 1 är offerkoftan och att världen händer på en.
    Nivå 2 är att ta kontroll och affimera sig fram.
    Nivå 3 medveten om sina egna tankar och plats i Världen.
    Nivå 4 bli ett med världen

    Förr brukade Ola för på nivå 2
    Affirmera & Fake it till you make

    Lyft det till nästa nivå istället


    Livet är ett äventyr som ska levas
    Ta inte bort några känslor
    Förstå vad du känner och tänker istället
    Det är okej att vara arg och ledsen. Var medveten om dina känslor och stanna inte i dom


    Vi måste bort från kvartalsrapporterna och kortsiktiga beslut i företag. Att gå från en utdelgenom börsen till att betala ut dividends igen. Detta pratar Douglas Rushkoff & Mitch Joel så bra om i denna podden:

    Douglas Rushkoff & Mitch Joel

    Throwing Rocks at the Google Bus: How Growth Became the Enemy of Prosperity - Douglas Rushkoff

    Boktips från Ola

    Reinventing Organizations - Frederic Laloux

    The Inside Out Revolution - Michael Neil
    Michael Neil on TEDxBend - Why Aren't We Awesomer?

    Bara en tanke - Din guide till villkorslöst välmående - Dennis Westerberg

    Tänk om - Du stressar i onödan - Tomas Lydahl


    Olas hemsida - Mera Mål:


    The final song is: Summoner's Battle curtesy of David Bowick

    Here is awesome presentation by Parag Khanna about our connected world :)

    Eran Framtidskapten

  • Am I just a foolish boy with too many dreams of the future?
    Or do you share any of my thoughts for a better future?

    I Lord Michael Sillion gets very philosophical about the future after watching Captain America Civil War and watching one of the most beautiful full moon watchings in my life.

    What are humankinds greatest inventions?

    Love and Music are 2 most profound

    Recorded and digital music bing our greatest legacy to leave behind

    And of course the digital transmitted word. The tool of the internet?

    How do we incentivize the future we want?
    Money has been very useful so far but now we need better and more systems thinking in our societal design.
    What are the sum of all human activity?

    Oh and do listen to the end for my easter egg as in any good Marvel Movie

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle courtesy of David Bowick

    Lets #MoonWatch together and Dance together this summer!
    And do join me in Almedalen for some deep philosophical pondering late at night.

    Lord Sillion
    I'm Captain Future

  • How do we hack the Future?
    We can’t hack the present and we can’t hack the past but we can create the future!

    I talk about my lifelong relationship with The Matrix and how it has yet again redefined my life, this past month.

    I can't go back, can I? - Neo
    No. But if you could, would you really want to? - Morpheus

    There is no putting this Genie back into the bottle. The only way forward is into a more creative future.

    We are now seeing some serious challenges racking up, here on Spaceship Earth. Although there is much and fast change happening all around us, the major part of humanity and our “Companies” are not keeping up with this change and our challenges. They are still trapped in The Matrix and the olden world of thinking. It’s up to us, people like you and me to unplug them from The Matrix, their fixed mindset and their limited way of thinking. To elevate them beyond the “To Me” and “By Me” attitude and help us all get our “Self Authoring Minds”.

    Check out my blog about it:
    Elevate Your Mind

    Have you ever had a dream, Neo, that you were so sure was real? What if you were unable to wake from that dream? How would you know the difference between the dream world and the real world? – Morpheus

    I also listen to the awesome new TED talk with Moran Cerf how we can hack our brains in our dreams. And maybe we could learn Kung Fu while we sleep?

    That is what I want do as a Future Captain. To elevate myself, you, our tribe and everyone living on and piloting Spaceship Earth with us. I do it with this podcast and with all the events I’m creating like my upcoming Framtidsfrukost and Framtidslunch on May 27th in Varberg

    Happy Hacking!

    Happy Future!
    Show notes

    The 2 awesome pods:

    Inside Quest

    30 days of Genius - Chase Jarvis

    And the special episode with
    Tom Bilyeu - How To Be A Jedi
    My The Matrix story:

    X-Men Apocalypse

    Residual Self Image
    Peter Sage

    To Me
    By Me
    Through Me
    As Me

    Burning man

    Robert Kegan
    The Self Authoring Mind
    The Self Transforming Man


    Lifelong learning

    The 4 possible Futures:

    The Mad Max Future
    The Venus Future
    The Star Trek Future
    The Ecotopia Future

    Last Lord Talk

    Connecting The World

    Making The Human Kit:


    Framtidsfrukost 27 maj
    Framtidslunch 27 maj

    Happy Hacking!
    Happy Future!

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle courtesy of David Bowick

    Lord Sillion
    I'm Captain Future

  • Future Insights - Happy Future!

    Welcome to a very spell solo episode of the Framtidspodden - The Future Pod - where I Captain Future - Lord Sillion talk about social innovation - creativity and 2 sunny hot days in May in Oslo at the Future Insight conference.

    This is a soft-launch of phase 2 of my podcast where i step up the focus and the quality of Framtidspodden

    Enjoy and Happy Future!

    Team Sweden in Oslo - Patrik Jemteborn - Peter Erdegard - Johan Lange - Bert-Ola Bergstrand - Michael Sillion

    Leading from an emerging Future!

    Having Future Insights is all about leading from an Emerging Future. About sensing our highest possible future and start creating it. To do that we need a new mindset & attitude and a new skill set. We all need to train Creativity, Compassion, Composure and Collaboration. We need to start asking more interesting questions and "dumb" questions and to laugh more. We create disruption in ourselves and others.

    We create many more charging stations for our brains!

    We do that by assembling lots more creative hubs and more and better creative events.


    Future Insight in Oslo

    Facebook event

    The event with all the speakers

    Leif Edvinsson after the event

    “Number of question you ask”
    “Number of times you laugh”
    The Creativity Index

    Ariana Huffington - Get more sleep

    Ariana Huffington on Good Life Project

    What do you bleed?

    Ken Robinson on what we need for skills to create the future

    What are the charging stations of the brain in the world?

    Scott Dinsmore
    Live Your Legend Local

    Truls Berg on Open Innovation Lab


    The SoCentral meetup

    Almedalen - Prototype
    Skapa Framtiden i Almedalen

    U.Lab: Transforming Business, Society, and Self
    Introduction by Otto Charmer

    Leading from an emerging future

    My other Lord Talks

    The final song is: Summoner's Battle courtesy of David Bowick

    Let’s create a better future together!
    Together is the keyword here!

    Lord Sillion
    I'm Captain Future