Our founders, Ps Hannes and Mandy Wessels called to the five fold ministry at a young age, were lead to plant a church in their Knysna home in 1993. However, they would later feel called back to Port Elizabeth where Frontline Ministries would be birthed in 2000.
God would later stir their hearts for Johannesburg; and In 2005 they handed over Frontline Ministries Port Elizabeth to Pastors Gavin and Louise Fourie, whom they had raised up as Pastors.
While assisting and co-pastoring 2 churches in Johannesburg, Pastors Hannes and Mandy would go on to attend a prophetic meeting where they were singled out in a Holy Spirit encounter. In October of 2011 Frontline City Church was planted. Eight years later, a church that had it’s humble beginnings in the lounge of it’s Roodepoort passed Pastors, Frontline City Church has grown and flourished into a Holy Spirit filled Church that seeks to encounter the Supernatural in every meeting.
In 2014 Frontline City Church moved to a desolate tomato packing tin shed in Honeydew, Roodepoort. Working hand in hand, the premises was developed into a unique venue for an equally unique family.
In 2015 Pastor Hannes and Mandy decided to submit Frontline City Church under the Apostolic covering of Apostle Nicky van der Westhuizen, founder of NBCFC. Today our ministry reaches the lost through established social services, supernatural evangelism and missionary projects that reach beyond the borders of South Africa. Being accountable is a serious matter for our visionaries.
As a result, Frontline is a ministry accountable to apostolic covering. The prophetic and supernatural ministry is evident and well balanced with sound preaching and teaching of the Word. Our focus is on Christ. Our mission is to raise up men and women as mighty heat-seeking missiles for God. Ministries are birthed and people are sent out to make a difference in the World.
Frontline City Church is a Christ centred, supernatural, Bible-based church. United by it’s dynamic, impactful and loving congregation that represents every part of our beautiful Rainbow Nation of South Africa.