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    For his Custom GPT go here

    How to Build a Custom GPT That Saves Hours

    I had my man Jonathan Moss on the show again, and we dove deep into the world of custom GPTs for go-to-market strategies. Jonathan's been talking about this stuff for months, and he finally showed us the goods. He built this badass GPT that helps create comprehensive GTM plans, and let me tell you, it's impressive. We got into the nitty-gritty of how it works, why it's so useful, and the thought process behind building it. Jonathan even gave us a live demo, showing how this thing generates product descriptions, ICPs, buyer personas, and a whole lot more. It was like watching a master craftsman at work.

    What really blew my mind was how much time this tool saves compared to the old-school manual way of doing things. We're talking weeks or months of work condensed into a couple of hours or even minutes. Jonathan and I got into a great discussion about the importance of domain expertise when using AI - you can't just expect the machine to do all the work, you gotta bring your A-game too. We also talked about making these GPTs user-friendly, because what's the point of a tool if no one can figure out how to use it? The conversation got me fired up about the potential of this tech, especially when we started talking about using GPTs for multilingual team enablement. It's crazy to think about how far we've come and where this tech could take us in the future.

    Bullet highlights:

    Jonathan sees GPTs as starter kits for AI agents

    His GTM GPT incorporates 12 key steps, from product description to risk analysis

    The GPT uses a knowledge base of trusted GTM frameworks and resources

    It generates tailored content like ICPs, personas, and sales messaging

    They discuss how this drastically cuts down strategy development time

    Importance of proper context and prompting in getting good AI outputs

    Using GPTs for multilingual team enablement

    Key quotes:


    "They used to say that Content is king, but with AI Context is king. Because if people know context then - Trade and mark that. Trade and mark that! Seriously, because every time I prompt and I get something wrong, I'm like, I didn't give enough context. It's my fault. I'm the problem. It's not the AI's fault."


    "Think about putting like a go to market strategy like this, or even a component of that... You would sit, you would think you would ask people, you'd try to figure it out. You'd have to pull all the resources in and stuff. It would take people, it would take weeks or months to figure this out. And then now you can just have a starting point."


    "AI is not just going to go and do things for you. It's no silver bullet, but those that have domain expertise... use AI to just catapult that to another level."


    "If I go through this process, it already has so much information and insight about my go to market. It can provide me a better result on what it is that I'm looking for. And that's really the reason that I come back and use it on and on again."

  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com/


    "AI-Powered Sales Coaching: How GRW AI is Revolutionizing Revenue Teams"

    I recently sat down with Alex, co-founder and CEO of GRW AI, to discuss how his company is reshaping sales enablement through AI-powered coaching. Alex walked me through his career path, starting as a guest columnist and evolving into a tech sales leader before founding GRW AI. We dove deep into the problems plaguing sales teams today: minimal coaching, missed quotas, and high turnover rates. Alex introduced me to Taylor, GRW AI's AI-powered deal coach, explaining how it provides tailored, context-aware guidance to salespeople. He showed me how Taylor works with CRM systems, adapts to company-specific sales methods, and offers real-time advice throughout the sales process. We also covered the tech behind GRW AI, including its use of multiple large language models and ability to incorporate new AI advancements quickly.

    Alex shared a compelling customer success story, where a company achieved record-breaking results even after losing their sales manager, thanks to GRW AI. We addressed common concerns about AI trust and hallucination, with Alex explaining their approach to training the AI on company-specific playbooks for accuracy. Our conversation then shifted to the future of sales enablement, predicting a move towards more targeted, data-driven strategies enabled by AI. We explored AI's potential to enhance rather than replace salespeople, emphasizing that human relationships remain crucial in sales. We wrapped up by discussing how AI might reshape sales processes, with Alex suggesting that while core buying and selling dynamics may stay the same, AI will greatly improve efficiency and preparation in sales activities.

    3. Bullet point highlights:

    - GRW AI addresses the "sales execution gap" with an AI-powered deal coach named Taylor
    - Taylor provides personalized, context-aware guidance throughout the sales process
    - GRW AI integrates with CRM systems and is trained on company-specific sales methodologies
    - The platform has helped customers achieve record-breaking sales results
    - AI in sales enablement is predicted to focus on performance improvement and data-driven approaches
    - The future of sales is seen as AI-augmented rather than AI-replaced
    - AI is expected to increase the time salespeople spend with customers by reducing administrative tasks

    4. 5 Key Quotes from Alex about AI that Go-to-Market teams would find useful:

    1. "Imagine if every single one of your salespeople in your organization had a deal coach available to them that had intimate knowledge of who you are, what you sell, who you sell to and your way of selling."

    2. "Taylor played the part of expert manager, but the difference is Taylor can be in 10 places at once, 100 places at once and a manager can't."

    3. "I think AI can, in our case anyway, certainly help sales enablement allocate time, effort, and resource towards the right things. And then also attribute that what they're doing is working."

    4. "I see a world where being in sales, you're spending more time focused on the customer and less time doing the admin and that side of things."

    5. "AI augmented selling is to me... like you put on the Ironman suit and I'm able to do things that I couldn't, like I'm faster, I'm stronger, I'm smarter. I'm able to do things I couldn't do before, or I'm able to do things 10, a hundred times faster and better than I could do them before."

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  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com https://gaiinsights.com/ "Why Slow Adoption Could Sink Your Business"

    Paul Baier CEO and CoFounder of GAI Insights offered a wealth of knowledge and strategic insights on the rapid adoption of generative AI in business during this enlightening podcast. Drawing from his extensive experience working with various companies, Paul discussed the urgency for businesses to embrace AI technologies and the potential pitfalls of slow adoption. He went into the challenges organizations face in implementing AI, from securing budget allocations to managing change across large workforces.

    Listeners will gain valuable perspectives on how to prioritize AI projects for maximum ROI, understand the importance of experiential learning in AI adoption, and learn about emerging trends that could reshape industries. Baier's insights are particularly valuable for executives and decision-makers grappling with AI integration, offering practical advice on starting small with low-risk projects and building a culture of AI literacy.

    We also touch on the potential impact of AI on job markets, the shift towards audio interfaces, and the looming disruption in the SEO landscape.

    GAI Insights is also putting on an event sponsored by Forbes called GENERATIVE AI WORLD on October 7-8 in Boston. https://www.generativeaiworld2024.com/

    Here are some highlights:

    • The importance of alignment on AI urgency within organizations

    • The shift from upskilling employees to improving customer service as a priority for AI investment

    • The potential for significant job displacement in certain industries due to AI

    • The value of learning communities in AI adoption

    • The prediction of audio interfaces becoming dominant in AI interactions

    • The potential disruption of the SEO industry by AI-powered search tools

    Quotes from Paul Baier:

    • "We aspire to be the Gartner of Gen AI."

    • "Part of this knowledge worker, for instance, in entertainment in Hollywood was a real strike. That was a real strike for seven and a half months. It was no BS. And that was around ChatGPT 3.5."

    • "We have a thousand interns at our fingertips in every possible thing here. Why are we thinking that our little monkey brain is so much better than they are?"

    • "This is the worst AI for the rest of our lives. And it's still blowing us away."

    • "We actually believe that slow follower in some industries is an absolute loser strategy."

    • "Our grandkids are going to laugh. I said, when you applied for a job, you actually had to type something in interview here."

    Had a blast talking with him, cannot wait for more!

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    https://www.joinpavilion.com/"Supercharging Go-to-Market with AI: Pavilion's Josh Carter Reveals Game-Changing Strategies"

    2. Expanded summary paragraph:
    In this eye-opening podcast episode, Josh Carter, Head of Demand Gen at Pavilion, unveils his cutting-edge approach to harnessing AI in go-to-market strategies. Carter delves into how Pavilion has seamlessly integrated AI tools into their marketing and sales workflows, transforming everything from personalized outreach to streamlined business case creation for potential members. He emphasizes the critical balance between AI automation and human oversight, highlighting how this synergy has driven unprecedented results. Carter shares concrete examples of their AI implementations, including personalized email generation for chapter heads and an innovative self-service expense template creator for prospects. These strategies have not only enhanced efficiency but also significantly improved the buyer's journey. The impact of these AI-driven initiatives is evident in Pavilion's recent success, with the company exceeding its targets and achieving an impressive 115% of their ARR goal in July. Throughout the conversation, Carter provides valuable insights into the practical application of AI in marketing operations, offering a blueprint for other companies looking to leverage AI in their go-to-market efforts.

    3. Important things to know from Josh:
    - AI is used to increase efficiency and personalization in marketing and sales processes
    - Focus on down-funnel conversion and enabling local chapter heads with AI-powered tools
    - Utilizes tools like Copy AI and Claude 3.5 for generating personalized emails and call prep notes
    - Emphasizes the importance of "human in the loop" when using AI-generated content
    - Created an automated system for generating personalized expense templates for potential members

    4. Quotes from Josh:
    "The way I look at AI is what is something that maybe a sales rep is doing today or a chapter head is doing today? How do I make that process a lot quicker?"

    "I am a huge fan of human in the loop. Like I do not want to, I want to make sure that our reps are in our chapter heads when they have an email that's personalized and ready to send to a lead."

    "It's all about the really the enablement's a key piece to increase that time to value or decrease that time to value for your reps to be able to deliver a message for your leads to get the right message at the right time."

    "The important piece is that if you leverage a tool like copy AI, or even you could use Zapier and have each step be like a open AI... action or event inside of Zapier."

    "I'm going from like doing the enablement side to now what, how do I make it easier for a customer to buy and give them everything that they need to self service on their own?"

  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com/



    I just had a great chat with Mac Reddin, the guy behind Commsor. He's got some strong opinions on AI and how we're using it in business. Mac's not anti-AI, but he's definitely skeptical. He thinks we're putting too much faith in AI, especially in sales and marketing. His main point? AI should help us connect with people, not replace those connections. We talked about how AI can be useful, but also how it can go wrong if we're not careful. Mac shared some cool examples of using AI as a tool, not a crutch. He's worried about the long-term effects of relying too much on AI, especially when it comes to building real relationships. It was a eye-opening conversation that really made me think about how we're balancing tech and human touch in business today.

    Highlights of the conversation in bullet points:

    Mac's journey as a young entrepreneur and the creation of Commsor The concept of Commsor as an "anti-AI" platform focusing on human networks Critique of current AI implementations in sales and marketing Discussion on the potential misuse and overestimation of AI capabilities The importance of using AI as an assistant rather than a replacement for human interaction Insights on the loneliness epidemic and the need for genuine human connections Examples of how AI can be used effectively to support relationship-building Concerns about the long-term impacts of AI on human interactions and business practices

    Key Quotes from Mac:

    "We help you basically activate your company's network to drive pipeline, drive revenue." "I feel like AI to me feels a lot like the .com bubble to me, right? Internet was new. People poured money into it. This is the future. This is the future. And then, oops, not quite yet." "As soon as it becomes a pattern, it feels like a sales message and your brain just goes, nevermind." "AI should be your assistant, not your replacement. And as soon as it's used as a replacement in relationships, oof. Good luck." "I use chat GPT as a sparring partner to send it ideas and flesh things out and, take raw things and help shape them a bit more." "I wouldn't call myself, I would say I'm an AI skeptic, not an anti AI person is the best way to put it."
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    "Accelerating AI Adoption: Strategies for Business Transformation and Productivity Gains" In-depth summary:

    This episode of "The GTM AI Podcast" podcast, hosted by Jonathan Kvarfordt (Coach K), features an insightful conversation with Dr. Lisa Chillingworth Watson and Meredith Thatcher, co-founders of Accelerate AI, Inc. The discussion explores the critical role of AI in business transformation, productivity enhancement, and strategic decision-making across various industries.

    The conversation delves into Accelerate AI's unique approach to helping organizations assess and implement AI solutions. They highlight their AI Business Impact Assessment tool, which rapidly evaluates the potential productivity and economic impact of AI on businesses. The experts emphasize the importance of a comprehensive AI strategy that goes beyond simply adopting tools like ChatGPT or Microsoft's Copilot, stressing the need for alignment with overall business objectives, governance structures, and change management processes.

    Watson and Thatcher share insights on the widespread applicability of AI across industries, noting that over 98% of occupations can benefit from AI in some capacity. They discuss the potential time savings - averaging 10 hours per week per employee - and the need for organizations to strategically repurpose this gained efficiency. The conversation also touches on the challenges of change management, the importance of upskilling and reskilling employees, and the need for leadership to guide the transition to AI-augmented work environments.

    Highlighted sections: Introduction of Accelerate AI and its AI Business Impact Assessment tool Discussion on the definition and components of a comprehensive AI strategy Insights on AI's impact across different industries and occupations Exploration of the strategic value of AI beyond operational efficiencies Vision of an ideal AI-enabled work environment for employees

    Key quotes from Lisa Chillingworth Watson and Meredith Thatcher:

    1. "Our research is showing us our first round of benchmarking is showing that on average across multiple different types of industries that employees can save up to 10 hours per week per person." - Meredith Thatcher

    2. "An AI strategy will encompass all of those, it's the people. It's the systems, it's the operation and the rules that govern growth and success." - Lisa Chillingworth Watson

    3. "Greater than 98 percent of the occupations have a benefit from AI of some capacity. It's crazy. Which is astounding. When you think about it." - Meredith Thatcher

    4. "We're showing between 18 and 24 percent of efficiency gain, easy gain, right? And so you go, wow what do you do with that time?" - Lisa Chillingworth Watson

    5. "It's not just the time and the efficiencies, but now I can do things I could never do before. Or I couldn't do it fast enough. It would take too many people or the data wasn't good enough or we didn't have the technology that could dig into the data and look at it in a bigger way." - Meredith Thatcher

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    Revolutionizing Go-to-Market Strategies with AI-Powered Data Enrichment: Insights from Clay's Head of Growth Marketing

    I recently interviewed Bruno Estrella, Head of Growth Marketing at Clay, about their innovative approach to data enrichment and go-to-market strategies. Bruno explained how Clay differentiates itself from traditional data providers by offering a flexible, AI-powered platform that aggregates data from multiple sources. This approach significantly improves data coverage and allows for creative, customized research at scale.

    We discussed the evolution of outbound marketing techniques and how Clay automates many time-consuming tasks, such as manual research and data entry. Bruno emphasized the importance of having a "human in the loop" to ensure data accuracy and brand consistency, despite the increasing capabilities of AI.

    The conversation touched on Clay's consumption-based pricing model, which Bruno believes better aligns with customer value than traditional seat-based models. We also explored the potential impact of AI on various aspects of go-to-market strategies, including sales processes, marketing automation, and customer engagement.

    Bruno shared his thoughts on the future of AI in business, expressing both excitement about its potential to streamline mundane tasks and concern about the risk of over-automation damaging AI's reputation. He predicted that the buyer's journey will evolve, with more technical and informed buyers seeking direct access to product information and demos before engaging with sales teams.

    Bullet points of highlighted moments for GTM professionals:

    - Clay aggregates data from 80+ providers, improving data coverage and accuracy
    - AI automates qualitative research, transforming it into structured data points
    - Consumption-based pricing model aligns product value with customer usage
    - Importance of maintaining human oversight in AI-driven processes
    - Prediction: GTM teams will focus more on systems and automations to qualify leads
    - Future buyers expected to be more technically informed and ready to purchase when engaging with sales

    Key Quotes from Bruno:

    "Clay is different because Clay is very much it's a very flexible product. So you can, we bring, you can bring data from the typical databases that people bring."

    "We actually aggregate multiple data providers. So if you want to find someone's email, let's say let's say you want to find someone's work email. And we, we try one data provider and you can see this happening."

    "If you can think of what's the best case scenario, you could probably do it from an enrichment point of view. Cause like you can actually grab the data because it's very qualitative. You can actually transform qualitative information to quantitative using AI."

    "We truly believe that you should pay for what you get and you should pay for consumption of the product."

    "I think there's still going to be some level of qualification. There's still going to be human, but there's going to be some evolution, like with the types of questions, the types of engagements that you do on these steps before people buy."

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    Securing AI: How Liminal is Revolutionizing Enterprise-Wide AI Adoption Kevin DePopas

    Head of Go-to-Market at Liminal , shares invaluable insights on the challenges and opportunities of implementing AI in large enterprises. He discusses how Liminal's innovative approach to AI security is enabling companies to harness the power of generative AI without compromising sensitive data. Kevin also offers a fresh perspective on AI adoption strategies, emphasizing the importance of user-centric deployment over ROI-focused use cases.

    Liminal https://www.liminal.ai/ acts as a governance layer between AI tools and users, ensuring security and compliance. They provide solutions that manage and monitor AI systems, helping businesses maintain control and trust in their AI operations. By implementing Liminal.ai’s tools, companies can confidently use AI technologies while safeguarding data and adhering to regulatory standards.

    Bullet highlights:

    The rise of "shadow AI" and why firewalling access isn't the solution Liminal's unique approach to securing generative AI in regulated industries The shift from use case-driven to user adoption-focused AI implementation The potential emergence and evolution of the Chief AI Officer role Innovative ways to leverage voice recognition in AI interactions

    Key Quotes from Kevin DePopas :

    "Tying your generative AI deployments to hardline ROI and on a use case by use case basis, it can actually delay you quite significantly... The best way to get generative AI into the business is to start with what employees are already using."

    "We're trying to shift the conversation... focus on user adoption first. There's plenty of studies out there showing if you get your users effectively using generative AI, they're going to be much more efficient."

    "I rapidly see [the CISO's role] changing where the CISO is a part of a much larger kind of decision-making process... a lot of organizations are creating these centers of excellence that are a lot of different departments recommending people to be on this committee and they're making decisions as a committee."

    "I think we see a lot of technologies in the near future... stop being 'AI'. It's just going to become table stakes, right? If you're not leveraging AI, it'd be like not leveraging natural language processing in your search functionality within your application."

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    I recently interviewed Elaine Zelby CoFounder and CEO of Tofu , an AI-powered marketing tool. We discussed her journey from mechanical engineering to venture capital and eventually founding her own AI company. Elaine shared insights on the challenges in marketing, particularly the proliferation of tools and the labor-intensive nature of content creation.

    She explained how Tofu aims to automate top-of-funnel activities for B2B companies, leveraging AI to create personalized, omnichannel campaigns. We explored the technical aspects of Tofu, including its use of various AI models and quality evaluation frameworks. Elaine also offered advice on evaluating AI tools, emphasizing the importance of addressing specific pain points and integrating seamlessly with existing workflows.

    We touched on the future of AI in marketing, particularly in imagery and video creation, and discussed the potential for more specialized B2B-focused AI models.

    Bullet Points of Highlights:

    - Tofu automates top-of-funnel marketing activities for B2B companies

    - The tool uses a combination of AI models, selecting the best one for each task

    - Elaine emphasizes the importance of workflow integration in AI tool adoption

    - Future developments in AI for marketing may include better imagery and video creation

    - Elaine advocates for a bottom-up approach to AI adoption in marketing teams

    Key Quotes from Elaine:

    1. "The big play, hence the name Tofu , it's really put the entire top of funnel on autopilot for B2B companies."

    2. "We take this very seriously because quality of the outputs is what's going to get usage and retention."

    3. "I think given the fact that the models are improving so quickly to where I think the winners will be, and this is also putting my investor hat back on where I think the winners are going to come from are the people who deeply nail workflow for a very specific persona."

    4. "I've asked probably a hundred CMOs a question on whether they're taking a top down or bottoms up approach to AI adoption. And what I'm finding and how I would guide marketing leaders, or go to market leaders, is to do the bottoms up adoption route."

    Take a listen and tell me what you think!

  • AI-Powered Group Learning: Revolutionizing Corporate Education

    www.gtmaiacademy.com www.sparkwise.co

    In my latest podcast episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Vince Jeong the CEO and Cofounder of Sparkwise . We dove deep into the future of corporate learning in the AI era. Vince shared his fascinating journey from McKinsey consultant to edtech entrepreneur, and we discussed how Sparkwise is leveraging AI to enhance group learning experiences. Our conversation covered the challenges of virtual learning, the potential risks and benefits of AI in education, and how Sparkwise is addressing the pressing need for AI adoption in corporate environments. I was impressed by Vince's insights and Sparkwise's innovative approach to learning.

    Bullets of highlights for GTM professionals:

    I learned that Sparkwise focuses on creating engaging, AI-enhanced group learning experiences for corporate environments

    We discussed how their platform addresses key challenges in virtual learning: connection, attention, and diverse learning modalities

    Vince explained how Sparkwise is helping companies tackle low AI adoption rates in the workplace through interactive group learning

    We both emphasized the importance of developing critical thinking skills alongside AI usage

    Our conversation explored the potential risks of over-reliance on AI in learning and skill development

    Key comments from Vince that stood out to me:

    1. On Sparkwise's approach to AI in learning:

    "We are all about how do you use AI to turbocharge that? Versus oh, yeah, it's not possible. Let's do things. And for us, one fundamental belief we have we're in. We're in the corporate learning space. So we're teaching adults who are busy professionals and all of that. We've definitely structured our platform around human to human interaction. Our belief is that human to human interaction is necessary for people to actually want to learn and try, like hard because you have to try putting the effort to learn."

    2. On the challenge of AI adoption in corporations:

    "What we consistently hear is... 'We bought an enterprise license to, I don't know, chat GPT or we rolled out for pilot... 5 percent of people are using it. The rest don't seem to care' or 'tried it once it gave mediocre output. They're like, this is not for me.' And it stopped. And people say this is a change management problem. The technology is actually pretty easy to roll out... But the adoption is crawling at most companies."

    3. On the potential risks of over-reliance on AI:

    "The risk is, okay, let's you have a Jarvis... or is Jarvis enabling you to really do better or are you going to be so overreliant on that you never even build a judgment yourself? When do you know that Jarvis is telling you a great insight versus a good insight versus a crappy insight if never do it yourself? I think a lot of people are grappling with this challenge. Will we collectively become stupider as a species? It's a good question."

    As I reflect on my conversation with Vince, I'm struck by the immense potential and challenges that AI brings to the world of corporate learning. Sparkwise's approach of using AI to enhance, rather than replace, human interaction in learning environments is both innovative and thoughtful. Vince's insights into the struggles companies face with AI adoption and the importance of developing critical thinking skills alongside AI usage are particularly relevant in today's rapidly evolving digital landscape.

    What resonated with me most was Vince's emphasis on the human element in learning. In an age where we're constantly bombarded with new technologies, it's refreshing to see a company like Sparkwise focusing on how AI can foster better human-to-human connections and more engaging group learning experiences.

    For those interested in staying ahead of the curve in corporate education and AI adoption, Sparkwise is definitely a company to watch. You can learn more about their innovative approach at sparkwise.co.

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    AI Agents: The Future of Work or Just Another Buzz?

    I recently had a fascinating conversation with Adam Smith CEO and Cofounder of Workbounce about the evolving landscape of AI in business. I wanted to understand his POV of how AI agents are revolutionizing workplace productivity, particularly in sales and enablement. Adam shared insights on WorkBounce's innovative approach to AI implementation, emphasizing the importance of context and human expertise in leveraging AI effectively. We also explored the broader implications of AI on work culture, decision-making, and future job markets.

    Key Highlights: 1. WorkBounce's unique approach to AI agents for sales enablement 2. The concept of breaking down jobs into "units of work" for AI automation 3. The importance of providing context to AI for better outputs 4. The potential of AI to free us from screens and mundane tasks 5. The growing acceptance and demand for enterprise AI solutions 6. The challenges and opportunities for junior employees in an AI-driven workplace 7. The need for human expertise to guide and interpret AI outputs

    Key Quotes from Adam:

    "We don't believe... that you can really solve sales enablement as a top-down project."

    "The main thing people misunderstand... is that [large language models are] really good at compressing information. They're not very good at expanding information."

    "We're not even asking it to make up a good answer, we're saying, look at the sources and just tell us if there's an answer in there."

    "The thing that I'm most excited about... is just the immediate short-term gain of can I get away from my screen and still do work successfully?"

    "We have as human beings... a bandwidth problem, right? We can only read so many words per minute and we can only speak so many words per minute and type so many words per minute."

    "If I don't have to understand every aspect of everything that I'm doing, and if I don't have to look at every single detail, this kind of feedback loop of having this kind of AI bandwidth shield around me that says, here are the important things." Loved the discussion and look forward to working with Adam and the team some more.

  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com https://www.structuredlabs.com/

    In this insightful episode of the GTM AI Academy podcast, host Jonathan Kvarfordt sits down with Amrutha Gujar, co-founder and CEO of Structured Labs. They dive deep into how AI is transforming revenue operations, discussing the power of first-principle thinking in tech innovation, and exploring the future of business intelligence tools. Amrutha shares her journey from software engineering at tech giants to founding a startup that's reimagining how companies leverage data for growth.


    • The importance of unifying fragmented data sources across sales, marketing, and customer success for a holistic view of business operations

    • How AI-driven tools can reduce ad hoc data requests and enable RevOps teams to focus on strategic growth opportunities

    • The shift from "software as a service" to "service as software" in the AI era, emphasizing end-to-end solutions

    • The potential of multimodal AI models to create more immersive and efficient user experiences in business tools

    • The concept of AI augmenting human capabilities rather than replacing jobs, allowing for higher-level thinking and problem-solving

    • The vision of AI-powered personal assistants handling routine tasks to free up time for high-impact work Amrutha Quotes:

    • "I think that there's a really, really big opportunity with AI in the go-to-market space. Specifically, I think what it enables people to do is spend less time on manual parts of the data preparation work, and it enables people to start from the output of that data preparation work and reason about decisions that need to be made that help with growth."

    • "I see a future where there are thousands upon thousands of really small, really powerful, highly value-creative teams that are leveraging these AI tools to do more with less. And the surface area of problems that we can solve as a society is going to become a lot larger."

    • "The last generation was software as a service. Now, it's service as software. People's expectations of this technology are changing every day. It's more about doing the job to be done, end to end, and not just doing one piece of the job like with software."

    • "I think there's like a human nature to always push to higher levels of abstraction, as the things that are at the lower levels of abstraction become more and more automated. And I think that the upper bound of how people can think about problems and the types of things they want to accomplish - that upper bound is very, very unbounded."

    About Structured Labs

    Focus on Revenue Operations (RevOps): Structured Labs improves revenue operations by optimizing margins and identifying high-value customers, boosting overall efficiency and profitability with AI-driven insights. AI-Powered Business Intelligence: The company provides AI-driven tools that help unify fragmented data sources across sales, marketing, and customer success functions. End-to-End Solution: Structured Labs aims to provide a comprehensive solution that covers the entire workflow, rather than just one piece of it. As Amrutha puts it, they're "not just BI, not just ETL, not just the Slack connection" but the entire job to be done end-to-end. Data Unification: Their tool serves as a single pane of glass into different business functions, helping to bring together data from various sources. Self-Service Analytics: They build better business intelligence tools that are more self-serve than existing solutions in the market, aiming to reduce ad hoc data requests and enable RevOps teams to focus on strategic growth opportunities. AI Integration: The company uses AI at every layer of their product, from data association and column mapping to generating insights and anticipating user needs. Customer Focus: Structured Labs is passionate about building for customers they care about, particularly noting the active and vibrant RevOps community.
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    Jonathan Moss

    I discuss the evolution of prompting from basic to advanced techniques, the importance of context and domain expertise in crafting effective prompts, and how AI can significantly streamline various GTM processes.

    Key Highlights:

    1. The importance of detailed, context-rich prompts for getting high-quality AI outputs.

    2. The concept of "AI in the loop" rather than "human in the loop" for better results.

    3. Using AI to create frameworks for creating frameworks, showcasing meta-level thinking.

    4. The power of combining domain expertise with AI capabilities for superior outcomes.

    5. The speed and efficiency AI brings to tasks like competitive analysis and battle card creation.

    6. The potential of AI in breaking language barriers for global teams.

    Helpful Insights for GTM Teams:

    1. Prompt Engineering: GTM teams can significantly improve their AI outputs by providing detailed context, clear objectives, and desired output formats in their prompts.

    2. Efficiency Gains: Tasks that previously took weeks or months (e.g., creating ICPs, buyer personas, competitive analyses) can now be accomplished in minutes or hours using well-crafted AI prompts.

    3. Customization at Scale: AI can help create customized frameworks, strategies, and content for different markets, products, or customer segments quickly and efficiently.

    4. Global Collaboration: AI's translation capabilities can help break down language barriers in global GTM teams, enabling better collaboration and consistent messaging across different regions.

    5. Data-Driven Decision Making: AI can quickly analyze large amounts of data to provide insights for strategic decision-making in GTM processes.

    6. Continuous Improvement: GTM teams can use AI to iteratively improve their strategies, prompts, and frameworks, leading to increasingly better outcomes over time.

    7. Combining Human Expertise with AI: The most effective use of AI in GTM strategies comes from blending human domain expertise and creativity with AI's data processing and pattern recognition capabilities.

    8. Time for Strategy: By automating time-consuming tasks, GTM teams can focus more on high-level strategy and execution rather than getting bogged down in research and data compilation.

    By leveraging these insights, GTM teams can significantly enhance their efficiency, scalability, and effectiveness in developing and executing market strategies.

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    GTM KickBack: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-gtm-kickback-w-joey-brodsky/id1571248374

    We did a little different podcast this time, doing a duo-interview where two podcast hosts interview each other on the same podcast! It was my pleasure and honor to have Joey Brodsky of The GTM Kickback! podcast and the Head of GTM Search for Stott and May join me to talk about AI and recruiting. What struck me most during our discussion was the delicate balance we're all trying to strike between leveraging AI's capabilities and maintaining the crucial human elements in our work. Joey shared fascinating insights into how AI is reshaping the recruitment landscape, allowing for more nuanced candidate searches and potentially changing the way we conduct interviews.

    However, he emphasized - and I wholeheartedly agree - that we can't lose sight of the human intuition and 'gut feelings' that often lead to the best hires. We also explored the evolving role of enablement, a topic close to my heart. It was enlightening to hear Joey's perspective on how AI is elevating the importance of enablement roles, especially in early-stage companies. We both see a future where enablement professionals become key strategists, overseeing AI systems that provide real-time coaching and feedback to sales teams.

    One of the most valuable takeaways from our chat was the importance of critical thinking and creativity when using AI tools. As I often tell my listeners, AI is a powerful tool, but it's our human ability to critically evaluate and creatively apply its outputs that will truly drive innovation and success. We touched on some practical advice for startups too, discussing the importance of documenting founder knowledge, setting realistic expectations for new sales hires, and identifying what 'good' looks like in your organization. These are crucial steps that can make or break a young company's go-to-market efforts.

    Throughout our conversation, a common theme emerged: AI has the potential to greatly enhance our work, but only if we use it wisely. It should complement and augment our human skills, not replace them. As we wrapped up, Joey and I both expressed excitement about the future, where AI and human expertise combine to create more effective, efficient, and personalized go-to-market strategies.

    Key Quotes from Joey:

    "I think from a recruitment perspective and trying to source and court these people on a daily basis, how people are found and the skills that people are looking for, strictly from a search standpoint... it's much more nuanced because it can be nuanced at a larger scale by using AI."

    "People that can be hyper scientific in the way that they sell... it's an exponential curve that is like very close to being straight upwards and downwards right now, because of AI."

    "I think bringing in someone like yourself on an advisory capacity is, is really, really exceptionally important and probably not prolific enough to use that word again, right? Um, that would have a big impact on just getting people conceptually to understand why this sort of program is important and why they should do it earlier than not, instead of waiting for a mess to happen and being reactive in it."

    "It needs to be an enhancement of the human experience and all these people are going through, whether it's recruitment, whether it's direct sales, whether it's sales enablement or some sort of data analysis." Tell me what you think of the episode, I highly enjoyed it!

  • www.gtmaiacademy.com


    Leveraging AI for Revenue Intelligence: Insights from Burak Aksar, Co-Founder of Spiky


    In this episode of the GTM AI podcast, host Jonathan welcomes Burak Aksar, co-founder and software engineer at Spiky, an AI-powered revenue intelligence platform. Burak shares his journey from a technical background in machine learning to the world of go-to-market and sales. He discusses how Spiky leverages AI to analyze customer conversations, measure non-conversational metrics, and provide actionable insights to help teams optimize their revenue processes. Burak also shares his thoughts on the current state of AI in business and what he's excited about for the future.

    Highlighted Concepts:

    - Revenue intelligence: Analyzing data from various sources (sales, customer success, support, product, engineering) to optimize revenue processes

    - Non-conversational metrics: Measuring up to 60 different metrics per second, including vocal, visual, and contextual data, to provide insights beyond just transcripts

    - Actionable insights: Identifying trends across customer conversations and tying them to revenue outcomes

    - AI stack: Utilizing a combination of proprietary models, open-source, and closed-source APIs to power the Spiky platform

    - Explainable AI: The importance of making AI models transparent, scalable, and ethically sound

    Quotes from Burak:

    - "The revenue domain is already very complicated, and I think no one has figured out yet, including us, what are some winning behaviors and how do I basically apply this at scale?"

    - "If you don't understand, I don't think you can optimize any process. It can't, it doesn't need to be revenue, but the things that I'm like really excited, if I flip the page a bit, I think, like we've been expecting this, but the large language models are becoming a commodity."

    - "I think making these ethically, like ethically, successful is a very big challenge because let me make an analogy here. Even explaining one decision tree or random forest, it's super hard. Like it doesn't make sense to humans."

    Why this matters to GTM professionals:

    This podcast episode provides valuable insights for GTM professionals looking to leverage AI to optimize their revenue processes. Burak's expertise in both machine learning and go-to-market strategies offers a unique perspective on how AI can be used to analyze customer conversations, identify trends, and provide actionable insights. By understanding the potential of AI-powered revenue intelligence platforms like Spiky, GTM professionals can make data-driven decisions to improve their sales processes, prevent churn, and ultimately drive revenue growth. Additionally, Burak's emphasis on the importance of explainable and ethical AI serves as a reminder for GTM professionals to carefully consider the implications of AI adoption in their organizations.

  • www.gtmaiacademy.com


    Unveiling Glitter AI with Yuval Karmi: Streamlining Documentation in Tech

    Join Coach K in another exciting episode of the GTM AI podcast as he interviews Yuval Karmi, the founder of Glitter.io. Discover how Yuval's innovative AI tool is revolutionizing the way we create step-by-step guides and documentation. Learn about his journey from founding and selling his first startup, Simpo, to developing Glitter AI. Yuval also shares valuable insights into AI workflows, automation, and the future of AI in business.

    This episode is a treasure trove for entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, and anyone interested in the intersection of AI and productivity.

    00:00 Introduction and Guest Welcome

    00:39 Yuval Karmi's Entrepreneurial Journey

    02:15 The Story Behind Glitter.io

    03:31 How Glitter AI Works

    04:26 Challenges and Benefits of Documentation

    05:18 Team and Workflow Insights

    06:06 Comparing Glitter AI with Other Tools

    11:01 Automation and AI in Business

    16:17 Future of AI and Business Integration

    22:18 Personal Reflections and Closing Remarks

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    In this podcast episode, Coach K interviews Jonathan Moss, an experienced go-to-market leader, about his insights on using AI in various aspects of business operations. Jonathan shares his experiences implementing AI in marketing, sales, customer success, and revenue operations. He emphasizes the importance of starting small, understanding data, and focusing on tasks that can be streamlined with AI. Jonathan also discusses the need for human validation and checking the accuracy of AI-generated insights. The conversation then shifts to their upcoming show format, where they plan to solve real-world problems using AI. Lastly, Jonathan shares his thoughts on the future of AI agents and the importance of responsible AI usage.

    Key moments:
    - Jonathan introduces himself and his background in go-to-market leadership
    - Jonathan shares how he has implemented AI in various aspects of business operations
    - Jonathan discusses the importance of understanding data and focusing on tasks that can be streamlined with AI
    - Jonathan and Coach K announce their new show format, where they will solve real-world problems using AI
    - Jonathan shares his thoughts on the future of AI agents and the importance of responsible AI usage

    Powerful quotes from Jonathan Moss:
    1. "Ultimately us as humans, we're creative in nature. We're strategic. Those are the things we should be spending our brain power against and not data entry or manual things."

    2. "I think the key summary is you still need to double check the accuracy of the data and information so you can trust it. And look, it'll all, it'll continue to get better over time from here on out."

    3. "I think it's very important on the education side, the guardrail side of how to use it and how to use it effectively is super critical for us as really any leader, but go-to-market leaders as well."

  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com


    Trevor, the co-founder and CEO of Myko.ai, shares his expertise on the transformative impact of AI on sales and revenue operations. Myko.ai is a natural language analytics tool that empowers companies to interact with their sales and revenue data more efficiently. Trevor discusses how AI is revolutionizing the way businesses make decisions, optimize processes, and leverage data to gain a competitive edge. He also delves into the potential future of AI agents and their applications in various professional and personal contexts.

    Key points and highlights:

    • Myko.ai is a natural language analytics tool that integrates with systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Snowflake, enabling users to ask questions about their data and gain valuable insights.
    • AI is transforming the way companies interact with their data, allowing for faster decision-making and improved efficiency.
    • Implementing AI tools without proper preparation and clean data can lead to more problems than solutions.
    • Companies that leverage AI effectively will maintain a competitive edge, while those that don't risk falling behind and becoming obsolete.
    • AI has the potential to automate and optimize various aspects of the sales process, such as outbound prospecting and demo delivery.
    • The human element will remain crucial in sales, particularly in building trust and relationships with clients.
    • AI agents have the potential to autonomously handle specific tasks and responsibilities, such as data cleaning, go-to-market strategies, and outbound sales.

    Key quotes from Trevor on AI and RevOps:

    1. "We plug into your systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, Snowflake. Anywhere you've got data, we plug into it and make it easier for you to self service it. So you can ask questions of your data, understand win rates by lead sources, average sales cycles, track SQLs from beginning all the way through close, really get a better understanding of, you know, how things are happening in your system."

    2. "The RevOps teams that have adopted us kind of the fastest are the ones that companies that have just scaled like crazy. So they've gone from 10 to 30 to 60 in the sales org but yet it's still one person or maybe two people in the RevOps org responding to all of those different. People. And so what we see a lot is RevOps people that aren't really doing a lot of RevOps. They're doing a lot of system admin work, right?"

    3. "I think there are a lot of things that become easier, more possible for everybody in an organization, becoming essentially an expert user of new systems because of what AI now has possible."

  • https://www.gtmaiacademy.com/

    https://www.recapped.io/ Recapped 🎯 (you can see a demo of the tech in the GTM AI Tools Demo Library here: https://www.gtmaiacademy.com/course/gtm-ai-tools-demo-library

    You can go to Youtube, Apple, Spotify, or here on Linkedin as well as a whole other host of locations to hear the podcast or see the video interview.

    Revenue Execution & Enabling the buyers experience with AI with Mark Fershteyn of Recapped 🎯

    In this podcast, Mark shares his journey as an immigrant entrepreneur and the inspiration behind creating a collaborative deal room platform to streamline the sales process. Mark discusses the limitations of current sales tech stacks that focus primarily on top-of-funnel activities while neglecting the crucial middle to later part of the funnel of nurturing and closing deals.

    Recapped aims to solve this by providing a centralized space to embed sales playbooks, enable buyer collaboration, and automate admin tasks through AI. Mark shares a compelling customer case study demonstrating how standardizing the mutual action plan process in Recapped led to a 39% increase in close rates and 29% higher ACV for a 130-person sales team.

    The conversation also delves into the ethical implications and societal impacts of AI advancement. Mark offers a thought-provoking perspective on the potential for widespread job displacement in the coming years, emphasizing the need for careful navigation and adaptation. Overall, the episode offers valuable insights for revenue leaders seeking to optimize their sales execution while grappling with the transformative effects of AI.

    Top Quotes from Mark Fershteyn

    "If we can just streamline that so that [sellers] don't have to worry about the science, they could just focus on the art of selling. That's where magic happens."

    "I think in five to 10 years, AI will be able to do at least 80 percent of jobs better than at least 80 percent of people... And I think that's going to lead to some really high unemployment, unless we come up with drastically new jobs to take those."

    "Nobody in my opinion should be like wasting their life doing a job that's menial that they don't enjoy that they don't have... if we can provide for their life and they don't have to do that and we just have a kiosk or an AI robot doing it, I think it's a win."

    "The vision that we have for Recapped is essentially becoming the operating system for revenue, where sellers can just focus on selling and we handle everything behind the scenes for them."

    Overall, I loved the conversation with Mark, his tech is pretty rad, and look forward to more from him and the team over at Recapped.

  • https://persana.ai/ Persana AI (you can see a demo of the tech in the GTM AI Tools Demo Library here: https://www.gtmaiacademy.com/course/gtm-ai-tools-demo-library

    You can go to Youtube, Apple, Spotify, or here on Linkedin as well as a whole other host of locations to hear the podcast or see the video interview.

    Empowering Sales Teams with AI-Driven Workflows: Insights from Sriya Maram ♾️ of Persana AI

    In this engaging podcast interview, Coach K sits down with Sriya Maram, the founder of Persana AI , to dive into the world of AI-powered sales enablement. Sriya's passion for AI and her experience as a product manager at LinkedIn have led her to create a platform that aims to give sales teams superpowers through intelligent automation. Throughout the conversation, Sriya provides valuable insights into how AI can be leveraged to enhance sales processes, from lead research and scoring to personalized outbound messaging.

    One of the key highlights of the interview is Sriya's emphasis on the importance of human expertise in the AI-driven sales landscape. While AI can automate tedious manual tasks and provide valuable insights, Sriya stresses that the human mind behind the AI is crucial in setting up workflows and understanding the unique needs of buyers. The interview also touches on the concept of capturing buyer intent through AI, which Sriya believes will revolutionize the way sales teams approach their prospects. Overall, the podcast offers an interesting look at the future of sales tech and the role of AI in empowering sales professionals to be more efficient and effective in their roles.

    Some key takeaways:

    Persona acts as a "Zapier for sales teams", allowing integration of any AI model (like GPT-4 or Claude) with data sources like CRMs to automate tasks like lead research, scoring and outbound personalization.

    Sriya emphasizes that AI should augment human salespeople, not replace them. As she puts it: "The mind behind the AI, you know, the person setting up these workflows should be you. Like no matter how much, like the AI doesn't know your buyers, the AI doesn't know these workflows that have worked for you for years."

    A major advantage of AI is capturing buyer intent in a more intelligent way by ingesting and learning from fragmented data sources. The future of sales is "understanding truly what is that buyer intent for your product and being able to capture that and act on it."

    Regarding the ideal balance between automation and human interaction, Sriya explains: "Any sort of like manual task, whether it's like, Hey, I want to know what is the pricing of this company that will take a couple of clicks reading through summarizing. That is something an AI should do...The mind behind the AI, you know, the person setting up these workflows should be you."

    When helping clients get started with automation, Persona focuses on their existing processes and data sources. "We don't want to replace your existing workflow," says Sriya. "Where in your existing process, can we bring it all together or make it easier?"

    The podcast provides an exciting glimpse into how AI platforms like Persona are empowering sales teams to be more efficient and effective. With the ability to automate manual research tasks and obtain previously hard-to-access buyer intent signals, the future of sales tech looks promising. However, Sriya is quick to emphasize that human expertise and oversight remain critical - AI augments and enables human potential, it doesn't replace it.