Why does the current biomedical research system primarily favour Caucasian individuals?
This week I am joined by Casper Barnes, the founder and CEO of AminoChain. He's actively working on rectifying this inequality through the creation of a blockchain-based platform that enables donors to monitor their samples and earn a share of the proceeds when they are utilised for commercial purposes. This will help to incentivise participation in research from a wider range of people, and ensure that donors are fairly compensated for their contributions.
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#CEO #Podcast #BiomedicalResearch #DiversityInResearch #BlockchainTechnology #InnovationInHealthcare #FairCompensation
What if you could control your brain through an app?
We've all heard of Neuralink and although Elon is loved by a lot of people - I'm not sure all of those people would get brain surgery to get it implanted. So yes brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) have the capability of fixing localized issues in the brain but having to go through the skull means that it's unlikely we will see the full potential of BCIs on the individual or network level unless we can make it significantly easier for people to access.
What I love about what Sumner is doing is the downstream impact of everyone having a BCI. Mood disorders are a great and impactful example of what we could solve for the individual, but what could drastically transform how society functions is the way BCIs will change how we communicate and interact with each other. Join us in this discussion on the future of BCIs, Forest Neurotech and turning sci-fi into reality.
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#CEO #Podcast #BrainTech #NeuroInnovation #MentalHealthTech
Episodes manquant?
For a long time, WebMD has been the go to for people searching for answers on their symptoms. At it's peak (Q3 of 2016), WebMD was visited by over 192 million visitors per month. Now, with the emergence of AI and computer vision, Pierangelo Raiola and the XTRA Vision team are transforming symptom checking for both individuals and healthcare systems.
Listen in as we explore how AI can answer precise questions patients have and improve triage in healthcare systems as well as Pierangelo's journey from being an Italian national skier to building at the forefront of AI and healthcare.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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#CEO #Podcast #AIDrivenHealthcare #AIInnovation
What if we could strengthen our immunity to respiratory diseases by harnessing the power of our body's natural defenses?
Nazlie, co-founder & CSO of Applied Biological Laboratories, is on a mission to supply quality respiratory treatments by strengthening barrier mucosal immunity using natural, anti-inflammatory formulas.
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#CEO #Podcast #RespiratoryHealth
What if you could put your brain into a computer?
It might sound like sci-if but if you learn anything from this episode, you’ll learn that we’re not far from it. Hon is the founder and CEO of Cortical Labs, a moonshot startup that went viral on Reddit for training brain chips to play computer games. Tune in to find out the groundbreaking applications of brain chips in medicine, computing and human interaction.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hochong
#CEO #Podcast #BioTech #BioComputing #AIInnovation
Globally, there are an estimated 11 to 20 million cases of typhoid fever each year, leading to roughly 128,000 to 161,000 deaths (WHO, 2018). This disease is usually caused by Salmonella Typhi. But what if this same bacteria could be used to deliver therapeutic molecules directly to where they're needed in the body?
Kristen Albright, CEO of Prokarium, joins myself in this episode to discuss the potential of synthetic biology in healthcare and how her team is programming bacteria like Salmonella Typhi to create what they call 'living cures'.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes
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#CEO #Podcast #syntheticbiology #livingcures
Churchill once said Those who never change their minds, never change anything.' But how do we go about breaking dangerous habitual thought patterns?
In this episode, Lissy (founder of Myndy) takes us through the inner workings of stress and how you can train your mental fitness in order to prevent burnout.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwinwongphd/
What if we built an AI that could hear mental illness? Early intervention for serious mental illness can prevent 4 times the number of deaths (Anderson, 2018). However, cases are often missed, as diagnoses require a lengthy process conducted by specialists. Edwin, founder & CEO of Psyrin, is on a mission to transform the way we treat serious mental illness through speech-based diagnostics powered by AI. Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/edwinwongphd/ #CEO #Podcast #MentalHealthTech #AIforMentalHealth #EarlyIntervention #MentalHealthAwareness
Can we remove death from life? The term longevity is derived from the Latin word longaevitas, meaning long life.Today, longevity encompasses both a science and a movement that are intertwined with one another. In this episode, Simon and I discuss longevity, the 12 pillars of ageing and building a consumer healthcare startup to promote longevity for the masses. Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-sakhai/
Omar Daniel, a serial entrepreneur and investor, shares his journey building Practice Unbound, scaling to a third of NHS GP clinics, and his current project using DNA to create personalised art.
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Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/omar-daniel-996aab55/
The majority of seniors find it challenging to keep up with the rapid pace of technological advancement, making it unreasonable to expect them to manage their healthcare through apps and portals.
This week, I am joined by Alex Harb (Founder/ CEO of Lena Health) dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for seniors by streamlining healthcare accessibility through technology. Lena Health offers seniors virtual personal assistants via SMS chat to efficiently manage their healthcare tasks.
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Approximately 2.2 billion people worldwide suffer from vision impairment or blindness, and out of these, at least 1 billion have vision problems that could have been prevented or have yet to be addressed. Among these cases, the primary culprits for global vision impairment and blindness are refractive errors and cataracts. (WHO, 2023)
I am joined on this week’s episode with Shivang Dave, CEO and Founder of PlenOptika. Their mission is to advance eye health by innovating optical technology, addressing the bottleneck in vision care through fast and accurate refraction at scale. We discuss the challenges of being a founder in health tech, including the time it takes to develop products, the importance of clinical validation, and the impact of their device in addressing vision problems for millions of people.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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An estimated 35-40 million individuals are in need of prosthetic devices to replace amputated limbs. (WHO, 2017) Despite the growing demand in this market, the typical time it takes for these patients to receive a custom prosthetic can be anywhere from 8 - 20 weeks (NCBI - 2020).
Join us on this weeks episode of Health creators where I am joined by Steve Cook Founder and CEO of Taika3D. Steve's mission is to enhance the lives of millions by enhancing the efficiency and consistency of manufacturing intricate prosthetic devices through the utilisation of 3D printing technology.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7547875/ https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/259209/9789241512480-part1-eng.pdf
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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Guests: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steve-cook-uk/
Most founders never reach product market fit. For heatlhcare founders, this challenge is more complex - building in a slow-moving landscape with complex stakeholders.
In this week's episode, Peter Kecskemethy (Founder/CEO of Kheiron Medical), Rohit Rustagi, (Founder/COO of Alfie) and I define product market fit in Healthcare as well as how to reach it.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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Mental health disorders including anxiety and depression impact 1 in 8 adults globally (WHO-2022). Despite the wide-scale impact, at present, it is estimated that patients wait more than 3 months before receiving a treatment (rcpsych-2022).
Niklas is on a mission to help patients get better therapy results and experiences by using a smart interview tool, enabling them to provide their psychiatrists with a comprehensive psychological profile. In this episode, we discuss conversational AI and where AI and psychology meet.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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Guest: https://www.linkedin.com/in/niklas-no...
Reference https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sh...
#CEO #Podcast #aiinhealthcare
Do you need to have a science background to build a science company?
In this week’s episode, Dr. Neel Patel (CEO/Founder at Zio Health), Nicole Lai (Healthcare VC) and I discuss the intricacies of building a life science startup, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of being a science entrepreneur.
Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes
Guests: Dr. Neel Patel - https://www.linkedin.com/in/neelpatel1214/
Nicole Lai - https://uk.linkedin.com/in/nicole-lai-60982070
#CEO #Podcast #ClinicalResearch #MedTech #Healthcare #Entrepreneurship
Typically, 67% of cancer patients live for 5 or more years after diagnosis (Cancer.Net, 2021). During these years, it is common for their white blood cell count (WBC) to be lower due to the cancer and/ or medication they are being treated with. This can lead to lower quality of life as they are at higher risk of infection. (Mayo Clinic, 2022) In cancer treatment, infections come second as a major cause of death. About 60% of deaths among cancer patients are connected to infections. (American Society of Clinical Oncology, 2019)
Carlos Castro Gonzales, founder of Leuko, is on a mission to improve the quality of life and outcomes for chemotherapy patients, through a light-based medical technology that counts white blood cells. In this episode, we talk about his journey building Leuko.
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Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/
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LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes
Guest: https://www.linkedin.com/in/carlos-castro-gonzalez/
References: www.cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side-effects/physical-side-effects/infections/infections-in-people-with-cancer.html
#CancerInnovation #MedicalTechnology #NeutropeniaCare #WhiteCellMonitoring #ceo
Did you know that nearly two-thirds of patients are dissatisfied with their healthcare experiences? Even more concerning is the fact that 34% of these individuals admit to feeling inadequately informed about their personal health conditions (Heath/ PEH, 2021) This is an issue that warrants immediate attention. Back in 2017, the World Health Organisation underlined the significance of refining communication strategies across all stakeholders within the healthcare community (WHO,2017). In this week's episode of Health Creators, we are joined by esteemed guests: Pierre, co-founder of HelloBetter; Mona, co-founder of medudoc; and Lucas, the founder of Alivio. Together, they talk about their journeys of establishing very successful startups, where creating effective patient communication is key. Connect with us: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes Guests: Pierre Alexis Cantegril - https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacantegril/?originalSubdomain=de Mona Ciotta - https://www.linkedin.com/in/monaciotta/?originalSubdomain=de Lucas Paes de Melo - https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-paes-de-melo-38a8b989/?originalSubdomain=de #CEO #Podcast #ClinicalResearch #HealthTechSolutions #PatientEducation #InnovativeHealthcare
People have diverse microbial compositions that vary widely. It's unclear how these variations, both within an individual over time and between different individuals, impact health, disease onset, and progression. However, it's evident that shifts in the microbiome and its metabolites, and their interactions with the immune, endocrine, and nervous systems, are linked to numerous illnesses, including inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, and major depressive disorder. (Glibert et al., 2018).
Dr. Paul Hammer, CEO & Founder of Biomes, is on a mission to help people live healthier lives. In this episode, we discuss the Microbiome fingerprint and how we can leverage microbiome genomics to improve health outcomes.
#ceo #podcast #clinicalresearch #Genomics #Microbiome #guthealth #PersonalizedMedicine
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About Me: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co
Depression and anxiety affect up to 20% and 10% of patients with cancer respectively (Pitman et. al, 2018). And even after remission, it is estimated that a third of recovered cancer patients suffer from a mental health disorder (Geue et. al, 2018). Although mental health is often a forgotten factor, recent studies have demonstrated the impact of mental health in cancer outcomes.
Gandolf Finke, founder of MIKA, is on a mission to empower everyone affected by cancer. In this episode, we dive into the intricacies of building a DTx in cancer, the power of positive psychology and Gandolf’s journey growing MIKA. #ceo #podcast #clinicalresearch #dtx #mentalhealth #cancer Follow: Twitter: https://twitter.com/livialifes Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/livialifes About Me: Neuroute - copilot for clinical trials https://www.neuroute.co
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