Baelor ruled as king for a decade from the assassination of his brother Daeron to his own sudden death. Was he murdered? If so, why and by whom? Even after death his impact on the Seven Kingdoms remains enormous. This is part 3 of 3 (though it works as a standalone) and again features Nina Krusling!
Descript: https://get.descript.com/howdescript
Nina: https://goodqueenaly.tumblr.com/
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Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group - https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord - https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Art Credits: Chillyravenart, Dalberadiata, El Greco, Hylora, Jota Saraiva, NaomiMakesArt, riotarttherite, Wiliam Wallace Denslow, and the Game of Thrones History and Lore extras.
The final event of ADWD was the assassination of Kevan Lannister by Varys. The Spider, in typical fashion, had the gall to apologize for the fatal crossbow bolt… and told him it wasn’t personal, it was political. Little comfort to a dying man, but hugely interesting to us readers! What does he expect to happen? We examine the various motives behind the killing of Kevan.
Magic Mind - https://magicmind.com/HOWGM or code HOW25.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group - https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord - https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Episodes manquant?
(remastered audio!) We are joined by Chloe of Girls Gone Canon & Drunk ASOIAF History to discuss a recurring theme of deception. Sansa, Young Griff, Cersei, Wyman Manderly, Varys and plenty more. Originally published July 30, 2020.
Girls Gone Canon: https://girlsgonecanon.podbean.com/
Drunk ASOIAF History: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr3MDu4CPVPFDa5DvvwFufQ
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
King Aerys II had Brandon Stark seized and imprisoned on charges of treason, but Lord Rickard declared he would stand for his son in a trial by combat. Yet instead of an honorable duel, the Mad King declared that House Targaryen’s champion… would be fire. We take on the full, horrifying story.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group - https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord - https://bit.ly/howdiscord
This is part 3 of 3 of the Nymeria series, but this episode works as a stand-alone! We cover the unification and Conquest of Dorne by Nymeria and Mors Martell and her reign afterwards as the first Princess of Dorne. A scripted episode with lots of maps and art, and (correct) captions/subtitles! Scroll down for timestamps.
Art Credits: Daniel Alekow, Falk Boje, Hylora, Kristin Johnson, NaomiMakesArt, ProKriK, TheMarkyGallery, Winter Design, Unseen Westeros, and the Game of Thrones History and Lore extras.
Bonus Eps & More -www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers -historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group - https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord - https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Intro: (0:02:11)Setup: (0:03:00)To Westeros: (0:07:19)The Sun and the Spear: (0:18:27)The Burning of the Ships: (0:22:07)Bounty of the Rhoynar: (0:25:53)From Sandship to Sunspear: (0:28:54)Nymeria's War: (0:31:30)The Toes of Dorne: (0:35:21)War in Hell: (0:37:42)The Blind Hawk: (0:41:48)The Mad Manwoody: (0:44:42)The War of the Evening: (0:48:30)The Demon Vulture: (0:51:15)11 Years of Yron: (0:54:22)Midroll: (0:58:06)A New Dorne: (1:00:26)The Rhoynar Assimilation: (1:02:54)Reign and Dynasty: (1:07:28)The Princess, Not the Queen: (1:15:26)The Wall After Nymeria's War: (1:19:00)Orphans of the Greenblood: (1:23:30)ASOIAF Parallels: (1:25:45)Daenerys: (1:26:27)Arya: (1:28:30)Nymeria Sand & Arianne Martell: (1:30:21)The Shrouded Lord: (1:33:28)
A project with this exact name "Ten Thousand Ships" is in development at HBO as of 2021. GRRM's version of the Odyssey is here! We've got Brindled Men, wyverns, killer diseases, ancient cities, corsairs, dark gods... Plus characters like Daenerys, Missandei and her brothers, Victarion, Barristan Selmy, and his new knights. Originally published Nov 24th 2018.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Nina: goodqueenaly.tumblr.com
Sean's YouTube: bit.ly/3818H9X
Recently named as an "in development" project for HBO! Foreshadowing for ASOIAF via the Rise & Fall of the Rhoynar! Includes: Greyscale, Darkstar, Water Wizards, the Water Gardens of Dorne, Volantis, dragons and much more. Special thanks to Michal Schick of Vassals of Kingsgrave podcast for the voices. Video available on Spotify. Originally published Sept 29th, 2018.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Nina: goodqueenaly.tumblr.com
Sean's YouTube: bit.ly/3818H9X
Dunsen, Raff the Sweetling, Queen Cersei, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn… Valar Morghulis. A look at Arya’s kill list that she calls a prayer. The origin of the list, those she’s killed, those killed by someone else, theories on who might be added… and of course those still alive.
Bonus Eps & More -www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers -historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group:https://bit.ly/howfb
Each of the younger Starks received a direwolf, and each of them have skinchanger talent… But talent is not skill. We look at each Stark’s experience with skinchanging thus far while theorizing about their future. What happens when the Starks are reunited and begin to discuss their abilities? Included are wolf dreams, the connection the Starks feel to one another and who is the most powerful. We’ll also delve into the ancient past to look at the possible origins of skinchanging for House Stark.
VIPHOW20 - https://magicmind.com/VIPHOW20 - 20% off for one-time purchases and subscriptions.
Bonus Eps & More -www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers -historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group:https://bit.ly/howfb
A production of the "Mercy" chapter by GRRM from The Winds of Winter (published on his website and read at conventions). Voice acting, sound effects, music... enjoy!
Narrator: Lady Gwyn – Radio Westeros
Arya/Mercy: girlnettles
Waterman: Daniele Bolelli – History on Fire podcast
Daena: Loren Scipioni
Izembaro: Matteo Barbagallo
Brusco: Ken Krouner
Marro/The Stranger: Costantino Pompa
The Snapper: Val – Because Geek
Bobono: Michael Klarfeld
Raff the Sweetling: Joggi – Through the Moon Door
Old Guard: yolkboy – Radio Westeros
Sound Design: Alex Carmichael
Engineering: Ben Anderson aka the Bengineer
Producer: Ashaya -
The very night Daenerys Targaryen was born one of the worst storms in living memory struck. This earned her the nickname Stormborn, a moniker that has spread far and wide alongside news of her deeds, one she has carried before her like a standard. We delve into the story behind the legend, and the details just before her birth - her mother Queen Rhaella’s escape to Dragonstone before the Sack of King’s Landing and her own escape alongside her brother just ahead of Stannis Baratheon.
Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle: https://magicmind.com/VIPHOWJAN
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
House Lothston ruled Harrenhal during what is arguably the darkest portion of its 300 year history… Given what Arya and others experienced there, that’s really saying something, and when Brienne carries a Lothston shield, she is repeatedly greeted with grim reactions. Join us for a look at a House accused of blood magic, child abduction, treason, cannibalism, madness, and scandalous relations with none other than House Targaryen.
Get 45% off the Magic Mind bundle: https://magicmind.com/VIPHOWJAN
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Daenerys is told more than once that “to touch the light, you must pass beneath the shadow”. What is the shadow? We break down what the phrase means for Dany, and as a worldbuilding element associated with Asshai-by-the-Shadow. Let’s shed some light on the Shadowlands. We’ve got masks, magic, Mirri Maz Duur, Marwyn, and more.Rize: https://rize.io/?via=WESTEROS & code WESTEROS3 for 25% off payments within the first 3 months!
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Scotland’s late medieval period was a Game of Thrones-like environment with powerful families fighting and scheming for power. A particularly notorious event - The Black Dinner - inspired GRRM to write the Red Wedding. We’ll examine all the gory details, politics, battles and intrigues plus other parallels beyond Stark, Frey and Lannister to characters like Bittersteel, Blackfish, Aenys Blackfyre and Unwin Peake.VIPHOW20 - https://magicmind.com/VIPHOW20 - 20% off for one-time purchases and subscriptions.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
A look at this most ancient of cities, the legend of Azor Ahai, and the origin of dragons. With special guest LmL. (originally published April 1, 2016).
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
What happened with Lyanna and Rhaegar before the Tower of Joy? Why did he kidnap her… or why did she elope with him, if that was the case? Did he make her his second bride? If so, why? And why would she agree to that… or was it her idea? We tackle a core ASOIAF mystery with this one!
Rize - rize.io/?via=WESTEROS (WESTEROS3)
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
On August 18, 2022, we interviewed George RR Martin in person, at his office in Santa Fe. Watch or listen as we ask him questions he's never been asked before.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Website - www.historyofwesteros.com
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro - klaradox.de & https://soundcloud.com/joeytownsend -
The Red Woman of Asshai, a shadowbinder and priestess of R’hllor. Her age is uncertain but her focus on prophecy is not. We delve into her past and how it made her who she is - both through natural and supernatural means, where and how she learned her abilities, the mystery of her glowing ruby, how old she might really be, and so much more.
VIPHOW40 - https://magicmind.com/VIPHOW40 - 40% off for one-time purchases and subscriptions.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
Many iconic scenes from HotD and GoT were filmed in Cáceres! Come celebrate or follow along from afar as we witness the city transform back into King's Landing from Nov 29 - Dec1 2024. There's no cost to attend. Aziz & Ashaya will be there! Watch for more info!
Aziz - https://www.instagram.com/azizalfrets
Ash - https://www.instagram.com/ashayatara
Matteo Barbagallo - https://www.instagram.com/episodagram
Maglor - https://www.instagram.com/daniabades/
Jordi Maquiavello - https://www.instagram.com/jmaquiavello
Kai47 - https://www.instagram.com/bernardtorello
Frikidoctor - https://www.instagram.com/frikidoctor
Acevedismos - https://www.instagram.com/acevedismos
Guadalupe Fiñana - https://www.instagram.com/abueladedragones
La Canción Continúa - https://www.instagram.com/lacancioncontinuapod
Evil Smile - https://www.instagram.com/evil_smilehd
Jag Durán https://www.instagram.com/jag_duran_oficial
Insertus - https://www.instagram.com/insertus
City of Cáceres - https://www.instagram.com/ayto_caceres
Thanks to Shakespeare, a cadre of historians, television shows and the compelling nature of the actual events that transpired, the era of the Wars of the Roses is one of the most famous periods in all of western history. Primarily a struggle between houses York and Lancaster, GRRM took inspiration for his houses Stark and Lannister… and so much more. This episode is a buffet of historical parallels for ASOIAF, the Dance of the Dragons and more.
VIPHOW40 - https://magicmind.com/VIPHOW40 - 40% off for one-time purchases and subscriptions.
Bonus Eps & More - www.patreon.com/historyofwesteros
Shirts & Stickers - historyofwesteros.threadless.com
Intro/Maps - https://klaradox.de
Facebook Group: https://bit.ly/howfb
Discord: https://bit.ly/howdiscord
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