Josh and Nate are Bad Bandmates. In this podcast they discuss music, life and whatever else pops into their heads. They are musicians, humans, but first and foremost, friends.
An EDM talk show...with some music and sh#t...
Submit your tracks or mixes to our Soundcloud or Facebook pages. -
Guess the song through its lyrical breakdown.
Matt and friends discuss the state of music, popular or otherwise, in the 21st century.
Full Send Podcast brought to you by Happy Dad Hard Seltzer.
”Pohmellipäev Mattias Naaniga” on täpselt see, mis esialgu tundub: päeval, mil Mattias Naanil (või podcasti kuulajal) on pohmell, on ta surutud mikrofoni ette ja rohkemat ei oskagi praegu lisada ega lubada.
Kaks ja pool aju podcasti teevad kaks ja pool stand-up (endist) koomikut, kelle saadetel pole absoluutselt mitte mingisugust sisulist mõtet ega eesmärki. Tõenäoliselt me seame selle saatega ohtu oma karjäärid ja võimalused kunagi poliitikasse minna. Uhkust tunneme selle üle, et ükski podcast pole rohkem demograafilisi gruppe välja vihastanud.
Saateid teevad Steven Tiirk, Tauri Einberg ja Piibe Kirke Tops
NB! Episoodies on väga palju irooniat, mis ei peegelda saate tegijate päris seisukohti!
Saade ei sobi lastele
Kirjuta meile huvitavaid lugusid: [email protected] -
Stand up koomikud Ardo Asperk ja Sten-Erik Allikas räägivad elust ja asjadest, kombivad piire ja murravad stereotüüpe.
Saade, kuhu ma kutsun külla inimesi, kes mulle huvi pakuvad ja kelle tegemiste kohta tahaks rohkem teada saada!
pidime alustama aastal 2056, aga näed, kus joppas. alustasime hoopis 34 aastat varem. podcast, kus andrei zevakin & robin valting hämavad midagi mikritesse.
mis siin toimub podcastis räägime elust-enesest, meelelahutusest ja kutsume ka põnevaid külalisi.
jälgi meid:
patreon: -
Ann Vaida ja Märt Belkin räägivad uudistest, mis neile nädala jooksul silma jäid.
Saated, mida on raske raamidesse suruda. Parimaks kuulamiseks: Spotify, Google podcast, Apple podcast (kliki ikooni)
The group of boys from the channel sweetea, going against each other debating the most insane and widely talked about topics of the world.
InvestFuture | Кира Юхтенко
The Diverse Mentality Podcast is hosted by Quake. This podcast will bring you the latest in Hip-Hop from news to documentary talk to interviews from the old school to new school. It's all here! New episodes every Monday and Thursday!
Recensioni album musicali e tanto tanto altro!
If psychology was a country, then it would be the world’s top tourist destination bar none. It’s an enchanted territory with something for everyone: from aliens to drug lords, from serial killers to conspiracy theories. Join intellectual explorers Bruce Dickinson and Dr Kevin Dutton for an Indiana Jones style adventure through some of its most far-flung corners as they delve into the psyches of rock icons, sporting superstars, and special forces soldiers and get the latest tips and insights from some of the most respected thought leaders and brain scientists on the planet. If you’ve ever wondered whether psychopaths like Hannibal Lecter and Patrick Bateman really exist outside the imaginations of Hollywood screenwriters and film directors, why ghosts only seem to appear at night, and about the true meaning of the Book of Revelation’s most enduring and enigmatic mystery – 666, the number of the beast - then welcome aboard Flight Psycho Schizo Espresso and observe the “fasten seatbelt” sign!
Make sure you like, subscribe, follow, rate and review Psycho Schizo Espresso WHEREVER you get your podcasts right now. Episodes are released every other Tuesday.
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Psycho Schizo Espresso is a Pod Prod Production. Find out more on -
"Mis värk sellega on?" podcast on Eesti esimene ja ainus Twitteris sündinud podcast. Genka, Daki & Liisi arutavad igas saates erinevate pealtnäha argiste teemade üle, et aru saada: mis värk siis nendega ikkagi on?Saate helipea autor on Taavet Niller.Toeta meid: saab kontakti [email protected].