V podcastu delimo osebne izkušnje in izmenjujemo mnenja o različnih tematikah s področja športa in prehrane. Podcast je tako namenjen vsem športnim navdušencem in tudi tistim, ki to še niso.
Unofficial Peloton podcast & weekly TV show, for the Peloton community, by the Peloton community. Featuring coverage of Peloton news, rumors, tips & tricks, reviews of accessories, interviews with community members, coaches, and instructors, and much much more.
Living An Ultra Life: How running can help you overcome obstacles. Ten years ago, chaos erupted in multiple areas of my life, creating a “perfect storm” strong enough to kill most of my hopes and dreams. Running helped me begin to dream again. -
Welcome to our podcast around the mental side of performance, both in sport and business. Your hosts are Greg Parry from Arcope and George Mitchell from FocusPerform. Here we will speak to a variety of guests such as sportspeople, sports psychologists, members of the army, businesspeople, so basically anywhere where psychology can be applied to mental health and performance. We are hoping to shed a light on what it is like to work in performance psychology and how it can be applied to the individual and the real world. -
Do you want to take your athletic performance to a new level? This podcast is about overcoming barriers to reach your full potential.
Muscle UP - The Podcast for Streetlifting and Calisthenics Enthusiasts
Welcome to "Muscle UP," the first international podcast dedicated entirely to the world of streetlifting and calisthenics. I'm Nadine, your host, inviting you to explore the fascinating world of streetlifting where strength sports and bodyweight training is combined in a unique way.
This podcast is for everyone looking to deepen their passion for becoming stronger and lifting heavy weights while still being able to do fancy skills with their own bodyweight!
Here, you'll find exclusive interviews with the world's best athletes, exciting insights into international and German streetlifting competitions, practical training tips, and much more.
A special focus of this podcast is to highlight the presence and achievements of women in this sport. Through conversations with strong female figures in streetlifting and calisthenics, we provide a platform to learn from their experiences, share their stories, and further promote the sport among women.
From theory to practice – at "Muscle UP," you not only get motivating stories but also concrete, applicable knowledge. Learn from the experiences and mistakes of others, discover new training methods, and be inspired by the diversity and strength of our community.
Whether you're an experienced athlete, just starting with streetlifting, or simply curious about this fascinating sport, "Muscle Up" is the perfect companion for your personal fitness journey.
Make "Muscle UP" your meeting point for inspiration, knowledge, and strengthening the international streetlifting community. -
Running is the one thing that we all like talking about. Every week on the award winning Women’s Running podcast, we talk all things running, women, health and fitness with our own brand of happy, irreverent chat. Esther and Holly talk through their training highs and lows, and all the bits and pieces in-between. Every so often, we invite an expert to join us to help us figure out the confusing worlds of training, recovery, nutrition, health and more. And sometimes we get to talk to an incredible woman from the world of running, from Anna McNuff to Paula Radcliffe, Susie Chan to Nicky Spinks. So why do we do it? Because we realised that most of the running podcasts we listened to were full of blokes waffling on about quads and cadence (and we realised that we can do that perfectly well ourselves, thank you very much). Right here, we talk about all the things that affect us when we step out the door: sexism, hormones, menopause, food, pelvic floors, relationships, mental health, seagull attacks and wild weeing. But. BUT. We will also talk about races, PBs, shoes, training, starting running, enjoying running, finding the fun. And quads and cadence. This is the Women’s Running podcast, and it’s for women who love to run. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Dobrodošla v Parbati podcastu, kjer Nastja in Ines razbijata tabuje o ženski cikličnosti, hormonih, spolnosti, plodnosti, bio hackingu za ženske in še kaj. Ta podcast je prostor, kjer nobena tema ni tabu ali prepovedana. V vsaki epizodi bova delili preproste skrivnosti, ki ti bodo pomagale boljše razumeti svoje žensko telo, od tega kaj ti sporoča tvoja menstruacija, kako obvladovati svoje hormone s prehrano in načinom življenja, pa do tega kako si lahko izboljšaš svoje počutje, produktivnost, telesno zmogljivost in užitek s tem, da živiš v skladu s svojo žensko cikličnostjo.
Eastern European host Zaza talks to some of the SMARTEST PEOPLE on the planet, exploring as many different topics as he can get his greedy hands on.
Listen to Medscape InDiscussion: Renal Cell Carcinoma, a podcast series where thought leaders and clinical experts share their diverse insights and practical ideas for optimizing patient care. Relevant disclosures can be found with the episode show notes on Medscape ( The topics and discussions are planned, produced, and reviewed independently of advertisers. This podcast is intended only for US healthcare professionals.
Podkasti ekipe 24ur z najbolj vročimi gosti s sveta zabave, športa, novic in aktualnih zgodb
I did all the right things to prevent getting cancer. A certified health coach, nutritionist & wellness speaker, I thought I’d be the last person to be diagnosed with breast cancer. Why did I still get it? Was there something else I could have done to prevent it?
A couple years later, I am grateful to be cancer-free and now I’m on a mission to share everything I’ve learned about mitigating risk, managing symptoms, and staying mentally well when bad things happen – even if you “did everything right!”
‘Why Did I Get Cancer‘ features:
• Eye-opening information about health/cancer risks that surround us (and solutions to mitigate risks)
• Health & lifestyle tips to lower risk (easier and quicker than you’d think!)
• Inexpensive solutions for lowering cancer risk
The information provided on this podcast pertaining to your health or wellness, or any other aspect of your life is not intended to be a substitute for the professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own Medical Provider or Mental Health Provider. You agree and acknowledge that my guests and I are not providing medical advice, mental health advice, or medication advice in any way.
Always seek the advice of your own Medical Provider and/or Mental Health Provider regarding any questions or concerns you have about your specific health or any medications, herbs or supplements you are currently taking and before implementing any recommendations or suggestions from this podcast. Do not disregard medical advice or delay seeking medical advice because of information you have heard on this podcast. -
If you are a woman in leadership and/or aspiring for greater leadership and you are looking to have it all; success in your career, personal life, and health, you're going to love this podcast season.
I am incredibly passionate about this topic because I believe that as women leaders we can have it all! We don't have to settle for being successful in just one area of life such as our careers. We can orchestrate a life that is fulfilling, pleasurable, and healthy in all areas. We are all a "work-in-progress" but it's important to BELIEVE we can have it all or we surely won't get that.
We will be speaking about what it takes to be a successful leader AND have a thriving personal life. Topics include passion, purpose, grit, compassion, self-awareness, thought leadership, self-care, wellness, visionary thinking, and strategic leadership.
*Health Is Freedom, LLC is providing this podcast as a public service. Reference to any specific product, treatment, health advice, or entity does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Health is Freedom, LLC. The views expressed by guests are their own and their appearance on the program does not imply an endorsement of them, their opinions, or any entity they represent. -
Eden najbolj priljubljenih slovenskih pisateljev dr. Miha Mazzini te skozi navdihujoče pogovore odpelje v raziskovanje in pridobivanje poglobljenih odgovorov na vprašanja, ki jih zastavlja najboljšim strokovnjakom posameznega področja. Vabimo te, da se prijaviš in ujameš vsako epizodo tvojega novega najljubšega kanala za radovedne.
Športne zanimivosti in odmevi
100% odkrito o duševnem in fizičnem zdravju, ganljivih zgodbah, pomembnih idejah ter razmislekih. Občasno pa tudi sproščen čvek o povsem vsakdanjih temah.
BRSTOLOGIJA je podcast, ki ga vodi KAJA STRNIŠA. Namenjen je predvsem raziskovanju psihologije, duševnega zdravja in dobrega počutja.
Hkrati pa občasno zakoraka tudi na druga področja delovanja človeka, narave, družbe in sveta na sploh. -
Veš unu, ka greš u kevdr s kolegi, pa se menš kr neki, k nasledno jutro use pozabs? Podcast o 2,5 dolenjca (1 prženjen), ki v kevdru ene od dolenjskih zidanic ob narezku in kozarčku rujnega rdečega debatirajo o raznovrstnih temah in dogodkih... sami ali v družbi imenitnih gostov...
Dobrodošli na podcastu Vse o psihologiji!
Sem psihologinja Taja in v svojem prostem času ustvarjam vsebine za podcast. Prvo sezono sva še kot študentki vodili s sošolko Evo s katero sva zajeli veliko različnih psiholoških vsebin ter gostili goste. Druga sezona, ki jo vodim sama, pa je namenjena zgodbam vas. Zgodbam ljudi, ki želijo podeliti svojo zgodbo in bit navdih drugim. Moj cilj je ozaveščati o tematikah vezanih na duševno zdravje ter ponuditi ljudem vsebine skozi katere bodo spoznali, da v svoji stiski niso sami. -
Športna redakcija Vala 202 dvakrat dnevno pripravi pregled najpomembnejših dogodkov.