In a most predictable fashion, Jack Posobiec et al. launched into their traditional screed about how domestic "terrorist" attacks are all the fault of libertarians, what with the immense power grip they have on government and their ceaseless bleating about "civil liberties and rights". Never fear, your humble correspondents have some vanquishing retorts, as do Dave Smith, Clint Russell and now-Christian, Spike Cohen.
Blowback is a bitch (even if the Deep State is using it as a pretense for even more military-industrial complex campaigns against the dreaded "Muslim extremists").
Disclaimer for the Posobiecs, James Lindsays, and Lindsay Grahams of the world: OF COURSE, ISRAEL HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THIS AS THE SOLE DEMOCRACY IN THE MIDDLE EAST!!!
Oak Park relishes in new nonsensical statutes from Illinois's nonsensical governor. Longfellow Park is about to get a facelift as all of the self-appointed "cougars" of Oak Park scream: "Why not me?!"
BUY TRIDENTINE BEERS. Find out exactly where at www.tridentinebrewing.com.
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BEER OR 6: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
Blessed Feast Day of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton of AMERICA!
PAX. -
Perhaps the greatest challenge for the modern Catholic is to find the happy state wherein one trusts in God, not to the point of surrendering to inertia but more so that state of cooperating to the fullest extent with actual and sacramental graces in order to attain excellence in the here and now. Temporal and natural achievement ought to be pursued, attained and celebrated without a shrug of the shoulders but rather for the greater glory of God.
Acedia acts as a potent depressant to the soul. It could be said that it is the sin of admitting that everything and every act is ho-hum--an egalitarianism of behavior, if you will.
Holy Writ, St. Paul, the Fathers of the Church and St. Josemaria Escriva pushed excellence and a true exercise of human freedom so as to combat this subtle but progressively deadly vice.
River Forest--the Gomorrah to Oak Park's Sodom--deals with a rash (actually one incident) of gay pride flag theft. No worries though: the juvenile offenders will be placed in the tender care of over-funded and under-qualified Dominican University social workers.
After that, they are sure to never commit another crime... Right...
*Article on John Lyons murders, attempt on Nick Fuentes's life: https://www.wsaz.com/2024/12/21/suspect-3-deaths-was-killed-by-police-far-right-influencer-nick-fuentes-neighborhood/
BUY TRIDENTINE BREWS: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY TRIDENTINE BEERS--he's parched!: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Episodes manquant?
The Al-Assad regime capitulates in Syria as the latest country in the actual domino effect, one authored and orchestrated by the CIA at the behest of Tel Aviv.
Pick your favorite corny love song. Replace "baby" or "honey" or "my love" with the United States and Israel, and you'll have a very quick but accurate summation of a diabolical and deadly love affair. Even to the seasoned and well-read historian, it is astonishing the degree to which the deep state in Washington demands absolute allegiance--to the point of self-destruction even--to the Zionist ethno-state in the Middle East. Heroic journalists and commentators are stepping into the breech to question all of it.
Harry and Marv, aka HOME ALONE's Wet Bandits, are innocuous teddy bears in comparison to the State, with its systematic plunder and larceny. Oh for a paint can for the government...
BUY GARY A CHRISTMAS, TRIDENTINE BREW: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
Merry Christmas.
PAX. -
For the first time in 123 years, Argentina balances its budget and even goes so far as to expect a future surplus. Milei is the reason, despite his odd and schizophrenic foreign policy--he knows his Mises and he knows his Rothbard. Argentines are the beneficiaries of all of it.
Gary argues that next to the Pater Noster, Mary's Magnificat is the greatest prayer in the history of Christianity. It ties in so much about Revelation and the unfolding of Salvation history. Charlie is on board...
Oak Park projects a lofty price (Is there another option?) for its new governmental and enforcement centers. All for the parasitical good...
Clip about the conversion story of Fr. Francis Tuckwell: https://x.com/Vitus_oss/status/1866560450806116706
BUY SAINTS and AN-CAP INSPIRED APPAREL: www.hoth2ohistory.com/shop
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BEER: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
An Oak Park detective was gunned down last week, and the same people who created such a dangerous environment in which cops must work were, altogether predictably, the first ones to express their phony "condolences".
The supposedly aggrieved over the murder of Detective Reddins are the same ones creating the current state of anarcho-tyranny, i.e. a government imposed disorder and injustice. This is contrary to our beloved anarcho-capitalism which would naturally bring order and voluntary exchange. And, with it, peace. Let us never confuse the two.
The Oak Park Village Board, in the midst of their grieving, elected to set aside $1 million for the Percy Jullian Shrine in the most classically Oak Park Way: "It’s not yet clear exactly how the $1 million will be used."
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BEER at www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Welcome TK Coleman to the Podcast that renders all others to various degrees inferior... After some reminiscing about their glory days in Catholic grade school, Gary and Charlie get right into the nitty-gritty with Mr. Coleman. The problems with politics and the misguided religiosity assigned to it, the prudence or lack thereof of disassociation, and what the hell is going on the institutional, established entities in the so-called freedom movement--no stone left unturned. Some were thrown, justifiably, however. A lock on a string was launched from another source as well...
Oak Parkers show the rest of the world just how to parent the next generation of self-absorbed, petulant heathens. More subservient taxes to the village is an essential ingredient.
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BEER OR SIX... www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
The U.S. Department of War can really destroy two things with ease: world peace and audits. In fact, you can call the Pentagon the GOAT at each. You see, don't you though, American taxpayer--it's really all your fault?!
Ludwig von Mises spoke in his characteristically eloquent and powerful manner of the nature of the lizards of the ruling class. Their fondness of communism should not surprise us one bit.
Here's another shocker: Israeli soccer fans start a fight they can't finish and like the snap of a rubber band, the Netanyahu cabal gets everyone to declare that a pogrom was taking place in that historically famous site for Jewish pogroms--Amsterdam... Wow.
Oak Parkers did not get the president they wanted. Put that in your democracy pipe and smoke it...
BUY TRIDENTINE BREWS: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY SOME Cristeros Mexican Lager: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
Pier Giorgio Frassati and Carlo Acutis, ora pro nobis! -
Stark contrasts exist between Trump, who is about to take the American Imperial Throne for the second time and his only, real predecessor--the Chief Executive of what once was the American Republic, Grover Cleveland. Ironically, Trump wants to raise tariffs; Cleveland wanted to all but abolish them. Trump is a real estate man and, as such, wants interest rates pushed down--Fed or high water. Cleveland needed interest rates to subside as well but resorted to John Pierpont Morgan and private finance to save the system. Both presidents wished to restrain the Empire's adventurism. Both really, really liked gold. Let's just see how much Trump still does...
Oak Park finds innumerable, creative and galling ways in which to empty the public coffers. No expenditure is too large when it comes to brainwashing present and even future generations of "the Village".
BUY TRIDENTINE BREWING MERCH AND BEER--Find out where at www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BREW: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
Trump Does Cleveland.mp4 -
Emperor of the United States and King of Meme! Truth is that--shocker--we tend to go against the grain. Regarding Trump, the normie take is that his policies are good, they just don't like the man. Well, we're on board for all of the entertainment, the memes, the brashness and especially the repudiation of all of the worst baddies his re-ascent to the throne represents. Quite the good squad he's assembled as well--let's see what they get done.
Oak Park wails at the prospect of his Orange Eminence's return. Best coping mechanism for the true village socialists: pay raises for public officials, of course.
BUY STUFF AND BEER from TRIDENTINE BREWING: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BREW: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
A very odd statue of basketball star Dwayne Wade was unveiled in Miami just as the Vatican promoted a Japanese, anime inspired mascot, Luce. Both representations have received the proper, popular derision they deserve because neither symbol resembles the actual beings for which they stand.
Ben Bollinger joins the show to elucidate the areas in which the Church faces imaging and outreach problems, all of which is disturbing since the Church has been granted the Light of Divine Truths in Revelation and Tradition, not to mention Augustine, Aquinas, Michelangelo and Mozart. Good material is hardly lacking, so to speak.
Thanks to Ben too, for sharing his trek to communion in the Catholic Church and how he has been graced to be confirmed in his decision.
River Forest pines to be Oak Park and to affirm its servility, launches a war against gas leaf blowers. The village board breaks their own arms (with one exception) in patting themselves on the back. Self-ordained raises sure help.
Check out Ben's work and musings at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100004767439270
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BEER OR FIVE... www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX! -
Long overdue is the moral imperative to stop ignoring the burning bush and imagining that abortion and the Israeli genocide campaigns continue as anything but mass human extermination campaigns. Randall Terry and Cenk Uygur unmask the sinister, galling depravity of both, respectively and even succeed in forcing the sorcerers on THE VIEW and Piers Morgan's show to look at the horrors. Whores looking at horrors, as it were...
Oak Park Village Board Members wish to reward themselves with full-time job salaries for decidedly part-time jobs. They've done marvelous work after all.
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BREW at: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
The great Ryan McMaken at the Mises Institute advances some key insights pertaining to the war the state has always led--by its nature--against private, organic, cooperative and voluntary institutions and associations. His article provides some ways to fight back, but that's only after we recognize just how inimical freedom is to government and vice versa. It ought to come as no surprise that the Church and the family have always found themselves in the state's crosshairs, both literal and figurative.
Marie Antoinette was a typical victim of the state gone crazier than normal--or was the French Revolution just the inevitable outcome of ultimate, religious deference to the state? Though the Dauphine-then-Queen was by no means an anarchist, two anarcho-capitalists here express their fondness for her courage and Catholic faith. She got caught up in a shit-storm stirred up by noble rivals and bloodthirsty rabble.
Oak Park (which a lot of queens call home) feigns concern about voting integrity and affordable housing.
link to McMaken article: https://mises.org/mises-wire/why-its-not-enough-hate-state
BUY STUFF AND NOW ACTUAL BEER (!) at www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BREW: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
The just day has finally arrived; time to enjoy the fruits of prodigious, patient labor. The guys welcome on show favorite Trevor Alcorn to officially and formally announce the commercial release of Tridentine Brewing's Christero Mexican Lager to be followed soon by a host of other amazing offerings.
It was a long road to hoe, and it was only by God's grace with a ton of intercessory prayers to angels and saints (Sorry Protestants!) that this has come to pass.
A certain village for which we have an eternal fondness/piety is about to erupt in protest. Boston can have its Tea Party--Oak Park is about to have a leaf party.
BUY GARY (and even Charlie) a Tridentine Brew at www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Harris runs a campaign on imagining the unalienable right for you to alienate your child from life itself. Trump falls for faux FBI plot to make a Pakistani operative a patsy for Iran. We've officially gone far beyond the American electoral system and presidential campaigns simply promoting mendacity. They are actively and dangerously stupid.
Is it enough anymore to simply laugh and them and not participate in the charade?
Oak Park looks to do what all progressive villages do--spend bundles of money it doesn't have.
BUY GARY A BEER: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
The Chicago White Sox chase down history as they are sure to lose more games this season than any other team in the modern era. Undaunted by the sheer ignominy of the feat, Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf is going hat-in-pauper-hand to the City of Chicago and State of Illinois, pleading with government to let him bilk them yet again...
Chicago public school teachers fail at a rate (a Guaranteed Rate?!) equivalent to the White Sox, if one were to equate reading at grade level to winning percentage. They too know where to get their breadline bread buttered--not through educating better, but through coordinated graft.
Oak Park hires a guy to care for infants with experience on retarded committees.
No mention of helping babies avoid the slaughter mill of abortion. That's reproductive care, after all. To believe that, by the way, you must be beyond the "r-word"...
BUY STUFF FROM TRIDENTINE BREWING: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A TRIDENTINE BREW: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Anarcho-capitalism is a beautiful ideology and theory, but it is also hard to swallow for the uninitiated. Breaking out of the matrix and Overton window is intimidating. Hans-Hermann Hoppe offered both theory and practical advice as to how to proceed--27 years ago. His address turned transcription has aged so well that its wisdom shines all the more brilliantly. The antidote to the State is desperately needed.
Oak Park must ponder the future of who can best expropriate the village's wealth to popular acclaim. Such is democracy the god that always fails.
BUY GARY A BEER; www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
No time like the present--along with every succeeding 9/11 anniversary--to remind people of what transpired prior to the greatest government terrorist attack carried out on the American people; namely, Donald Rumsfeld addressed the assorted fellow fiends at the Department of War (we refuse to call it 'Defense') about how $2.3 trillion in allocations had gone, well, missing. Exoneration by bombing--quite the out... Weird how both the immediate and then extended aftermath all redounded to the benefit of the CIA, Deep State, military-industrial complex and assorted governmentalities... Let's not forget Israel and Saudi Arabia too.
Oak Park showers even more lauds and plaudits upon those who wish to flagellate themselves and whatever shred of dignity they have left; all over the phantasms of rabid anti-Semitism, racism, and--you guessed it--homophobia.
BUY STUFF FROM OUR HOLY AND WONDERFUL SPONSOR, Tridentine Brewing; www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A BEER; www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Many are moved by the fictitious stories of open defiance against injustice and totalitarianism: Neo, Batman, whoever Katniss is... But we're like sheep to the slaughter and even cheer on the very real villains operative among us. Why is that? It cannot just be explained away by the frog-in-the-pot dynamic...
Oak Park offends through its obvious cultural appropriation of American Indians.
BUY TRIDENTINE BREWING STUFF: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A BEER: www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
Who has accomplished more, the university chair, the desk chair, or the armchair? With all of these supposedly reputable and esteemed institutions crumbling around us, today is the triumph of the armchair economist, historian, physician, theologian--you name it. What have you done for the good lately? Or ever?
Progressivism ruins merit and dispels justice by its nature.
You can still trust the work of some good (if professional) historians and journalists. Gary discusses Stephen Kinzer's ALL THE SHAH'S MEN: AN AMERICAN COUP AND THE ROOTS OF MIDDLE EAST TERROR. Turns out members of very prominent and evil American families (Rockefeller, Dulles, Roosevelt) orchestrated and fomented perhaps the most consequential of the CIA's many-led coups back in 1953. And, they did it mostly because members of equally prominent and evil British families (Windsor, Churchill) needed Uncle Sam to help pillage and plunder Iran of its oil. Oh, and Nazi collaborators too...
BUY GARY A BEER AT www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. -
The Democratic National Convention finds a very warm place to call home: Chicago. Here the scoundrels inside the United Center wink and nod about not being totally owned by AIPAC lobbyists and Ukrainian money launderers. Their penchant for genocide knows no bounds as they rejoice at a Catholic bishop(?) giving an invocation while babies are chemically killed in their mothers' wombs in a van in the parking lot.
Heaven-fire cannot come soon enough.
Oak Parkers engage in self-flagellation for calling the police too often on too many suspicious black men.
BUY STUFF FROM TRIDENTINE BREWING: www.tridentinebrewing.com
BUY GARY A BEER; www.buymeacoffee.com/garyrichied
PAX. - Montre plus