
  • Unlock the secrets of transformation from a business development rep to a go-to-market guru with Chris Alto, CEO and co-founder of Zipper, and former HubSpot whiz. In this enlightening episode, Chris shares his wisdom on how sales skills are not just beneficial but essential for budding entrepreneurs. He takes us on a thrilling ride through his career, demonstrating the power of consultative selling—a technique that he perfected at HubSpot—which focuses on guiding customers through their purchasing decisions, rather than pushing products onto them. Feel the rush of cold calling without the chill, as Chris breaks down his innovative strategies for turning potential rejections into golden opportunities. His enthusiasm for what many dread is contagious, offering up his own strategies that pivot on persistence and informed prospecting. Listen up as Chris throws the traditional sales script out the window and instead crafts a genuine, two-way conversation with clients. His live demonstration of an effective opening line might just be the trick to revamp your own cold calling technique. Finally, dive into the mental game of sales and entrepreneurship, where resilience is key, and small victories pave the way to success. Chris correlates his triathlon training to the sales grind, highlighting the importance of staying motivated and celebrating every win, no matter the size. His storytelling prowess comes to life as he elucidates how to pitch an MVP to investors by constructing a narrative of future prosperity. So, if you're eager to grow and succeed in the entrepreneurial world, Chris Alto's insights are the tools you need to start building your empire.

  • Unlock the secrets to scaling sales teams and driving company growth as Mike Hanauer, the mastermind behind Datto's remarkable success story and a brilliant market leader, shares his wealth of knowledge with us. Discover Mike's transition from nuclear engineering to the forefront of sales strategy, and how his leadership pipeline initiatives have been a game-changer in nurturing internal talent. His hands-on experience as CRO at Scout and the pathway to a successful acquisition by Barracuda MSP is a treasure trove for anyone in a high-stakes sales environment. Feel the pulse of a sales team as we explore the subtle art of motivation and the power of personal connections with Mike Hanauer. Learn how tapping into individual aspirations can turn quotas into meaningful achievements, and why building trust is more than just a leadership tactic—it's the foundation of a thriving culture. Then, we navigate the complex process of identifying future leaders, challenging the conventional wisdom that top sales performers are automatically cut out for management roles. Mike underscores the importance of consistent performance and an eagerness to learn as true indicators of potential. Wrapping up this insightful journey, we discuss the strategic frameworks that can make or break a company's growth trajectory. Mike and I share our personal transitions and the importance of aligning every level of an organization, from understanding your ideal customer profile to ensuring that each team member is rowing in the same direction. If Mike's strategic insights strike a chord with you, he's just a message away on LinkedIn or email, ready to connect and continue the conversation. Join us for this episode of 'All the Greats' that's teeming with actionable advice for the ambitious go-getter.

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  • Unlock the secrets to transforming your sales team's performance with Jaimee Diglio, CEO of InFirst Consulting and a captivating TEDx speaker, as we delve into the art of collaboration and leadership. Jamie and I unravel the complexities of nurturing modern sales teams, emphasizing the shift from traditional leadership strategies to a more empathetic and individualized approach. Discover how to boost engagement, not just revenue, and master the communication techniques that matter in an era where we're incredibly connected yet paradoxically disconnected. Embark on a journey of self-discovery with insights on the value of self-awareness in leadership. I share with you the importance of recognizing your team's unique strengths, much like assembling a winning Moneyball team, where each member's individual talents are maximized. We explore the profound impact a supportive organizational culture can have on innovation and reducing turnover. It's about creating a space where differences are not just acknowledged but celebrated, leading to a more cohesive and effective team. End on a note that's all about growth—both personal and professional—as we talk about the courage it takes to show vulnerability and the transformation that leaders can experience when they reframe their mindsets. The concept of a 'win room,' where team values and energy converge, is introduced, setting the stage for success. For a deeper connection and more golden nuggets of wisdom, I invite you to continue the conversation with Jaime Diglio on LinkedIn. This episode is your guide to not just leading but inspiring your team to thrive in today's challenging landscape.

  • Unlock the full potential of LinkedIn with the guidance of Bob Woods, LinkedIn expert and host of the Making Sales Social podcast, as we embark on a journey to harness the platform for unparalleled sales success. Prepare to revolutionize your professional networking and relationship-building tactics, as Bob and I dissect the evolution of LinkedIn into a prime destination for B2B interactions. Our conversation maps the route from optimizing your profile to mastering the art of engaging potential customers, ensuring you walk away with an arsenal of strategies to target your Ideal Customer Profile and boost your business networking acumen. Step into the world of social selling with confidence as we zero in on actionable advice to elevate your LinkedIn presence. Discover how to craft content that resonates, the art of fostering meaningful interactions, and the nuances of navigating 'Who's Viewed Your Profile' to unearth networking gold. As Bob lays out the blueprint from his agency, Social Sales Link, we address the often-overlooked concept of health in sales success and how AI is transforming the sales landscape. Together, we break down the mechanics of profile optimization, balancing calendar bookings, and integrating LinkedIn into your sales team's daily rhythm—all while overcoming the imposter syndrome and standing out in your industry. Cap off the episode with a deep dive into the art of personalization in social selling. I share insider tips on commenting with intention, outsmarting the LinkedIn algorithm, and the underestimated influence of video messaging to connect with your network on a personal level. Tune in as Bob and I underscore the necessity of authenticity in your LinkedIn engagements, proving that a few strategic moves can unlock new opportunities and reinforce the platform's power for genuine, sales-driving connections. With this treasure trove of insights, you're set to transform your LinkedIn endeavors into a dynamic engine for your sales career.

  • Unlock the secrets of customer satisfaction and discover the transformative journey of Michael Bradford, from inside sales to VP of operations at the innovative feedback company Happy or Not. This episode promises to reveal how on-site feedback devices have revolutionized the way businesses measure performance, serving as a continuous 'heart monitor' rather than a periodic 'EKG' snapshot. We're taking you behind the scenes of Michael's career, starting with his foundational years at MBNA America, to discuss how early encounters and experiences can set the stage for a successful trajectory in leadership and sales. Embark on a masterclass in sales coaching and customer adaptation, where Michael and I dissect the philosophies that drive success in the realm of sales. The episode provides an intimate look into the necessity of self-reflection, showcasing how listening to recorded calls can sharpen your sales acumen from reactive order taking to proactive problem-solving. Learn how a relentless coaching mentality, much like in sports, can bolster sales performance and foster a customer-centric approach that turns challenges into victories. Finally, step into the debate over the relevance of traditional sales strategies in a modern, technology-driven market. We tackle the skepticism around cold calls and stress the unchanging importance of personal relationships in sealing deals. Through honest anecdotes and shared experiences, we demonstrate that, despite a world inclining towards text-based communication, the human element and authenticity remain invaluable in the art of sales. Michael's insightful stories and strategies, along with his open invitation to connect on LinkedIn, offer a wealth of knowledge for anyone looking to master the greats' approaches to sales and life.

  • Unlock the secrets of sales operations mastery as we sit down with Tierney Didier, Senior Director of Revenue Ops in Analytics at LivePerson, who brings her unparalleled expertise to the mic. Grasp the importance of structured quarterly routines like QBRs, and learn how Tierney's own transition from sales to sales support has positioned her to truly 'get' the sales perspective, offering insights that refine the balance between process simplicity and the adoption of new methods. This episode peels back the layers of sales effectiveness, highlighting the often-overlooked value of relationship-building and the necessity of consistent, fundamental practices even as we chase the allure of new projects. Step into the world of collaborative triumphs, where Tierney guides us through the harmony of sales, marketing, and cross-functional partnerships, all in service of strategic data use. We discuss the delicate dance of extracting high-quality data from on-the-go sales reps while simultaneously providing them with dashboards that turn numbers into actionable insights. The episode reveals the inner workings of project management tools that keep our initiatives sharply focused and showcases the vibrant culture of inclusion and accountability that can elevate a team's efforts from good to extraordinary. Finally, Tierney and I dissect the lifeblood of any sales operation—the integrity of data. She shares the proactive steps needed to cultivate trust in data accuracy, emphasizing the importance of establishing a solid sales operations foundation early in a company's life cycle. We also examine the creation and use of global dashboards, highlighting how these tools can align organizational goals and provide a transparent view of business health. This episode is a blueprint for those looking to understand the critical role of sales operations in bridging the gap between ambitious financial objectives and the day-to-day realities faced by sales teams.

  • Unlock the secrets of transforming your sales development skills with Alex Schofield of Confluent as we dissect the evolution of SDR roles in the enterprise environment. Prepare to be enlightened on the strategic shift towards fostering high-quality conversations and swift transactions while navigating the complex responsibilities that come with it. This episode is a masterclass in adapting to the modern sales landscape, highlighting the delicate balance between efficiency and the indispensable human touch. The sales world is abuzz with AI and automation, but we're here to dissect how to maintain a personal connection in this high-tech era. Alex and I discuss the power of meticulous research and establishing a robust point of view before engaging with prospects, ensuring you cut through the digital noise. We explore strategies for making your outreach resonate, from limiting the number of daily calls to tailoring communications for specific industries, ensuring that your sales efforts are not just efficient but truly effective. We wrap up with invaluable insights on the art of follow-up and the importance of cultivating professional relationships, even beyond the immediate sales horizon. Alex shares his preference for LinkedIn as a networking powerhouse and extends an invitation to connect. Whether you're an SDR eager to climb the ladder or a seasoned sales rep aiming to refine your approach, this discussion with Alex Schofield promises a wealth of knowledge to elevate your sales game.

  • Unlock the secrets to high-ticket B2C sales success with David Duncan, VP of Sales at SVETNESS, as he shares his transformative journey from B2B to B2C. This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to refine their sales approach, from understanding the shift towards relationship-building to mastering the discovery phase. David, a seasoned consultant, reveals the evolution of sales strategies, moving away from aggressive tactics to a nuanced dance of aligning with customer needs. He also critiques discount-driven cultures and the effects of internet-based economies on purchasing behaviors, advocating for a knowledgeable and consultative edge in modern selling. Experience a masterclass in balancing automation with the irreplaceable human touch, as we dissect the critical role of initial interactions in the sales cycle. David stresses that while many aspects of our sales system are automated, it is the quality of that first conversation that can make or break a deal. From strategies to navigate economic downturns to offering lower commitment options, this episode is rich with strategies to not only survive but thrive in challenging markets. Moreover, David advises sales professionals to invest in their ongoing education, ensuring the sharpening of their skills beyond the training provided by their companies. The episode wraps with David Duncan reflecting on the legacy he desires to leave in the sales industry. It's not just about numbers and quotas; it's about the profound impact he's had on individuals' lives. Hear stories of growth from minimum wage earners to top sales reps under his mentorship, and learn how passion, experience, and the right tonality in your pitch can be game-changers. David's commitment to the craft of sales and leadership shines through, offering not just strategies but inspiration for anyone looking to leave their mark in the sales domain.

  • Prepare to immerse yourself in a heartfelt conversation with our guest, Yesuah Bell, the director of sales at Mad Mobile. He invites us into his world of sales, sharing his intriguing journey, which began in the realm of personal electronics and led him to his current leadership role at Mad Mobile. You'll glean insights from the ups and downs of his career, including an engrossing account of the company's shift from being under Sysco Foods to its current independent state. An advocate for mentoring and coaching, Dona lays bare his growth as a leader and the rewarding returns on investment in mentorship in the sales industry. Now, let's strip away the sales talk and delve into the human side of it. We tackle the oft-ignored yet critical element in sales - mindfulness. The necessity of understanding your state of mind to perform at your peak, the ability to take a breather when needed, and recognizing when your team might be faltering are all points of discussion. We also touch on the joy of engaging in activities that rejuvenate the mind and spirit, underscoring the essentiality of self-care in the fast-paced world of sales. Lastly, we delve into the powerful subject of building trust in sales and leadership. Discover the art of finding common ground and empathizing with the Ideal Customer Profile (ICP), all in an effort to foster connections with potential clients. Unraveling the importance of mentorship and finding win-win solutions in relationships, we also focus on the role of leaders in fostering trust within their teams. This includes being open to feedback and truly understanding the needs of the team members. So join us for an episode rife with insights on trust-building in sales and cultivating successful relationships with clients and team members.

  • Brace yourself for a thrilling encounter with Dan Zurek, the dynamo behind Science IO's sales operation. This stimulating episode promises to sharpen your sales strategies and help you build lasting relationships with clients. Dan, an expert in harnessing AI's potential for business advancement, shares how artificial intelligence has become a driving force for Science IO, a company dedicated to creating a vast language model for healthcare and biomedical science data. Stay tuned as he elucidates the criticality of early value establishment in the sales process and its role in fostering trust among customers. We navigate the intricate labyrinth of sales, underlining the pivotal role of fostering personal connections. We shed light on the art of understanding the motivations of customers, guiding them through their buying journey, and the importance of resilience amidst stiff competition. Sharing our own experiences, we sketch out how continuous improvement and surmounting adversities can pave the way to sales success. The episode culminates in an enlightening discussion on the long-term aspects of business growth. Listen closely as we explore the merits of partnerships and the mutual benefits that can arise from leveraging data partnerships and CRM tools. We also offer insights on how to steer relationships with larger enterprises, emphasizing the importance of patience and maturity. The episode wraps up with a segment on ascending the sales leadership ladder, highlighting the need for continuous learning and effort. So, whether you're a seasoned salesperson or just starting, this episode is sure to provide you with insights you won't want to miss!

  • We're thrilled to shed light on the captivating journey of Caleb Norris, Head of Sales Development at HST Pathways. Caleb's repertoire not only boasts impressive sales strategy acumen but also narrates his intriguing transition from banking to sales. With Caleb as our guest, we promise you riveting insights into the bustling ambulatory surgical centers industry and HST Pathways' pivotal role within it. Our chat with Caleb is a goldmine for anyone in sales development. He passionately advocates for continuous learning, adaptation, and the importance of mentors - principles that have propelled him to the top echelons of his career. Caleb wears many hats, and as a strategic coach, he shares the secrets to impactful team management, setting clear expectations, and fostering a healthy workplace culture. His wisdom about building a successful sales development team in its various phases is certainly something you wouldn't want to miss. Caleb's dedication to nurturing individual growth and fostering a positive workplace environment is truly inspiring. Listen in as he shares his unique perspective on managing by metrics, evaluating sales development reps, and the contrasting 'hunter' and 'gatherer' mindsets in the sales industry. Leaving no stone unturned, Caleb concludes the discussion on a heartwarming note, expressing his hopes of being remembered as an encourager, a courageous individual, and, above all, a lifelong student. So, plug in your earphones and prepare to be influenced by Caleb Norris's insightful outlook on sales development.

  • Today, I'm thrilled to introduce you to Rachel Musiker, the dynamic head of sales at Preql. Her journey into the world of sales is nothing short of inspiring as she talks about creating her own path to success, navigating the intricacies of sales, and debunking the negative stigma attached to it. Discover how Rachel leverages Prequel's platform that allows business teams to create and define their own KPIs, effectively eliminating the dependence on data engineers. As we move forward, the art of effective discovery in sales takes center stage. We share insights and stories from our own experiences about how this aspect can make or break a deal. Weigh in on the ongoing debate regarding the use of a demo before or after discovery, and learn how a balanced approach that combines both can unlock a deeper understanding of client's needs and provide a more tailored solution. Finally, we step into the complex world of transitioning from an individual contributor to a managerial role. Draw from Rachel's personal experiences, trials, and triumphs as we explore the challenges and opportunities that come with this shift. We explore the essence of leadership, the importance of authenticity, and building strong relationships. At the end of the day, it is about spreading love and support in all relationships and leaving a positive impact. Join us in this conversation as we delve into understanding success, leadership, and the art of sales.

  • Join us on an enlightening journey through the startup world with Mike Petrosyan, the head of sales at Great Question. Mike's unique perspective on leadership and sales is colored by his experiences in this fast-paced environment where creativity and initiative are key. Listen as he shares his love for technology and its role in streamlining processes, while also highlighting the essential qualities he looks for in potential colleagues. In our discussion, we delve into the critical role of initiative, especially when working in a startup or sales environment. From impressing potential employers to bringing in new team members as the company expands, Mike offers invaluable advice that will resonate with anyone even remotely interested in startups or sales. There's a deeper emphasis on the true purpose of sales, which is about remaining genuine, passionate, and always having a game plan. The conversation takes an interesting turn as we explore the nuances of networking and standing out in the sales world. Mike shares his experiences of using ingenious tactics to get noticed and stresses the importance of speaking the same language as your prospects. We wrap up by discussing the importance of leaving a lasting, positive legacy. Mike's career in sales has been shaped by his desire to help others, a virtue he holds in high regard. So, tune in for an episode filled with insightful discussions and rich life lessons from the world of sales and startups.

  • Ever wondered what it's like to be a part of the thrilling journey of a startup? Gear up to embark on an exhilarating ride with Keith Abramson, VP of Sales at Cypago, as he shares the trials and triumphs of nurturing a company from infancy. We tackle the shift towards product-led and self-service sales models and the art of crafting mutually beneficial outcomes for both the company and the client. Brace yourself for a deep-dive into the paradox of professional failures and the path to success. We take inspiration from baseball, reminding ourselves that even the best players fail more often than they succeed. In the fiercely competitive realm of software sales, we stress on the importance of continuous improvement and learning from your setbacks. We also discuss the importance of connecting value to the product and the problem it solves. We conclude with an engaging discussion on effective sales techniques and the discovery process, shedding light on the importance of training within early-stage companies. We explore how understanding a prospect's needs can shape your sales approach and the importance of making recommendations based on a thorough understanding of their pain points. Reaching out to potential clients via LinkedIn and improving compliance processes are also part of our conversation. Get ready to glean insights from Keith Abramson, a seasoned sales veteran, and level up your sales game. Tune in now!

  • oday's conversation with Lavi Schechter, DearDoc's Vice President of Sales, takes us on an inspiring journey from coding kiddo to sales superstar - highlighting the power of authenticity, the art of listening, and the importance of ethical sales leadership. Lavi's story of how he parlayed his tech-savvy into a successful sales career, always emphasizing the belief in his product, is a testament to the power of personal narratives in making connections and sealing deals. As we steer the conversation into leadership, we challenge the prevalent professional façade and advocate for authenticity. The sales world often compels us to put on a show, but we're turning the tables, spotlighting the vital role of sales leaders in promoting genuine creativity. We pull from lessons learned at Yelp, underscoring the art of listening to understand customer pain points and enhance the buying experience. In our final act, we discuss coachability and its role in hiring decisions. Openness to feedback, willingness to adapt, and thirst for improvement top our list of desirable traits. We round off with an exploration of ethical sales leadership, emphasizing how leaders mold the sales culture and why the buck stops with them when it comes to promoting ethical practices. Lavi imparts his own experiences and coaching wisdom, emphasizing the importance of practicing what we preach. This conversation is a treasure trove of insights; whether you're a novice salesperson or a seasoned leader, tune in.

  • Join us on a fascinating journey with Lee Johnson, Head of Sales at Vacatia. A veteran in the sales industry, Lee's path from selling jeans and Doc Martens to redefining the timeshare industry is nothing short of inspiring. He opens up about his experiences, shares insights on the art of sales, and delves into the challenges he's faced in the timeshare industry. His passion for customer satisfaction shines through in his innovative approach to timeshare sales. We also take a deep dive into the strategies and techniques that drive successful sales in resort companies. Lee highlights the importance of understanding customers, finding common ground, and customizing products to their needs. His emphasis on the concept of 'Ohana' or family sets Vacatia apart from larger corporations, creating a unique narrative in the timeshare industry. His strategies for keeping salespeople motivated and the significance of fair budgeting and effective communication truly highlight his leadership skills. Lastly, Lee shares his thoughts on the mentality shift in the timeshare sales industry. He also highlights the significance of hiring the right staff who share his vision and setting realistic expectations with customers and resorts. His commitment to business ethics, empathetic leadership, and his team's success is something to admire. So, plug in your headphones and prepare to be enlightened by Lee's unique insights into the world of timeshare sales and management.

  • Tune in and unlock the secrets to sales leadership and enterprise solutions from Andrew McDaniel, VP of Sales for Teneo. Andrew’s engaging journey from a high school fundraiser, a DJ, to a successful sales leader, is not just inspiring but packed with valuable lessons, especially for those eager to learn from the blunders he made as a young leader. He highlights the importance of adaptability, persistence, and the power of a personal approach in sales, critical aspects that have shown their worth in the rapidly shifting sales landscape of the last two years. The episode doesn't stop there, it takes you deeper into the heart of sales by demystifying goals, motivations, and effective techniques. Andrew excites listeners with a fresh perspective on how understanding your driving force can invigorate your sales strategy. He stresses the importance of client-focused solutions and consistent, valuable communication, that can undoubtedly elevate your sales game. His revelations on the use of cadences and sequences in sales are particularly enlightening. The conversation gets even more fascinating as we discuss how to develop successful salespeople and leaders. Discover the critical role of a fine-tuned pitch, the necessity of genuine curiosity about your prospect, and the emphasis on continuous improvement. We also outline the potential pitfalls of promoting SDRs too soon and how to prepare them for success. Andrew’s powerful insights, coupled with his personal anecdotes, make this episode a treasure trove for any aspiring salesperson, SDR, or leader. So, reserve your spot for this thought-provoking conversation with Andrew McDaniel - a journey that promises to leave you richer in knowledge and inspired in action.

  • Unlock the secrets of sales mastery with Simon Chelebian, sales manager at Deel, as we traverse the terrain of sales strategies and techniques. Are you ready to elevate your sales conversation game? We're about to break down the essentials of effective sales conversations - everything from the art of active listening to asking the right questions. All while discussing the transition from SDR to full-fledged sales rep. Struggling with objections? We've got you covered. Together with Simon, we address the challenges new sales reps face and divulge our strategies for handling objections effectively. We delve into the concept of SW, SW, (Some Will, Someone's Waiting) and emphasize the importance of asking open-ended questions to keep the conversation flowing. And let's not forget about career advancement. We've got insights on how to transition into higher-level roles and land a job in sales. Picture this: Mastering your current role before seeking a promotion, forging a robust network and personal brand, and the power of continuous learning in the sales profession. Plus, Simon is opening his doors to listeners searching for job opportunities. Get ready to catapult your sales career to new heights.

  • An exclusive with Amjed, the head of sales at Socket, awaits you in our latest episode. He offers an intriguing perspective on Socket's innovative approach to cybersecurity, their growth strategies after securing Series A funding, and their unique lean sales methodology. As he unravels his journey from an elite athlete to a sales leader, he shares valuable lessons learned from top sellers at Oracle and the considerable influence these insights have on Socket's hiring process. We continue our deep dive into the world of sales as Amjed illustrates the distinct mindsets of sale - the lone wolf, the relationship builder, and the challenger. He emphasizes the effectiveness of the challenger approach, and as he transitions into a leadership role in sales, he shares insights on the importance of post-sales customer success. In addition, we explore the principles of personal finance, wealth building, and legacy, drawing inspiration from the pages of the 'The Richest Man in Babylon.' Our conversation wraps up with a discussion about the seven principles of money as taught by Arcad, the wealthy chariot maker in 'The Richest Man in Babylon.' We also dissect the essence of a successful sales process and the importance of asking the right questions and conducting a proper discovery to qualify leads. It's a comprehensive guide filled with tips and tricks from a seasoned sales leader and a must-listen for aspiring salespeople, startup founders, or anyone interested in personal finance. Get ready to be inspired by Amjed's unique take on sales, leadership, and financial success.

  • Brace yourselves for an intriguing conversation with Matt Rafalski, the dynamic figure from Genesis, who is transforming the landscape of software development in capital markets! Matt unveils the underpinnings of Genesis, a rapid application development platform, enabling financial institutions to navigate the software development maze 80% faster, thus reducing the backlog dramatically. Matt draws from his fascinating career journey that straddles sales and Wall Street trading, painting a vivid picture of the challenges that come with building software and how Genesis' innovative 'buy-to-build' model comes into play as a game-changer. Not just that, Matt also delves into the realm of leadership development and coaching, sharing insider tips on managing a diverse pool of workstyles and personalities, fostering trust, and setting clear expectations within his team. His hands-on strategies on continuous learning, celebrating desired behaviors, and aligning with company values are sure to resonate with anyone looking to lead effectively in a startup culture. In our chat, Matt also lifts the curtain on his strategies for creating high-yielding sales environments. He highlights efficient meeting practices, effective utilization of time and resources, and the significance of forging meaningful relationships with clients. He underscores the role of a trusted advisor, a consultative approach, and the nurturing of both professional and social relationships. Listen in as Matt shares his leadership advice on delegation, hiring smarter people, giving credit where it's due, and maintaining a long-term vision. This episode holds a treasure trove of insights for leaders, sales professionals, or anyone intrigued by the tech and leadership world. Don't miss out!