
  • Hello everyone! I hope you're doing well! 

    In this video, I am analyzing fighting in the bottom lane. If you don't have time to listen to this episode, the main concept is:  When you trade or go for an all-in you always need to have a reason. Never fight because you’re tilted 


    Always fight with reason.  Check Cooldowns (Skills, Summoners, Runes) and jungler positioning  Adapt to your support’s gameplay. If they’re bad focus on how you can stay even or get someone else in your team ahead.  Fight with cooldowns advantage.  Always think in order to learn when you fail.  Make your own matchup guides so you have a clear plan of when to fight every game.
  • There are some basic positioning rules to follow in Laning phase as an adc. If you follow these rules then at least you won’t lose anymore.

    Force the 2v1 triangle Positioning at max range of your opponents Apply pressure with position Don’t back off far away from the enemy’s range as if you’re AFK.
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  • One of the biggest misconceptions of improvement is that we always have to win to get better. That is simply just not true. Our focus should be the continued improvement of ourselves every day and every game we play, with winning being a secondary focus that will come naturally on its own.

    The constant focus on improvement is much more important to ourselves than simply focusing on how to get that next win. The improvements, methods and work ethic that we learn while we train, will stay with us for a very long time, if not forever, while learning some cheese strategy will only get us so far. Think of it as giving yourself a fish, versus teaching yourself how to fish. I will now give a hypothetical example that we can see in almost all levels of league of legends and other esports to highlight the importance between the two.

    Let’s say we have two unranked players, A and B. Player A focusing on practicing the latest OP champion and strategy. Player B spends the majority of their practice time on basics, such as trading, csing, warding, minimap awareness, macro decisions, micro management training and mental focus within a game. At the beginning, player A climbs faster and a lot higher than player B. The champions he’s playing paired with the latest meta strategy he runs give him easy victories over his opponents. Player B has a slow start, as he’s spending time on issues which take a substantial amount of time to fix, improve and even understand.

    After 6 months of playing, player A finds himself still winning and climbing, but the games are much closer now. Players are starting to become much better as he climbs up the ladder, they adapt to meta strategies and champions faster than lower ranks and know how to counter them, and Riot also decides to nerf these cheesy strategies and champions. Player is starting to gradually climb at this moment. The process is not easy though, as he still has a lot to work on and he plays champions which may not be meta, but he really enjoys playing them. Nonetheless, he is starting to see a lot more wins due to his early game being very clean in the sense that he’s not giving up gold, and only going for high percentage plays, which are executed correctly thanks to their constantly improving understanding and mechanical skills of the game.

    After one year of playing, player A finds himself starting to lose more games than he actually wins as his champion gets nerfed and the meta has shifted entirely. And when he picks up a new champion to learn or a new strategy to practice the enemies stomp him as his fundamentals really suck. His level of fundamentals are a lot lower than his actual rank and he’s going to demote sooner or later, or just be hardstuck in this rank. Player B, however, is starting to win more games convincingly as his fundamentals at this point have been refined for an entire year. Little to no time is wasted up- keeping his basics in play as it is muscle memory at this point. This frees up time for him to pick up new champions which suit his play-style and the meta equally.

    The outcome is clear. Player B, has set himself up for success, while player A is now a whole year behind in terms of improvement and game understanding.

    The goal of this podcast is to produce players like player B with long-lasting results.

  • Hello everyone and welcome to the first episode and trailer of Improvement Time! podcast.

    This is a League of Legends improvement podcast, but before getting into this deeply, let me introduce myself first. Who am I?

    I'm John, aka Sagou and I'm pretty nervous right now because that's my first podcast in English ever, which is not my native language. I was born and raised in Greece, I study Computer Science and I'm 22 years old now.

    I'm a Diamond 1 peak adc. So you may think that I'm sharing this fact with you just to make you think I'm another League guru or a great player. However, it's not the case.

    I'm neither a guru nor a great player. I'm just a normal person just like you who just happened to be really passionate about the game and this led to me being consistent over time. I keep on playing even when tough times come.

    And that's because my ultimate goal is to enjoy the journey. That's just what I enjoy doing. I love losing, I love finding good enemies who actually play the game better than I do and try to win. This is what makes me better in the long-term.

    I always seek improvement in-game. I constantly practice, study the game, and watch pro players' VODs and streams. I always ask questions and find answers about League. And that's the real reason I created this podcast.

    I'm not the guru who is teaching you how to do it. I'm just a normal person who is seeking improvement and decided to share his journey to become his better self.

    This podcast is dedicated to all the people who want to become better at League Of Legends. I will talk about popular concepts, interview successful players, and give practical tips on how to improve as a League Of Legends player.

    If you're really into improving, then I hope you find this podcast useful. However, please I want you to be a part of it. If you like it or dislike it give me the reasons so I can improve. Ask for what you want to see in the future episodes and I will make sure to find the best information that works about the topics you ask for.