For some, business is a means to an end. And then there are the wild and crazy people like me - the ones who dive into business as if it were an extreme sport. I use business as a way to grow and expand as a human being with each new challenge. Each new level of success I have achieved has required me to dig deeper and show up more authentically.
I love to bring my dedication to my spiritual growth and consciousness into all that I do, from Kink to Business. Blending all of my passions into one book has not been an easy task. I hope that you make use of the tools presented in this book to expand who you are personally, professionally and spiritually so that you can really step into Being a Badass in Business.
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This episode is a lot of things – smart, funny, thought-provoking and the last Dana podcast ever why didn’t anyone tell me agh! - but it is hardly a debate. Guest Jessica Pettitt would say that it’s good enough as a debate as the end result was an amazing conversation between two brilliant ladies who got their points across. Never mind they keep agreeing with each other on every topic. Just sit back and enjoy the wonderful ride that is this last podcast episode. And thanks, Dana, for two wonderful years of episodes! I can’t wait to see your next evolution :)
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Episodes manquant?
This week Dana brings us content strategist Leigh Fowler. This lady’s mission in life is to help people develop strategies so that we can easily and powerfully share the magic we have inside ourselves with the world. She will share with us the “8 C’s of Content That Converts”, and what the “Triple V Factor” can really do to kickstart your message. Leigh wants us all to be able to create “content that converts, that positions you as the expert, that gives people results and helps them understand how they can work with you.” That sounds pretty Badass. Sign me up!
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Inclusivity is being embraced today as never before. But in business, is it always smart to assume that 100% of the people you interact with are trying their best and acting in your best interest? Your Inner Dominatrix says no. Dana explains the pitfalls to a totally inclusive mindset and shows us how we can position ourselves to deal with that other fifteen percent. Apparently, Inclusively Badass is the way to go.
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Lynn Pelzer has defined her life by being driven. Like, has launched 45 new FemCity Collectives since January kind of driven. Actually, if you search up her profile on Facebook, you will see her life motto: “Dreams do come true, you just have to work for them”. Except this busy, dynamic lady has reached a point in her life where business is good, home is good, life is good. So why does that make her feel so bad? Why is it just so darn hard to step off that hamster wheel of more? Isn’t the point of growing a business to create a lifestyle that you love, that works for you? It’s like we need someone to hold up a big sign in front of us that says “Relax. You have arrived. Please enjoy.” Well that someone is Dana. So relax. You have arrived. Please listen and enjoy.
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Alright all you business pilots. Buckle up. It’s Mach 1 and beyond today. We are busting through all the crap that rises up just as you are at the cusp of transforming your business. Whether it’s technical glitches, inter-personal issues or just plain annoying slow-downs, Dana has the inner mindset shift critical for you to transform all the crap into business success. Another powerful lesson from the dungeon awaits. Enjoy.
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Do you have Kleenex handy? You are going to laugh until you cry today! Step outside of the podcast box and avoid the formals on your way to the top. Larry Roberts’ approach to podcast success means doing the basics but it doesn’t mean that you can’t #hateonApple in the process. Larry sees people wrapped up in the numbers in podcasting, just like they are in business, and that creates an innate unfairness to yourself, your process and your goals. Today, Larry not only tears down the box you tend to put yourself but he opens himself up to share his best moments in podcasting and his life (he has dogs). Click play to hear Dana, Larry and his dogs demonstrating how to be awesome in front of an audience – no matter how smooth things go.
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Today, let’s honour Jane Tabachnick as she shares her current struggle in business with us. Jane helps “savvy entrepreneurs and enlightened professionals package their message into a book that helps them achieve their goals”. Sounds pretty cool, right? So how come Jane is struggling with promoting and supporting herself in the same way? Because like many of us, Jane was raised not to talk about money. #icanrel8. So let’s talk about it. Jane can now, after her session with Dana. What do you need to talk about? Our Inner Dominatrix can help you clear the judgements around those issues that come up around any difficult topic. Freeing you up to stretch and grow the Inner Dominatrix way.
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Leigh Burton, a brilliant, powerful successful woman in business, is struggling with something. Even though Leigh has become a masterful coach, driven to help people live ego free; she, just like the rest of us, still has some stuff to work through. Graciously, Leigh has allowed us to listen in on her amazing session with Dana. First Dana pokes at Leigh’s financial sting of having spent money for her own coaching and not gotten the result she felt she paid for, then at the pain of loss of trust with these coaches. Finally, Dana slips in the piece of Leigh allowing herself to charge “good” money for her own membership program – something she has been resistant to as she likens it to “sitting down to have tea and conversation with friends”. Wow. See what Dana did there? Leigh describes the internal shift she experiences from this session as “peaceful...like fresh energy or fresh air”. Do you need a breath of fresh air? Breathe along with Leigh and Dana and see how this work feels for yourself. And if you’re ready, reach out to our favourite Dominatrix and see where your energy takes you.
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Ooh!! We get to be a fly on the wall with this one! Super successful Rina Rovinelli shows us that no matter how big you get in your business, there is always room for improvement. She graciously and bravely allows us to listen in on her personal coaching session with Dana. You can’t get any more authentic than this! Dana takes Rina through a series of clearing exercises; tackling the charges around asking people for money, being a pushy salesperson, being successful and being good enough. I highly recommend you breathe and play along with the home game. You will see how clearing out the charge around both sides of an issue that is blocking you can actually open the way for you to step in and choose what actually works for you. And if this kind of work seems like a fit for where you are right now, book a session with Dana. That way instead of being supercharged with blocks, you can be supercharged with choice, just like Rina. Thanks Rina and Dana for sharing this powerful session with us!
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Fall Fair season kicks off with Dana putting you at the controls of the biggest ride ever to hit the county fair: ‘Your Business’. But some of the people in line haven’t grown enough to get on the ride, many of them have WAY too much baggage or are straight up terrified by ‘Your Business’. Well, you can’t drag the ones who aren’t ready kicking and screaming onto the ride. You can’t hold someone else’s baggage for them while they enjoy unlimited rides on ‘Your Business’, and, tantrum or not, you certainly can’t let those who have not grown enough for the ride to climb aboard. I can see you now, standing at the controls of ‘Your Business’, clear in your power and resilient to the conflict, triggers, stress and strife the stuck masses will generate. Because YOU are the badass boss of ‘Your Business’, all thanks to a little help from your Inner Dominatrix.
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Today Dana lets us in on a big secret: Big Brands are spending billions redirecting their ad campaigns into storytelling marketing. Why? Because our brains are actually hard-wired with the need to tell and hear stories. Which is good, because storytelling marketing cuts through the noisy, sophisticated, jaded markets we deal with today. So, let me tell you a story: Once upon a time there was a marketing genius named Kylie Slavik. But, wait, she didn’t start out as a marketing genius, of course. She started, like many people, as an “alienated artist”: doing three minute improvisational slam poetry gigs, feeling like she was “preaching to the choir” and wondering where the money was going to come from. Her “AHA!” moment came at the hands of a stern nudge from a Cherokee Medicine woman, who enabled her to embrace her talent for story and transition it into a brilliant career in marketing. Kylie’s story shows us how getting really connected with what we are passionate about can transform our lives in ways we’d never expect. YOUR story will change your business. So, what is it? Dana would love to hear!
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This one has homework. And on summer vacation and everything! But this simple task can lead to a massive mindshift in your work and your profits. Dana uses Mike Michalowicz’s book “Profit First” to expound on something she’s been saying for years: fall in love with saving money, do it on a consistent basis, and start reaping the rewards of standing in your power as a profitable business owner. How you ask? Tune in to find out! Have you ever been excited to find out what your homework is before? That’s pretty badass.
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If you are drawn to Dana and all her Inner Dominatrix Awesomeness, does it mean that you hunger for power in your own life? As you steer the ship of your business do you take the helm as a control freak or can you do the number one thing people miss seeing when they look at the dungeon lifestyle: Powerfully Submit. That’s right. Forasmuch as it appears on the surface that the Dominatrix is in control, the true power lies with the Submissive. So if you are hungry for the kind of power that surrendering and opening yourself up can give you, step right this way to Dana’s Dungeon.
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Bringing the awesome, the realness, and the authenticity this week is Davide Di Giorgio! Davide is 30‑days into a squat challenge and used a time lapse video to show the changes on his social media channels. This led to a random, but appreciated, offer by a friend for a free consultation to assess the physical mechanics of the squats. Davide’s point is that you need to make a connection with people before you reach out with an offer. Dana admitted to being guilty of that same behaviour in the past. Davide and Dana agreed that there’s a certain amount of ego involved in these kinds of communications and that the anonymity of the internet doesn’t help at all. The best example? Davide was approached to be in a magazine and featured in an article – the catch? He had to write the article about himself by himself.
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Here's some fun facts: did you know a new divorce is filed every 13 seconds worldwide? And that divorce is considered the second most traumatic life event, beating out incarceration and eclipsed only by death? Since so many of us have to wade through these troubled waters, Dana brings us no less than one of the top divorce lawyers in the U.S. Rebecca Zung reached the apex of her career and realized that the gross majority of people could neither access nor afford her knowledge and expertise. Breaking Free From Divorce Inc. was born so that for less than the cost of one hour of a top attorney's time you can become completely educated on navigating the logistics and emotions of this difficult process. Because when you feel you have choices, you can step into your power. That's divorce the Inner Dominatrix way.
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Today Dana takes us on a journey with that oh so powerful word NO. Saying no can feel awkward and uncomfortable, and there are actually several reasons behind why many of us struggle to find ways to opt out of things. Dana rips the band-aid off this issue with no explanations, justifications or apologies. Open-hearted and clear. Just like saying no should be.
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Ok. Let`s get personal. Kicking ass and being badass in your career can be exhausting, and it may leave you feeling upset, frustrated and confused when it comes to dating. Thankfully, Dana brings us Dating Expert Jenn Burton to save the day. She believes that dating should be fun and playful, and that women need to harness the power of their femininity and give themselves permission to explore themselves romantically. Well, that sounds way better than being a someone`s doormat for the umpteenth time. It`s like having TWO fantastic fairies at your back: your Badass Fairy Dominatrix and your Romantic Fairy Godmomma. Dating will never be the same.
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We have been conditioned for generations to believe that work, or your business has to feel "hard" and that "passions" are for playtime. Dana's guest Carrie Roldan wants you to ask yourself "What would you do for FREE?" That amazing thing that you are passionate about, that fills you up and makes you feel alive. Now what if you had a business BFF that could have your back and hold your hand or shove you off the cliff (or whatever you need) to propel you into the space where you can make money from the thing that fulfills your life? Dana's always got your back, and as Carrie says "You've got this, I've got you".
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We all want to have a million dollar business. It's the universal 'pie in the sky' entrepreneurs strive for. Dana's guest Milana Leshinsky found out after the fact that she had hit seven figures. She thought that she would feel a deep sense of pride when hitting the million dollar mark. In reality, she was so busy and tired and overwhelmed that she had no real connection to the achievement and just wanted to go sit on a beach instead. So, she sold her business, took an uncomfortable sabbatical, found what she was drawn to and created "Simplicity Circle". Sounds peaceful and Dana-like already. Dana and Milana also talk about "getting paid for just waking up and being you". Now this is the kind of simplicity we can get behind.
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