
  • Whole-Hearted Parenting: How to Use Emotional Intelligence to Create More Peace, Collaboration and Joy with Joshua Freedman, CEO of 6seconds.org.

    Aired Thursday, 25 February 2016, 7:00 PM ET

    Parenting is a delight—except when it’s not! We’ve all experienced those moments of “emotional idiocy” when we over-react or miss important clues
 How can we be more intelligent with our own emotions and our children’s? And how can we teach them the essential skills to be more aware, intentional and purposeful?

    It is no secret; parents are more stressed out than ever before as the demands of two-parent working families, single parent working families and the complex social environments test even the steadiest of parents. Through a series of personal essays and examples, this practical and inspiring new book shows how parents can use the time-tested methods of emotional intelligence to navigate the strong emotional waters of parenthood. This book is less an advice manual and more of a helpful companion and friendly storyteller for parents seeking a better way to raise their children.

    About the Guest Joshua Freedman

    Joshua Freedman is the author of five books about using emotional intelligence at work, school and in life, including the international best-seller, At the Heart of Leadership: How to Get Results with Emotional Intelligence. Freedman was born in Berkeley, California and attended the Head-Royce School in Oakland. After a stint at the University of Toronto, he graduated from the World Arts and Culture program at UCLA and went on to work at the Nueva Learning Center in California in the early 1990s. While there he worked with the emotional intelligence focused “Self Science” curriculum developed at the school. Now Freedman leads the world’s largest network of emotional intelligence practitioners and researchers.

    Six Seconds has offices and representatives in over 25 countries. Freedman has coauthored six validated psychometric assessments for adults, children, businesses and schools, and trained thousands of professionals to use these methods to create positive change. Joshua Freedman is one of a handful of experts in the world with over a decade of full-time experience in the emerging field of EQ.

    Website: www.6seconds.org

  • So, you’ve committed to raising your family in a healthy, holistic manner. You go out of your way to source the best and healthiest organic foods, you’re careful about what you expose them to, but how can you be sure that all your efforts are not being compromised by EMF’s, toxic contaminants, mold, and other things in your home that could undo all your good work and put your family at risk?

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

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  • All children are afraid of the dark some time, and some children are more afraid than others. Michelle Cohen has designed a simple yet effective protocol based on decades of experience working with concerned families whose children suffer from unexplained terrors. Actually, There is Something Under the Bed is her book created to empower children and parents alike. Through easy to follow and fun exercises, the family learns together that they have more command than they realized in any creepy circumstance. Michelle emphasizes that it doesn’t matter if what scares children is real or imagined; the bottom line is—something is causing fear, so tackle that. In this show, Michelle will explain how to help a frightened child share his or her experience, and offers several constructive ways to find power and control over the situation. She will also share s how children as well as adults can get rid of any unwanted energy in their environment.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • There’s no denying that we are living in an unsettled and chaotic time in which there is very little good news to be found in the world’s media. With weird weather, geopolitical shake-ups, financial recessions and a mass movement of people displaced by wars, violence, and extreme weather conditions, how do we help our children understand and cope with the many changes that are at hand? How do we keep them from becoming fearful and stressed? What strategies, tools and resources can we offer them to help them remain centered and calm?

    This week’s show will be more experiential than most, as Sonja will be providing some powerful meditations and exercises for parents and for children to help manage the stressful situations that are a by-product of chaotic times.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • As a parent, it is easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the conflicting parenting advice tossed around by various experts. Are you supposed to praise your children, or will that make them narcissistic? Do you involve yourself in playtime, or let them figure it out on their own? In the end, it’s easy to get caught up in the “right” ways of parenting, and completely forget what our goals are for our children.

    In response to this phenomenon, child psychotherapist Katie Hurley wrote THE HAPPY KID HANDBOOK: How to Raise Joyful Children in a Stressful World. In this simple yet insightful guide, Hurley gives parents what they want most: a straightforward approach that produces happy children and sane adults. Noting the differences between extroverts, introverts, and everything in between, Hurley urges parents to respond to the child as an individual and tailor their approach according to the particular needs of the child. In THE HAPPY KID HANDBOOK, she helps parents to:

    * Understand their child’s personality and temperament
    * Discover how to best engage and empathize with each child
    * Help each personality type build social skills, understand emotions, and empathize with others
    * Know when and how to praise their child
    * Decide what or how many activities to schedule, and when to let their child quit

    These and other actionable strategies help parents raise confident, capable – and most of all – happy kids. Simplifying what has become way too complicated and confusing, THE HAPPY KID HANDBOOK helps parents learn to use their instincts and meet their children exactly where they are.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • For parents, a child’s adolescent years can be intimidating, confusing and anxiety-ridden. The behavioral changes that take place during this period can strain even the strongest parent/child relationships, leaving both sides frustrated and begging a fundamental question – why do teens act this way?

    This week, renowned neuro psychiatrist and bestselling author of Parenting from the Inside Out and The Whole-Brain Child, DANIEL J. SIEGEL, M.D., joins Sandie to discuss his newest book BRAINSTORM: The Power and Purpose of the Teenage Brain (Tarcher/Penguin paperback), which reveals how parents can crack this code and transform one of life’s most challenging periods into one of its most rewarding Topics discusses will include:

    * Popular myths about teenage behavior
    * How brain development affects teenage behavior and relationships
    * Why teens are driven to seek out novelty and take more risks
    * How the brain undergoes rapid changes, even throughout one’s early 20s (i.e., your rebellious “teen” years don’t end when you hit 20)
    * How adolescence is truly a “Golden Age” of innovation and creativity

    If you’ve ever been frustrated, exasperated and mystified by an adolescent’s behavior, find guide to transforming one of life’s most challenging periods into one of its most rewarding, BRAINSTORM is essential reading for everyone who wants to better understand the teens in their lives.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Growing up – It’s a fact of life that every woman has had to face, and yet, for some reason, many women still find it difficult to talk to their daughters about anything that goes on below the female belt. Sadly, our awkwardness about addressing such a sensitive subject has resulted in many girls suffering for years in silence with such issues as urinary tract infections, digestive problems, and bladder leakage. According to this week’s guest, jeni Donatelli Ihm, once potty training ends, parents have largely ignored the need for further education in these areas until menstruation begins
and not enough even after that. A consequence of this appalling lack of information about how to care for their pelvic area has left young girls at risk of inadvertently creating problems in their later years. Problems such as pelvic pain, bladder leakage, and organ prolapse are often associated with—and accepted as part of—the aging process, when, in fact, these often devastating health issues are almost always preventable.

    In her book, BELOW THE BELT: HOW TO BE QUEEN OF YOUR PELVIC REGION, this week’s guest Jeni Dontalli Ihm and her co-author Missy Lavender address everything that can happen below a girl’s belt with a perfect blend of humor, tenderness and reality. Produced by the Women’s Health Foundation to dispel shame and myths, quiet fears and generate conversations, BELOW THE BELT frankly covers everything from peeing, pooping and pelvic floor muscles to periods and exercise, and addresses how great it is to be female.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Homeopathy is a safe and effective system of medicine that helps the body’s own efforts to heal itself by dosing it with minute ‘potentised’ quantities of a plant, mineral or animal by-product capable in its undiluted state of creating similar symptoms to those a child or adult may be experiencing. Homeopathy offers a safe, natural solution for seasonal and everyday complaints such as headaches, tiredness, sleeplessness, backache, skin rashes, small cuts, grazes or bruises, coughs, colds, as well as some long-term chronic conditions.

    homeopath Mary English joins Sandie to discuss how homeopathic remedies can provide an important part of your family’s medicine chest, and which remedies are best to keep you and your children healthy through the winter.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • William Stillman offers a holistic perspective to parenting, together with tips and strategies for caring for one’s self in order to be in the best position to care for one’s child with a unique and different way of being in the world. This asks for an awareness of being in the moment as well as pausing for meditative reflection, sustenance and solitude. An exercise for the second half of the show will require that listeners have a pad of paper and pen ready and available for a brief autism simulation. An opportunity to process the simulation and discuss its impact may be debriefed.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • As parents, we all want to be inspired, conscious, patient, and supportive. But while most of us can be some these things some of the time, it’s getting harder and harder to be all these things all of the time. The fact is more parents are feeling exhausted and disconnected from their kids than ever before. Why? Parenting today really isn’t the same as it was for our parents and grandparents. We live in a different time, and in a vastly different society where the expectations, stresses, and distractions for both parents and children are greater than they have ever been. If you’re looking for answers to ending conflict at home, and tips, tools and strategies to discipline consciously, communicate effectively, and transform your relationship with your children forever, join Suzi Lula and Sandie for this lively, informative, and empowering edition of the Inspired Parenting Radio Show.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Cynthia Sue Larson joins Sandie Sedgbeer to talk about her young adult novel, Karen Kimball and Dream Weaver’s Web, which introduces topics such lucid dreaming and astral travel to children, and explains how we can discuss these topics and more with our children. At a time when so many stories cover magic, Cynthia explains why she was inspired to write about “the real magic” of our natural intuitive skills. Karen Kimball has been called “
 an amazing little book, a primer on spirit, magic, and human potential woven into a many-layered mystery story about a ten year old girl–the very age when so many women later in life remember that they gave up their life dreams. Astral travel, spirit friends and foes, indigenous knowledge, telepathic communication—most children hide and then, to their peril, forget such gifts and potentials and so distort their lives. Instead, this heroine discovers and develops these abilities and puts them to use to solve everyday problems and even save lives. We are more than we know, and children deserve the validation of their lives and experiences that this book offers.”

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Raising a child in today’s world is challenging for even the most conscious and loving parents. It is difficult to protect children from outside influences such as the onslaught of television images and Internet temptations. Once children learn to use electronic devices, these dynamics are difficult to control. Parents are perplexed how much to monitor social media exposure to their developing children who often lack discernment what is a beneficial and what is a dangerous influence. Complicating the co-parenting experience is the common confusion for two parents how to role model a secure functioning partnership as they guide a child’s choices, so the growing child feels secure and safe.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Since Felix the cat made its first appearance in 1919, children—and adults—the world over have been enamored with cartoons. Cartoon characters are the biggest stars in entertainment, today appearing in countless TV series, video games and movies. But if you think that cartoon characters have no use beyond entertainment, think again. Terry Thoren has spent decades studying the effects of animation on children. As CEO of CEO of Klasky Csupo, he was the executive in charge of production of 600 shows, overseeing the production of the Rugrats when it was Nickelodeon’s number one animated show, as well as the popular cartoons Rocket Power, The Wild Thornberrys, and the Emmy-nominated As Told by Ginger.

    He and his colleagues at Wondergrovelearn.com decided to channel the same passion that young students have for watching cartoons to help develop their language skills, cultivate emotional intelligence, and improve their language acquisition and learning habits and behavior in the classroom. Terry and his team have developed have developed over 200 instructional animations and 1,500 printable extension lessons in Spanish and English, which teachers say are creating astonishing results. Says Terry, “Young students develop language skills rapidly, and they quickly absorb whatever they see and hear in animation. This accelerates their understanding of new words in two different languages at an incredibly fast rate. Research shows when young children form an emotional connection with animated characters they model the behavior of the characters.”

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • In today’s schools, our children have to be good at everything, but in the real world, they only have to be REALLY good at something. We have to change the message we giving to our children, and especially the ones diagnosed with” learning disorders” because when it’s time to get a job they have a hard time “selling” themselves because their education has focused so much on their weaknesses.
    Many of the symptoms of ADHD can be seen as the side effects of deep imagination. For example, one symptom is “easily distracted by irrelevant thoughts.” This is an important stage of creativity called incubation, where you do not directly try to solve a problem but allow space for inspiration to occur.

    The single most important factor in creating something new is imagination. All children have fantasies and those diagnosed with learning issues, like ADD and ADHD have lots of them. These can be a distraction, but can also give students the power to create a new world.

    We need to educate creative minds by valuing creative minds, encouraging rather than discouraging imagination. We need to remind kids and parents that studying leads to good grades, thinking leads to problem solution, and imagination leads to world changers. This week, Dr. Lara Honos-Webb offers some tools to translate symptoms into needs and explains how you can give your child permission to meet those needs.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • When Dr. Niki Elliot I signed up for her first energy therapy training program, she knew very little about energy fields, chakras or what it meant to be an empathic intuitive. She was not drawn to the practice by an altruistic desire to heal others or change the world; rather, her focus was simply to stop feeling other people’s illnesses, pains and emotions in her own physical body. Some years later, her personal quest for energetic healing collided with her professional aspirations to build alternative learning environments for Twice Exceptional Children, those with very high cognitive ability who also present with behavior, mood or learning challenges like ADHD, Dyslexia, anxiety disorders, etc

    Today, she runs the The Innerlight Sanctuary, a healing arts center in California, where she and her team of certified practitioners composed of credentialed school teachers and counselors use The Inner Light Method, to help balance empathic and intuitive children and adults of all ages. They also help restructure learning environments to take into account the needs of energetically sensitive, empathic and intuitive children, believed to be 10-20% of children in schools today.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Children are continuously bathed in an ocean of music and sound. Like the air in which it travels, it swirls unnoticed around them during the course of their day, they seem to carry it with them in their hearts as they play with their toys and their friends, and it’s a big part of what makes television interesting to them. But for many of them, music can be much more than just a friend; it can help them to awaken their unique brain structures, to coordinate their brain processing and to learn to study smarter, not harder.

    Over the past 40 years, as both a teacher and a parent, Professor Barbara Bullard has been interested in discovering methods by which students might learn faster and more efficiently. Inspired by the techniques of ‘superlearning,’ which demonstrated the widespread neuronal impact of certain musical compositions on enhancing memory or peak performance states, led her over the past two decades to recommend background music as a key element in the application of superlearning. Reports received since 1994 indicate that Metamusic embedded with beta Hemi- Sync¼ patterns may also help with other learning disabilities, specifically dyslexia and slow reading development, both of which have as an underlying cause a disparity of errors in timing between the two hemispheres.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • It has become widely accepted that not all children learn alike. Some grasp information best by reading, while others learn better through listening or discovering concepts in a hands-on fashion. Longtime educator Mariaemma Willis says there are actually five aspects to a student’s learning style beyond the simple modes of visual, auditory, or kinesthetic. Their “learning style profile” takes into account a child’s talents, interests, preferred learning environment, and disposition, as well as the three more familiar modes.

    If you have or know a child who is struggling in school or has been labeled a “learning misfit”, join Sandie and guest Mariaemma Pellulo-Willis and discover the secret to helping them lose the labels and discover the joy of learning, simply by uncovering their individual learning style.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • Every child is unique. That statement is so obvious that it’s almost ridiculous to say it. However, we usually speak about the uniqueness of our children by describing what they “do”—whether they’re good at sports or dancing, math or reading, etc. But according to this week’s guest, Connie Kaplan, there’s a great deal more to your child than what he or she does. This week, author Connie Kaplan will be sharing information that can help you understand the uniqueness of your child’s essence: his or her BEing-ness rather than his or her DOing-ness.

    In her revolutionary book, The Invisible Garment: 30 Spiritual Principles that Weave the Fabric of Human Life, Connie Kaplan makes the radical suggestion that each person “signs a life contract at the moment of birth,” which contains a specific group of spiritual principles (or influences), and that throughout our lives we “wear” these principles like an invisible undergarment that constantly informs, guides, and girds us.
    As a parent, says Kaplan, knowing your children’s spiritual garments gives you profound information, which can help you support their individuality and progress in life, ensuring that your parenting of each child becomes as individual as the child himself.

    She is the author of several books, including a spiritual parenting manual, two books on dreaming, and The Invisible Garment: 30 Spiritual Principles that Weave the Fabric of Human Life.

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom

  • We’ve all witnessed emotional “adoption reunions” on daytime TV. But we rarely see what happens when the cameras stop rolling. How do two people, related by blood, but separated by circumstance, cope with trying to bridge the gap and forge a relationship after years of separation, while also endeavoring to get past any pain, guilt, blame and suffering each had experienced along the way.

    Kimberly Smythe got pregnant at 16 and, certain that a married couple could do more for her beautiful little girl, than she could, gave her child up for adoption. 18 years later, Kim sought out her daughter, but sadly, their reunion was no fairytale.

    Letting Go Again is the title of Kim’s book, which chronicles her journey through Adoption, Reunion, Separation and Growth. It’s a searing account that raises important questions about motherhood, the damaging effects of adoption, and our definition of family. In so doing it also challenges our perceptions about relationships, acceptance, surrender, and the true nature of love that finds the strength to let go

    Listen Live to Inspired Parenting Radio Show every Thursday at 7 PM ET on OMTimes Radio, the iOM Radio Network, http://omtimes.com/iom