
  • In this profoundly personal solo episode, I open up to share the story behind my decision to abstain from romantic intimacy with men for 1 year and 9 months.

    This was not a decision I made lightly. After a painful breakup and a serious health scare in early 2022, I realized drastic change was needed if I wanted to rewrite my love story and manifest the love I truly desired to experience in my life.  

    During what I can only describe as a mixture of a dark night of the soul and one of the most difficult and significant turning chapters of my story, I did the deepest inner work of my life— exploring and resolving my conditioning around men, relationships, the mother/father wound, and fear of intimacy dating back to childhood and even my ancestry. I excavated unconscious patterns and rewrote disempowering stories that no longer served the woman I was becoming and the vision that I have for myself when it comes to creating a life full of love and harmony – including in my romantic relationships.

    It was a challenging yet incredibly clarifying commitment to myself that grew me in ways that, two years later, I don’t even recognize myself as a woman (for the better!). I cherish the relationship that I’ve built with myself, the love that I am practicing towards myself, and the woman that I’ve become – not to mention, the external reflections of the love I’ve cultivated in my heart, which I am experiencing every day.


    ▪️How abstinence gave me space to reconnect with my Soul 

    ▪️Learning to deeply enjoy my own company

    ▪️Dialing in my “energetic hygiene” and strengthening my energy body

    ▪️How self-love rippled out to amplify my purpose and grow my business

    ▪️Why healing the past frees you to consciously design the future

    ▪️How changing my inner reality around love reshaped my outer experience


    "My biggest fear was being alone. And for me to truly grow and overcome that fear, there was no other way but to go into it—and be alone."

    Celinne Da Costa

    "The more alone I was, I started to realize, wait, this is really fun. I really enjoy my time. I really enjoy quality time with myself."

    Celinne Da Costa

    "My business doubled in 2022 during this celibacy period. The more I came back to myself, back into my vitality, my joy...the more clarity I received around my business."

    Celinne Da Costa

    This was an incredibly transformative chapter that changed how I relate to myself and others. If you resonate with longing for deeper self-love or are seeking to rewrite your love story to be in alignment to your highest self, this episode is for you.

    If you desire to upgrade your relationship story so that you can attract healthier partnerships and navigate your breakups with ease, clarity, and grace then my Masterclass on Conscious Uncoupling may be just what you need. 

    Get ready to turn a painful event into an opportunity to learn, evolve, and prepare yourself to receive a more aligned and loving partner.

    Sign up here to begin your journey.

    With love,



    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


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  • What does it look like to truly own your power, find full confidence in your soul gifts, and turn them into a successful business? Today we dive deep into the incredible story of one of my clients, Ali Kates, a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach.

    In this episode, we explore how Ali has rewritten her story of success and moved from playing small to boldly answering her Soul's calling.

    Ali came to me as a naturally intuitive and empathic person, but not having fully come to the space where she could own that yet… this was affecting her ability to run a successful business. She was burnt out, and frustrated. She felt stuck and like no matter how hard she worked on her business, something would end up derailing her. 

    During the past 1.5 years of working together, Ali has made some incredible transformations.By doing the inner work, she was able to regain her confidence in herself and her abilities and align her business to her vision. She let go of her people-pleasing tendencies and built a practice of high-quality, ideal clients, allowing her to 10x her rates and make her investment back in just 2 months!


    ▪️The cost of "cookie cutter" business strategies that neglect nervous system health

    ▪️Excavating limiting beliefs and childhood conditioning blocking your potential

    ▪️Learning to be guided by intuition versus others' expectations

    ▪️Cultivating self-trust to confidently share your gifts with the world

    ▪️Creating work that matters by getting clear on your "why"

    ▪️Investing in yourself to accelerate outer success


    When it comes to growing your business, it's not just about a strategy. It's really about that ability to trust yourself, to own who you are, and to be able to listen to your intuition.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Something would totally derail me because I wasn't embodied and empowered in my decision in my business.

    Ali Kates

    I really believed in myself, that I could do it, and that I was put here to do this. And I made that money back in two months. I 10x my rate.

    Ali Kates

    When you slow down and get aligned, things speed up. It's not as quickly as you do. It's as quickly as you align.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Celinne is a gift to this earth and so connected. What surprised me doing this work was the spiritual side and being connected to the universe, God, and nature.

    Ali Kates

    Through profound inner work, Ali has moved from feeling stuck in scarcity and playing small to boldly stepping into her gifts. She is an embodiment of what’s possible when you commit fully to your growth.

    If Ali’s story resonates and you feel called to your next level and desire to work with me you can do so at multiple investment levels in group and private settings, as well as any of my self-lead programs and courses.


    Ali highly recommends my Love Money Again course for anyone who has a scarcity mindset.

    Learn how to heal your money wounds, fall in love with money again, and rewire your money mindset to ease and joyfully magnetize more money and prosperity into your life.

    Through this one course alone Ali received so many breakthroughs and admits that she re-listens to it whenever she feels the need for rewiring.


    “If you want to dip your toe into this kind of work then Business by Soul is where you should start. It is everything that we've gone over in our 1:1 coaching, perfectly put into a program.” - Ali Kates. 

    In Business by Soul you'll get the proven frameworks that helped my clients drastically improve and evolve their inner world and, as a result, their external business. This includes my exclusive process for reprogramming limiting beliefs and translating your highest potential into action that creates results in your life. 

    You’ll also learn to understand your energetic gifts, establish spiritual business practices, and translate your essence into an impact-driven, sustainable model.

    The result? You'll stand out powerfully online, magnetize ideal clients, structure your days for productivity, and ultimately create the lifestyle of freedom and joy you crave!

    And it's not just me... the program also includes mentorship calls, an amazing community of heart-led entrepreneurs, recorded modules and meditations, and bonuses from guest experts too! 

    To learn more or sign up, click here.

    1:1 COACHING

    If you resonate with Ali’s journey of feeling the call to share your gifts but your self-doubt is holding you back, I can help you rewrite your story in a 1:1 private coaching container.

    Ali emphasizes that through this intimate container, she learned not just strategies but tools to regulate her nervous system, operate her business from Soul, and transform recurring anxiety into sustainable confidence and clarity in her purpose.

    It’s time to wake up to the power of your own story so that you can embody a premium brand, become known for your gifts, and impact people's lives through your service… all while living into your highest possible soul destiny.

    If you’re ready for 1:1 coaching, apply here.

    I look forward to connecting with you.

    With love and courage,

    Celinne 🤍


    As a Certified Trauma Recovery Coach & Somatic Experience Practitioner Ali believes that trauma & emotional pain is not just about what happened to you, but how it left your nervous system after said event. 

    The thing that people do not realize about trauma is that it cannot be "out talked" or "out thought", it lives in the BODY. Most people that Ali works with have tried almost everything under the sun to work on themselves and their emotional pain/trauma but nothing seems to move the needle until they address the trauma stored in the body. 

    The body remembers everything even if your mind forgets and this is why in Ali’s coaching practice she focuses largely on the BODY. When trauma is stored in the body for too long it will start manifesting in disease, autoimmune, gut dysbiosis, skin issues, fatigue, weight gain, and more. The key to working through this is learning the tools to move it out of your body.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


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  • In this profound and enlightening episode, master intuitive empath Lujan Matus joins me to unpack what it truly means to be an empath.

    As someone who has studied and practiced advanced energy work for decades, Lujan provides deep wisdom about how we can hone our intuitive abilities, clear negative emotional charges, and be our most conscious, loving selves.


    ▪️The importance of direct, honest communication 

    ▪️Taking full responsibility for our reactions

    ▪️Evolving beyond past conditioning

    ▪️Cultivating non-reactivity

    ▪️Training our nervous system to respond vs react

    ▪️The practice of transmuting challenging emotions into love

    ▪️Expanding our perception beyond restrictive thought loops

    ▪️How stillness and inner quiet help us


    If you look at linguistics in terms of the way the sentences are structured, you can absolutely discover what somebody's motives are. Everything is revealed via words.

    Lujan Matus

    We get to choose who we want to be - our character - and how we want to develop ourselves in integrity.

    Celinne Da Costa

    If you are carrying with you a burden, you collect these particular elements inside of you, and this becomes a sense of sorrow that guides your path.

    Lujan Matus

    Your friends are the biggest resource you've got.”

    Lujan Matus

    This conversation with Lujan invites deep self-inquiry into how we relate with others, handle challenges, and ultimately seek to better ourselves.

    It reminds us that life is an ever-unfolding journey of growth, dependent on our willingness to courageously confront the obstacles we face with consciousness, wisdom, and care.

    The rewards of this self-work are profound: increased energetic attunement, emotional harmony, enhanced intuition, and conscious creation of our realities.

    I'm honored to learn from Lujan's decades of experience guiding individuals to their highest expression. Tune into this rich dialogue to absorb the gems he shares!


    If you too are wanting to dive deeper into subconscious reprogramming and better understanding yourself to create the life you desire let me invite you to join my 12-month self-led mentorship experience. Here you’ll receive access to all of my self-study programs as well as quarterly Q&As with me so that I can personally support you through your unique journey.

    Learn more or sign up for The Journey here.

    I look forward to connecting with you. 

    With love, 



    Lujan Matus is a master intuitive empath, renowned for guiding individuals and groups to a deeper cosmic understanding. From his base in Sedona, Arizona, he conducts transformative online sessions and workshops. Central to his teachings is Lo Ban Pai, a sacred movement system that aligns energy and fosters a profound connection to the universe. Each interaction with Lujan is a journey of personal growth, addressing both individual aspirations and group dynamics. An accomplished author, he has written eight books in diverse formats and frequently shares his expertise in online interviews. At the heart of his work, Lujan seeks to illuminate paths of enlightenment, empowering others to embrace their highest potential.


    Website | Instagram | Facebook


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


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  • Tantra invites us on a powerful journey back home to ourselves. By balancing the masculine and feminine polarities within, we awaken to our true nature beyond limiting beliefs and past conditioning.

    In this episode, masterful Tantra teacher Ananda Sarita dives deep into the tantric perspective on harmonizing our inner masculine and feminine energies. This alchemical process helps achieve wholeness within ourselves and the sacred union in our intimate relationships.

    Sarita reminds us that nature designed men and women to be complementary opposites, with inherent biological and psychological differences. Yet modern society has disrupted the natural polarity, leading both genders to adopt imbalanced masculine traits of control, goal orientation, and competition.

    Through tantra's sacred teachings and map of the chakras, Ananda guides us back to equilibrium. We learn to honor the divine gifts unique to masculinity and femininity and allow those energies to dance in polarity.

    Above all, Tantra is a pathway leading us directly into the heart of the divine mystery.

    This episode explores how this ancient approach helps us remember the love, bliss, and oneness we knew before the world conditioned us to forget.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:How our biology helps us to achieve intimacyReclaiming our gifts through TantraBalancing inner male or female to bring wholenessOur spiritual evolutionAligning energy centers to unlock our potentialLove as a woman’s superpowerBringing divine feminine qualities into societyHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    “ We can get unconsciously addicted to men if we're not navigating our intimacy consciously.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    "Love is omnipresent in our reality. To ask, where is love? Is like a fish in the sea asking, where is the water? We are living in an ocean of love."

    Ananda Sarita

    "Tantra, for me, has been a powerful way to find my way back to love."

    Celinne Da Costa

    "Nature intends us to live in a state of equilibrium and bliss."

    Ananda Sarita

    “Through Tantra, I have been able to return back to my feminine principles.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    "As we open our clairvoyant vision, we become one with all that is."

    Ananda Sarita

    This dynamic exchange offers profound insight into solving humanity’s deepest rifts - between mind and body, masculine and feminine, humanity and nature. By exploring the disconnects we collectively experience from Source, Tantra provides a bridge back to wholeness.

    Through profound wisdom and grace, Ananda Sarita reminds us of the love we are. May we carry this message in our hearts, protecting and nurturing its flame as we walk each step with renewed presence and courage.

    I hope these show notes have provided an insightful glimpse into this transformational discussion. To fully immerse yourself in Ananda Sarita's gift, be sure to listen to the full episode with love and optimism for our continued awakening!


    Ananda Sarita's mission in life is to spread the joy of Tantra in the world.

    She has been deeply immersed in her personal path of Tantra, Meditation and Spirituality since 1973 and has spent 17 years learning directly from the enlightened mystic Osho in his physical presence. This invaluable time has allowed her to absorb the full essence of his teachings and dive deeper into the realms of Tantra and holistic healing.

    Ananda Sarita is committed to practicing and teaching authentic Tantra, rooted in Meditation and Love.

    For her, Tantra is a sublime path to enlightenment which explores polarities and the alchemical transformation that takes place when opposites meet in the light of awareness.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


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  • What happens when you reach every goal ever set for yourself, yet still feel empty inside? When you “have it all” on paper, but lose connection to your true self along the way?

    My soul sister Amanda Bucci shares her powerful story of success turned burnout, and how she found her way back home. After following every “should” and checking every box, she faced the difficult truth that she had lost touch with her core gifts and purpose.

    The perfectionistic drive that initially brought her validation led to depletion. Her outwardly “ideal” life cloaked an inner turmoil. 

    In this vulnerable conversation, Amanda walks us through her journey of reconnecting to her soul’s calling and learning to listen from the inside out, and how you can carve out your own path from burnout to alignment.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:Reaching burnout and losing your connection to purposeFacing the shadow of perfectionism and people-pleasingLearning to heal core wounds causing self-abandonmentFinding the courage to follow your soul's desiresTips for tuning into your intuition and inner wisdomOwning your sensitivity as a gift instead of a flawRedefining success on your own termsRemembering you have nothing to prove to anyoneHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    I had followed every ‘should’ and checked every box but at the expense of hearing what my soul was actually here to do.

    Amanda Bucci

    Your sensitivity is your secret superpower.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Redefine what success means for you, independent of everyone else’s standards.

    Amanda Bucci

    Comparison is the death of joy.

    Amanda Bucci

    Give yourself permission to be unconditionally loved by your own soul.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Amanda’s courage to walk away from the “picture perfect” life in order to rediscover her purpose delivers a powerful reminder: no matter how far we  stray from our soul’s calling, we can always find our way back home through courage and faith.

    May this conversation open your heart and inspire you to reconnect to your unique gifts!


    Do you feel the call to build a business centered around your soul's purpose while also generating abundant income? If so, my new program Business by Soul is for you. 

    Business by Soul is designed for high-achieving, purpose-driven entrepreneurs who are done with compromising meaning for money or are struggling to blend purpose and profit.

    Inside, you'll learn to release limiting beliefs, connect to your essence, craft irresistible messaging for your offers, and take aligned action to create a thriving business doing what you love.

    Through Business by Soul, you'll develop emotional intelligence and learn practical strategies to turn challenges into growth and create abundance from an energized place. 

    My clients consistently achieve extraordinary outcomes like:

    💰 Growing to multiple 6 or 7-figures  

    🔝 Becoming the top leader in their niche

    💸 Launching offers generating hundreds of thousands of dollars

    If you're ready to fully express your potential through an impact-driven business overflowing with purpose, prosperity, and joy, secure your spot in Business by Soul today. Let's ignite change together!

    > Join Business by Soul <


    Amanda is a business coach, conscious leadership coach, creative entrepreneur, and influencer. She helps digital entrepreneurs and creators start, grow, and scale their businesses using strategies rooted in authenticity, alignment, and transformational healing.

    She's the host of the Bucci Radio Podcast [7 million+ downloads] and the founder of the Entrepreneurial Archetype Quiz™; a personality quiz for entrepreneurs to create faster, more effortless success by operating from who they are at their core.

    After running 14 rounds of business and leadership group coaching programs that have collectively served over 280+ clients, she’s developed a method that people come knocking down her door for: one with the person’s core essence as the centerpiece of their business strategy.

    Pulling from her Spiritual Psychology and Trauma-Informed Life-Coach certifications, real-world experience as the 7-figure CEO before the age of 25, and recognizing key patterns in her clients; Amanda has dedicated her entire career to supporting the modern day digital leader in creating:

    -Financial freedom

    -Spiritual liberation

    -Purpose-based fulfillment

    -Global impact through their businesses

    She’s been featured in major publications including Forbes, Inc Magazine, Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, and more. Some of the top podcasts Amanda’s been interviewed on include The GaryVee Show, the BossBabe Podcast, Women of Impact, and the MFCEO Podcast.

    Using a unique blend of business-based actionable strategy, intuition & embodiment, healing of childhood trauma, and reprogramming subconscious patterns; learning from Amanda is your one-stop shop for running your brand and business in a way that works for you.


    Website | Instagram | Facebook 


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • What does it take to build a business that's an authentic expression of your soul's purpose while being a fully present mom? In my latest interview with past coaching client Dr. Stephanie Wigner, we explore this question and so much more.

    Stephanie shares vulnerably about her journey working with me in a private 4-month container, where we focused on aligning her purpose-driven consulting business with her deepest values.

    Although Stephanie already had successful companies, she came to me feeling the pull to take her new business to the next level in a way that honored her lifestyle freedom and family priorities.

    We got real about how adopting self-care practices and how scheduling intentional time for family allows working moms to enjoy both, without sacrificing one for the other. Stephanie had a powerful realization that spending quality time with her son actually supports her alignment and business growth rather than takes away from it. 

    Throughout our coaching, Stephanie made incredible shifts within herself that allowed her to show up as the highest version of who she is meant to be. Her journey illustrates how embracing our feminine energy empowers us to seamlessly integrate our personal and professional lives.


    If you're like Stephanie and are ready to create a life, brand, and business that sets your soul on fire, apply here for private coaching with me. I currently have a couple of spots open for early 2024.

    If you desire to work with me in a group setting, then my new program Business by Soul may be the right fit for you. It will guide you back to the core essence of who you are, why you’re here, what you’re here to contribute on a Soul level, and how you can translate your Soul essence into a profitable, fulfilling, and impactful business model.

    If you’re ready to build your Business by Soul… join us here.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS: Learning to weave together motherhood and entrepreneurshipReleasing limiting beliefs around self-worth Learning to tap into joy and feminine energy vs hustling and "masculine" overdriveThe importance of self-care practices How our outer world shifts when we resolve inner blocksAllowing more space and trust vs micromanaging Staying present to appreciate the lifestyle you've created vs always chasing the next goalHIGHLIGHT QUOTES

    The strategy will come to me. The next steps will come to me. Everything will come to me. Now that I have this confidence and worthiness. It's like, I know I already have it and it's available to me now.

    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    Even if you're a busy mom, take 10 minutes, even if you're just stepping outside and putting your toes in the grass. Claim yourself, now. Today.

    Celinne Da Costa

    The more time I spend with my son, the more I feel in my flow. I feel more in my feminine energy because he brings out a really joyful, playful side of me. And it’s actually good for my business.

    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    When you're feeling good about your work, it gets easier.

    Celinne Da Costa

    There was a part of me that thought to get to where I wanted to be, I had to work harder.

    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    The more we become who we're naturally here to be, the more life starts to rearrange itself to support us.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Now I really feel like I'm embodying the best version of myself.

    Dr. Stephanie Wigner

    My intention in sharing this uplifting conversation is to showcase the incredible transformations available when we dedicate ourselves to the inner work. With consistent practice, we can resolve the fears, limiting beliefs, and blocks that have held us back from fully embracing our gifts.

    The "outer" results Stephanie created in her business and lifestyle are just beautiful side effects of doing this soul-focused work. When we align with our truth and act from inspiration, our reality effortlessly rearranges itself to mirror our internal expansion.

    To all those out there who feel the call to live out their purpose and share their unique talents with the world - I believe in you. The version of yourself that you've been dreaming of becoming is available now. Let's walk this path together!

    I hope Stephanie's story inspires you to take a chance on yourself and answer your soul's calling. The world needs your gifts. Now is the time.


    Steph embodies the spirit of a multi passionate entrepreneur, investor, and mentor. Alongside her professional pursuits, she is equally dedicated to her roles as a loving wife and devoted mother. With a keen eye for business opportunities and a relentless drive for success, she has scaled two brick and mortar chiropractic clinics to over $1M in revenue in less than 7 years. Stephanie now coaches and trains other chiropractors and wellness experts on how to implement her methods so they can achieve the same level of success. Steph's passion for mentoring shines through as she supports and empowers others on their own journeys to building legacies without sacrificing time with their families. 

    She’s also the host of the celebrated podcast, The Wealthy Practitioner, a program that features curated interviews with other entrepreneurs and provides actionable advice to practitioners who are building a 7 figure business.

    Outside of building businesses, you can find her traveling the world or nose-deep in a good book!


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook


    I share a vulnerable coaching session with my dear friend and life coach Leighann Amanda, where we unpacked my past relationship patterns and core wounds around love, a year and a half after an emotional journey of opening my heart after a difficult breakup and taking a hard look at the ways I've compromised myself in the name of love.

    Since then, I've done profound inner work to rewrite my love story. 


    Leighann supports me to shift some blind spots as we dive even deeper into cultivating self-love, overcoming limiting beliefs, and consciously creating the relationships I desire. There were so many breakthrough moments!

    One of the most powerful realizations from part 2 was about reprogramming my attachment style and core emotional needs. For many years, I’d operated from a place of anxious attachment, constantly seeking validation from partners to feel worthy. As I have been flipping the script and coming more from a place of choosing myself first, how I show up in dating and how I’m being met by men has completely shifted!

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:Rewriting attachment style and emotional needsFlipping scripts of validation-seekingClarity on self-love versus co-love needsConscious partnership over unconscious relationship patternsOngoing journey of cherishing ourselvesHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    “As children when we see something we mimic it. If there isn’t unconditional self-love or an abundance of love present that’s what we mimic growing up.”

    Leighann Amanda

    “The only way that a man coming into your life in the format of a relationship can mess with your self-love is if you deem the love from him worth more value than the love you provide yourself.”

    Leighann Amanda

    “Number one priority is cultivating my self-love because one way or another, that is something that no one's ever going to take away.”

    Celinne Da Costa 

    “It's okay to not have perfection, as long as you're both committed to your aspirations.”

    Leighann Amanda

    “I was perceiving that his love was gold and mine silver. And because of that, I would trade off my own love for his love because it was better, which was creating codependency patterns.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    Make sure to listen to part 2 in full, where we dive into even deeper levels.

    I hope these episodes have resonated with you and illuminated that we all have room for growth when it comes to love - no matter how "healed" we may think we are. This is a lifelong journey of learning to cherish ourselves and show up fully in relationships.

    My wish is that sharing my story openly and vulnerably empowers you to look within and courageously rewrite your own love story. You deserve beautiful, balanced, and emotionally sober relationships. But it starts with you.

    p.s. Disclaimer: To honor my integration and create space for meaningful shifts to occur, this session was recorded on August 4, 2023 and is being released now.


    As a life coach, Leighann specializes in using depth, presence, and curiosity to evoke the unexpected best in others. With a unique focus on relationships, she teaches people how to create thriving, emotionally sober relationships with themselves and others. In addition to using ontological and somatic methods, she brings a specialty in nervous system regulation with breathwork and bodywork to integrate how the nervous system dictates our relational wellness.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 


    To honor my integration and create space for meaningful shifts to occur, this session was recorded on August 4, 2023 and is being released now.


    And, how does that impact our ability to have fulfilling relationships with others?

    In my latest podcast episode, I am releasing a private session that I had with my soul sister and life coach Leighann Amanda, where we explore how these tender topics have played out in my love life. 

    Our conversation gets vulnerably honest as we examine the ways high-achieving women can lose themselves in relationships. Even when we feel empowered in our work, there can still be  unconscious patterns of compromising our needs for a romantic partner… something I did repeatedly in the past

    Leighann guides me through a soul-stirring coaching session, helping uncover my core wounds and limiting beliefs around love. It's a powerful reminder that we all carry pain around feeling "unlovable" at some point in our lives. 

    Healing this starts with learning to love ourselves unconditionally – a practice that I’ve been dedicated to in my 1 year and 9 months of being in celibacy, and have continued to deepen since my session.

    The good news is – since recording this session, I opened myself up to men again and have been deeply enjoying dating and relating! I look forward to updating you on my progress in the next few months...

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:The seductive trap of relying on others to fill our need for love, versus cultivating self-loveHow the theme of "losing myself in relationships" shows up even for successful womenGetting to the root of control patterns and fear of disappointmentExploring the childhood experiences that shape beliefs around loveRealizing when the cost of love is too highHIGHLIGHT QUOTES

    We are more easily swept off our feet when someone chooses us without us putting them through the filter we would usually put someone through to see if we want to choose them.

    Leighann Amanda

    Powerful women deserve love.

    Leighann Amanda

    What pained me the most was the level at which I compromised and completely lost myself in love.

    Celinne Da Costa

    If we weren't necessarily taught to cultivate self-chosening, then being chosen is really, really seductive.

    Leighann Amanda

    No one goes their whole life believing they are lovable all the time.

    Leighann Amanda

    One of my decisions was I am going to learn how to love myself. Learn how to be kinder and in the right relationship with myself.

    Celinne Da Costa

    She was getting the love that she wasn't giving herself.

    Celinne Da Costa

    My intention in sharing this with you today is to open up this important conversation - because there are so many of us out there having similar experiences when it comes to matters of the heart. If this resonates with you, know that you're not alone. I see you and I feel you. 

    Sisters and brothers – let's walk this path together and support each other to overcome the insecurities, the limiting beliefs, and any part of life that is holding us back from the beautiful, emotionally sober relationships in love that we desire and deserve.

    Stay tuned for Part 2 of this episode which releases next week, where our journey continues and more breakthroughs unlock. 

    You won't want to miss the powerful conclusion.


    As a life coach, Leighann specializes in using depth, presence, and curiosity to evoke the unexpected best in others. With a unique focus on relationships, she teaches people how to create thriving, emotionally sober relationships with themselves and others. In addition to using ontological and somatic methods, she brings a specialty in nervous system regulation with breathwork and bodywork to integrate how the nervous system dictates our relational wellness.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • The very best coaches are the most coachable and today, the tables are turned as I put myself in the hands of one of the most experienced and successful coaches on the planet. I’m coached by Master Coach and author of the bestselling book The Prosperous Coach, Rich Litvin.

    And we go deep. Really deep.

    In this vulnerable episode, we break through ancestral patterns, unconscious commitments to our family and lineage, and what it takes to walk your unique path as a conscious, empowered, and sovereign being. 

    We get vulnerable about the unseen weights we carry through life, familial patterns, and societal pressures that restrict women's freedom.

    I opened up about my own journey as the only daughter of the eldest daughter in a lineage of formidable matriarchs. The burdens that I’ve unconsciously carried to be the responsible one, care for others, and atone for my mother's wounds.

    Rich guides me to confront these binding promises passed down through generations of women in my family. We explored how I've tolerated situations that deplete my energy and override my body's wisdom.

    Rich's profound insights shook me to my core and brought light to patterns that no longer serve me.

    If you feel called to cut energetic ties to familial burdens passed down through generations so that you can liberate yourself to become more of who you truly are, this soul-stirring discussion is for you.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:The heavy burdens placed on the matriarchs and daughters in lineages.How our caretakers and childhood role models pass down toxic patterns of behavior unconsciouslyBreaking ancestral ties to walk your own pathThe lack of rites of passage for women (and the importance of having them)How our bodies remember everything and can still carry familial tension from our ancestorsThe importance of healing forward, not trying to fix the pastHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    "There's a heaviness to what the women in all of our lineages have had to carry."

    Rich Litvin

    “There's a part of me that feels that I should carry extra because I have the capacity to.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    "When we do the work for ourselves, there's healing that goes on in all sorts of other ways."

    Rich Litvin

    “It's okay to set myself free from the obligation that I thought I had to carry."

    Celinne Da Costa

    “No matter how powerful the person I'm speaking to, I can find those places where they're lacking in power, where they're pretending they have power, or where they have more power than they know.”


    Are you feeling the magnetic pull in your soul to build a purpose-driven business that fulfills your highest potential? One where you wake up feeling connected, inspired, and ready to serve your ideal clients powerfully? 

    I invite you to join me for an extraordinary 4-month journey in Business By Soul, where we'll immerse ourselves in the work of realigning your business with your soul's purpose. 


    🧲 Uncover your deepest soul calling and infuse it into your brand messaging to magnetize ideal clients

    ✍️ Rewrite limiting stories and conditionings to step fully into your potential 

    🧘‍♀️ Establish rock-solid daily practices for self-care, energy management, and intuition 

    🔮 Craft a compelling vision and strategy rooted in your authentic essence 

    💫 Learn to lead with confidence, make aligned choices, and manifest with flow

    This is not just another business program. This is a sacred initiation into a whole new paradigm of entrepreneurship, where profit and purpose co-exist symbiotically. 

    During our intimate virtual gatherings, you'll form priceless connections with a soul family who "gets" you. And you'll feel held, guided and expanded by my proven process.

    If you're hearing the call and desire to walk this soulful path, secure your spot now. 

    Click here to join us and begin building the business of your dreams - from the inside out.


    Rich Litvin is the person ultra-successful people call when they are ready to re-light their fire. His clients include entrepreneurs, CEOs, investors, physicians, surgeons, rabbis and Special Forces operatives. He has coached gold-medal winning Olympic athletes, Hollywood film directors, the adult children of billionaires, and hedge fund managers with hundreds of billions of dollars of assets under management. Rich is the founder of 4PC – a community of the top 4% of executive and leadership coaches. He is the co-author of the bestselling book, The Prosperous Coach and author of the forthcoming book, The Powerful Coach. A Brit who now lives in California, Rich is fascinated by what happens to talented, driven, ambitious people on the OTHER SIDE of success…


    Facebook | Website


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • I recently dropped in with one of my former clients Jasmine Lipska, a Women's Life Coach, Author, and Feminine Embodiment Guide.

    In this candid conversation, Jasmine and I went deep into the transformations she manifested in just a few short months of working together in one of my private coaching containers. 

    Her story serves as a powerful testament to what is possible through dedicated inner work and subconscious reprogramming. Jasmine completely transformed her reality across all areas of her life.

    Financially, she healed her relationship with money to a point where she felt more at peace with it and where money was no longer defining her worth.


    She gained total clarity on her unique zone of genius, her “X’” factor, and stood fully in her authority as a coach. Her Instagram grew consistently, her messaging resonated deeper, and she signed dream clients even while on vacation.


    She reclaimed her sensual feminine energy and leaned into receiving in her marriage. She learned to let go of control and drop into her feminine essence.


    She embraced rest as part of her business model. She attuned more deeply to her moon cycles and made self-care a priority.


    Jasmine released layers of conditioned limitations, healed trauma stored in her nervous system, rewired self-sabotaging money beliefs, strengthened her boundaries, and realigned with her soul's wisdom.

    She shifted from constantly hustling and chasing validation to truly honoring her feminine energy and soul's whispers. She moved from stress and scarcity to inner peace, relaxation, and flow.

    Jasmine's courageous story epitomizes what is possible when you commit fully to doing the deep subconscious work and shedding limiting beliefs. You too can experience a total reality rewrite when you dedicate yourself to this inner journey.


    I’m here to support you with the toolbox, frameworks and methodologies to help you give some structure to what's coming through you.

    ✨Business by Soul - is my 4-month live group program - launching THIS month. This is for you if you already have a business and desire to grow it financially while aligning it with your Soul essence.

    Doors are open, click here to sign up today!

    ✨Story Clarity Intensive - Get crystal clear on your next steps, release limiting beliefs, and take aligned action toward your vision. 1 spot left for 2023.

    ✨4-month or 7-month Mentorship - next availability opens Jan 2024.

    Apply now to see if we’re a fit.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:How Jasmine 10x'd her confidence as a coach and brought forth her unique voiceThe keys to healing your relationship with money and banish scarcity for goodLearning to operate from your feminine essence and create work-life harmonyBecoming the embodiment of your offer and stepping fully into your zone of geniusLetting your soul’s whispers guide you (not society’s noise!)Manifesting your dream clients, income, and lifestyle through inner alignmentHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    There were so many things that needed to move through your body literally. And that's where the biggest change happens - through the body.

    Celinne Da Costa

    I learned to let go of control, to surrender more, and to embody my healthy feminine.

    Jasmine Lipska

    When you listen to your Soul, it always ends up better than you could have ever imagined.

    Jasmine Lipska

    It's not about chasing goals that leave you empty... but growing into the fullest expression of who you are.


    Jasmine Lipska is a Women's Life Coach, Author and Feminine Embodiment Guide, helping burnt out high achieving women to dissolve stress and finally relax. With an online audience of over 400,000 people, Jasmine teaches women worldwide how to shed their masculine shield and reconnect with their Relaxed Feminine Self, so they can thrive in life and be in loving relationships. As the host of "Bloom Brighter" Podcast, Jasmine also passionately shares all the healing tools, subconscious rewiring techniques and energetics that women can use, to create their most fulfilling and soul aligned lives.




    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • Today I’m pulling back the curtain on my winding path from soul-draining hustle to creating a purposeful and profitable business through my Soul’s guidance.

    It’s an intimate conversation about escaping the corporate hamster wheel to build a business guided by my Soul, that is successful on MY terms. By creating my Business by Soul and listening to my intuition every day, I have quickly grown a business that is financially prosperous, has supported thousands of humans through profound life and business transformations, and feels fulfilling and in line with my purpose (and was even featured on Forbes for this alongside my brilliant colleagues in the industry!).

    In this episode, I open up about my journey, the biggest lessons I learned along the way, as well as the questions I ask daily to realign to Soul – such as:

    ✨How am I feeling mentally, physically, emotionally, and energetically?

    ✨Am I in flow or pushing against the current?

    ✨Is there resentment, or lack of joy in what I’m doing?

    ✨How can I better enjoy my creative process?

    During my journey, I have realized that to me, success isn’t achievements… it’s the freedom to create beauty, to contribute to life itself (and by extension of that, to others!), and to live by inspiration.

    Those are the principles behind my newest creation, Business by Soul – my new 4-month group program for heart-centered entrepreneurs ready to take their business to the next level so that it’s thriving, prosperous, soul-aligned, and deeply impact the collective.

    It covers:

    💫 Excavating limiting beliefs, healing imposter syndrome and money blocks

    💫 Understanding how to use your unique energetic gifts to create offers that magnetize ideal clients

    💫 Establishing spiritual business practices for flow state productivity

    💫 Translating your purpose into an aligned, sustainable, and profitable business model

    … and so much more!

    If you’re ready to come into deeper embodiment of your purpose and craft a business that is in alignment to your destiny…

    Business by Soul is now open for enrollment.

    Join by Oct 13th for a special bonus call where I'll give you a deeper look into the transformative path ahead and all that you'll discover in the program.

    You can also head over and watch my FREE Masterclass: CREATE A SOUL-ALIGNED, PROSPEROUS BUSINESS YOU LOVE, where you will learn how to stand out in the market and attract aligned clients with ease.


    ▪️The key signs you’re off your Soul’s path

    ▪️My leap of faith to follow intuition over logic when it seemed “irrational.” Walking by soul always rewards you exponentially.

    ▪️Why you must let your business model fluidly evolve as you uncover deeper layers of purpose. Growth requires shedding constraints.

    ▪️How to manage energy, enlist support, and avoid burnout on the mysterious path of purpose. The role of mentors and community is invaluable.


    “When we create a Soul-led business...we are building a vessel to further amplify and expand our Soul’s purpose beyond what we as individuals could do.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    “The role of mentors has been instrumental to me in remembering who I am and getting back on the path of Soul leadership when I stray.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    "The way your business feels right now is going to determine the quality of your life. And as a result, it’s going to determine the quality of your business."

    Celinne Da Costa

    "When you find a deeper meaning for what you're doing, when you can connect to a deeper why - then life gets more graceful and more beautiful."


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • In today’s episode, I’m joined by my client, the phenomenal Dr. Carrie Chojnowski, for a case study where we unpack her journey of alignment between her traditional medical practice and her Soul’s sacred calling. 🙌

    In this vulnerable discussion, Carrie opens up about the profound transformations she experienced while working with me privately over the past year. Although her life at surface level seemed great, deep down she felt disconnected, compartmentalized, and misaligned with her Soul's true purpose.

    During our journey together, she shed MAJOR limiting beliefs, reclaimed her wisdom as a healer, expanded her impact, and integrated every aspect of self into one empowered being operating from her highest vision.

    Carrie shares that her experience working with me allowed her to unlock limitless energy, abundance, and capacity to serve her patients and community on a greater scale.

    I hope this conversation fills you with the courage to walk your Soul's path as our limiting beliefs are simply clouded lenses obstructing our sight!


    Do you have a deep awareness and resonance that there is more for you on this earth walk?

    Do you feel that there is more in you to give?

    Are you unsure where to begin?

    Here are some ways you can work with me:

    ✨ Story Clarity Intensive - Get crystal clear on your next steps, release limiting beliefs, and take aligned action toward your vision.

    ✨ In-person VIP Days - Mid-October: 1 spot available in Bali⁣

    ✨ 4-month or 7-month Mentorship - 2 spots available for 2023

    To apply click here - I look forward to connecting with you. 🙏


    ✨ Carrie's journey reconnecting to her innate wisdom as a healer

    ✨ Moving from scarcity to abundance by aligning pricing with nourishment

    ✨ Expanding impact by sharing your gifts

    ✨ Becoming the fullest expression of yourself in ALL areas of life

    ✨ How placing your Soul in the driver’s seat leads to limitless energy


    Working with Celinne brings people back to the design, the map, the blueprint of who they came on this planet to be.

    Dr. Carrie Chojnowski

    We're not doing the thing that people normally do. We're not following the herd. We're pioneering a new path in alignment with our Soul and my Soul has her own plan.

    Celinne Da Costa

    It’s like gathering up these shattered pieces of ego, like every step of the way and saying, it's gonna be okay, we're gonna get through this.

    Dr. Carrie Chojnowski

    When I stopped compartmentalizing and came into complete alignment I had endless capacity, endless energy.

    Dr. Carrie ChojnowskiMEET CARRIE

    Carrie is a soul-centered, international family care naturopathic doctor who believes in science-based, spirit-led medicine. Her physical practice is located in the US, though she does see patients via telemedicine all over the world. Carrie has been living in Northern Italy with her family for the past 4 years and returns to the US to see patients once or twice per year. In addition to running her private practice, she is the co-founder and medical director of INME Wellness, a company that facilitates sacred medicine retreats in Europe and the US with world-renowned indigenous leaders. Carrie is a passionate advocate of sovereign health, helping individuals and families to harness the innate healing that each of us possesses and she believes that nature has provided us with all that we need to achieve health at the very deepest levels.


    Website | Instagram 


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • I recently got to reconnect with my good friend, acclaimed author, adventurer, and host of the Netflix series "The Kindness Diaries" Leon Logothetis. Even though we come from totally different backgrounds, a serendipitous connection between us years ago changed both our lives forever!

    It all started with a simple tweet which led to an unexpected friendship. This in turn led to Leon recommending me for a life-changing volunteer trip, helping set me on my path of self-discovery. 🙌

    In this episode, we reminisce about that pivotal moment. We explore the profound power of human connection 🤝, intuition, and heeding the call of your Soul's purpose. 

    We discuss...

    How the places we travel to can energetically interact with you and bring unconscious emotions to the surface, ready to be resolved. We share our philosophies on cultivating self-trust, following your intuition, and serving others through kindness. 🫶

    This episode is filled with so much wisdom, rawness, and hope! 

    🙏 My hope for you after listening (or watching) is that you will be inspired to reconnect with your own purpose and lead with your Soul.


    Leon's role in changing the course of my lifeOur shared experience traveling the world 🌍relying on the kindness of strangers Rediscovering our purpose along the way 💗I laser coach Leon who revealed his current struggles on the cusp of a significant career shift. How places can energetically interact with you and surface unconscious emotions ready to be resolved.HIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    "In the nothingness, everything will come to you."

    Leon Logothetis

    "People will go to fame and legacy to mitigate the fear of their own annihilation."

    Celinne Da Costa

    “If you listen to what's happening inside, it's a whole new way of being."

    Leon LogothetisMEET LEON

    Leon is a humanitarian, best-selling author and cause-adventurer. He is the host of the Netflix series "The Kindness Diaries". In this series, he circumnavigates the globe on his vintage yellow motorbike "Kindness One" giving life-changing gifts along the way to unsuspecting good Samaritans.

    All of this whilst relying solely on the kindness of strangers.

    A second season of the series was released. This time with Leon traveling from Alaska all the way to the bottom of Argentina. The show is currently being streamed on Discovery+.

    Leon has documented his travels for numerous media outlets including Good Morning America, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, Outside, Good, Psychology Today, and The New York Times. His best-selling books "Amazing Adventures of a Nobody", "The Kindness Diaries", "Live, Love, Explore", "Go Be Kind", and his latest book, "Go Be Brave" are in stores now.


    Website | Instagram | Facebook 


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert. She works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities. This includes NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching. These are the skills which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • What happens when you let your most unfiltered, quirky, weird “crazy” self out to play? 🤪

     What if everything you’ve ever known and believed about reality was only a fraction of what reality can be? 🤯

    In this episode, I share the wild story of how an accidental acid trip 💊 cracked open the parts of myself I had kept hidden for a lifetime… and the unexpected liberation it brought into my life. 

    This experience absolutely shattered so many limiting paradigms I was constraining myself with and gave me permission to step into a whole new level of my fullest, unapologetic expression… which has been rippling into my reality to this day. 


    While this episode shares my experience with psychedelics, its purpose is not to promote or encourage their use. My intention is to openly share a transformational experience from my life without filtering or censoring myself. If you have ethical concerns about mind-altering substances, you may want to skip this one. 

    The lessons I share can apply to anyone's growth, with or without such an experience. My hope is this episode inspires you to embrace your intuitive self more fully.

    If you're willing to come in with an open mind, I’m confident this conversation will expand your perception of what's possible. 🙏


    Are you desiring to unlock the next level of expression of your intuitive, multidimensional self, in both life and business?

    I invite you to join The Journey - my 12-month container granting you access to my entire body of work and vault of courses, trainings, and meditations, as well as live Q&As with me.

    It's intentionally designed to help you release limiting beliefs, tune into your higher wisdom, and rewrite your greatest story across your life, career, relationships, and business.

    Through The Journey, we'll shed layers of conditioning and reprogram self-doubt so you can finally live from your soul's truth - without apology.

    If you feel the call, now is your time. Let's walk this path together? 🙌

    You can click on this link to sign up today.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:How I came face-to-face with challenging mental paradigms that kept me limiting myself in my realityThe moment when I experienced a visceral knowing and defragging of everything I thought "had" to be trueWhy I felt like I could finally be more of MYSELF - not the constrained, "acceptable" version  The disappointment when I realized this awareness came from a substance… and my realization that while induced, the truths were still so real and alignedMy newfound commitment to unleash the intuitive, psychic, out-of-the-box parts of myself I'd previously mutedHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    The parts of you that you’ve shamed in the past are the ones that carry within them the biggest gifts.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Find the courage to embrace your intuitive, psychic side more openly.

    Celinne Da Costa

    Your intuition is the one that speaks, and the mind serves the soul to create into physical reality what you're dreaming into being.


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook 

  • I’ve spent the past year deep in studies in the Earth Priestess temple arts… I am only just beginning this work and still FAR from the level of mastery I’d like to eventually achieve when it comes to the natural sacred bond that we as humans all have access to when it comes to the elements and Mother Earth (also known as Gaia)...

    That said, the journey so far has illuminated that our planet is a living, sentient being undergoing her own evolution, and that we as human beings – cells of her being – have a role to play in that.

    In this episode, I host an ambassador for Modern Magik and Mother Nature and a voice for Mother Earth, the lovely and sassy Mia Magik. We discuss embodying your true nature, honoring the wisdom of the Earth, and fearlessly following your own path. 

    During a laser coaching session, Mia shares her vulnerability about overcoming limiting beliefs and reclaiming her inner magik and I support her in finding her way back to clarity and self-empowerment.

    We all experience challenges and in the spirit of this episode, I encourage you to connect to nature whenever you desire guidance. To help you along your way, Mia shares with us a beautiful meditation where you can call on the elements and receive divine wisdom. 

    Download Mia’s Intuwitchin' Meditation & Practice for free here.  As the Dalai Lama says, if you think that you do not have time to meditate for one hour a day, you should meditate for two.


    If you desire to create and grow a thriving, prosperous, soul-led business where you are being supported by your business in your soul service, make sure you join the waiting list for my Business by Soul group program. You will learn to be authentically yourself in your unique soul expression, be of service, and be highly compensated for it.  As well as build a business model that's going to change the lives of many.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:How to become more abundant and prosperous in your business through your connection with natureWhat the word "witch" really means and its root of wisdom throughout human historyThe witch wound and how it's affecting both men and womenHow to deconstruct the patriarchy from our belief systems and return to our powerA laser coaching session with Mia where we overcome her limiting beliefs Looking to nature for guidanceChanging with the seasons in your own life: Nature rests in winter, and you can tooHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    “The more in connection I come with the elements and the earth and the more I open myself up and sink into the rhythms of what it means to be a woman, the more business flows for me.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    “The planet is my fountain of abundance.”

    Celinne Da Costa

    "We're all witches. We're all wise people. We all have intuition. We all have psychic gifts and abilities. They've just been stripped from us."

    Mia Magik

    “Being willing to show myself and my truth is when people really resonate with me. So don't pretend like you're perfect because nobody is.”

    Mia Magik

    “It was about seeing the magik itself, the magik of life, the magik of nature, the magik of the elements, the magik that they, too, had.”


    Mia Magik is an ambassador for Modern Magik and Mother Nature, returning ancient ways to the modern day. On a mission of PERMISSION, Mia helps uncover the most magikal version of self through dedicated spiritual transfiguration and purification of patriarchal programming to connect with IntuWitchin-' the inner wisdom & guidance system. Reclaiming the truth, that Witch means Wise. As Headmistress of a School for Magikal Artistry Mia has empowered thousands of people to reconnect with their infinite supernatural abilities through the embodiment of Nature’s elements. Mia's advocacy for Mother Earth and Witchery has made her a respected and sought-after figure in the environmental community. She uses her platforms to raise awareness about important ecological issues for sustainability and encourages her followers to take action in service of the Mother we all share. Mia Magik gives us permission to feel safe in our power, pleasure, playfulness, purpose & prosperity, making a more majestically mystical, magikal world for us all.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


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  • Earlier this year, I had the opportunity to spend 5 days immersed in a private training program to become one of Dr. Joe Dispenza's corporate Neuro Change Solutions trainers. For those unfamiliar with Dr. Joe, he's an international speaker, researcher, author, and passionate educator known for bestselling books like Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Becoming Supernatural. 

    Being taught directly by Dr. Joe himself, presenting his work to him, and receiving his feedback (while nerve-wracking) was incredibly rewarding, and collaborating with other like-minded, talented trainers who are committed to bringing sustainable change to the world was a life-changing experience.

    In this solo episode, I'm sharing the biggest insights and takeaways from my time studying with Dr. Joe. You'll learn the core science between our thoughts and emotions, and how to guide yourself through meaningful, long-lasting transformation.

    Because at its essence, this is what my work is all about - supporting individuals to consciously evolve into the best versions of themselves. Whether through this podcast, my offers, or free content, my desire is to provide tools for positive and impactful change.

    What I’ve discovered in my years of dedicated inquiry, research, trialing, and testing is…

    There is an easier, faster, and more graceful pathway to creating big transformation in your life.

    This is a pathway that I teach inside of The Journey, my 12-month self-led mentorship experience where you’ll receive access to all of my self-study programs, plus any new self-led offer that I create in the next year!

    PLUS, quarterly live Q&As and live opportunities for me to support you in embodying your Soul purpose and reprogramming your subconscious mind for success.

    If you would like to learn more about The Journey click here.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:How to create meaningful and long-lasting transformationsUnderstanding that people CAN changeThe science behind making changesHow your personality is createdWhat are electromagnetic fields?The importance of emotional managementHow we get addicted to our emotionsThe role of our nervous system in our realityCrossing the “river of change”What working smarter looks likeLiving in a state of creation vs. survivalGetting uncomfortable in the unknownCreating a reality from your Soul instead of your ego*

    * Listen to episode 7 of the podcast where I dive deeper into the concept of your Ego and Soul here.


    You work smarter, not harder, by managing your state of being.

    Celinne Da Costa

    All the transformation that we could possibly desire is in the unknown. It's in the quantum field, it hasn't materialized yet.

    Celinne Da Costa

    If you truly want to create transformation in your life, and quickly, you need to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

    Celinne Da Costa

    The way he - Dr. Joe Dispenza - explained things was so simple to grasp, my mind couldn't help but accept it.

    Celinne Da Costa

    It's not that you can't change, it's that you don't yet know how to change effectively and sustainably.

    Celinne Da Costa

    If you knew the path, life would not be fun.

    Celinne Da Costa

    I will forever be comfortable in the uncomfortable, the uncomfortable will always feel uncomfortable. If I'm tapping out of that, I'm not growing.

    Celinne Da CostaPRIVATE COACHING

    If you feel the call to rewrite your new story of success and want a mentor who's walked the path to help you exponentially grow your influence, income, and impact, I offer limited spots in private mentorship, with 4, 7, and 13-month containers. Within these containers, we work together to bring your visions into reality faster while giving you the tools, methodologies, and frameworks uniquely matched to your Soul’s unique signature. Click here to learn more or apply to do this inspiring work together.

    For those leading teams, I also provide corporate consulting where I assist in shifting company culture from toxic to connected and thriving. My workshops empower leaders to evolve into better versions of themselves, transforming performance and skills.

    If you want to ignite positive change as a corporate leader, I have several workshops that may perfectly suit your needs. 

    Please contact my team at [email protected] for more information.


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

  • Back in 2020 one of my beloved clients, Melanie Meade felt like she was swimming in a pool of hopelessness. After a particularly long day, while relaxing in a bath and listening to a podcast where I was a featured guest, Melanie resonated with my personal journey.

    It was at that moment that she realized, “That's what I need”.

    Today Melanie and I come together and share the beautiful story of her journey which started when she first signed up for Master Your Story. We will unpack what it looks like to do the work of actualization, self-development and growth when working with me in both in a private container as well as in any of the self-led digital courses that I offer including The Journey. 

    Don't forget you can also watch this episode on YouTube!

    The Journey

    Is a 12-month self-guided mentoring experience, designed to take you through the stages I am sharing with you in this episode of Melanie's journey.

    Alongside Storytelling, Strategy, and Soul, this container offers you a treasure chest of tools, frameworks, and methodologies for personal transformation. It will allow you to create an internal pathway to lead yourself from A to B and become the person who asks the questions and brings you closer to your heart’s desires, faster.

    PLUS – I host live quarterly Q&As where you can receive my mentorship and guidance in a group setting.

    If you would like to learn more about The Journey click here.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS:Rediscovering your purpose in businessFinding your authentic voiceUsing my tools, frameworks, and methodologiesClaiming your title and role in your unique wayAsking the right questions to expand and evolve Getting out of your headShedding past conditioningDoing the inner workMelanie’s experience of working with me privately and digitally

    If you've been following me for some time, you would have heard me talking a lot about the concept of knowing and mastering your brand story. And being able to share your unique authentic story in a way that is going to reach your desired audience. Melanie is a prime example of how this works. She heard me talking about my story, sharing my brand story and saw herself in it.

    Because she felt emotionally connected, Melanie decided to reach out and take one of my programs. This evolved into what is now a three-year private coaching partnership. Since working together Melanie has gained clarity and confidence within herself, her skills, and her business.

    This is a really cool moment for those who are not sure why they should tell their story. For those concerned about 'talking too much about themselves' or even those wondering 'what's the point of having a brand story in your business'. 

    The point is that you literally magnetize dream clients because they feel connected to your story. They hear your story and resonate with you. As a result of that resonance, they will approach you and if the fit is right, they'll start working with you. 

    Private Coaching

    If after listening to this episode you are feeling called for private coaching with me, I offer various containers to match your Soul's desires.

    If you choose to work with me in one of my current 1:1 containers, please know that you will be deeply supported by me during this time. I will be here to remind you of your power and everything you're capable of and to believe in you - sometimes harder than you may believe in yourself.

    I will walk with you on your journey, which can be 4 months (Story Embodiment Accelerator), 7 months (Story Alchemy Mentorship), or a deep dive of 13 months (Reclamation Mentorship).

    Click here to apply for 1:1 private coaching spot today.

    You may also join me for a 90-minute Story Clarity Intensive 1:1 session which will offer you a peek into what it would look like to work with me in my (4, 7, and 13-month) private mentorship programs.

    And should you seek a Deep Intensive Coaching Session then my In-person VIP Day or Virtual VIP Day would be ideal for you. You can learn more about an In-person VIP Day here and if a Virtual VIP Day is more suited to where you are currently click here.


    She will walk with me, she was not going to try to make me someone I was not.

    Melanie Meade

    I went from thinking to knowing.

    Melanie Meade

    We are moving in an accelerated way, we are doing it at the speed of love.

    Celinne Da Costa

    It's probably better to not know everything and be really brilliant at what you're brilliant at.


    Melanie Meade is a Business & Social Media Strategist, empowering creatives to unlock their genius, spearhead movements, and ignite transformative change.

    By challenging the status quo and redefining industry narratives, her clients strive to make a difference. Melanie's possesses an innate ability to identify & capture others’ brilliance, extrapolate that vision so that they can craft it into a movement that matters.

    She brings a refreshing and thought-provoking approach to business growth, social media, branding, and visibility, enabling her clients to leverage their true nature and lead, empower, and inspire others with their visionary ideas.

    With certifications as a Business Strategist, Digital Marketing Professional, Strategy & Planning Specialist, and Social Media Strategist, Melanie possesses a wealth of expertise in helping individuals and businesses thrive.

    Based in Ireland she serves clients worldwide through online strategy & coaching sessions. With Melanie's guidance, creatives can effectively share their genius, create meaningful change, and leave a lasting impact.




    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

  • In 2016 I had an epiphany, “If I don't change my life, I am going to die inside”. And so, I packed my backpack and left everything I knew behind to circumnavigate the world. I spent 9-months couch-surfing through the homes of 70+ strangers testing the power of human connection.

    It was an extremely vulnerable experience. I felt lost.

    Who knew then that this decision would propel my life and career forward in the best possible way? I talk more about this journey in season 1 of the podcast, if you would like to listen click here.


    I’d like to retrace my couch-surfing journey from a different perspective: taking that leap of faith toward your Soul’s purpose and leaning into those fears that are holding you back. 

    Why? Because I know how scary it can be. For me, it was the BIGGEST F**KING ‘I DON'T KNOW’ OF MY LIFE! It was not at all as sexy or glamorous as some may make it out to be. I had to let go of a life that I had so carefully curated, prepared and organized. I was ticking all the right boxes to live successfully in mainstream society - it was all mentally very satisfying.

    But the issue is that when we live a life where our mind leads the way, we're setting ourselves up for a hollow life because it's not the mind that's meant to be in the drivers seat, it's our Soul. 

    When we start to operate from our Soul, that's when life gets blissful. That's when life gets exciting. That's when life gets really beautiful and you're living it in alignment to love, in the field of love, in connection to God's source, the almighty, whatever you want to call this oneness that we've all experienced at some point.

    I've gone through such a massive dark night of the Soul and ego death and over the past several years, I’ve been rebuilding, shedding, deconditioning, and letting go. I have been doing the inner work and I'm still not done. And I'm not gonna be done anytime in this lifetime.

    It's a process. 


    If you're drawn to this work, if you're drawn to my podcast and this episode, I trust that your Soul called you to receive this message today for you to remember that you are worthy. You are worthy of creating a life that flourishes within you, that lights you up, that's beautiful, and full of love, and blissful, and joyful. 

    I believe that there's a unique gift that you have to bring to the world.

    For those of you who are feeling called towards living your life to your Soul’s purpose, I would love to support you as you take your journey home.

    I have a beautiful, self-led program called The Journey for you. It is a 12-month all-access path to every recorded course, masterclass, guide, meditation, and workshop I’ve ever created and will create during our time together. Plus, quarterly live group Q&A’s with me so that I can personally support you through your journey. It will quantum leap into your highest Soul destiny and elevate your relationship with business, money, Self, and Spirit. 

    If The Journey is resonating with your Soul and you’re ready to ascend sign up here.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS: Stepping onto your Soul's purposeYour spiritual awakening Listening to your inner voiceLiving our human experience fullyThe death and rebirth cycleComing back to the sourceLiving in mainstream societyWhat it is that we truly wantWalking in your heart's pathHIGHLIGHT QUOTES:

    You have to be willing to step into the mystery and willing to trust yourself in your core and know that as long as you are walking every step with your heart you are inevitably going to end up where your mind cannot even fathom. It is so much grander and better and more than anything you ever could have imagined.

    Celinne Da Costa

    To experience change you have to walk into the mystery and unknown.

    Celinne Da Costa

    After listening to this episode, I invite you to take a few moments to reflect.

    What stood out to you? What were your key takeaways or breakthroughs? And if there was one action step you could take from this, what would it be? 

    If anything I've shared today has inspired you, please feel free to take a screenshot and tag me on Instagram @celinnedacosta I would love to hear from you.

    P.s. I have an exciting group program coming soon called Business By Soul. Here you will learn how to create a profitable business that is in alignment with your Soul’s highest purpose - if this is something you're interested in feel free to join the waiting list here.


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook 

  • During this powerful passage through the Lionsgate portal, I am introducing you to my friend, sister, and mentor for the past 3 years, Leanne Edwards. She is often referred to as an ‘Archaeologist of the Soul’, a 'New Earth Architect', or simply 'The Tea Lady’. 

    Leanne's gifts include the capacity to traverse time, space, and dimension in support of individuals to re-member themselves, align with their Soul, reclaim their sovereignty, reconnect to their multi-dimensionality, ignite their passion, embody their power, and step into greater service. 

    In this episode, we will share some of the codes that this luminous visionary holds, along with the importance of reconnecting with nature and our host planet. We will also explore why it is important that we slow down, unplug, and do the inner work to create space for change through transformational experiences supporting our own awakening.

    EPISODE INSIGHTS: The matrix (yes, I reference Neo)Subconscious programmingFeeding our consciousnessOur awakening journeyLoving unconditionallyNew Earth frequenciesThe triangle of disempowermentThe 3 grounding toolsDysfunctional relatingRelationship programming

    Through my own awakening, there has been a lot of letting go, unpacking, and cleanup of all of my past conditioning - societal, cultural, ancestral, etc. - to do. This honestly felt scary to me at first. But over time, I have learned (through repetition) that it's worth listening to that intuition. It's worth listening to Soul. Because even when I don't get it, it somehow leads me exactly to where I need to be, beyond what I could have imagined or mentally fathomed.

    I've been able to strengthen myself through daily meditation, where I am able to come back to the pillar that I am, all the way into the earth, and through the sun. Feeling my center from which I originate, I am able to trust life.

    If you would like to learn a daily practice to align yourself through your physical, mental, emotional, and energy bodies, harmonize with your own Soul. If you would like to connect to yourself, the planet, and with Source… so that you can tap into your personal power and start your day leading from Soul, Leanne and I have prepared a special gift for you... a free Source Alignment Meditation! 

    Please enjoy and, if it resonates, incorporate it as part of your daily practice until it becomes your new place of origin and state of Being.

    Click here to get immediate access.


    We have a navigation system beyond comprehension that can answer all our questions, make all our choices, and shift our trajectory from a future founded on fate to a divine dance with destiny.

    Leanne Edwards

    We are vibrational beings having a human experience and we are here to remember how to love and experience what love is.

    Leanne Edwards

    Don’t follow the crowd, follow your intuition. Our Soul is the greatest guide we will always, ever have.

    Leanne Edwards

    Any belief is limiting.

    Leanne Edwards

    With our thoughts, our words, and our actions we are creating our reality.

    Celinne Da Costa

    This journey home to self is unique. Never compare yourself to anyone else. If you ever want to compare yourself, compare yourself to the person you were and give yourself a hug from the person you have become.


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    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook 

  • What is the energy that you are creating around your business as a result of your thought patterns and your emotions?

    What if life as you know it is not what you think? 💭

    What if there is more out there in this world for you if you just freed yourself from your limiting beliefs. Let go of the kinks in your emotional charge to call in more empowering thoughts? 

    Get ready for the mind-bending 🤯 season finale of the "It's Not What You Think" podcast!

    In this episode, I ‘de-fluff’ the topic of Why Your Energy Trumps Your Strategy. We'll explore how important it is to do the inner work and how you can choose strategies that support and grow your business with ease - this topic is my jam, and I am happy to 'geek out' 🤓 with you anytime!

    EPISODE INSIGHTS: Energy and Strategy and how these work together to shape realityElectromagnetics defined in a tangible wayBusiness energeticsLimiting beliefs and how these affect the way we (subconsciously) show up in life and business Mastering the power of our mindHow to align our business to our Soul’s desires

    On the topic of creating a soul-aligned business, I'm excited to announce that I'm in the process of curating a brand new live group program called "Business by Soul" launching in September!  🫶

    In this program, I'll guide you through creating a profitable business that aligns with your Soul's highest purpose.

    Together, we'll explore how to build a business that is energetically clear, strong, and stable, enabling you to strategically create the impactful influence you desire.

    🙌 To be the first to know when it's launching you can join the waitlist here.

    I look forward to sharing more about it with you. 🤍


    “We have the power with our thoughts and our emotions to shape reality and what we are experiencing in our external world.”

    Celinne da Costa

    “If you want to see a change in this world, it starts with who you are inside and how that is reflected in your external reality.”

    Celinne da Costa

    “No amount of strategy can resolve a problem until you resolve the incongruence from within yourself.”

    Celinne da Costa

    “Energetics is most of the work, strategy follows.”

    Celinne da Costa

    “What works for one person may not work for another, everyone’s belief system is different.”

    Celinne da Costa

    We all want to authentically and unapologetically express ourselves in a way that deeply connects with our desired audience and inspires them into action. But let’s face it, the thought alone of doing this can stop us in our tracks.

    We all carry with us fears and past conditioning which limit us and leave us in a space where we are not quite sure how to set ourselves free. Free to operate from a place of uninhibited liberation, self-expression, and joyful alignment.

    If this is you, I am here to help. 

    Sign up here for my course, “School of Story”. It will allow you to uncover, write and tell your irresistible brand story to become the best story you've ever told!


    Celinne Da Costa is a Master Coach and brand story expert who works with high-achieving, purpose-driven CEOs, experts, and executives to help them become confident, fully expressed leaders with transformational stories, an influential brand, and a tribe of raving fans.

    Celinne has thousands of hours of practitioner training in various modalities, including NeuroLinguistic Programming, Facilitated Breath Repatterning, hypnotherapy, shamanic energy healing, emotional intelligence coaching, and life coaching, which she channels to create powerful breakthroughs for her clients.

    Her work has been featured in top media, including Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Business Insider. A bestselling author and a popular speaker, Celinne has also delivered a TEDx speech on the power of human connection. Follow her journey on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.


    Website | LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook