
  • On this episode, Mark Butler, CISO for Trace3, discusses the impact of AI on various industries, the challenges of AI governance, and the adoption of cloud services. He also delves into the application of AI in different sectors and the implications of cloud migration for companies with legacy infrastructure.

    Key Takeaways:

    AI has the potential to transform industries such as healthcare, finance, and energy, leading to significant improvements in customer experiences and operational efficiency.The governance of AI, including data security, training, and explainability, is a critical focus area for organizations adopting AI models.Cloud migration presents challenges for companies with legacy infrastructure, but it also offers opportunities for leveraging advanced AI services and technologies.The early detection and accurate diagnosis of health conditions through AI have the potential to significantly improve health outcomes and patient care. The demand for GPUs is increasing, driven by the need for on-premise LLM training and AI workloads.The shift in skill requirements is evident, with a growing need for new skills to adapt to the evolving AI landscape.AI is not directly taking jobs but is creating new opportunities and skill demands.The need for AI training is significant, with organizations investing in internal training programs to educate employees about AI.The challenges of AI verification and the impact of AI on job roles are key considerations in the evolving AI landscape.


    Google’s AI Recommended Adding Glue To Pizza And Other Misinformation—What Caused The Viral Blunders?


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    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • On this episode, Shelia Anderson, CIO of Aflac, delves into the use of technology to improve customer service, streamline processes, and enhance the overall experience for policyholders. The discussion also highlights the role of leadership in driving organizational change and the importance of transparency and education in decision-making. Plus, a discussion about the continuous improvement nature of AI and the need for trusted sources of data.

    Key Takeaways:

    The use of technology in the insurance industry is focused on improving customer service, streamlining processes, and enhancing the overall experience for policyholders.Transparency and education are essential in decision-making and driving organizational change, especially when it comes to technology and innovation.Leadership plays a crucial role in demonstrating the value of technological advancements and driving the adoption of new approaches within the organization. AI's impact on the insurance industry and the challenges of data security and integrityThe continuous improvement nature of AI and the need for trusted sources of data

    Imagine a world where your data flows like electricity—unseen, yet powering everything you do. A world where high availability, low latency, and disaster recovery are not just expectations but realities. Welcome to the future, powered by Zayo's network.

    In a world that never stops, Zayo is the network underneath it all, helping the most innovative and forward-thinking companies grow. Because Zayo doesn't just connect places, they connect possibilities. Zayo connects what's next for you.

    Discover the power of Zayo’s network today. Visit https://go.zayo.com/network/itvisionaries

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

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  • On this episode, Bill Waid, the Chief Product and Technology Officer of FICO, discusses the role of FICO and its products and services beyond the FICO score. He reveals how FICO applies artificial intelligence and machine learning in its decision-making processes. Plus, Bill explains how FICO's software division helps businesses operationalize analytics and make data-driven decisions.

    On this episode, Bill Waid, the Chief Product and Technology Officer of FICO, discusses the role of FICO and its products and services beyond the FICO score. He reveals how FICO applies artificial intelligence and machine learning in its decision-making processes. Plus, Bill explains how FICO's software division helps businesses operationalize analytics and make data-driven decisions.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why FICO is more than just a credit score; it offers a range of products and services to help businesses make data-driven decisions.How FICO applies artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance its decision-making processes.Why digital engagement and the ability to adapt to changing customer needs are crucial for businesses in the financial industry.How the digitization of banking is transforming the industry.How FICO is using alternative data sources and augmented data analysis to assess credit risk for individuals with limited credit history.FICO's future focus is on making AI and machine learning more usable and transparent for businesses, empowering them to make better decisions.Why an emphasis on a strong company culture empowers employees to control their own destiny.The future of AI and machine learning lies in making it more accessible and usable for non-technical users.How FICO enables businesses to quickly test and iterate on models, making incremental improvements and driving better outcomes.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • In this conversation, Steve Stone, Head of Zero Labs at Rubrik, discusses the importance of data security and the challenges organizations face in managing and securing their data. He explains Rubrik's role as a data security company and how they provide backup, recovery, and analytics solutions to help organizations protect their data. Steve also highlights the growing problem of data growth and the impact of AI-generated data. He emphasizes the need for visibility into the data estate, the importance of securing data in a hybrid environment, and the role of proactive AI solutions in the future of data security.

    Tune in to learn:

    Rubrik is a data security company that provides backup, recovery, and analytics solutions to help organizations protect their data.Data growth and AI-generated data are major challenges in data security.Visibility into the data estate is crucial for organizations to understand and secure their data.Securing data in a hybrid environment requires a comprehensive approach that includes backup, recovery, and analytics solutions.The future of data security may involve proactive AI solutions that can detect and prevent threats in real-time. Data is the most important asset in cybersecurity and should be the primary focus.AI can be used for analytics and to bridge the gap between different teams in cybersecurity.Steve's journey into cybersecurity came from a background in special operations.

    Did you know that less than half of IT leaders feel their network infrastructure is ready to make the best use of emerging technologies? Zayo, a leading global communications infrastructure provider, empowers some of the world’s most innovative companies to take advantage of next generation technologies with the help of reliable, resilient network infrastructure. Read their research paper, IT Confidential, to gain valuable insights from IT leaders.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • In this conversation, Mike Hanley, the Chief Security Officer and SVP of Engineering at GitHub, discusses the transformation in security practices and the shift towards a distributed and zero trust approach. He emphasizes the importance of collaboration between security and engineering teams to enable great security outcomes. Mike also shares insights on managing concurrent projects and creating clarity around goals. He highlights the significance of empowering engineering teams and enabling creativity and expertise. Additionally, he expresses his excitement about the current state of the software space and the future of coding and learning, particularly with the impact of AI.

    Tune in to learn:

    AI can assist developers in completing redundant tasks and improve productivity.The future of AI in software development holds the potential for significant advancements and transformations.AI can play a crucial role in enhancing security practices and preventing vulnerabilities.A security-first approach is essential, and engaging with customers is crucial for successful security implementations. Security practices have transformed from a perimeter-based approach to a distributed and zero-trust approach.Collaboration between security and engineering teams is crucial for achieving great security outcomes.Creating clarity around goals and providing support to teams helps unlock creativity and expertise.The future of coding and learning will be influenced by AI, enabling new ways of accessing information and formulating questions.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • On this episode, Josh Lemos, the CISO at GitLab, discusses the role of GitLab in the software development lifecycle and how it helps companies build and ship secure software. He highlights the challenges in code reuse and security and emphasizes the importance of visibility and governance in software development. Josh also discusses the trust and explainability in AI and how AI can be leveraged for efficiency.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is GitLab (1:00)Creating trust in your platform (7:30)Figuring out how best to use AI (13:00)Making well-informed decisions (18:20)How to approach problems in ways that make sense (24:00)The future of the field (26:00)AI use cases (29:30)Recruiting the next generation of talent (34:40)

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at


  • AIOps is becoming more and more important to enterprises, and that is only going to continue. On this episode, Jason Walker, the Chief Innovation Officer at Big Panda, discusses the role of AIOps in improving operations and problem resolution in enterprise applications. He explains how Big Panda uses data and AI to identify, alert, and solve problems in digital services and shares the challenges faced by organizations in understanding their technology ecosystem and how AIOps can help in gaining visibility and context.

    Tune in to learn:

    Understanding AI Ops (1:00)Getting started implementing AIOps(4:35)The before and after of implementing AIOps (10:40)How AIOps can help simplify your ticket resolution (19:00)What will the AI ops space evolve into? (26:30)How to know you’re remediating the right thing (33:50)Going from the Marines to the IT world (38:55)

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • We’ve been living in the cloud for a long time now, so why is it still so difficult to navigate the multi-cloud infrastructure? Indu Keri, SVP and GM Hybrid Multi-cloud at Nutanix, is trying to simplify that landscape and on this episode, he breaks down how.

    Tune in to learn:

    Navigating the multi-cloud complexity? (4:00)How can it get easier to do cloud management? (8:00)The web has changed how we experience the world (25:00)The role of infrastructure (30:00)Striving for simplicity (35:00)

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • Google made its name by changing the way the world uses the internet. Today, the company is still on the leading edge of innovation and Ritika Gunnar, the Sr. Director of Product Management, Databases at Google, is helping to shape the future of technology once more. On this episode, she dives deep into how, where, and why generative AI is going to revolutionize the way engineers build, how apps are developed, and how everyday work gets done.

    Tune in to learn:

    Why is database management so hard? (3:00)How generative AI is transforming what Google builds (12:00)Creating a whole new world for app developers and programmers (18:00)Generative engineering and how it will change the way developers work (24:00)How generative AI is being use to create new experiences (33:40) Predicting how AI will be used in the future (36:42)


    Google careersThe rise of GenEng: How AI changes the developer role

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • So much of the way data is used happens without us even knowing it. And the power of data is beyond comprehension. At Teradata, Erica Hausheer and her team are trying to harness that power and make lives better — even if you don’t realize they’re doing it. On this episode, Erica details the ways data, AI, and other innovative technologies are transforming the way we live and work.

    Tune in to learn:

    How Teradata is improving your life without you even knowing it (4:00) What it takes to understand and execute high-impact jobs (9:00) The evolution of digital transformation (14:00) The juxtaposition between product development and IT (25:00) Fighting against bad data (30:00)

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • Moving to the cloud is nothing new — but doing it efficiently is still tough. Brantley Richbourg is the Principal Technical Consultant of Cloud Networking at AHEAD, and it’s his job to help companies navigate their journey to the cloud. On this episode, he describes some of the reasons companies are looking to make the move and the challenges they face along the way. Plus he explains where and how generative AI is playing a role and why innovation might not be the driving force behind customer decision making.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is Ahead? (1:32)Finally solving the problems with moving to the cloud (5:40)Integrating cloud systems and hybrid clouds (11:30)The role of generative AI (16:35)Why the cloud is not about saving money (30:00)How Ahead is working with clients (36:15)How to win at sales (38:38)The timeline for adopting new infrastructure (44:20)Predicting the next big thing (50:00)


    Brantley’s first appearance on IT Visionaries


    Did you know that less than half of IT leaders feel their network infrastructure is ready to make the best use of emerging technologies? Zayo, a leading global communications infrastructure provider, empowers some of the world’s most innovative companies to take advantage of next generation technologies with the help of reliable, resilient network infrastructure. Read their research paper, IT Confidential, to gain valuable insights from IT leaders.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at



  • Whether you realize it or not, there’s an extremely good chance that you have interacted with PAR Technology. This brand powers payment systems, loyalty apps, and more for some of the biggest restaurant brands around, including Five Guys, Sweet Green, Arby’s, and thousands more. Raju Malhotra is the Chief Product & Technology Officer at PAR Technology, and on this episode, he explains how PAR implements its technology to make the restaurant experience seamless for both the workers and the diners.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is PAR Technology? (1:00)Why big brands choose PAR (2:00)The need to be flexible with different infrastructures (5:00)Blending the hardware and software components clients need (9:00)How to decide what to build (13:00)The rise of third parties and the challenge of integration (26:00)


    Zayo connects critical data centers across the US, Canada, and Europe with high-capacity metro fiber and extensive long-haul dark fiber. Trusted by the world's most innovative companies, Zayo embodies what's next in networking.

    Discover Zayo’s expansive network maps on their website and see where their network can take you. With low-latency, reliable, 400G and 800G-enabled routes, it's the modern network solution you've been searching for.

    Visit Zayo's website today to unlock the power of your network and tap into the technologies of tomorrow. Go to Zayo.com/network now.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • In business and technology, speed is key. This is especially true in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), where seconds matter to all the innovators submitting patent applications. In this episode, Jamie Holcombe, CIO of the USPTO, explains how his team is using new technology and working faster on a network that will keep up with the products and technologies inventors are hoping to bring to market.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is the USPTO? (1:20)How new technology is used to help evaluate patent applications (6:30)The importance of having a reliable and fast network (16:30)Cybersecurity at the USPTO (21:25)


    Zayo connects critical data centers across the US, Canada, and Europe with high-capacity metro fiber and extensive long-haul dark fiber. Trusted by the world's most innovative companies, Zayo embodies what's next in networking.

    Discover Zayo’s expansive network maps on their website and see where their network can take you. With low-latency, reliable, 400G and 800G-enabled routes, it's the modern network solution you've been searching for.

    Visit Zayo's website today to unlock the power of your network and tap into the technologies of tomorrow. Go to Zayo.com/network now.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • There is no doubt that the world is more connected now than ever before, but there are still places and people who lack access to the internet. In this episode, hear why this is one of the things that Mattias Fridström and the team at Arelion is trying to fix. Also, hear how they are working to make the internet faster and more secure at the same time.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is Arelion? (1:10)The push for innovation (3:00)What is going on at the edge? (7:40)How to be more proactive in your security (9:40)Data storage and compliance (16:30)Building solutions for customers (21:05)Mattias’s love of networks (28:00)


    Zayo connects critical data centers across the US, Canada, and Europe with high-capacity metro fiber and extensive long-haul dark fiber. Trusted by the world's most innovative companies, Zayo embodies what's next in networking.

    Discover Zayo’s expansive network maps on their website and see where their network can take you. With low-latency, reliable, 400G and 800G-enabled routes, it's the modern network solution you've been searching for.

    Visit Zayo's website today to unlock the power of your network and tap into the technologies of tomorrow. Go to Zayo.com/network now.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • NTT Data is a major company that works on large-scale projects every day. But CIO Barry Shurkey is constantly encouraging his team to get better and stay innovative. On this episode, he explains why he put so much trust in solution architects, and how he sees and helps companies and tech leaders adapt to the changing technology landscape.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is NTT Data? (1:10)How major projects start (3:00)What it takes to integrate your systems (7:00)The current constraints companies are facing with hardware and software (13:50)The newest problems businesses face while undergoing digital transformation (22:50)The dream product we wish existed (25:50)What the adoption of AI means for the tech industry (29:00)How to balance your team (31:10)What technology shifts can we expect in the next five to 10 years? (35:00)


    Justin Mescher episode of IT Visionaries

    Did you know that less than half of IT leaders feel their network infrastructure is ready to make the best use of emerging technologies? Zayo, a leading global communications infrastructure provider, empowers some of the world’s most innovative companies to take advantage of next generation technologies with the help of reliable, resilient network infrastructure. Read their research paper, IT Confidential, to gain valuable insights from IT leaders.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • In today’s world, technology is a part of almost everything we do. It’s constantly evolving, but even in the realm of cybersecurity, there are limits to what technology can do without the help of hardworking humans. Whether it’s laying wire for networks or understanding systems and codes, David Monnier, CIO of Team Cymru, explains how and where technology and humans will always need to come together.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is Team Cymru? (1:25)What is changing right now in the cybersecurity category? (2:40)How tech leaders should evaluate new products (10:00)The reason why technology is not always a silver bullet (19:00)How Team Cymru has been able to expand worldwide (23:30)Where we’re seeing the most cyber threats (27:20)How to keep your team in a learning mode (31:20)Finding the right people for your team (36:30)


    David’s first appearance on IT Visionaries

    Did you know that less than half of IT leaders feel their network infrastructure is ready to make the best use of emerging technologies? Zayo, a leading global communications infrastructure provider, empowers some of the world’s most innovative companies to take advantage of next generation technologies with the help of reliable, resilient network infrastructure. Read their research paper, IT Confidential, to gain valuable insights from IT leaders.

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • Medical transportation is sometimes necessary, but the operations and companies responsible for making it happen have remained relatively stagnant. This is where DocGo comes in. On this episode, Hawk Newton, the CTO of DocGo, explains how the company is solving the extremely difficult task of medical transportation, and making the entire experience easier for all involved.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is DocGo? (1:40)How can medical transportation performance improve? (5:45)Solving the extremely hard problem that is medical transportation (14:30)Finding the next wave of engineers (20:30)


    IT Visionaries is sponsored by Zayo.

    Concerned about your network's health? Zayo's future-ready network and tailored connectivity solutions enable some of the world’s most innovative companies to connect what’s next for their business. Exceptional end-user experiences and better business outcomes demand one thing – a strong, healthy network. So, how’s your network health? There’s one way to find out – take Zayo’s Network Health Check now. https://zayo.is/3ztMpIu

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • Ultimately, most of what we do in business today relies on data of all kinds. In the last decade or so, the rise in unstructured data has meant that companies need to find ways to store and then use that data in ways they hadn’t needed to before. On this episode of IT Visionaries, Brian Pawlowski, Chief Development Officer, of Quantum, discusses what that means and how data storage has evolved.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is Quantum (2:00)What it means to store unstructured data (4:00)Why all storage is software (15:15)Meeting customer demands while dealing with physical limitations (31:00)Understanding why data is mobile and how to manage its infrastructure (37:40)

    Zayo's future-ready network and tailored connectivity solutions enable some of the world’s most innovative companies to connect what’s next for their business. Exceptional end-user experiences and better business outcomes demand one thing – a strong, healthy network. How’s your network health? There’s one way to find out – take Zayo’s Network Health Check now. https://zayo.is/3ztMpIu

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.

  • Cybersecurity is a world that is constantly evolving, and experts like Vishal Salvi, CISO & Head of Cyber Practice at Infosys, are doing their best to keep up. On this episode, Vishal discusses how to prioritize your cybersecurity needs, and he breaks down some of the ways that AI will play a role in cybersecurity moving forward.

    Tune in to learn:

    What is Infosys? (2:00)The complexity of what Infosys does (6:00)What to prioritize with your cybersecurity (9:30)The conflict between security and speed (13:55)What it takes to move data loads today (17:40)The rise of identity-access AI (22:00)Where are we with AI ops? (29:40)Vishal’s journey in IT (34:50)

    Zayo's future-ready network and tailored connectivity solutions enable some of the world’s most innovative companies to connect what’s next for their business. Exceptional end-user experiences and better business outcomes demand one thing – a strong, healthy network. How’s your network health? There’s one way to find out – take Zayo’s Network Health Check now. https://zayo.is/3ztMpIu

    Mission.org is a media studio producing content for world-class clients. Learn more at mission.org.