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    Embark with Maggie Workman and me on a voyage through time as we trace our Italian lineages from the cobblestone streets of Onano, Viterbo to the bustling avenues of America. Our conversation meanders through generational tales that piece together a mosaic of our Italian-American identities, blending personal experiences with the broader narrative of Italian migration. The echoes of our ancestors' footsteps resonate in this episode, as Maggie delves into her genealogical discoveries and I share my Neapolitan legacy, which extend beyond the well-trodden paths of New York to the often-forgotten Italian enclaves of Ohio.

    Ever wondered what it takes to plan a wedding amidst the rustic charm of Italy, or how to reclaim a piece of your heritage through citizenship? The adventure doesn't stop at historical recounts; we also navigate the present-day pursuit of roots – from celebrating love in ancestral towns to untangling the bureaucratic labyrinth for official records. The heartwarming assistance from local Italian mayors, the spontaneous kinship with townsfolk, and the pride in preserving our lineage, all culminate in a narrative that speaks to the romantic and the realist alike.

    The episode closes on a poignant note, with an account of Maggie's serendipitous meeting with a woman dedicated to chronicling emigrant family sagas. It's a testament to the universal longing to understand where we come from and the importance of safeguarding these legacies. As Maggie and I ponder over the value of such stories, we extend an olive branch to anyone keen on exploring their own histories, emphasizing the profound impact these journeys can have on our sense of self and community. Join us for a heartfelt tribute to Italian roots that not only define our past but continue to shape our present.

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    Embark on an ancestral odyssey with Katherine Pennavaria, whose blend of scholarly rigor and personal passion for genealogy unveils the remarkable layers of Italian history hidden within civil records. Our exploration takes you through the twists and tales of Katherine's Italian lineage, revealing how the meticulous documentation of Napoleon's era and the detailed narratives of church chronicles can offer more than just names and dates. They sketch out occupations, social relationships, and the societal pulse of bygone times.

    This episode is a tapestry of historical intrigue, from the allegati's unexpected details to the sociological insights gleaned from passenger manifests. As we navigate the challenges of language and time, Katherine's academic precision shines through, guiding us through the nuances of old terminology and the complexities of deciphering records marred by time's wear. It's a testament to the power of patience and attention to detail, akin to the precision of a well-played round of golf.

    Katherine's expertise does more than just enlighten; it inspires us to look beyond the surface of our family stories, to question the lore, and to cherish the living memories as much as the archival ink. Whether you're embarking on your own genealogical quest or simply drawn to the emotional resonance of family heritage, this episode promises a journey through time, identity, and the enduring legacy of those who came before us.

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    Embark with us on an intimate voyage into the heart of Italy's cultural tapestry, guided by Phil Micali of Philitaly. We weave through the narratives of Phil's ancestors, in regions steeped in tradition and history. The discovery of our roots takes on new meaning as we traverse the landscape of Molise, Basilicata, and Sicily, diving into the emotional odyssey that is genealogical exploration. Phil's personal journey, set against the backdrop of family tragedy, imparts a profound appreciation for the bonds that connect us to our cultural ancestors and the richness of our collective heritage.

    Travel afar with us to Italy's hidden corners where the true essence of Italian culture thrives. From the artistry of cheese making in Agnone to the thrill of truffle hunting in Molise, these stories stir the soul of the traveler seeking authenticity beyond the well-trodden paths. We discuss the enduring presence of Italian American communities, forged from historical migrations, and how they've sculpted places like Denver with their unique skills and traditions. Revel in the heartfelt encounters and the artisanal crafts that bring the spirit of Italy to life, a testament to the enduring allure of its people and their passion for preserving a diverse heritage.

    As we close, listen in for an exclusive invitation to join Phil on a cultural odyssey to Italy and Argentina. His October group expedition is not just a journey across continents, but a bridge connecting the vibrant histories and flavors of two lands shaped by Italian influence. With only a handful of seats left, we're eager to share this adventure with you, providing an ensemble of experiences that promise to be as enriching as they are unforgettable. Join us and discover the profound connections and enchanting stories that await within the Italian heart, and perhaps, within your own.

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

    Farmers and Nobles
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    Embarking on a genealogical quest that spans continents and centuries, I had the chance to sit down with Jim Rothgeb, the visionary behind Peek Into The Past. Together, we unraveled the threads of ancestry that connect us to the echoes of history, with Jim recounting his profound experience of holding artifacts that once belonged to his ancestors in England. While I unveiled my own Italian lineage leading to historical figures, we also shed light on the disparate nature of record-keeping among countries, from England's meticulous civil documentation to Italy's Napoleonic beginnings.

    Step into the historical landscape of a Massachusetts family's migration to Long Island in the 1630s and how their story is intricately woven into the fabric of the region, from the establishment of homes to the consequential sale of Rikers Island. Jim and I share how Peek Into The Past serves as a bridge between the past and the present, offering a repository for personal anecdotes and historical narratives. The platform isn't just a collection of tales; it's a community of voices, preserving the legacies of those who came before us for generations to come.

    As we rounded off our conversation, the spotlight turned to the essence of family storytelling and the meticulous process of submitting and preserving these tales on Peek Into The Past. Jim highlighted the robust support network provided to storytellers, ensuring the rich tapestry of our familial legacies remains authentic and true. From the integration with other genealogical platforms to the recording of oral histories, this episode is an invitation to all who seek to preserve and honor the stories that have shaped them.

    Short introduction to Peek Into The Past

    Peek Into The Past.com

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    Have you ever been captivated by the stories of your ancestors, the journeys they embarked on, and the experiences that shaped their lives? In our latest episode, we're joined by Arnie Aranci, whose Italian-American roots are as rich and flavorful as the cuisine of his heritage. Arnie enthralls with tales of his father's migration from the picturesque Italian countryside to the United States, his consequential return as a soldier in World War II, and the heartwarming romance that blossomed with his mother, a war bride from Livorno. Each anecdote Arnie shares is a thread in the vibrant tapestry of his family history, a relatable connection for anyone with a lineage reaching across oceans and generations.

    Picture the tight-knit Italian communities that helped shape the cultural fabric of America's East Coast. Arnie takes us through the streets of New Haven and into the warm embrace of his family life in post-war Hamden, revealing stories from the local bakeries his father toiled in to celebrity sightings at the legendary Pepe's pizzeria. But history isn't always found in public records; sometimes, it's unearthed through the science of DNA testing. Arnie's foray into genealogy is fraught with the frustration of lost documents but also charged with the thrill of unexpected family discoveries.

    As a history teacher, Arnie understands the importance of keeping the stories of the past alive. His reflections on the evolving nature of history education, from Reconstruction to recent global events, highlight the need to connect yesterday's lessons with today's realities. And what's a conversation without a little anticipation for the future? Arnie hints at upcoming literary endeavors, inspired by the enthusiastic responses to his novel "Nicla's Story." Join us for a heartfelt episode that celebrates the persistence of memory, the bonds of family, and the continual rediscovery of our shared heritage.

    Nicla's Story
    Nineteen-yearold seamstress Nicla struggles to survive as bombs rain down near her in war-torn Italy

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    Embark on an intimate odyssey with our guest Regina Vighetto, as she unveils her family's vibrant migration tapestry from Italy to the coffee farms of São Paulo, Brazil. Her tale is one of resilience and discovery, and unearthing a narrative enriched by ancestral dreams and the quest for prosperity in a new world. As Regina shares her genealogical saga, I can't help but interweave my own pursuit of Italian citizenship, which sparked a genealogy fervor that mirrors her and her husband’s scholarly endeavors in the field at BYU-Idaho. Together, we journey through the poignant realizations that come with genealogical tourism and the heartfelt tug to physically connect with our past.

    As we unravel the complex layers of our lineage, we stumble upon the shadowy figures of war deserters and the murky waters of family secrets concealed by time and societal pressures. Our discourse meanders through the revelations that emerge from documents like the Strato di Famiglia and the fascinating tales they tell. We delve into the emotional and cultural implications of an Italian way of life when discussing the seductive slow-pace, the rituals of food shopping, and the tantalizing health benefits of a traditional Italian diet. Whether you're drawn to the mysteries of your own heritage or simply curious about the allure of Italian living, this episode is an exploration of the profound connections between personal history, identity, and the enchanting Italian lifestyle.

    In 2019, my husband Henrique Vighetto Neto and I embarked on an online course in Family History at BYU Idaho. We did not know that it could become a profession. In my opinion, this field is currently growing and evolving. As we connect with our ancestors, we gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and begin to feel like a part of something greater—a family. Soon, we developed a strong desire to come to Italy and pursue our citizenship processes. And so, we did. Let me share a bit of our journey in discovering the Vighetto’s family roots in Turin, Piedmont.

    To reconstruct his family tree, we needed the marriage certificate of the Italian ancestor. A quick phone call to his cousin, Iris, led us to the church where Enrico (the Italian grandfather) married Rosa Ianni, and we obtained the document.

    Certain aspects of his family history were always recounted: the family’s wealth, complete with a butler; their ownership of the Tobacco and Salt Monopoly; and their business on Via Appia. Additionally, his ancestor was described as war-worn and somewhat neurotic (after we discovered he was a war dissident).

    After obtaining our Italian citizenship and settling in Italy, our primary goal was to find living relatives. We scoured documents, visited places (embracing genealogical tourism), and engaged in conversations. We did find family members, but unfortunately, they were all in the cemetery. This particular branch of the family did not flourish. Enrico, the sole son who had fled war memories, was the exception. He wasn’t part of the massive wave of Italian immigrants who left poverty behind between 1880 and 1930, he left for other reason. His family line, however, thrived and bore much fruit.

    This is my website Italian Genealogy - ITGenealogy

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    Uncover the secrets of Penne as Antonio Baldacchini from the Council of Community Planning joins us for an enchanting exploration of Abruzzo's mesmerizing landscapes and historical tapestry. Step back in time to discover a town where the past lingers in the cobblestoned streets and the future blossoms from the community's vibrant culture and commitment to sustainability. We chat about Penne's rich history, from its pre-Roman roots to the artistic revolutions of the Renaissance, and dig into the unique cultural events that make this town more than just a dot on the map. With Antonio's insight, we savor the authentic flavors of Abruzzese cuisine, where dishes like arrosticini and porchetta not only tantalize the taste buds but also tell the story of a land devoted to culinary tradition.

    Settle in as we paint a picture of Abruzzo that's as vivid as the region's lush mountain vistas and as soothing as the Adriatic Sea's gentle waves. In this serene sanctuary, we discuss how the environment nurtures the soul, offering a sanctuary for rejuvenation and innovation, where the air is pure and life's rhythm is set to nature's pulse. The Abruzzese people's warmth truly shines through, as they extend open arms to visitors seeking connection with their heritage or simply a tranquil retreat. Be inspired by the tales of those who have experienced the open-hearted welcome of this Italian gem, and let us entice you to be the next to embrace the splendor and spirit of Abruzzo.

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    As distant cousins intertwined by Puerto Rican roots, Valerie Evans joins us to unravel the vibrant story of her dual Italian and Puerto Rican lineage. Our conversation traverses the multicultural neighborhoods of East Harlem, brushes through the historical cobblestones of Sannicandro di Bari and Salerno, and touches on the personal transformations ignited by a family accident and the consequential search for identity. Valerie’s account of her mother's life and her quest to reveal her mysterious Southern Italian father’s past sheds light on the intimate struggles many face in piecing together their family mosaic.

    The allure of ancestry pulls us deeper as Valerie shares her foray into DNA testing and genetic genealogy. Together, we navigate the complex web of DNA matches and the painstaking detective work of groups like DNA Detectives. Valerie's narrative is a testament to the persistence of those seeking to connect with their heritage, as she recounts the emotional journey that comes with sifting through the shadows of history to find oneself. Our guest's tenacity and the surprising connections she uncovers emphasize the shared human desire to know where we come from and the bonds that form through these discoveries.

    Rounding out our exploration, we reflect on the ways in which digital platforms and travel serve as conduits to cultural preservation and self-discovery. Valerie discusses the role of her website and BariAncestors.com in safeguarding Italian-American stories and the power of stepping onto ancestral soil. We also venture into the heart of Puerto Rico, examining its nuanced relationship with the U.S. and the island's transformation from a land of emigration to a tourist haven. Join us for this heartfelt episode as we celebrate the resilience and diversity of our family legacies while encouraging others to embrace the journey into their own past.




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    Stepping through the cobblestone streets of my ancestral town, I was embraced by whispers of my past, the tales and traditions of my Italian heritage echoing around me. Now, I invite you to join Jerry Taverna and me through a riveting journey of discovery, from sulfur mines in Sicily and old family stories from Monopoli become living chapters of our rich collective history. Jerry unveils the profound impact his ancestry has had on his life, which led to his involvement in Mike Cavalieri's film premiere, an homage to the struggles and triumphs of the Italian spirit.

    With laughter and a few unexpected confessions, we recount the joys and follies of childhood, the remarkable work ethic inherited from our immigrant families, and the deeply resonant experience of setting foot in the very places that cradled our forebears. Our conversation weaves through the fabric of Italian life, from the nurturing embrace of family meals to the importance of preserving our cultural roots against the relentless march of time. We also explore the significance of our naming customs, a reflection of identity and lineage, as we navigate the sometimes humorous, sometimes poignant implications they carry.

    Our exchange culminates in a heartfelt reflection on the Italian-American experience, touching on the poignant legacy of Italian POWs in Boston and the enduring bonds of community within cultural organizations. We also celebrate the courage of friends from the St. Joseph's Society, embarking on a new chapter as restaurant owners in Sicily, demonstrating the magnetic pull of our origins. This episode is an ode to the threads that weave the tapestry of our family histories, an invitation to explore the profound connections that shape who we are. Join us for an auditory feast that promises to nourish your soul and perhaps inspire you to seek out the stories within your own lineage.

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    My grandmother's laugh always had a way of transporting me to her tiny Italian village, a place I'd never been but felt I knew intimately through her stories. This week's episode is a heartfelt homage to the power of family narratives, where Peggy, Josephine, Becky, Frank, Mirella, Ed and I share our adventures in preserving these precious legacies. They unveil their personal quests—from essays capturing the essence of our ancestors to children's books that whisk young readers to the cobblestone streets of Italy—each story is a brushstroke on the canvas of our shared history.

    As we navigate the poignant tales of our panel members, the conversation naturally weaves through the importance of capturing the wisdom of our elders before it's too late. We touch on the technological advances that help us immortalize these stories and discuss the emotional weight of documenting family lore. The diverse methods of storytelling presented by our guests, like cookbooks sprinkled with poetry and genealogical pursuits on digital platforms, remind us all of the threads that connect us to our past and the urgency of keeping them intact.

    Venturing into the individuality of Italian heritage, we feel the pulse of ancient dialects and the resilience of immigrant communities. Mirella's family saga during World War II paints a vivid picture of survival and new beginnings, while our panelists reflect on the importance of cultural memory and the efforts to sustain it amidst changing landscapes. As our episode closes, we extend an open invitation to you, our listeners, to explore your own family tapestry, and share in the deeper conversation of who we are and where we come from.

    Teddy Bianco goes to Italy
    Travel to Italy for kids

    Through a Childs Eyes
    German bombs fell on the enchanting village of San Pietro Infine, destroying homes.

    Growing Up Italian American-Iannuccilli
    Great stories about growing up Italian in America

    My North End Family Stories
    Peggy writes about her family who settled in Boston’s Italian enclave, the North End.

    Life's Journey
    Based on the real-life experiences of the author's paternal grandmother.

    Farmers and Nobles
    Read about my research story and how to begin your family research.

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    Embarking on a nostalgic journey to the heart of Italian-American life, we sit down with Margaret Fontana, more affectionately known as the Italian American Girl. Her story unfolds like a rich tapestry woven with threads of cultural heritage and familial pride, offering an intimate glance at the Italian-American dream. Margaret's tales of Reggio Calabria, the land of her ancestors, and the enduring tradition of family homes passed down through generations, serve as a poignant backdrop to our conversation, inviting you to rediscover the scenic landscapes of Southern Italy and the cherished summer experiences that shape our Italian-American worldview.

    As we taste our way through the regional flavors of Italian cuisine, the resilience and hope emblematic of our immigrant forebears come alive. Margaret recounts her father's post-war emigration to Newark, New Jersey, and the strength it took to forge a new path in a foreign land. The vivid family narratives continue with homage paid to the matriarchs who tightly held onto their Italian roots while nurturing an American identity. These stories of hardship, ambition, and the relentless pursuit of the American dream not only resonate with those of Italian heritage but echo the universal experiences of families who have bridged the gap between old and new worlds.

    Our episode culminates in a reflection on the vital role of media in preserving and educating about our Italian-American heritage, a task Margaret has passionately undertaken. We delve into the transformative power of storytelling and community building, essential threads that bind the tapestry of our shared cultural identity. As we look forward with excitement to reconnecting with family and friends in anticipation of the summer, we invite you to join us in this episode, where memories intertwine with aspirations, and the Italian spirit continues to thrive within the heart of the American experience.

    Margaret Fontana is a highly accomplished media executive renowned for her extensive expertise spanning various industries, including nonprofit, healthcare, film, media, television, technology, and digital-driven broadcast. Her career boasts a remarkable track record of accomplishments and a storied reputation in these diverse fields.

    Margaret is also the Founder of The Filmmaker Forum, an online resource and community for aspiring and experienced arts, media and filmmaking professionals. Students are welcome as well. In keeping with her cultural first generation Italian roots, Margaret is also the Founder of another popular online community and blog called Italian American Girl with over 45,000 members across various social media networks. The community has become an online networking resource for many Italian Americans to share educational stories, history, ancestry traditions and connections. Margaret also features celebrities, musicians and filmmakers on the blog.

    In her "free" time, Margaret acts as a guest speaker and influencer while regularly presenting and teaching on media topics at Rider University and national digital conferences including Advertising Week in New York City

    Margaret is the host of the self produced podcast called, The

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    Embark on an emotional journey through time as we sit down with the remarkable duo from Abruzzo Ancestors, Davide Castellucci and Giulia Scappaticccio, who bring the hidden narratives of Italian lineage to light. The rolling hills of Abruzzo, steeped in the heritage of Italy's emigrants, serve as the backdrop for tales that intertwine food, memories, and the indelible bonds of family. Giulia's culinary delights at her bed and breakfast offer a taste of history, while Davide's prowess in genealogical sleuthing helps clients stitch together their fragmented pasts. Together, they remind us that the essence of who we are is intricately woven into the stories of those who came before us.

    Imagine stumbling upon an artifact at a flea market that spins your world into an enthralling 15-year quest, or discovering your forebearers' connections to Spanish nobility and the daring escapades of Italian brigands. Our conversation navigates these ancestral waters, charting the surprising ties between past and present. It's a reminder that our mannerisms, dreams, and very identities may have deeper roots than we ever imagined, and these roots reveal themselves through the careful excavation of historical documents and family legends.

    Transformations abound, not only in the personal revelations of our guests' clients but also in the charming conversion of Casale Centurione from an ancient homestead to a haven for seekers of heritage. As we look ahead to Abruzzo Ancestors' upcoming project, we discuss the convergence of legal hurdles and emotional connections that accompany the quest for Italian citizenship and the reclaiming of one's heritage. Listen in for a heartfelt exploration of identity, belonging, and the timeless allure of
    discovering where we come from.

    Abruzzo Ancestors

    Casale Centrione

    Italian Marketplace LLC
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    Imagine being born to the wail of tornado sirens on a North Dakota nuclear missile base—that's the dramatic start to author Ryan Byrnes' incredible journey which he shares with us. His life, shaped by the wanderlust of a military family and rooted in a rich Italian heritage, unfolds in a narrative as compelling as his fiction. Ryan's quest for connection leads him from the vast American plains to the vibrant streets of Brooklyn.

    The heart of our conversation beats to the rhythm of resilience, a common thread in military family stories that Ryan captures with eloquence. He recounts the solace found in the written word amidst frequent relocations and the profound impact of military psychologists in the wake of 9/11. Transitioning to tales of bygone eras, Ryan offers a glimpse into his upcoming book, "My Dear Antonio," a love letter to his great-grandparents' enduring romance from Partinico Sicily to Tunis to Brooklyn, following the success of his first publication, "Royal Beauty Bright."

    Our episode sails across the Atlantic as Ryan charts a course for Italy, eager to explore the country's allure and to trace the lineage that compels his passion for storytelling. He muses on the benefits of Italian citizenship for his descendants and the tangible connection one feels when stepping onto ancestral soil. With the upcoming release of "My Dear Antonio," Ryan invites readers and listeners alike on a voyage through time, embracing the stories that bind us and the lands that call us home.

    Ryan Byrnes Writes

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    Every family has a story stitched into the fabric of America's diverse tapestry, but few recount it with the warmth and wisdom of Rock LaManna. As Rock takes us back to his childhood home in St. Paul, Minnesota, we're invited to the dinner table of an 11-child family, where faith and hard work aren't just values—they're the ingredients to a life well-lived. His tales of an Italian-Polish household reveal a microcosm of the immigrant experience, punctuated by his mother's entrepreneurial flair and his father's journey from newspaper seller to a successful businessman. The legacy of Rock's parents is a beacon for anyone seeking to marry tradition with innovation.

    Transitioning from familial anecdotes to entrepreneurial insights, Rock shares the contours of his own business voyage. From the inception of his second company, he narrates the challenges that come with self-funding and the cultural ethos inherited from his father, Carlos. His emotional pilgrimage to Italy and an audience with the Pope marks a turning point, unveiling the true wealth of life beyond business success. It's an intimate look at the crossroads where personal values intersect with professional endeavors, offering a roadmap for entrepreneurs navigating their own paths.

    Finally, our conversation ventures into the lessons Rock imparts through LaManna Consulting Group and his book, "They Named You Right." It's here that entrepreneurs can unearth 'Rocks Diamonds,' his Ten Commandments for business success, blending spiritual and strategic guidance. His planned journey to Japan, respect for Japanese craftsmanship, and the significance of having the right team underscore the importance of precision and intention in business and life. Connect with Rock to access a treasury of experience that promises to guide, inspire, and transform your entrepreneurial journey.


    "They Named You Right"

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

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    Embark with me on a heartfelt odyssey that traces the waves of Italian immigration to Australia's sunny shores, anchored by my own family's saga. Hear how my Calabrese and Roman roots intertwine with the broader tapestry of the Italian community down under, including the brave journey of my grandfather in 1952. The stories of skilled workers and those who came with little but hope in their pockets are all part of this rich narrative. Revel in the art of storytelling that keeps our diasporic heritage alive, and join me in honoring the profound connections these tales foster within our families and communities.

    Navigating the complexities of being Italian-Australian is akin to a delectable dance with identity, culture, and heritage. I'll share the personal odyssey of visiting Italy, embracing the language, and upholding traditions, while shedding light on the vibrant regional diversities that define us. Whether it's grappling with the charm of dialects or celebrating our ancestral lands, the conversation will wrap you in the warmth of the Italian-Australian experience, offering a glimpse into the colorful mosaic we contribute to Australia's multicultural landscape.

    Turning the page to personal passions, I'll recount the leap from familial ties to the crescendo of a solo music career, detailing the thrill of live performances and the intimate connection with my audience. Beyond the melody lies a deep-seated reverence for genealogy, where family lore meets meticulous research. This melodic and historical exploration crescendos with the anticipation of future insights from genealogy expert Bob, who promises to enrich our understanding of family history. So, tune in and let the rhythm of our stories and songs resonate with the beat of your own Italian-Australian heart.

    The Italian Australian Podcast is a place where we celebrate the rich traditions and stories of Italian heritage in Australia. Join us as we explore all things Italian Australian'.

    'Inspired by The Italian American Podcast, brother/sister duo Lukas & Josie D'Aqui from Perth, Western Australia are here with their very own Italian Australian Podcast! Join them for weekly episodes covering a range of Italian Australian topics including immigration, food, traditions, language and much more!

    Lukas D'Aqui Music

    Australian Italian Podcast



    Your DNA Guide
    You don't have to learn everything about genetic genealogy before asking and answering DNA questions

    Farmers and Nobles
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    Have you ever sat at a family gathering, basking in the warm glow of shared stories and home-cooked meals, and wondered about the heroes who shaped those beside you? Get ready to embark on an intimate journey through the lives of Italian American podcasters as they unveil the cherished icons of their childhood. From the velvety voice of Dean Martin to the resilient figures of their own lineage, our podcast hosts Bob Sorrentino, Frank DiPiero, Claudio Reilsono and Steve Mancini interview great guest that share soul-stirring tales that are woven into the rich tapestry of Italian heritage.

    Picture yourself seated at a bustling family table where each dish is a chapter of history and every recipe tells a story. This episode is a sumptuous feast of memories, where traditional recipes like "cavetelli" and "pizzelles" are more than just food—they're edible heirlooms, lovingly crafted by hands that tell of struggle, triumph, and the unyielding bond of family. We'll journey from the kitchens where these dishes were born to the modern-day tables where they continue to nourish our bodies and spirits, celebrating the culinary magic that binds generations.

    Finally, step into the vibrant streets of our ancestral homelands and experience the visceral connection that roots us to our Italian heritage. Whether it's the pride in the accomplishments of Italian luminaries or the jubilant chaos of Christmas Eve gatherings, this episode wraps you in the warmth of community and the enduring embrace of traditions that punctuate our holidays. Join us as we honor the laughter, tears, and triumphs that compose the symphony of an Italian American life—where every note resonates with the love of family and the strength of an unforgettable legacy.

    Italian Roots Newsletter https://italianroots.beehiiv.com/
    Italian Roots Blog https://www.italiangenealogy.blog/
    Italian American Life ( Frank DiPiero )https://italianamericanlife.com/
    Italian Impact Weekly ( Steve Mancini and Claudio Reilsono ) https://italianimpactweekly.com/
    Paterno Construction ( Carla Golden )

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

    Farmers and Nobles
    Read about my research story and how to begin your family research.

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    Embark on an emotional odyssey with Diane Marie Pisera as she recounts her voyage from the picturesque Italian region of Friuli Venezia Giulia to the bustling heartbeat of New York State. In her narratives of youthful summers spent in Calabria and the significant life shift of immigrating to America, Pisera's story is a vibrant canvas of nostalgia, love, and the enduring spirit of an immigrant's journey. Her recent engagement in the cobblestoned town of Tropea adds yet another heartfelt chapter to her tale, underscoring the profound connections that bind us to our places of origin.

    Our conversation then weaves through the entrepreneurial endeavors that define our collective heritage. I reflect on my own family's past, from my grandfather's American business success in the bridal wear industry. These narratives are not just personal recollections, but a testament to the entrepreneurial flame that flickers in the hearts of those with Italian roots. Diane's transition from candle making to marketing, and the inspiration behind her podcast "Passport to Thrive," further illustrate how a lineage of enterprise continues to shape our aspirations and actions today.

    Finally, we turn to the transformative magic of travel, urging our listeners to embark on their own paths of discovery, whether through the lens of a tourist or the ambition of a budding entrepreneur. We dissect the cultural threads that connect Italian Americans to their ancestry and muse over how traditions, such as hip hop, can fortify identities across generations. The episode culminates with the evocative experience of visiting the Vatican amidst the uncertainties of COVID-19, a poignant reminder of the complex world we navigate. Together with Diane, we invite you to join us in celebrating the intricate mosaic of Italian culture, entrepreneurship, and the unyielding quest for personal growth.

    Immigrating from Italy with her mom at nine years old has given Diane Marie the grit and resilience to start her own business to reshape generational legacies and create her own American Dream.

    An immigrant, entrepreneur, podcast host, and speaker Diane Marie is multifaceted founder, who promotes building an intentional online presence as a tool to expand reach and to create a brand with heritage that leaves a legacy.

    She has spoken at Iona University and diverse corporate branding and marketing workshops. Additionally, she earned recognition as a Top LinkedIn Creator, showcased on a Times Square billboard.

    Currently residing in Westchester County, NY, she actively contributes to the local economy and educates the community on personal branding, social media, and leveraging AI for effective business marketing.

    DMB Consulting

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

    Farmers and Nobles
    Read about my research story and how to begin your family research.

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    Ever wondered what it takes to immortalize your life's journey in the pages of a book? That's exactly the transformation I've undergone, shifting from the dizzying heights of Wall Street to the grounding realm of storytelling. In a candid revelation, I unfold the tapestry of my own narrative, sharing the epiphany that everyone has a riveting tale to tell and the birth of my venture to encapsulate these legacies. We venture into the delicate craft of biography and memoir writing, peering into the complexities and the profound impact of capturing personal stories in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

    In the company of Joseph from StorySavor we amplify the narrative further, underscoring his company's heartfelt mission to bring the art of biography within reach of all. Diving into Joseph's world, we explore how Story Saver tears down the barriers once reserved for the elite, enabling every voice to echo through the annals of history. His insights into guiding clients in selecting the ideal wordsmith to narrate their life's script, and the subsequent journey to sharing these chronicles with the world, will inspire anyone looking to cement their story for generations to come. Join us for an episode that not only illuminates the intricate process behind personal storytelling but also celebrates the unspoken chapters of our lives.

    After my third novel, I realized I wanted something different – rather than inventing fictional stories I wanted to hear real ones. I started interviewing people and I quickly discovered that everyone has a story to tell but not everyone is a storyteller.

    I launched a website in 2013 to share these stories. With each story, the website gained more followers. I learned there is a great fascination in the untold stories of others.

    I interviewed dozens of people including:

    A man who was part of General Patton’s ‘Red Ball Express’ – a famed truck convoy system that supplied Allied forces moving quickly through Europe after breaking out from the D-Day beaches in Normandy.A man from New Zealand who overcame cerebral palsy to become a world-famous inspirational Ted Talk speaker.A blind Syrian refugee who moved to America without speaking any English and lived on the streets of Los Angeles and New York City while pursuing his dream of attending Harvard University.Through this process, I realized I loved connecting with people and sharing their stories – yet I was still self-conscious that I’d never been trained as a journalist. I wanted to improve my craft – to be the best storyteller possible – so I applied to Columbia Journalism School, and much to my surprise, I was accepted! Three years later I graduated as a professionally trained and published journalist.

    I founded StorySavor to connect people with professional writers so they can capture their stories too. I’m excited to bring the gift of professional storytelling to people because I know that through stories, we understand ourselves and the world we live in.

    About Joseph Quaderer

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

    Farmers and Nobles
    Read about my research story and how to begin your family research.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Purchase my book "Farmers and Nobles" here or at Amazon.

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    Embark with us and our esteemed guest, Anna Riggs, on a journey spanning continents and generations, as we trace the deep roots of her Italian lineage back to the quaint town of Ceglie Del Campo. Hannah's intimate narrative is more than a globe-trotting adventure; it's a heartfelt homage to her family's odyssey from Italy to Venezuela, and finally to the United States in 1955. Wrapped in the nostalgia of a Catholic school's corridors and the sanctity of orchard-laden convents, Hannah's tales are a mosaic of cherished memories. Her lilting school song transports us back in time, revealing the inevitable transformations of places once familiar.

    Savor the episode's gastronomic expedition that contrasts Italian and American culinary traditions, where the simplicity of ingredients is a testament to Italian authenticity. Anna's insights reveal how a plate of pasta can tell stories of cultural adaptation – sometimes sweetened for American palates but always steeped in the legacy of its origins. We meander through the daily rituals of Italian marketplaces, with their unforgettable fish freshness and the symphony of regional dialects, offering a slice of life in Italy that's as rich and varied as its cuisine.

    Finally, we journey through the evolution of banking from the 1950s to present day and uncover the challenges of preserving Italian heritage amidst the bustling modernity of Santa Clarita. The Italian Catholic Club's communal heartbeat echoes through our discussion, underscoring the importance of Italian cultural societies In America. And in a captivating revelation, we pay tribute to the ingenuity of Baldassare Forestiere with an exploration of Fresno's Forestiere Underground Gardens, a subterranean marvel hand-carved from the earth - a testament to the enduring legacy of Italian immigrants in America.

    Italian Marketplace LLC
    Online tee shirts, hoodies and more for Italians

    Farmers and Nobles
    Read about my research story and how to begin your family research.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Purchase my book "Farmers and Nobles" here or at Amazon.

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    As the new year unfolds, I'm thrilled to introduce our guest, author Diana DelRusso, who brings the rich tapestry of her Italian heritage right to our ears. Embark with us on a heartwarming journey tracing Diana's family roots from the pastoral landscapes of Pacentro, Italy, to their courageous pursuit of the American dream in the steel mills and railroads of Pennsylvania. We uncover the stark contrasts between shepherd life and industrial America, while diving into the intimate struggles, like her mother's fight against tuberculosis, that have shaped her family's story.

    Throughout our conversation, we paint a vivid picture of a bygone Italian lifestyle, where the community was central, and life's rhythm flowed with the seasons. We delve into the artistry behind traditional Italian cuisine – a thread that weaves through the past and into our kitchens today, inspiring a new generation who yearns to connect with their culinary roots. With Diana, we retrace the steps of our ancestors in their native villages, reveling in the discovery of long-lost relatives and the enchanting customs that remain unfamiliar to many Italian-Americans.

    Wrapping things up, Diana shares her journey into the world of children's literature, capturing the essence of family heritage and the power of language in her multilingual books. These tales aim not just to entertain, but to forge familial bonds across continents. We also explore the importance of maintaining a connection to our lineage, and how these enduring ties inform our identities. So join us as we celebrate the stories that connect us and pay homage to the legacies that continue to shape our lives.


    My Cousins, My Friends
    Often times a small child's first best friend is a cousin.This book is a tribute to cousins.

    Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.

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    Purchase my book "Farmers and Nobles" here or at Amazon.