
  • Welcome and Thank you for listening! One commercial that sticks in everyone's mind is "Timex, it takes a licking and keeps on ticking". Resilience does not come from everything going right. It is developed through life's traumas and failures. Amazing stories of resilience are admirable and motivational. However, the big red easy button also seems to catch our attention. Which statement resonates with you. Against all odds. It is never zero. Why not me. It is impossible.

    There are a lot of things we can do nutritionally and movement wise to make ourselves more resilient, but achieving those goals depends on which statement we use to tell our story.

    I will share some resilience stories today along with a little science behind vitamin D supplementation and dementia. I hope you are motivated by the stories to move a little more, face some hard things head on and eat plant based to increase your resilience.

    Thanks for listening. Check out our website to learn how you can become the healthiest version of you.

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Ebook: https://doctordulaney.com/powerful-plates-ebook/

    Cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    Water distillers: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    The Austin Ratler 50k is in the books. More things went right than wrong. Perhaps the what went wrong makes for a more entertaining story. We certainly tend to learn more from the what went wrong. They also give us practice dealing with life's obstacles. Nothing is perfect, but not right doesn't have to be bad either.

    I hope you find this episode entertaining but can also apply some of my strategies for dealing with what goes wrong to your health journey. Thanks always for listening.

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Ebook for a Fall Power Plate:https://doctordulaney.com/powerful-plates-ebook/

    Consultations: [email protected], [email protected]

    Strength training: [email protected]

    Cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    Water distiller: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney code: cleanwaterforsophie

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  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    Addie Majnaric, RDN, joins me today to launch our new ebook, Powerful Plates, Fight Breast Cancer with Food.

    Rather than buy pink labeled clothing or contribute to so called breast cancer research, why not decrease your own risk of cancer. One in 8 women will get the diagnosis. Despite the pink, breast cancer is still very prevalent in the United States. Most assume that it is just a roll of the dice or bad luck. And what is even worse is that there is nothing you can do to alter your risk or increase your chance for health. That is just not so.

    Allopathic medicine talks of informed consent and early detection but in reality, women are made to fear the diagnosis so much that they feel powerless to participate in their own health.

    Nutrition is a pillar to a healthy lifespan. Eliminating chemicals, and additives in food and enhancing nutrient density is a game changer. Mindset is also a powerful tool for health along with exercise and a normal BMI.

    We will be launching our Powerful Plate ebook soon that features 10 healthy easy to prepare recipes that are powerhouses of nutrients for the whole family, but especially for women wishing to improve their prognosis when it comes to breast cancer. The recipes feature fiber, betacarotene, antioxidants, cruciferous vegetables, soy, and mushrooms. We added a fall twist with the addition of sweet potatoes and pumpkin. These are Plant Based Wellness practice favorites that the entire family will enjoy. I hope you enjoy our discussion.

    Thank you for listening!

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Dietitian Consultations: [email protected]

    Practice questions: [email protected]

    Strength programming: [email protected]

    Cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq


  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening. I hope hurricane Milton was the last one of the season. I will share our experience and tips for maintaining plant based nutrition when some of life's conveniences are not possible. Some people say aging is not for the weak. I am hear to tell you that you can write your own story. Why is your aging style any different than your choice of clothing style or decorating style. You get to choose. However, it is easier to dial that style in earlier versus later. I believe most people do not actively plan how they will age, the goal is to just be pain free. A pain free existence may have the side effect of loss of strength and mobility. This will ultimately lead to more and more dependance on the help of others.

    What is the difference between nitrates, nitrites, and nitric oxide. Can your body use all of these for health? Stated another way, is bologna equal to kale in nitric oxide potential?

    I hope you enjoy the episode. I hope your aging choice is one of activity and engagement with others. We can help you achieve your goals if you would like. Visit https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/ if interested in taking your health to the next level.

    If you would like a shout out for our 500th episode email [email protected]

    Thanks for listening and supporting the show.

    Support the podcast: https://patron.podbean.com/jaimeladulaneymd

    Questions about the practice: [email protected]

    Registered Dietitian Coaching: [email protected]

    Strength training consult: [email protected]

    Water distiller: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney

    Plant based cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

  • Welcome! and Thank You for listening.

    Breast cancer awareness is more than just pink ribbons and mammogram scheduling. It certainly is a scary diagnosis. Nearly 1 in 9 women will get the diagnosis. The good news is there are things we can do to prevent it and also things we can do to treat and prevent recurrence. You have a voice in your own healthcare. We will discuss this as well as gastric cancer screening and heart failure treatment in this episode.

    Confidence comes from repetition whether it is advancing from a 5k to a marathon or changing from a SAD diet to a plant strong diet. Repetition and consistency. That does not mean it is easy. In fact doing hard things is what life is all about. The reward is health and health span. Just like training for a marathon, a coach can help you to see if you are training to hard or not hard enough. Our practice is based on working WITH people to assess goals, problems, and therapies. It is not a protocol or one size fits all. I hope you enjoy the episode. Thank you always for listening.

    If you want to work with our team check out the website at https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Practice questions: [email protected]

    Dietary consults: [email protected]

    Strength training consultation: [email protected]

    Need a cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    Water distiller: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    Autoimmune diseases are often thought to be genetic. However, there are many people with at risk DNA that never develop the disease. DNA does not turn on by itself. There has to be a stimulus and often it is a protein that is the trigger. Type 1 Diabetes occurs mainly in young children and is the result of pancreatic islet cell destruction by an autoimmune process. One's own body produces antibodies directed against the islet cells and insulin precursors. How do we make our children less susceptible to autoimmune diseases? Is there a trigger that one can eliminate that would markedly decrease the incidence of Type 1 Diabetes?

    My guest Addie Majnaric, RDN and I discuss 2 studies that suggest that there are things we can do as parents to decrease the risk of Type I Diabetes.

    Family nutrition often takes a back seat when scrambling for time. Anyone would like to avoid the stress of the breakfast table. But are we setting our children up for chronic diseases and narrow palates? Addie will give some inexpensive alternatives.

    As many as 40% of children have a chronic disease. Why is this? I believe our food is a major reason. We would love to help you navigate the muddy water of food choices and menu planning. Email Addie Majnaric RND at [email protected] to schedule your consultation. We meet people where they are and help them to navigate their way to better health.

    Thank you for listening.

    Practice questions: [email protected]

    Nutrition questions: [email protected]

    Strength training questions: [email protected]

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Plant Based Cookbook: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening. It works. It really does. Plant based nutrition and exercise reverses lifestyle diseases and people can achieve a normal BMI. However, it only works if you do it and do it consistently. Congratulations David R for achieving some major health goals. The struggle is real but once you commit nothing can stand in your way. Living a healthy lifestyle amongst people striving for a quick fix or plainly trying to keep you from changing is a real struggle.

    My wellness practice works with people living in the real world. Not a controlled environment. I have the opportunity to observe when people are walking the walk then fall. It is a great learning experience for me and a potential learning experience for the person struggling. Potential because they need to be mindful enough to see what really works versus just going through the motions of change. Each person has the ability to observe what works and what is going through the motions. Failure is a great teacher if the student is ready. How much do you want it? Part of the problem is defining what true health is.

    The magic number is the plateau weight for men and women in the general population. The density or energy content of food has markedly changed over the past 50 years, and so has the average weight of men and women. Not the healthy weight, but the weight that is achieved by everyone eating similar energy packed food. It is the new normal, but it is the new unhealthy normal. How bad is it? It depends if you want to support the business of medicine through pharmaceuticals and procedures. They won't cure you or make you live longer or better but they will help you get to the next cocktail party.

    If you are ready for a change, we can help. We can show you how to live healthy and happy in an unhealthy and largely unhappy world. Check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Practice questions: [email protected]

    Dietetics: [email protected]

    Strength training: [email protected]

    Need some plant based family recipes: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    Need pure water: https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. Discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

    Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    What does it mean if you are in that 25% of the population than has an abnormally high Lp(a)? Is it worth loosing sleep over? I can assure you that will not fix the problem. So many studies correlate numbers with potential outcomes. It seems logical, but it often is not the case. Just ask a 90 year old Italian with a high Lp(a).

    Even worry is treated with a medication, and there is no known biochemical pathway that correlates with worry. The treatment effect, like most psychiatric medications, is just to dull awareness. What a great quality of life that must be. Most people want to avoid dementia but think nothing of medications that dull your cognitive abilities. Hence, don't operate heavy machinery which should include a car. If they said car, less people might opt out of taking said mind dulling medications.

    It all gets back to the root cause of not feeling well. Do you have a disease or a side effect of medication. Perhaps you are suffering from a lack of exercise induced mitochondrial dysfunction. I hope you enjoy the rant and thank you for listening.

    Fear not we can help. Check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Email me at [email protected]

    For dietary consultations: email [email protected]

    For strength workouts and assessments: email [email protected]

    General inquires about the practice email [email protected]

    https://a.co/d/6zVUluq check out our plant strong cookbook

    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney water distiller discounts with code cleanwaterforsophie.

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    48% of adults carry the diagnosis of hypertension. They are diagnosed and placed on medication usually based on protocols. Very rarely are people assessed for why they have hypertension. Certainly, nutrition is a large contributor to elevations in blood pressure both from excessive sodium intake and vascular damage from a high fat diet. But the reaction to stressful situations also plays a role. Stress is perceived by the individual and the reaction is also controlled by the individual. The emphasis is on eliminating stress, but that is not a realistic option because it is the perception of the individual about what defines stress. We all possess the ability to choose our reactions. It is easier said than done but certainly beat the health consequences of ignoring the problem.

    Does eating meat help with low Testosterone?

    Can older women improve heart function with resistance training?

    Are plant oils better than animal oils? Is better an acceptable option?

    I hope you enjoy the episode. Thank you for listening.

    Website https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/

    Interested in a weight training plan or coaching: email [email protected]


    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. Code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening. Today I have a plant based strong man on the podcast. Nathan Majnaric, SCCC, CSCS. Most plant based athletes lean toward the endurance world so it is great to have the opportunity to speak with a powerlifter, strength coach, and a blue belt in jujitsu that is not only fueled by plants, but has improved on plants. It was not a compromise but an asset to fuel plant based while continuing to advance in his chosen sports but also from a basic health standpoint.

    Most lifestyle diseases are a result of impaired metabolism. Our muscles are a major user of energy, and the organelle that is the power plant of the cell is the mitochondria. As we lose muscle mass, we lose mitochondria. This leads to impaired energy utilization as well as the risks of falls and brain perfusion of nutrients. Bottom line, we all need to train to maintain our muscle mass or regain muscle mass if lost through inactivity. It can be the difference in living independently or the ability to participate actively in life.

    We will discuss approaches to strength training as well as fueling for recovery. How much and how often or is anything better than nothing are often topics of concern.

    Given Nathan’s diverse training experience, we feel comfortable of offering online training programs specifically designed for an individual’s goal. We will also begin to offer limited personal instruction for those with specific needs and the desire to have a someone that can interact with them to achieve a specific goal.

    If you have interest, you can email the practice at [email protected],

    [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected] for more information.


    Book: https://a.co/d/6zVUluq

    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    A New England Journal of Medicine Study looked at how much energy people thought they consumed, and how much energy they actually burned. They compared two groups of overweight individuals based on reported energy consumption. Group one had difficulty loosing weight despite a reported 1200 kcal or less consumption of food and vigorous exercise. There were some surprising findings and some consistent findings that I think you will find interesting.

    Nutrition is one of the biggest contributors to a healthy life span yet we ignore it's significance and celebrate eating poorly. We are made to believe that overindulgence is necessary for true happiness. We look at food restrictions as a form of punishment.

    We would like to help turn this around by promoting mindful healthy eating that is enjoyable. We also celebrate movement to preserve lean muscle mass and mobility. Check our our website to see what we can do to make you achieve your health goals to insure a healthy life span.

    Thanks for listening

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/membership/join-us/



    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    What are your health goals? Do you have a bucket list? My grandmother used to say that if wishes were horses, beggars would ride. I think there is a lot of confusion between wishing we were healthy and having a plan to do something about it. We wish there was a magic pill or supplement that would make us young, healthy, energetic, and happy. It would be even better in the form of a gummy that tasted like candy. Sorry, that is not an option.

    I think it is important to see or imagine yourself as you would like to be, and then initiate the step to complete that journey. It is not wishing. It is action.

    I just turned 62, and I am walking and running better than I did the last half of 61. I am working the plan to achieve my bucket list. And as I empty the list, I am filling it up.

    We would be honored to help you visualize your health journey and take the steps needed to work on your bucket list. Email me at [email protected] with questions.



    Thanks for listening.

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening. When things are going well, there is a flow state. We are in "The Zone". Funny how it does not happen too often. But when it does, we seem to accomplish our goals with minimal efforts. The other times we are trouble shooting. Try anything to make things better. Force the right gait, the right swing, the right nutrition plan. We buy hundreds of dollars of groceries that go to waste because we have no idea how to use them. We try six different swing mechanics at once. We change shoes, gait, and arm movements all at the same time. How do we stop the music!

    Pause. . . .

    What is the frustrating event. What are the facts and what is our mind interpreting as reality?

    Pause. Assess. Make a decision. Follow the plan. We would love to help you assess your frustrating events and impediments to a healthy life. We can help you formulate a plan to achieve your desired goals and help you take the chaos out of your day to day struggles. Email me a [email protected] for a free consultation.

    Check out our website to see if being healthy is the choice you are ready to make.

    Thank you for listening.


    mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. Code Cleanwaterforsophie

    Our cookbook https://a.co/d/boa3e6v

  • Welcome! Thank you for listening.

    What is a whole food? What is a clean food? Those terms are thrown around with authority and ultimately blend into just food. If you ask most people on a diet, they will throw out that they are eating 1200 calories a day. That seems to be the magic number that has stuck in the diet world. Apps are available that helps one to prove a point. They are only as good as what is entered. I have never had a person tell me that they consumed 3000 calories in a day, but I am sure it happens on a regular basis and more often than 1200 calories. What about the weight of food? Does a pound of chips have the same amount of energy as a pound of potatoes? What about a pound of carrots.

    It turns out that vegetables, tubers, and fruit contain about the right amount of calories per pound for humans to consume and maintain a healthy weight. It also turns out that we as a society do not burn near the calories as a typical hunter-gatherer society. It is also true that men burn more calories per pound of body weight than women.

    I hope you enjoy the episode. It you would like help matching your energy consumption with your energy usage, email me at [email protected].

    Thanks for listening.

    Website: https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing


    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney Discount code: cleanwaterforsophie

    Trevor Kashey: podcast Coffee with Dr. Kashey

    The Comfort Crisis by Micheal Easter


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    What will you do with the results of a test? How will you react? I was very happy to see normal bones and joints on a recent CT scan of my leg, but it did not show the source of my ankle pain. Good news! Nothing bad. I can return to training. It could also be interpreted as I am still in pain and don’t know why. I am taking the win and I am grateful. It is good to exclude bad things even if you do not know exactly what the problem is. The odds are in your favor for a good outcome. Testing and procedures are a game of risk and reward. Having a plan for the outcome before diving in is always a good idea.

    Walking an hour a day is good, but how fast do you need to go? However, how fast your heart rate goes up is also important.

    I take a little dive into these topics as well as some tropical fruit suggestions.

    Email me at [email protected] with questions.

    Thanks for listening.



    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    Pills, potions and procedures aimed at curing ailments. The web is full of devices and programs that promise pain relief, younger bodies, and happier lives. Miracles by definition are not a common occurrences, yet they are promised daily. It is hard not to give them a try. Nothing to loose they say, but often the disappointment is not too long thereafter. I have gone down that road as well many times. A little glimmer of hope to a solution that is much more complicated than it originally seemed. My latest running injury is such an example. Insoles or a shoe change for instant relief, running hard to clear the cobwebs that might be the issue, bounce house jumping to better mobility, or sand dune running perhaps.

    In the end we realize there is no quick fix. But there is the opportunity to learn and do the work it takes to really make a change. They don't say patience is a virtue for no good reason.

    Eating an plant based diet and getting stronger can only help. It is not quick, but the rewards are many. I will share a few reasons on this podcast. Add another box of tofu to the basket, and I hope you enjoy the podcast. We would love to help you and your family tradition to become healthier and stronger. Check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing

    Email me at [email protected]

    Thanks for listening.


    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney code: cleanwaterforsophie

  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    The new word is extreme with regard to diet choice. Moderation is out! The reality is, it was never in. The abundance of food choices has grown making moderation only an imaginable concept. I think it is good to always be open to change that supports your goals. Perhaps your goals change requiring nutritional changes, or change is needed to support your existing goals. None the less, you need to be mindful of your why in order to achieve those goals when the going gets tough. There is constant input for "the best" diet that has no way of knowing your nutritional needs or why.

    Be aware of headlines beginning with "study shows" or "experts suggest". It becomes a slippery slop to find what is actually behind the headlines.

    I think the best place to start is to clearly define your goals and the reason or why you have chosen them. Nutrition needs change over time. Growing children need different amounts of nutrients that adults. Nursing and pregnant women have different needs. So do people recovering from injury or surgeries. The problem is that nutritional choices don't always show up immediately. People blame high school and college sports injuries for joint pain 25 years later but never implement their nutritional choices.

    Today, I reflect on my nutrition choices and how my life might have been different following a plan of moderation. If you would like some help guiding nutritional changes to meet your health goals, check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing

    Email me at [email protected]

    Thank you for listening.



  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    This episode gives you a glimpse into running in the mountains of Leadville. I like hard things and I believe we can do just about anything we put our minds to. You can do more than you think you can is the motto of the Leadville Race Founder Ken Chlouber. Why not me? Why not you?

    I believe the key to a long health span is staying strong and eating plant based. The Prevent study looks at a formula to calculate the 10 year risk of having a cardiac event. Those risk factors need to be reversed not medicated. One thing for sure is that grass fed butter is not the answer.

    If you would like to decrease your cardiovascular risk, check out our website at https://doctordulaney.com/services/pcp-cardiology-nutrition/#pricing

    Thank you for listening.




    code Cleanwaterforsophie for discount on purewater products


  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    We have been conditioned to believe that discomfort or an illness can only be fixed by a procedure or medication. It is out of our hands. Allopathic reductionist medicine created that concept making us dependent. Our only hope is early detection of illnesses sure to happen.

    Dementia is another issue all together. It is all to familiar and there appears to be no stopping the progression once it starts. That holds true for medications at least. Early testing results in a longer period to worry about the future. Most people believe it is genetics and bad luck. Dean Ornish, MD recently published a randomized controlled trial showing improvement in early dementia symptoms and biomarkers using a plant based diet along with exercise and stress management. This preliminary study is wonderful news to support a basic whole foods plant based diet. No gimmicks or need for specialized foods. No fancy exercise protocols. Just basic good nutrition and movement with attention to mindfulness.

    The bottom line is the more effort you make, the better the results. Consistency is key just like in any other lifestyle change. That is the hard part because so many people are looking for a quick fix that requires no changes on their part. However, if you would like to take control of your healthspan, check out our website.



    https://mypurewater.com/?sld=jdulaney. code: cleanwaterforsophie


  • Welcome! and Thank you for listening.

    Can you bank longevity? What about fitness? Improving fitness at any age will help to increase your health span which may translate into more time living an active and independent life. This is not just for seniors because heart muscle starts to deteriorate in the early forties along with heart function. Blood vessels stiffness while you are eating at your favorite fast food restaurant.

    More worrisome news about GLp-1 agonists and the ketogenic diet. Oh and don't believe your keto doctor if he tells you he is getting adequate fiber.

    Finally, thank you to my 90 year old patients. You have always been the most loyal and humble group of people I have had the pleasure to learn from. As a song once said human kindness is overflowing. I think it might rain today.





