
  • Welcome to the latest gut-busting episode of Join The Docs where the hilariously erudite Doctor Nigel Guest and the ever-witty surgeon Professor Jonathan Sackier tackle the subject of vitamins,where the humour cuts deeper than a surgeon's knife, and the topics are as enriching as a nutrition-packed smoothie!

    Prepare to be operated on with laughter as they dissect the bewildering world of vitamins with the precision of a laser-guided scalpel. Professor Sackier, endeavouring to be erudite in the face of Doctor Guest’s snipes, kicks things off by unravelling the A, B, Cs (and Ds, Es, and Ks) of vitamins, while Dr. Guest chimes in with anecdotes about patients

    Orange you glad you took the right vitamins today? As they delve deeper, The Docs tackle the heavyweight question of the century: Can you really overdose on vitamins? Dr. Guest recounts the A-mazing tale of a man who turned orange after consuming carrot juice. They both agree that while vitamins are essential, turning into a human carrot is not advisable. And while polar bears might be yummy, you might want to avoid their liver…with or without onions!

    Why should you chat with your doc? The dynamic duo doesn't stop there; they serve up a generous helping of advice on why you should chat with your doc before popping pills like candy. They share a chuckle over the image of a patient consulting Dr. Google, only to end up on a diet of nothing but kale and sunshine - not a bright idea.

    Speaking of sunshine, how important is it for your body to whip up that sweet, sweet vitamin D? Professor Sackier quips about his own sunbathing adventures, which involve more sunscreen than a beach party for vampires. That’s one way to feel D-light.

    Do you follow the hype surrounding dietary supplements? Before stitching up this episode, they address the elephant in the room: the myths surrounding dietary supplements. The Docs reference studies that suggest you might not live forever just because you eat vitamins like they're popcorn, despite what that infomercial with the shouting man might say.

    As the laughter subsides, they wrap up with a heartfelt plea for listeners to join the conversation, share their own funny vitamin stories, or ask questions that have been nagging them like a persistent mother-in-law.

    So, if you're ready for a dose of education with a side of chuckles, tune in to Join The Docs – the only podcast where you can improve your health knowledge without a prescription!


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • This key-rrific episode of Join The Docs features the ever-curious Professor Jonathan Sackier flying solo, sitting down without his usual sidekick Doctor Nigel Guest who is taking his own medicine and having a holiday.. This time, he's joined by the legendary John Oates. Yes, you heard it right—John Oates, the moustached marvel from the iconic duo Hall & Oates. Not only is he in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but he's also a multi-talented musician, songwriter, and all-around cool guy. They sit down to talk all things music and medicine, with a hint of laughter.

    What sparks the conversation? Oates, dives straight into the nitty-gritty of his sixth solo album, “Reunion." This isn't just any album. Inspired by a whirlwind of personal life events, "Reunion" is a rollercoaster of emotions, melodies, and collaborations with some of the music industry's finest. Oates regales us with tales of jam sessions, spontaneous songwriting when the radar is alerted by life events - check out the story of a girl in cowboy boots and a pink tutu!
    At the heart of the episode, the emotional story behind the album's title track. Oates opens up about his ageing father, painting a vivid picture of a man who has seen it all and then some. The song is a poignant reflection on life's horizons, filled with realisations that hit harder than a double espresso on a Monday morning. Oates' storytelling is so vivid, you can almost see the twinkle in his father's eye and feel the weight of the years gone by.

    What’s Oates’ secret to maintaining his vocal health? John shares his secret weapons, gargling, humidity, yoga and not talking to our resident Professor!. And let's not forget the physical challenges he's faced—two rotator cuff surgeries, folks! Oates recounts the gruelling physical therapy sessions with a humour that makes you almost wish you were there, cheering him on from the sidelines. Hip Hop, Hooray!

    Wait a minuet! Why is the healing power of music so important to Oates? To rap it up, Oates passionately discusses how strumming a guitar or belting out a tune can mend a broken spirit faster than any doctor-prescribed remedy. Oates means treble, emphasising the importance of physical therapy post-surgery, sharing anecdotes of his therapist who, according to Oates, has the hands of an angel and the motivational skills of a drill sergeant. He also tells us of the people he has worked with, a veritable who’s who of the music business. And talking of Who, his recent duet with Roger Daltrey was to help those living with teen cancer.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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    So, why should you buckle up and get ready for a wild ride? This episode of Join The Docs is filled with laughter, tears, and a whole lot of rock and roll wisdom. This episode is not one to miss, it’s hitting all the right notes – from heartstrings to guitar strings! And careful listeners could win a special prize identifying surreptitious song titles hidden in the episode….

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  • In this rollicking episode of Join The Docs, our esteemed gerontology gurus, Dr. Nigel Guest and Professor Jonathan Sackier, dive headfirst into the laughter lines of the ageing population. They don't just skim the surface; they go deep, exploring the socio-economic implications of a world where the average age keeps increasing.

    What is the impact of ageing on the community? As they dissect the burden on society and the economy, they don't just give it to you straight – they serve it up with a side of laugh-out-loud old fashioned humour. Dr. Guest and Professor Sackier don't just offer recommendations for maintaining health in the golden years; they provide the blueprint to become a silver fox or vixen!

    What can you expect? The Docs cover the gamut, from the critical importance of regular health check-ups – because let's face it, your body is starting to have more issues than a celebrity gossip magazine – to the art of foot care, which is less about pedicures and more about making sure your toes don't look like they've walked through the Middle Ages.

    Napping isn't just for toddlers anymore, folks. Why is it so important? Our dynamic duo explains why catching some Z's in the afternoon can be the secret ingredient for graceful ageing. And when it comes to maintaining good hearing and eyesight, it’s more than just eating your carrots and avoiding loud noises…

    Is sex good for old bones? Hold onto your dentures, because The Docs also highlight the unexpected benefits of sexual activity for health, and let's just say they don't beat around the bush. They also tackle the dangers of smoking, and stress the need for mental stimulation – because your brain needs a workout too, and no, watching soap operas doesn't count.

    It’s okay not to be okay. Dr. Guest and Professor Sackier then move onto the importance of seeking help and taking care of your mental health, no matter your age. They discuss how maintaining a positive mental state is crucial for enjoying a fulfilling and active life in your later years.

    Combining sage advice with a barrel of laughs, this episode is a guide to ageing like a fine cheese – slightly stinky but ultimately a delicacy. Tune in, laugh out loud, and smile with your teeth (whilst you’ve still got them).


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Welcome, dear listeners, to the newest episode of Join The Docs with your favourite medical history buff, Professor Jonathan Sackier, and the ever-erudite Doctor Nigel Guest. Today, with a few sick jokes along the way, they're diving head first into the wild world of diseases, both the bone-a-fide and the baloney!

    What is the strangest disease you've never heard of? Professor Sackier starts things off with a dramatic reading from the Encyclopaedia of Obscure Ailments, setting the stage for a journey through the annals of ail-ment and ail-mess nomenclature. Dr. Guest observes that fake disease merchants have got it in for him....or did he mean in for me?

    As The Docs dissect the classification and history of diseases, the duo emphasises the absolute, unassailable, and sometimes comically complex importance of precise medical terminology. They regale us with tales of conditions so rare that they might as well be unicorn illnesses. Not that unicorns have ever visited Dr. Guest's practice, but our Professor definitely believes they exist!

    Can you tell the difference between a real disease and a fake one? The conversation takes a turn for the surreal as they explore the distinction between real and fake diseases. Professor Sackier warns of the dangers of faux maladies, dramatically pausing before revealing the notorious "mauve factor disease," which he insists is not just a purple patch in medical history.

    Have you ever heard of "Paranoia About Paranoia"? Dr. Guest chimes in with a cautionary tale about this condition that has patients obsessively washing their hands. The two marvel at the absurdity but soberly remind us of the necessity of evidence-based medicine.

    How do fake diseases affect real patients? As they wrap up, our hosts underscore the ethical responsibility of healthcare professionals to steer clear of endorsing the medical equivalent of urban legends. The Docs paint a vivid picture of the potential harm to patients, with Professor Sackier lamenting the rise of "Therapeutic Tarot Reading" and Dr. Guest bemoaning the latest fad, "Quantum Healing Crystals." Well, maybe not that extreme - but do listen all the way through!

    To finish The Docs urge listeners to stay informed, stay sceptical, and, above all, to keep laughing. And remember, if you ever find yourself getting paranoid about the diseases you think you may have, don't hesitate to see a medical professional. They’ll set you straight.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Have you ever laughed so hard you almost peed yourself? In this uproariously informative episode of Join The Docs, the ever-witty Professor Jonathan Sackier and the hilariously insightful Doctor Nigel Guest dive deep into the riveting world of pee-ology. With the chemistry of a classic comedy duo, they embark on a fluid journey through the golden streams of urination and urinary health.

    Is your pee the perfect shade? The episode kicks off with a vibrant discussion on the Pantone scale of pee, where our hosts illuminate the hidden messages within the hue of your loo. Professor Sackier explains that a dark amber urine might just mean you've been hitting the gym a little too hard. Doctor Guest chimes in with a chuckle, reminding us that while "sweating it out" is great, turning your toilet bowl into a dark ale tasting session is not.

    Think drinking water is boring? Think again! The Docs then prescribe the magic elixir of life—good ol' H2O. Downing about eight glasses a day, they say, is the secret to keeping your personal plumbing in tip-top shape. But beware, as alcohol and caffeine will dry you out one sip at a time. Professor Sackier quips that if you're reaching for that fourth espresso or considering turning happy hour into happy hours, urine trouble…

    Urinary tract infections are no laughing matter; Doctor Guest regales us with tales of the female urinary tract, a heroine in its own right, battling the dastardly bacteria that dare to trespass. They discuss how the shorter urethra is like a VIP express lane for unwanted microbial party crashers, leading to cystitis.

    Ready for symptoms and causes of bladder inflammation with a twist? Doctor Guest recounts the time he diagnosed a bladder infection in a woman who thought she was just "angry peeing."

    By the end of this pee-centric podcast episode, you'll not only be thoroughly entertained but also equipped with the knowledge to keep your urinary tract as happy as ever. So, tune in, have a laugh, and remember: when it comes to urinary health, it's better to be safe than sorry, and definitely better to be hydrated than high and dry!


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • We’re pumped to bring you this heart-stopping instalment of Join the Docs, where our intrepid hosts, the ever-eloquent Professor Jonathan Sackier and the delightfully droll Doctor Nigel Guest, discuss cardiac arrest. With their trademark blend of wit and wisdom, they dissect the causes of this heart-stopping phenomenon and the absolutely crucial role of CPR and defibrillators in ‘staying alive’.

    Anyone a football fan? Joining them is none other than the football legend Glenn Hoddle, who recounts his own tale of survival. Picture this: one minute, he's fine, the next, he's floored by a cardiac arrest, saved by the swift actions of a quick-thinking bystander with CPR magic in their hands. It's a story so gripping, you'll need to remind yourself to breathe!

    You can heart-ly believe your eyes! As our hosts expertly navigate the treacherous waters of cardiac troubles, they illuminate the stark differences between the sneak-attack of a cardiac arrest and the slow-burn drama of a heart attack. The Docs also introduce the catchy and life-saving mnemonic "5 H's and 5 T's," which sounds like a dance move but could actually help you save a life. You aorta listen!

    But what can you do? Professor Sackier and Doctor Guest, in their infinite jest, remind us that laughter might be the best medicine, but regular health check-ups are a close second. But it’s not all in vein - The Docs champion the superhero potential in all of us through the power of CPR, turning each listener into a potential heart-throb hero.

    So, strap in for an episode that's equal parts educational, entertaining, and utterly exhilarating. Remember with Join the Docs, you're in for a heart-racing good time, and who knows? You might just learn to save a life.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • In this witty and informative episode of Join The Docs, Professor Jonathan Sackier and Doctor Nigel Guest delve into the world of Achilles tendonitis. They kick off the show by tracing the condition back to its mythological roots: when Achilles was dipped in the River Styx, if his mum had done a better job, The Docs might be out of a job!

    “I didn't think I was going to play ever again.” The Docs welcome a true sporting legend, Glenn Hoddle, sharing his personal battle with tendonitis. Hoddle, known for his magical touch on the football pitch, discusses how tendonitis affected his career. With his trademark wit, he recounted the days when his tendons were more bothersome than a referee on match day. A Tottenham Hotspur legend, Glenn also played for other clubs including Monaco, then went into management at Swindon, Southampton, Wolves, his beloved Spurs and, some “other” London club and also managed the England national team. Now a TV football pundit, Glenn is delighted to join The Docs to tell his story and help others.

    The Docs then dissect the tendon itself, a topic that leads Jonathan to challenge Nigel’s perspectives on human anatomy. Talk of diagnosis waxes and wanes from fact to a comedy routine with the duo describing various tests and treatment, with the role of cold vodka carefully considered. They segue into treatments, covering how RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) has changed to PEACE & LOVE…..And if that makes no sense, listen to Join the Docs!

    "But wait, there's more! If you call within the next ten minutes, we'll throw in a free set of crutches!" Surgical options discussion turns into a mock infomercial, with Dr. Guest pretending to sell the idea of surgery as if it were a set of steak knives.

    Do you really have to warm-up before every bit of exercise? Professor Sackier shares a personal anecdote about the time he mistook a dance-off as a suitable warm-up and ended up doing the "robot" for a week straight due to stiffness. Doctor Guest chimes in with his own tale of using interpretive dance to explain tendonitis to a confused group of medical students.

    The conversation takes a turn to the role of general health in preventing tendonitis, with Dr. Guest suggesting that eating carrots might not help your tendons, but at least you'll see them better.

    How did that happen? Sharing personal experiences turns into a comedy of errors as they recount their most memorable tendonitis cases, including the time Dr. Guest diagnosed a case of "guitar hero wrist" and Prof. Sackier treated a "selfie elbow."

    Ring, ring! The evolution of sports medicine is likened to the evolution of the mobile phone, with The Docs joking that tendon treatments used to be as big and clunky as a 1980s cell phone. The Docs wrap up the episode with tongue-in-cheek advice on tendon care, including a suggestion to avoid activities that involve chasing mythological creatures.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Welcome to this tail-wagging edition of Join the Docs, where our esteemed hosts, Professor Jonathan Sackier and Doctor Nigel Guest, embark on a journey through the paw-some world of dogs and their impact on human health. And on social media note that the Docs are joined by another host, a rather adorable Golden Pootriever as well as his trainer, Slim the Skeleton.

    Did you know that dogs were domesticated between 20,000 and 40,000 years ago? In today's episode, we dig up the bone-afide history of our four-legged friends, tracing their paw prints all the way back to their wolf ancestors. That's right, Snoopy, Toto and Lassie's great-great-great (add a few thousand more greats) grandpup was a wild wolf!

    The Docs will guide you through the kennel of dog breeds, from the noble German Shepherd to the sassy Chihuahua, and into the realm of designer dogs. Ever heard of a Schnoodle or a Whoodle? They're not items on a fast-food menu, but rather adorable hybrids to melt anyone’s heart.

    Sackier and Guest share sticky tales of dog waste disposal—because picking up after your pooch can be a stinky business, but someone's gotta do it. They also debunk the charming myth of Saint Bernards’ and their brandy barrels. Spoiler alert: those rescue dogs don't actually moonlight as bartenders!

    Ever felt your worries melt away when a dog gazes into your soul with those big, loving eyes? Owning a dog can lead to a healthier heart and a stress-free smile. That's not magic; it's science! And let's not forget the incredible assistance dogs provide, from guiding the visually impaired to detecting seizures. These furry angels are more than just pets; they're life-changers.

    But, did you know that dogs can carry certain organisms that are transferable to humans? The Docs also tackle the less cuddly topics of dog-related infections and allergies. But fear not, with responsible pet ownership, the benefits far outweigh the risks.

    So, grab your leash and a doggy treat, and prepare for a howling good time on Join the Docs. And remember, a dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than it loves itself. Isn't that something to bark about?


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Welcome to this instalment of Join the Docs, where your esteemed and shameless hosts, Nigel and Jonathan, tackle a topic that's been the butt of jokes since time began: the tuneful symphony of the human body, known as flatulence.

    In this gut-busting episode, The Docs delve deep into the bowels of science to unearth the root causes of gas. They uncover everything from the innocuous (like Thursday's bean dinner) to the more ominous rumblings that might signal serious health issues.

    Who could forget the famous farting figures like Dr. Methane? Our hosts share side-splitting (and perhaps nose-pinching) anecdotes about knock-out performers…..as in the smell knocking you right out!

    But this isn't just a run-of-the-mill toot talk. Oh no! Nigel walks us through the annals of history and culture, where flatulence has broken the ice - and wind - since the dawn of civilization.

    Ever wondered why you fart more at 30,000 feet? Jonathan explains the effects of altitude on gas with enough levity to lift you right out of your seat—no helium required.

    Did you know that the average person passes gas 14 to 15 times a day? That's right, you're not alone in your anal artistry, and throughout this episode, our hosts destigmatize breaking wind, offering advice on when to consult a professional about your potty puffs, and smooth the conversation with fun facts that'll have you reeling.

    So buckle up, or rather loosen your belt, and prepare for a wild ride through the world of wind-breaking. It's an episode of Join The Docs that you'll surely want to let everyone know about—just maybe not in an enclosed space…


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Are you losing your hair? Don’t wig out because Join the Docs have you covered….well, some of you anyway! Welcome to a particularly hairy, or rather hairless, episode of Join the Docs, where your favourite relatively hairy duo, the ever-charming and knowledgeable Nigel “King of the Comb-over” Guest, alongside his witty and inquisitive co-host Jonathan “Hairgel Hero” Sackierembark on an adventure into the wild and woolly world of hair loss.

    Prepare to be entertained as the Docs untangle the knotty issue of why your once-lush mane might be thinning, or why it’s in a full retreat. They'll comb through the list of causes, starting with the notorious male pattern baldness, which has men checking their hairlines more often than their watches. Newsflash! Alopecia is not an Irish entertainer but a hair thief…..and women are not immune. Actually, being immune is part of the issue.

    Nigel, recounts a hair-raising tale from his hairdresser about the dreaded hair splinters – yes, they're a thing, and yes, they're as unpleasant as they sound. This gets the docs talking about the more mysterious world of pilonidal cysts, which will have you squirming in your seat. Because hair can also spear your sit-upon and turn your rear end into a volcano; the pulsating pilonidal pit of despair!

    As they brush past the surface, they'll highlight the fascinating cultural and ethnic differences, emphasising the varying patterns of male hair loss across the globe. And, it’s not just about the hair on your head…

    So, what causes baldness? Our hosts shed some light on the genetic side of hair loss, exploring why Uncle Joe can rock a full Elvis doo while you're left squeaky clean (or with a ‘never ending forehead’). They'll dissect the DNA strands that could be the culprits behind your receding hairline, and they'll do it with more puns and laughter than ever before; they just can’t help themselves.

    Worried about your own hairline? Nigel and Jonathan look over the latest and greatest in treatment options, from the tried-and-true to the cutting-edge, giving you hope that your follicular future might yet be wavy, shiny and bright.

    So, grab your headphones, settle in, and let your hair down (if you've got enough left) for this episode of Join the Docs, where the topic of hair loss gets a full-bodied treatment with a side of chuckles. Whether it's male pattern baldness in women, hair splinters, or the genetic factors in different races, we've got you covered. And don't forget, if you're experiencing hair loss, it's always a good idea to seek medical help.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • What are hiccups? In this episode of Join the Docs, our very own Doctor Nigel Guest and Professor Jonathan Sackier look into the surprising and complex world of hiccups. Breaking down all the different things that cause hiccups, and how they are named across the universe, it’s odd to think it's such a common thing and yet we don't always understand it.

    To kick off the episode, the duo talk about hiccup triggers, ranging from common culprits like speedy eating and spicy cuisine to emotional stress. Ever wondered what happens to your body when you're feeling the pressure?

    The Docs also address the more serious side of hiccups, dissecting what can happen if you can't stop or if more serious stuff is going on, like problems with your stomach, liver or brain. They stress how important it is to know when your hiccups might need some real medical attention, not just a glass of upside down water!

    But it's not all doom and gloom! Nigel lightens the mood by sharing some old-school hiccup cures that have been passed down through generations, as well as some totally wacky tricks people have tried to stop the hiccups. From holding one's breath to giving yourself a fright, they explore the spectrum of folk remedies and quirky tactics used to stop those hiccups!

    Want more? Professor Sackier shares fascinating perspectives on hiccup remedies from different cultures. He highlights the diverse ways people around the world tackle hiccups, showing how inventive traditional remedies can be.

    As The Docs wrap things up, they remind everyone that even though hiccups are usually harmless, it's smart to see a doctor if they won't quit.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • ‘What’s wrong with me Google?’ Welcome to the latest episode of Join The Docs where we dive headfirst into the digital rabbit hole of health and hilarity. In this knee-slapping instalment, we're joined by Professor Jonathan Sackier, as a surgeon, and by his own admission, “always certain, sometimes right” and Doctor Nigel Guest, whose laugh is as infectious as the common cold but, thankfully, much more delightful.

    They reminisce about the days when "online" meant you were literally standing in a line, waiting to see the doctor.

    Is Google your friend? Our duo tackles the phenomenon of Dr. Google and how a simple online search can turn a mild headache into a self-diagnosed case of "I've only got two weeks to live!" They share tales of patients who, armed with a sprinkle of internet articles, fancied themselves as modern-day medical mavericks, only to realise that "DIY toenail surgery" isn't a recommended pastime.

    But it's not all fun and games; they also get serious, debunking vaccination myths and stress the importance of not falling for the old "I read it on the internet, so it must be true" routine.

    Jonathan explores the educational role of online videos, and the dangers of the wrong audience watching and acting upon the material. They also dissect the portrayal of medical conditions in the media, which present a distorted view that’s far from the truth.

    Professor Sackier and Doctor Guest urge their listeners to always seek the advice of real-life, flesh-and-blood professionals when it comes to medical matters. Because, as they wisely point out, the only thing you should be diagnosing yourself with online is a case of the giggles from listening to their podcast.

    So, strap on your stethoscopes and prepare for a dose of education and entertainment that's sure to raise your heart rate—in the best way possible!


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Ouch that hurt! Welcome to the hilariously informative world of "Bruise Clues," where our hosts, Professor Jonathan Sackier and Doctor Nigel Guest, take you on a tour of bruising. Get ready to giggle as we paint the town red... and black and blue and purple... and yellow!

    Ever wondered why your bruise looks like a sunset on your skin? Delving into the nature of bruises, The Docs discuss the various causes behind their appearance, including a fascinating examination of the beautiful spectrum of colours bruises can display.

    The Docs explore the mysterious world of "easy bruisers" looking into the specific medical conditions commonly associated with easy bruising. From the serious – like leukaemia and haemophilia – to the not-so-serious – like bumping into your coffee table for the hundredth time.

    Is it serious? Emphasising the importance of professional medical evaluation, the hosts give you the lowdown on when to worry about your war wounds and how to tell if your bruises are just clumsy bumps or signs of something more serious.

    On another note, did Pink Floyd predict the stages of bruising in their album "Dark Side of the Moon"? Because everything's better with a pop culture twist, we take a detour through the Dark Side of the Bruise. Our hosts will have you in stitches as they connect the dots between bruising and the world’s greatest hits.

    So tune in, sit back, and prepare to laugh until you bruise (figuratively, of course). Here, the only thing The Docs take seriously is your health... and our jokes!


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • How can something so small cause such big headaches? Welcome to another wild ride with your favourite “Persistent Pests,” Nigel and Jonathan. Today, we're diving into the shady underworld of bed bugs. Join Dr Nigel Guest and Professor Jonathan Sackier, who's spent more time than he'd care to admit getting cosy with these bloodsucking bugs.

    First, we uncover the ancient history of bed bugs; how these creepy crawlies have been making humans squirm for centuries, from ancient civilisations to the modern day. We’ll talk about bed bug behaviour, their life cycle and just what makes them such stubborn little buggers.

    But it's not just the annoyance of bites that bed bugs bring – those itchy, scratchy bites can be pretty brutal. Dr. Nigel's here to share advice on how to deal with the aftermath and why prevention is key. Plus, we'll discuss the potential risks, from mild irritation to severe allergic reactions.

    Why do bed bugs continue to be a source of anxiety and frustration for many people? From the stigma to the sleepless nights, Prof. Jonathan's got tips on how to act when the bugs come knocking, how to cope with the psychological toll and the importance of seeking professional help when needed.

    Now how the heck do we get rid of these mattress maniacs? It’s the million-pound question. Well, we're all in this together. The Docs reveal innovations in pest control, exploring the efficiency of various methods to tackle bed bug infestations. They also talk through how we can all pitch in to fight the good fight against bed bugs, from responsible measures for infestations to the ongoing challenges in eradicating these sofa stowaways.

    But hold onto your hats, folks, because here's the kicker – these pests are tougher than they look! The Docs discuss their resilience to pesticides and why controlling their spread is like trying to herd cats. Harder actually - bed bugs are like movie vampires, almost impossible to kill!

    So grab your bug spray and a strong stomach, because this episode of Join The Docs is gonna be one for the books! Strap in, hang tight, and get ready to uncover the secrets of bed bugs.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Welcome to the AAA-Team's special episode of Join the Docs, and today, we're exploring the explosive world of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) starring your favourite dynamic duo with their trusty sidekick Slim the skeleton! It's no joke - this condition is a big deal, so join Doctor Nigel Guest and Professor Jonathan Sackier and buckle up for a rib-tickling ride through the twists and turns of AAA.

    Your aorta, the main blood vessel supplying your gut, kidneys assorted organs, pelvis, and legs, suddenly decides to blow up like a balloon. That's what we call an abdominal aortic aneurysm. But set your funny bones aside, because if that balloon bursts, it's no party — it can be life threatening! AAA can be triggered by a variety of genetics and lifestyle choices, with smoking, high blood pressure, and sky high cholesterol levels being the usual suspects.

    Now, the symptoms of AAA are sneaky little devils. So what should you look out for? Chronic back pain and discomfort “downstairs” are two tell-tale signs. If not addressed, AAA can even cause sudden death! But fear not, The Docs are here to make sure you're armed and ready to tackle it head-on.

    Prevention and early detection are our bread and butter (well…easy on the butter). What measures can be taken, especially even for over 55s accustomed to smoking a pack of 20 cigarettes daily, or individuals with a family history of health issues, even if they seem perfectly healthy? The Docs discuss screening techniques like ultrasound and CT scans to proactively catch an abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) before it catches you.

    For the itty-bitty, less immediately serious aneurysms, it’s a good idea to keep them in your peripheral vision, with regular screening. But if they start getting too big for their boots, it's time to ‘go all in’ and have a surgeon visit your AAA. Whether it's performing surgery to address abdominal issues or inserting a stent to protect your arteries, rest assured, we've got the right tools to fix you up good as new.

    It's not all about what we can do in the operating room. Lifestyle changes are the real superheroes here. Quitting smoking, reducing your blood pressure, and keeping cholesterol levels in check are the ways to go. Hard to stomach, but worth the change.

    So, remember, knowledge is power! Stay on top of your health, get regular check-ups, and don't be afraid to make some changes along the way. With a bit of know-how and the right care, we'll beat AAA together and keep you laughing all the way to good health!


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Why, when one gets an itch, is it almost impossible not to scratch it? Our parents told us not to, but you just can’t help it! How do you tell if it's a harmless scratch or a warning sign of something far more sinister? Professor Jonathan Sackier and Dr. Nigel Guest dive deep into the world of pruritus in this episode of Join the Docs.

    From the nerve pathways that make us squirm, to the more serious systemic diseases, The Docs have got you covered in grease - or perhaps something else to soothe the irritation of Doctor Guest’s awful jokes.

    They’ll discuss some of the common causes of itching, from pesky poison ivy to serious liver woes. Eczema, psoriasis, allergic reactions; no itch is left unscratched as we explore treatments and research breakthroughs.

    They'll uncover the origins of itching, classify it, and give more details on the various medical conditions that surround itching. Whether it's allergies, viruses, fungi, or skin infections causing the itch, The Docs will be discussing everything under the sun.

    From environmental triggers, to medication-induced itchiness, we'll cover it all, including varicose eczema, chickenpox, athlete's foot, and more. They offer valuable insights into the challenges faced by individuals and families coping with chronic itching conditions, accompanied by practical strategies for alleviating symptoms and fostering support networks.

    So, grab your back scratcher and join us as we scrape beneath the surface – separating the harmless itches from the more serious.

    If you want to read more info about this week’s episode, head on over to the website where Jonathan goes into more detail here.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Ever wondered if there's more to your fatigue than meets the eye? Join Professor Jonathan Sackier and Dr. Nigel Guest as they guide you through the world of anaemia… from the esoteric to the bleeding obvious.

    From the basics of red blood cell deficiency to the intricacies of different symptoms, they're here to shed light on this commonly underestimated condition.

    Repair to anaemia, where Professor Sackier enlightens us as to the various types and their unique characteristics. From bleeding-related anaemia to the complexities of chronic causes and blood disorders, Dr. Guest delves into the diagnostic realm, unveiling the array of methods used to detect anaemia. From comprehensive medical histories to physical examinations and full blood counts, discover the tools that aid in uncovering this silent blood thief.

    The conversation takes a turn when The Docs stumble upon a rare and blood-curdling case of auto-vampirism, where an individual was found to be consuming their own blood—talk about a blood thirsty situation! Lucky Nigel carries garlic wherever he goes. Well... he smells like he does!

    They will chat about treatment and management strategies and explore the role of iron supplementation and folic acid during pregnancy, vital for maintaining healthy blood levels and preventing complications.

    You will hear about some strange cravings caused by anaemia, come might call it rocket science! Or arugula science for our American listeners. Dive deeper into the realm of genetic anomalies with discussions on sickle cell disease, thalassemia, and emerging gene editing techniques.

    But how are advancements in modern medication reshaping anaemia treatment? You’ll find all of this out, and more, in this week’s episode.

    If you want to read more info about this week’s episode, head on over to the website where Jonathan goes into more detail here.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • The hole truth, and nothing but the truth? We’re back to explore the wild world of foreign objects and their unexpected escapades in human orifices! Prof. Jonathan "Egg Plant" Sackier and Doctor Nigel "Ears-n-Nose Detective" Guest, will be exploring all the other holes that people just can’t resist putting things in.

    Ever wonder why kids treat their ears and noses like treasure chests? The Docs unveil the mystery of mini archaeologists inserting everything from beads, to peas and, wait for it, fluff! It's a delicate dance folks, so let's avoid turning ears into makeshift storage units!

    Doctor Guest shifts our focus to batteries taking up residence in ears. Spoiler alert: it's not a power move! Learn about the electrifying risks, the urgent need for surgical removal, and the nose-navigating challenges faced by our brave medical warriors. We throw in some bug-in-ear anecdotes, adding buzz to the conversation as well as discussing why you should just leave cotton buds alone. They're not magic wands!

    We’ll make our way down to the weird world of adult escapades: stomas, urethras and vaginas, oh my! Nails, staples, and bullets - yes, bullets - used for pleasure. The plot thickens as we unravel the motivations behind these debacles and the surgical acrobatics involved.

    And who could forget bejewelled genitals? We pierce through the myths, tackling infections and complications with body piercings, giving you a heads-up for those considering below-the-belt bling.

    Let's face it, foreign bodies are serious business but with a side of laughter.

    If you want to read more info about this week’s episode, head on over to the website where Jonathan goes into more detail here.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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  • Ever wondered about the bottom line of human anatomy? Prof. Jonathan Sackier and Dr. Nigel Guest take a crack at the complex world of the derrière. They probe the ins and outs of the anal region, exploring its vital role in the body's waste management system, and the potential pitfalls of neglecting this less-than-glamorous area.

    Things take a turn as they chat about some rather toe curling case studies throughout their careers, featuring tales of unexpected items venturing where the sun doesn’t shine. From household objects to the downright bizarre, it's a buttload of very strange incidents that'll have you laughing and wincing at the same time..

    Butt wait, there's more! The Docs dive into the deep end of the "behind" psyche, unravelling the mysteries around shoving things where they shouldn't be. Whether it's for sexual experimentation or a spot of drug hide-and-seek, they spotlight the risks and dangers if you’re not careful. From tissue trouble to the peril of perforation, it's a real "rear eye”-opener!

    They discuss proper anal product use, debunking myths faster than you can say "enema." They even tackle the cultural nuances that hinders open talks about backdoor business, advocating for a movement towards more openness (pun intended!) and education for safer keisters.

    Prepare for a ride through the laughter-packed express lane of anatomy.


    DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed on Join the Docs are those of Dr. Nigel Guest, Jonathan Sackier and other people on our show. Be aware that Join the Docs is not intended to be medical advice, it is for information and entertainment purposes only - please, always take any health concerns to your doctor or other healthcare provider.

    We respect the privacy of patients and never identify individuals unless they have consented. We may change details, dates, place names and so on to protect privacy. Listening to Join the Docs, interacting on our social media, emailing or writing to us does not establish a doctor patient relationship.

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