
  • Ann Margaret shares her struggles around faith and family when deciding whether or not to seek a divorce from her spouse of 19 years. As a devout Catholic, she needed to be 'right with God' and sought to understand if and how her desire to leave her marriage was aligned with her deep faith. She goes on to share her concerns for the impact the divorce would have on her children, the challenges of living under the same roof during Covid and keeping the 'secret' of the impending divorce from her kids until the school year ended. Finally, Ann Margaret had a huge fear of being alone and shares the unfolding journey of her dating and relationship life after divorce.

    Ann Margaret describes her divorce as amicable and post divorce co parenting relationship as respectful. She offers great wisdom and guidance around the power of coaching and the importance of tuning into and listening to the soft voice of intuition that is there to guide you.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbdBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com
  • In the aftermath of divorce, single parents face daunting challenges, with affordable housing often standing out as one of the most pressing. The financial burden can be overwhelming, compounded by the emotional toll of managing a household alone while striving to provide stability for their children.

    Episode Highlights:

    Partnering for Solutions: Explore the innovative concept of single parents partnering with each other to share housing. By pooling resources, single parents not only split costs and chores but also offer mutual emotional support and companionship, creating a supportive environment for themselves and their children.Benefits and Challenges: Delve into the advantages of these shared living arrangements, such as financial relief and community support, while also addressing the complexities and potential conflicts that can arise. Learn about the importance of clear agreements and effective communication in making these arrangements successful.

    Guest Spotlight: Carmel Boss

    Who is Carmel Boss: Carmel Boss, founder of CoAbode, shares her personal journey from being a newly divorced single parent to pioneering a movement in shared housing among single moms. Learn how her initiative has helped countless single parents find affordable housing solutions and build nurturing communities for their children.
    CoAdobe: CoAbode is an organization and online platform that facilitates shared housing arrangements among single mothers. It was founded by Carmel Boss, herself a single mother, who recognized the challenges faced by single moms in finding affordable housing and creating supportive communities for themselves and their children.

    In today’s episode, we’ve explored practical strategies for single parents navigating the challenges of post-divorce life, focusing on affordable housing solutions through innovative co-living arrangements. Discover how these approaches can provide stability, support, and a sense of community for single parents and their children.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Website: https://coabode.com/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CoAbode?fref=ts

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbdBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com
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  • In this episode, we explore the journey of overcoming divorce fears and finding peace post-divorce. Our guest, Elle, shares her personal transformation from fear and overwhelm to a fulfilling life despite co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-partner.

    Key Highlights:

    Facing Fear of the Unknown: Many of us dread the worst-case scenarios during divorce. Elle's story reminds us that our greatest fears often do not materialize.Navigating Life with a Narcissistic Ex: Elle discusses the challenges of co-parenting with a narcissistic ex-spouse and how she managed to shift her own responses to reduce anxiety.Tools and Strategies for Peaceful Co-Parenting: Learn practical tips and strategies Elle received from coaching that have helped her maintain peace and minimize stress in her co-parenting journey.Living a Joyful Life Post-Divorce: Despite the challenges, Elle shares how she has cultivated a peaceful and joyful life, offering hope and inspiration to others going through similar situations.

    This episode offers encouragement and actionable insights for anyone navigating divorce and co-parenting challenges. Elle's story is a testament to resilience and the possibility of finding happiness beyond the fear and uncertainty of divorce..

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbdBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com
  • Introduction

    Welcome to Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast, where we provide valuable insights and strategies for families dealing with high-conflict divorce. Today, we're diving into critical areas to help families overcome the challenges of parental alienation.

    Episode Highlights

    Understanding Parental Alienation: We'll explore the basics of parental alienation and its impact on both children and the alienated parent.Strategies for Reconnecting: We'll spend most of our time on the HOW - how to be strategic in getting back into your child’s life. This is Ginger Gentile’s Zone of Genius!

    Guest Spotlight: Ginger Gentile

    Who is Ginger Gentile?: Ginger Gentile is a dedicated filmmaker and activist renowned for her work on parental alienation."Erasing Family" Documentary: She directed the groundbreaking documentary "Erasing Family," highlighting the struggles children and parents face due to family court injustices.Advocacy and Mission: Ginger's advocacy efforts are focused on transforming the stigmatized conversation around parental alienation into one of problem-solving and healing. Her mission is to create educational content that not only informs but also supports affected families in reclaiming their relationships.

    Resources Mentioned

    "Erasing Family" Documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLCsbtS9dUAErasing Family the Website: https://erasingfamily.org/Visit Ginger's Website for Resources: https://www.reversingparentalalienation.com/Find Ginger on Social Media: Facebook and Instagram @ErasingFamily // Youtube @ErasingFamilyFree Video Lessons by Ginger Gentile: Exclusive to Listeners of Journey Beyond Divorce ✅How to Reunite with Your Child: The 6 Steps to Reverse Alienation ✅The Most Commons Mistakes Parents Make in ReunitingThe Reversing Alienation RoadmapRoadmap to Reverse Alienation with Group Coaching

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbdBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com
  • Navigating a high conflict divorce requires more than just legal representation; it demands your personal resilience and clear boundaries. As you go through this challenging time, establishing strong, well-defined boundaries is essential.

    These boundaries will help you manage interactions with your ex, especially in situations fraught with emotional challenges and conflicts. Setting effective boundaries is crucial for maintaining your sanity and emotional well-being, clearly delineating what behaviors are acceptable and what are not.

    In scenarios where you're faced with explosive conversations, hostile emails, or inappropriate discussions in front of the children, boundaries become your safeguard. They allow you to preemptively set limits on communication styles and topics, ensuring that your interactions remain respectful and constructive. By defining clear consequences for boundary violations, you create an environment where toxic behaviors are less likely to escalate, protecting not only your emotional health but also the well-being of your children.

    Abby Medcalf, a psychologist, author, podcast host and Tedx speaker with a profound understanding of relationship dynamics, emphasizes the power of boundaries in her book, *Boundaries Made Easy*. With over three decades of experience and a doctorate in psychology, Abby provides insightful, practical advice that can transform challenging relationships into opportunities for growth and cooperation. Abby has been a featured expert on CBS and ABC news, and has been a contributor to the New York Times, Women’s Health, Psychology Today, Well+Good and Bustle and is the host of the top-rated “Relationships Made Easy” Podcast now in over 170 countries.

    More ways to connect with Abby:

    FREE GIFT FROM ABBY: https://abbymedcalf.com/boundaries-worksheetBuy Abby's Book: https://abbymedcalf.com/product/boundaries-made-easy-your-roadmap-to-connection-ease-and-joy/YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/AbbyMedcalfThriving Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/abbymedcalfthrivingTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@abbymedcalfphd Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/abbymedcalf LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abby-medcalf-phd-718969b8/

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Boundary Bootcamp: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/boundarybootcampSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbdBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com
  • Welcome to an incredibly poignant episode where we delve into the heart-wrenching world of sexual infidelity, and betrayal. Today, we explore not just the pain but the profound decisions that come in its aftermath—whether to mend the bond or part ways. Joined by a renowned infidelity expert, we'll provide you with both professional insights and compassionate advice to navigate these turbulent waters.

    How do you cope when trust is shattered by infidelity? What steps can you take if you find out your spouse struggles with a sex addiction? This episode is a crucial guide for anyone facing these daunting questions. We’ll discuss coping mechanisms, the dynamics of forgiveness and trust, and the complex decisions about your future together or apart. Stay tuned as we embark on this journey towards healing and understanding.

    Joining us today is Cheryl Camarillo, a licensed clinical social worker with over 30 years of dedicated service in the field of mental health. Since 2018, Cheryl has specialized in sex therapy and addiction, driven by both professional expertise and personal experience. With a deep commitment to her mission, Cheryl focuses on supporting women who are navigating the complexities of sexual addiction. Her passion is fueled by a blend of her extensive knowledge and her own personal journey through similar challenges.

    More ways to connect with Cheryl:

    Free Gift: https://cherylcamarillo.com/peace-and-calm-hypnotherapy-guided-audio/Directory for therapist and coach support on www.iitap.com & www.apsats.org

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Mini Course: Reclaim Your Mind: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd

  • In today’s episode, we are going to navigate through some of the most heart-wrenching conversations that come with the decision of divorce as we delve into the delicate art of communicating about divorce with your spouse and children, as well as your wider circle of family and friends.

    Broaching the subject of divorce with your spouse is perhaps one of the most profound discussions you will ever have, and it requires a great deal of courage and sensitivity. We'll discuss how to express your feelings honestly while also respecting the emotions of your partner.

    Then, we will turn our focus to the children. Kids may experience a range of emotions from confusion to fear. We’ll equip you with compassionate strategies to help ensure that this transition impacts their well-being as gently as possible, keeping the lines of communication open and honest.

    Lastly, we'll consider how to communicate your decision to friends and family. This part of the conversation can often bring unexpected reactions, from support to surprise, or even judgment. We'll talk about how to handle various responses and maintain your own emotional balance. It's important to remember that everyone processes this news differently, and while some might offer immediate support, others may need time to adjust to the new reality. Throughout it all, maintaining empathy and understanding for each other's feelings will be key.

    Joining me today are Zach and Laura, a team of marriage and relationship therapists!. Zach Brittle is a couples therapist in Seattle, where he has been counseling and coaching couples for over a dozen years. He is a best-selling author of The Relationship Alphabet, and the Marriage Therapy Journal. Zach and Laura co-host Marriage Therapy Radio, a podcast where straight talking marriage therapists and their brilliant guests tackle the most common problems every couple experience. Laura Heck is a relationship expert, speaker, Certified Gottman Therapist, Sex Therapist and Master Trainer for The Gottman Seven Principles Program. She and Zach are teaching partners and cohosts of Marriage Therapy Radio.

    More ways to connect with Laura & Zach:

    Marriage Therapy Radio: www.marriagetherapyradio.comFollow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marriagetherapyradio

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Free Divorce Readiness Masterclass: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/masterclassSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • If the person you pledged to spend your life with has just revealed they want a divorce, you're likely reeling from a whirlwind of emotions. This episode of our podcast delves deep into the heart-wrenching situation of being in a high-conflict marriage where one partner wants out while the other holds on. We understand the profound sense of loss, confusion, and fear that accompanies such news. Here, we'll explore the psychological impact of this revelation, the array of emotions you might experience, and the journey of grief that follows. It's a path fraught with questions and uncertainties, but you're not alone as you navigate this challenging time.

    First and foremost, it's crucial to understand that no one can dictate your pace through this ordeal—not even your spouse. Dismiss pressures to make hasty decisions about telling the children, hiring an attorney, or anything else. Instead, we encourage seeking immediate support from therapists or coaches who can guide you through this turbulent period. This episode will help you confront and quiet the self-critic within, questioning your role in the marriage's downturn. Many find themselves clinging to the memory of better days, yet through introspection and support, begin to see the realities of their relationship, perhaps recognizing their own contributions to the discord or acknowledging the marriage's long standing issues.

    What comes next? It's a journey of personal growth and self-examination. We'll discuss how to identify and amend behaviors that may not serve your marriage or personal well-being, such as self-condemnation, conflict avoidance, and codependency. Whether you're questioning the health of your relationship or searching for a way to reclaim your sense of self, we provide resources to aid you. From our free quiz assessing your marriage's health to courses designed to help you rediscover your identity and navigate potential divorce with wisdom, this episode offers a beacon of hope and direction. Join us as we explore these steps toward healing and self-empowerment, regardless of your marriage's future.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you are unsure of the health of your marriage, take our FREE Relationship Health QuizIf you’ve lost yourself, enroll in our Reclaim Your Mind mini courseIf you’re heading toward divorce, check out our Divorce 101 Program
  • We’re diving into a topic that many of you are eager to learn about. Now, imagine being on a rollercoaster, not just any rollercoaster, but one where the ups are few and the downs are many, and often quite triggering. That's a bit what it feels like.

    When you’re divorcing a narcissist, it's not just about legal battles; it’s an emotional journey where the usual playbook doesn’t always apply. The biggest challenges often come from the constant unpredictability and the emotional manipulation involved. Narcissists will often use tactics like gaslighting, where they make you question your own reality and sanity, or stone-walling, where they shut down communication to throw you off.

    Today, we are looking at what you can do if you’re in this situation? We’ll be discussing strategies that include, gathering your support system, the importance of documentation, and how to stay as calm, as reacting emotionally only feeds into the narcissist's love of chaos and conflict. And perhaps most importantly, prioritizing your own emotional and physical well-being.

    Divorcing a narcissist is not just about winning a legal battle; it’s about reclaiming your mind, your peace and your life.

    With me today is Tracy A. Malone, an acclaimed international coach specializing in working with people who are dealing with narcissistic abuse. Tracy is the founder of NarcissistAbuseSupport.com, a global platform to support survivors of narcissistic abuse. Tracy has been a powerful ally for those dealing with narcissistic relationships for almost 10 years.

    More ways to connect with Tracy:

    Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/188681268196044YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/TracyAMalone Pinterest - https://www.pinterest.com/tracyamalone Twitter - https://twitter.com/TracyAMalone Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/tracyamalone/ iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/podcast-narcissist-abuse-support/id1244854330?mt=2

    Extra Resources Referenced in Episode:

    Book: https://www.amazon.com/Dating-Loving-Leaving-Narcissist-Relationships-ebook/dp/B09XBS5DWNFree Gift - 15 Worst Mistakes Divorcing a Narcissist - https://narcissistabusesupport.com/the-15-worst-mistakes-divorcing-a-narcissist/

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Free Divorce Readiness Masterclass: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/masterclassSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • 8 years ago, Clint reached out after listening to a JBD podcast. His wife had just told him she wanted a divorce. He was reeling in all types of grief, unbelief, fear and uncertainty. He enrolled in a coaching program and began the hard work of looking at his marriage and himself.

    Clint explains that doing his divorce poorly would hurt everyone, his kids, his STBX and himself. He wanted to be better and worked with both a therapist and divorce coach.

    Fast forward 8 years. His tween and teen kids are emerging adults, and he is proud of the job he did both parenting and coparenting. We talk about lessons learned, forgotten and learned again and how learning something and practicing and experiencing it are two very different things. We explore how when our family life changes, our career, or in his case his business change as well.

    Tune in for a dialogue on navigating divorce courageously, how to be a healthy man and raise healthy kids and other interesting stuff.

    More ways to connect with Clint and listen to his podcasts:

    During the BreakDay FireThe CrimeCastOf By and For the People5TO9

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • In the turbulent seas of high-conflict custody battles and family disputes, a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) serves as a lighthouse, guiding decisions in the best interest of the children involved. It’s crucial to understand when a GAL is needed, and what their role is.

    This podcast delves into the circumstances that necessitate the involvement of a GAL, unraveling their purpose and shedding light on their pivotal role. Our journey begins with an exploration of the situations that trigger the appointment of a GAL, understanding their objectives, and the critical part they play in steering court decisions towards the welfare and best interests of the children.

    Engaging with a Guardian ad Litem can be a perplexing maze for both parents and children. As we navigate this complex path, our podcast aims to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to support your children compassionately and effectively through this process. We will explore strategies for fostering open communication, maintaining a stable and supportive environment, and preparing your child for interactions with the GAL. By demystifying the GAL's role and functions, we provide parents with actionable insights to facilitate a smoother experience for their children, ensuring their voices are heard and their well-being is prioritized throughout the legal process.

    Elle Barr is an experienced family law attorney with a deep commitment to serving children and families. She has experience representing clients in all family law matters, with an emphasis on serving as a court appointed GAL.

    More ways to connect with Elle:

    LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/elle-barr-252b14104 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/elle.barr.gal/Twitter: https://twitter.com/ElleBarrGAL Enroll with Our Family Wizard: 30 day free OFW trial

    GAL Resources Referenced in Episode:

    ACE's Resource: https://www.cdc.gov/violenceprevention/aces/index.htmlNadine Burke Ted TalkACE's Aware: https://www.acesaware.org/Children's Bill of Rights: https://emeryondivorce.com/childrens_bill_of_rights_in_divorce.php

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Soberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • Telling your kids and you’re getting a divorce is scary and hard. The world as they know it is about to forever change and feel like it is falling apart. In many cases regardless of the conflict between the parents, they can rally for the sake of the kids. In deeply high conflict situations, this isn’t always possible.

    So when do you tell, what do you tell, do you tell all the kids together, and how do you determine if you should tell them with your soon to be ex or by yourself. My golden rule is you always do what is best for the kids, not what’s best for you or your spouse.

    Today we get to hear guidance, advice and wisdom from one of the top experts in the field!!

    Christina McGhee is a divorce-parenting expert AND coach with 20+ years of experience, Christina is passionate about providing parents and professionals with information that helps keep the focus where it belongs – on kids.

    She is the author of the highly acclaimed book, Parenting Apart: How separated and divorced parents can raise happy and secure kids and the creator of a Co-Parenting Specialist Certification Training Program for divorce professionals. As a child of divorce and a bonus mom (aka stepmom), Christina has had lots of opportunities to practice what she preaches. Together she and her husband have four "adultish" children (2 bonus, 2 bio) and live outside of Houston, Texas, with three rescue dogs, several cats, and a ridiculous number of chickens.

    What advice do you have for parents about how to tell their kids they're getting a divorce? When should parents tell kids? ( ie. right away? wait till they file or are closer to completing the process? right before the other parent moves out? )What if parents can't transition into two homes right away? What should parents do? I know you believe words are powerful. What kind of language do you recommend parents use with their children when they talk about divorce?How should parents answer the question "Why?"What if co-parents have older children - teens or tweens? How much information should they have? What about really young children? like toddlers? What should parents do or say for them?

    More ways to connect with Christina:

    Website: divorceandchildren.com Instagram: @divorceandchildren Facebook: @divorceandchildren Linkedin: @christinamcghee Free +25 page Co-parenting Resource Guide: https://divorceandchildren.com/guide/
    This free +25-page comprehensive guide put together by Christina McGhee is filled with a treasure trove of carefully curated resources to help you access supportive information for you and your kids.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • In this heart-stirring episode of "Mend or End," we dive deep into the crossroads of decision that many find themselves standing at, teetering on the edge of staying in or leaving an unhealthy marriage. Karen's journey is one that resonates with the silent battles many face: the weight of religious or marital commitments that bind, the daunting financial fears of navigating life solo, and the complex web of fears surrounding the well-being and future of their children. It's a narrative wrapped in the struggle between the hope of change and the reality of delusion, between the known hardships and the foreign, overwhelming prospects of divorce.

    Karen's solo episode is not just a story; it's an exploration of the internal conflicts that plague those considering the immense step of ending a relationship. It addresses the all-too-common fear of being unable to make it alone and the paralyzing effect of having been bullied into a state of self-distrust. Furthermore, it confronts the intricacies of parental concerns—from the fear of hurting the kids with conflict, losing precious time with them, to the financial anxieties tied to their future education. Through Karen's eyes, we explore how the quest for personal health and well-being could indeed be the ultimate form of protection and support for one's children, challenging the listener to weigh the pros and cons of mend or end.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    If you’re unsure how you would categorize your marriage, take our Relationship QuizIf you’ve been on the fence - Grab a Should I Mend or End FREE Coaching Call with Karen McMahon! If You have already decide and need support moving forward, check out Divorce 101
  • Navigating a high conflict, high net worth divorce is exceptionally challenging, blending intricate financial issues with intense emotional tensions. The stakes are high with substantial assets in play, demanding informed and strategic planning to ensure your financial stability after the divorce.

    A Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA) can be your ally, offering insights to bridge the gap between the divorce's financial and legal complexities. They do more than crunch numbers; they provide an analysis aimed at long-term sustainability, guiding you through the economic implications of your settlement.

    As you gear up to negotiate, remember the importance of a clear-headed, informed strategy. Understanding the real value of your assets, including liquidity and tax implications, is crucial. By making decisions informed by logic rather than emotion, you're better positioned for a future that's both financially secure and emotionally fulfilling.

    With me today is Patrick Kilbane of Ullmann Wealth Partners, located in Jacksonville FL. He brings both a wealth of family law experience along with his Certified Divorce Financial Analyst designation to this conversation. Pat serves as a wealth advisors with over a decade of experience in helping clients coordinate their wealth management plans.

    He is also the Director of Ullmann Wealth Partner’s Divorce Advisory Group where he assists, guides, and supports clients before, during, and after their divorce with a special focus on helping high-net-worth clients make wise financial decisions throughout the divorce process.

    More ways to connect with Patrick:

    Website: Ullmann Wealth PartnersEmail: [email protected]: Move Forward Confidently Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PKND3Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/patrick.j.kilbane.3LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-kilbane-a4755562

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd

  • The way we communicate will make or break our divorce. It will move us closer to what we desire or farther away. It will invite curiosity and compromise or judgement and destruction.

    In order to be able to communicate with mastery, we need to first be aware of our triggers and ways of behaving under stress. We also need to be able to read other people, their mood, body language and tone. When we combine these skills with clear communication, we are on the right path.

    With me today is Lisa Brick, JBD Partner and Divorce Coach and Carrie Doubts, JBD Divorce Coach. Together we discuss tips and strategies to communicate with mastery.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    BIFF - Bill Eddy's BookJBD Podcast - High Conflict Divorce: How to Remain Peaceful, Productive and ProfessionalBook a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • In this episode, we delve into the intricate dynamics of divorce proceedings at the crossroads of high conflict and high net worth.

    Marriages unraveling in such scenarios face a myriad of challenges, from navigating complex financial landscapes to the heightened emotional intensity that often accompanies disputes over substantial assets.

    As the stakes escalate with greater financial resources at play, so too does the potential for drawn out courtroom battles, where each party may wield significant financial ammunition to leverage their position.

    Amidst these legal battles, the welfare of children can be profoundly impacted, as extended litigation periods pose heightened risks and uncertainties, inviting additional chaos and contention.

    In this episode we underscore the urgent need for effective resolution strategies that prioritize the well-being of all involved.

    With me today is Susan Myres, a matrimonial attorney and certified Family Law Specialist, Susan has been practicing family law in the Houston area since 1982 forming her own firm, Myres & Associates, in 2011. She’s been named to the annual list of Texas Super Lawyers since 2006 and is a past president of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML).

    There are a lot of family law attorneys out there. I was particularly drawn to Susan for this podcast episode. Over the course of her career Susan has developed a keen interest in mental health, psychology, and the dynamics of interpersonal relationships and she approaches clients as if she were an aunt or a big sister. She has often said, “This is not my money. These are not my children. This is not my life. I will give you my advice as I would as a trusted sister or aunt, but the final decisions have to be yours.

    So let’s dive in and benefit from her pearls of wisdom!!

    More ways to connect with Susan:

    Website: https://www.thehoustondivorcefirm.com/our-team/susan-myres/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-myresBusiness LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/myres-&-associates-pllcFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/myresfamilylaw Twitter: https://twitter.com/MyresAssociates

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • Stephanie faced infidelity and broken trust during her marriage. As she began coaching, she realized her patterns and part in the disillusion of her marriage. Her work led her to healthier communication and behaviors in all her relationships. Listen as she shares her fears, struggles and the unexpected treasures found through coaching and leaning into her faith in God.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • Welcome to today's episode, where we delve into the profound impact family origins have on adult intimate relationships. We'll explore how the imprints of our family dynamics shape our approach to love, conflict, and connection, setting the stage for the patterns that unfold in our most intimate bonds. With insights from a seasoned psychologist and love life researcher, we aim to illuminate the unseen threads that link our past experiences to our present struggles, providing a roadmap for understanding and transformation.

    In this enlightening discussion, we invite you to recognize and learn from the patterns inherited from your family of origin. By examining these influences, we offer strategies to shift the dynamic with your high conflict person and lay the groundwork for healthier future relationships. Whether you're in the midst of a high conflict divorce or seeking to break the cycle of discord in your love life, this episode promises valuable insights and practical advice to navigate the journey toward healing and healthier relational dynamics.

    With me today is Dr. Thomas Jordan, a clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, and love life researcher based in New York City. He is on the faculty of NYU’s Postdoctoral Program in Psychoanalysis, author of Learn to Love: Guide to Healing Your Disappointing Love Life and founder of LoveLifeLearningCenter.com. Dr. Jordan specializes in the psychological treatment of disappointing love lives and has been studying them for over 30 years.

    More ways to connect with Dr. Thomas Jordan:

    Website: https://lovelifelearningcenter.com/ Emotional Divorce Recovery Article: https://lovelifelearningcenter.com/emotional-divorce-recovery/ Contact: [email protected] 212-875-0154 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lovelifelearningcenter/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dr.ThomasJordan/

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmindSoberlink: www.soberlink.com/jbd
  • Emerging from a high-conflict marriage can feel like stepping onto a battlefield, where every day presents new challenges and uncertainties. In these tumultuous times, the need for support is undeniable - but what form of support is best suited to your needs?

    Enter therapy and coaching: two pillars of assistance offering distinct yet powerful approaches to navigating the complexities of divorce. As you traverse this terrain, understanding the disparity between these two forms of support becomes crucial in making informed decisions about your well-being.

    But here's the real question: Do you have to choose between therapy and coaching, especially when finances are tight? Or could a blend of both provide the comprehensive assistance you require?

    Today, we embark on a journey to explore the unique skill sets brought forth by mental health experts and certified divorce coaches. By delving into their differences, we illuminate the path towards selecting the most fitting support system for your individual circumstances. Join us as we empower you to make wise investments in the support you need most, precisely when you need it.

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmind
  • In the tumultuous journey of a high-conflict divorce, mastering the art of picking and choosing your battles is not just about preserving your peace; it's a strategic approach to safeguard your finances and emotional well-being. By learning when to engage your attorney and when to step back, you empower yourself to make informed decisions that are both cost-effective and mentally beneficial. Embracing these practices doesn't just mitigate your immediate stress; it sets the foundation for a more harmonious post-divorce future.

    Understanding the dynamics of high-conflict divorce demands emotional intelligence and strategic foresight. This episode delves into the essential skills of staying emotionally regulated and maintaining a curious stance towards your attorney's advice, fostering a collaborative rather than confrontational relationship. By asking "why" and understanding the rationale behind legal strategies, you position yourself as an informed and proactive participant in your own legal journey. Following best practices doesn't merely reduce your legal bills; it alleviates the emotional toll of divorce, paving the way for resilience and recovery.

    Brett Ward co-chairs Blank Rome’s Matrimonial and Family Law Practice and is a nationally recognized family law practitioner, serving a high-profile client roster that includes celebrities, athletes, politicians, and leaders of global financial institutions. He is known for being a tenacious litigator who has notched many victories against long odds and is an ardent advocate for victims of domestic violence in family court.

    More ways to connect with Brett:

    Website: https://www.blankrome.com/people/brett-s-wardLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brett-ward-ab6b154/

    Journey Beyond Divorce Resources mentioned in this episode:

    Book a Free Rapid Relief Call: http://rapidreliefcall.com Reclaim Your Mind: Evict Your Spouse from Your Mental Space: https://www.jbddivorcesupport.com/reclaimyourmind