
  • Today’s podcast highlights coach, author, and educator Dan John. A best-selling author in strength training and fitness, including works such as “Never Let Go”, “Mass Made Simple”, and “Easy Strength Omni-Book.” Dan excels at transforming complex concepts into practical insights and has been a frequent guest on the show. He is one of my most significant influences in how I approach coaching and training. As I move forward in my coaching and training journey, I increasingly appreciate Dan’s methods and wisdom in deeper and more impactful ways.

    If you want to excel at athletics, then you can never, ever, get too far from the actual day-to-day and week-to-week process of training that unfolds over time.

    On today’s episode, Dan talks about navigating the peaks and valleys of performance along with managing daily training and competitive expectations. He also touched on the importance of athlete autonomy, and “figuring it out”, and trends in sports training. Ultimately, Dan speaks to the heart of that consistent, long-haul process by which champions are made, which is the core message of today’s episode. Dan is a legend, and it’s always fantastic to have him on the show.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    4:09- Exploring Diverse Fitness Trends
    11:42- Efficient Power Curl: Simple Strength Training Boost
    18:50- Enhancing Grip Strength with Sandbag Cleans
    23:41- Navigating Progress Peaks in Strength Training
    25:45- Unexpected Strength Breakthroughs in Weightlifting Journey
    30:21- Five Sets of Five
    33:47- Navigating Peaks and Valleys in Training
    40:28- Navigating Ups and Downs in Training Journeys
    43:24- Transition from Functional Movements to Bodybuilding
    47:54- Foundational Principles for Enhanced Athletic Performance
    51:03- Evolution of Training Methods in Athlete Development

    (00:16:47) "I think the overhead squat and the power curl are probably two of the best discus throwing exercises there are. Power curl, I can teach you in seconds." - Dan John

    (00:20:34) "One of the problems, at least in my world, is that we often think that, you know, if a leads to b and b leads to c, then, well, let's drop b and just go a to c. And it doesn't always happen. Sometimes when you're trying to accomplish something, you still have to stick with all the steps in the system." - Dan John

    (00:27:46) "George Sheehan in his run, in one of his books, Doctor Sheehan on Running, I think it is. You know, he talks about how athletes live in the pure present. We have no past, we have no future. They're like. And he equates poets, artists, children and the elderly. They all live in the pure present. There is no, there's no yesterday, there's no tomorrow." - Dan John

    (00:32:57) "Those workouts that are the, you just get in, you do your sets and reps, you walk out the door, you salute yourself for that effort. I actually think those are the ones that make champions." - Dan John

    01:00:45 “One of the things a lot of athletes start to do is they turn off. Because if I give you everything, then I'm your wizard, I'm your Gandalf, your Merlin, I'm your Moses, I'm your prophet, I'm the answer to all your questions. But what makes an athlete great is when they go, what made Dick Fosberry great in the high jump? What made him great? Well, he thought for himself to the point that his coach at Oregon State, Frank Morris, did everything he could to stop Fosbury from drinking, from jumping that way. And then later, of course,

  • Today’s episode features Lee Taft, a leading expert in sport speed development. Lee has accumulated wisdom, not just in sports performance, but also in physical education, and sport coaching.  Lee has been a multi-time guest on the podcast and is a regular consultant and mentor to many professionals in the field.

    We regularly consider building speed and athletic movement on the individual level, but there is often a gap when it comes to determining how to use that speed in context of other players, decision-making capabilities, and in the game itself. Lee is not only a leader in building individual speed components, but he also zooms out to engage athletes on those levels of basketball skill through his sport coaching expertise.

    In today’s episode, Lee emphasizes the importance of speed and movement for team coordination, focusing on burst training, fast breaks, and press situations. He gets into partner competitions and multiplane movement drills while honing decision-making exercises to improve overall performance. He also discusses creating environments that encourage aggressive play and empowering athletes to take risks with the removal of external judgment. Finally, we cover practical tools like sprint workouts, partner drills, and resistance bands to help build athletic skills and confidence.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    1:45- "Enhancing Basketball Team Coordination through Speed"
    15:27- Game Simulation Speed Conditioning for Basketball Players
    21:35- Conceptual Training Method for Effective Coaching
    23:58- Dynamic Speed Training Through Competitive Drills
    26:10- Competitive Backpedaling and Shuffling Drills Strategy
    32:59- Dynamic Sports Training: Speed and Decision Skills
    39:03- Embracing Risk-Taking Mindset in Sports
    43:36- Fostering Athlete Development Through Judgment-Free Practice
    48:15- Enhancing Sports Performance Through Resistance Bands
    50:03- Enhancing Agility Skills with Band Variation
    1:00:28- Band-based Skill Development for Athletes
    (00:04:17) "We got to play as, kind of one brain, and it's the idea of, can we see something together? Do we see what's going on together? And now, once we start moving, can we move on a string, and we all move together?" - Taft"

    (24:30) “The partner closest to the basket does a hip turn and sprints past the person at the foul line. The person at the foul line immediately starts backpedaling as fast as they can, as far as they can, until they get past. So we compete players against players, and the goal is to see who can get the furthest backpedal. And I try to partner them up with even speeds or as close as I can, and then we'll do the same thing with a shuffle” -Lee Taft

    (00:29:58) "You get two minutes to figure it out in a game. You'll know who you're guarding. Can you dominate them physically or is it even, or are they going to physically dominate you? Either way, you got to make a decision to make your adjustment." -Lee Taft"

    (34:34) “We have all these words for speed, right? In track and field, we eliminate a lot of those words because the goal is to reach your maximal speed for that event and try to finish first or the best time you can get. But in basketball, soccer, these other sports, now, the words like change of pace, directional speed, or angular speed starts to enter into the conversation” -Lee Taft

    (00:40:15) “when you're holding back and just getting rid of the ball because you don't want to make a mistake, now,

  • This week’s podcast features Dr. Pat Davidson, an independent trainer and educator based in NYC. Pat is the creator of the "Rethinking the Big Patterns" lecture series, a former college professor, and one of the most insightful coaches in fitness and human performance. With a diverse athletic background that includes strongman competitions, mixed martial arts, and various forms of weightlifting, Pat brings a wealth of experience to the table. He has been a guest on several previous episodes of this series.

    We live in a world of total information overload. We are continually given “10 drills” and “3 tips” but without a greater framework of understanding the complex system of the human body. Training in the modern age can be seen, in a way, as a swamp of methods, as well as lots of noise with various attention-grabbing headlines and social media posts. Having the principles and framework for what is important and how it fits into one’s worldview or training model is a shining light through that swamp, and it is one we must develop as we grow in our coaching and movement journeys.

    Today’s podcast with Pat digs into the story of training and motivation. We discuss the hero’s journey in training and cover decision-making, learning, and mastery in coaching. We then discuss the model by which Pat has evolved to understand the complexity of the body in motion. This episode finishes with a great continuing discussion on the principle of “ground” in athletic movement at development at the end of the episode. Pat is a deep thinker, and you always walk away with concepts to help you evolve your own process on a more profound level.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Timestamps and Main Points
    6:03- Dopamine's Role in Motivating Physical Activity
    9:30- The Integration of Knowledge for Personal Growth
    11:51- Mastering the Hero's Journey in Storytelling
    14:50- Narrative Influence in Coaching Dynamics
    22:35- Ego's Influence on Coaching Effectiveness
    31:22- Movement Enhancement Through Strategic Coaching Adjustments
    41:05- Muscle and Skeletal Characteristics in Exercise Selection
    45:18- Optimizing Movement Efficiency Through Individual Constraints
    59:55- Adaptation of Athletes to Environmental Constraints
    1:12:00- Ground Continuum Categorization for Optimal Performance
    1:17:05- Pendulum Squat for Muscle Imbalances
    1:23:49- Graceful Resilience: Lessons from Martial Arts
    1:29:27- Emphasizing Perseverance and Composure for Success

    “I think that Rocky four was my first exposure to, like, a training movie, like anything, actually. The karate kid when I was five was the first one. And I love that. I was obsessed, and that movie got me into karate, and I did that for years. And all I'm saying is, like, the stories from that period probably are the reason that I got into this in the first place and, like, created this drive that keeps me going”

    "The story always comes first. That's always the first and most important piece of it all." - Joel Smith

    “Having kids is actually pretty helpful on that because you're like, why is this so boring and taking so long? And I'm like, okay, like, thank you actually for that feedback. Now I know I was just talking and it was just me blowing hot air at a certain point”

    "When you finally work with the person that is actually truly knowledgeable in an area, boom. They have the simple right fix that quickly captures the idea and lets you do it in a much better way… They'll go in,

  • This week’s podcast is with Ken Clark and Cory Walts. Dr. Ken Clark is an Associate Professor of Kinesiology at West Chester University, specializing in the mechanical factors of athletic performance and injury prevention. With over a decade of hands-on coaching experience across various levels, Ken also teaches Biomechanics, Kinetic Anatomy, and Motor Learning. Cory Walts is the Director of Strength & Conditioning at the University of Pennsylvania, where he has led successful sports performance programs since 2019. A finalist for the NSCA College Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award, he is highly certified and experienced in the field.

    Speed training, for team sports in particular, is an evolving method, specifically in how athletes are profiled and bucketed into training needs. There are more and less complex ways to do this. With the increased emergence and leaning into technology-assisted models, starting with a basic understanding of speed development principles across groups is essential.

    On today’s podcast, Cory and Ken discuss speed training for team sports in light of "low-tech" solutions and simple bucketing systems. We discuss critical differences between team sports and track and field athletes and the appropriate expectations for technical models. Ken and Cory discuss various speed training methods, including mini-hurdles, resisted sprint variations, stride frequency variations, environmental training considerations, and more. This was a great, practical show on developing methods in sprint development.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    To learn more about the Sprint Acceleration Essentials or Elastic Essentials courses, head to justflysports.thinkific.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    11:32- Optimizing Speed Training for Team Sport Athletes
    17:40- Gamified Speed Training for Athletic Motivation
    22:05- Tailored Training through Sprint Profiling Analysis
    24:02- Optimizing Performance through Lumbo Pelvic Control
    35:37- Dynamic Resistance Training with Bullet Belts
    53:37- Enhancing Athletic Performance with Wearable Resistance
    54:37- Angular Velocity Enhancement Through Flex Leg Training
    56:41- Movement Variation for Optimal Running Mechanics
    1:01:00- Balancing Intervention for Effective Coaching Results

    (12:00) “So the slow track and field athletes were still kind of like, you know, pretty front side, pretty short contact times and contact lengths, etcetera. But the team sport guys were not. They had longer contact times, longer contact lengths, like less, you know, more backside thigh, less frontside thigh mechanics. And so kind of the really cool thing that emerged from this data set was like, hey, our fast team sport guys can hit really fast top speeds as fast as some of the slower track guys, but with a different strategy. And frankly, a strategy that makes sense from a team sport standpoint” Ken Clark

    22:25: “We just looked at relative to the others, the first zero to ten versus the 30 to 40, and then we bucketed them, and we had an acceleration group that needed to work on acceleration. We had a top speed that needed to work on that, and we had a balanced. So if you just think of a bell curve, majority of the team was in this balanced, and then the certain amount was in the other two” Cory Walts

    40:00: “We're not going to be able to set up like individualized sled loads, which I think is great, but, you know, just was not, and I've done it with other teams, Corey and I both have,

  • This week’s podcast is with David Durand. David is a coach and author of "B.E.T. On It: A Psychological Approach to Coaching Gen Z and Beyond." He combines his expertise in coaching, strength and conditioning, and psychology to help athletes achieve their full potential. Through his company, Real Development LLC, he provides insights that address athletes' physical, mental, and personal growth, mainly focusing on the challenges faced by Gen Z. David advocates for a holistic approach that emphasizes the nervous system's role in enhancing performance and mental well-being.

    As technology and social media have facilitated a drastic change in the world, along with the prevalence of mental health issues, coaching athletes in Generation Z (currently ages 11-26, or under age 27 for current coaches in most situations) demands that we understand how stress impacts the training process.

    On today’s podcast, David speaks on aspects of the nervous system in light of modern life and technology and how we can use ideas based on Polyvagal Theory to help athletes have a training experience that gives them maximal benefit in their athletic journey. David’s concepts are a must-understand for those who work with young athletes, but the same concepts resonate with humans of all ages. In this show, David specifically covers how breathing, vision, and touch can drive beneficial responses from the body to the brain, providing mental and emotional benefits to the athlete.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    1:47- Holistic Approach to Athletic Performance Enhancement
    5:58- The Impact of Social Media on Generation Z's Mental Health
    10:02- Optimal Performance through Autonomic Nervous System Balancing
    14:41- Behavioral Indicators of Athlete's Action Mode
    17:07- Athlete Well-Being: Social Media Stress Impact
    21:45- Nurturing Growth Mindsets Through Positive Training
    25:57- Nurturing Intrinsic Motivation in Sports Coaching
    32:58- Impact of Everyday Gamification on Generations
    36:47- Balancing Data Insights with Present-Moment Engagement
    46:02- Enhancing Performance Through the Bet Method
    1:01:43- Enhancing Sports Performance Through Vision Engagement
    1:13:38- Enhancing Team Performance Through Physical Interactions
    1:16:14- Team Bonding Through Physical Gestures in Sports

    (15:17) "In action mode, I typically look for an athlete. You know, if it's before a competition, it's pretty easy to see it sometimes. Maybe their eyes are kind of darting around all over. Maybe they're looking into the stands a lot. They're kind of feeling a little tense or jittery"

    (25:57) "Sometimes, however, when that becomes like your tactic day in and day out where you're trying to motivate by yelling or fear-based tactics, It's like putting gasoline on a fire. You may get a big blow up, which is probably why coaches do, but again and again because they feel like it gets a rise out of players and helps. But at the end of the day, it's not sustainable and that fire is going to burn out."

    (33:35) “When I talk about gamification, I'm not talking about games like basketball and football and not talking about competitions and track and field more. So just like how our modern culture with social media and just media in general has really latched on to gamification because, you know, humans are the product.”

    (47:15) "If you extend your exhale longer than your inhale, you're engaging the brake, you're accessing the parasympathetic,

  • This week’s guest is Rick Franzblau, Assistant AD for Olympic Sports Performance at Clemson University. Rick has a tremendous understanding of athletic movement, both from the technology and biomechanical aspects of the human movement equation. He has worked with a wide variety of sports and athletic movement patterns and has a unique understanding of the specific demands sport requires.

    Sport performance has been anchored in strength training via barbells or dumbells since its inception. The addition of needed muscle mass, power production, and slow-speed injury resiliency is a key aspect of improved performance. At the same time, each added modality to the sport movement equation has a trade-off to it. Where heavy squats, presses, and deadlifts improve one’s general force production capabilities, they have the trade-off of various skeletal restrictions and compensations that may not be in an athlete’s best interest at some point.

    On the show today, Rick speaks on biomechanical concepts, such as skeletal compression, orientation, reciprocal motion, and pressure dynamics, and how they relate to what he sees in their on-field performance. He then goes into training concepts related to squatting, Olympic lifting, waterbag training, and more, and how strength means can become an ideal fit for an athlete’s structure and needs in their sport movement mechanics.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer, head to: Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30-day trial of the TeamBuildr software. For a Gym Studio 14-day free trial, head to gymstudio.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    4:35- Sport-Specific Structural Attributes in Athletes
    11:03- Tailoring Sprint Variations for Optimal Performance
    20:16- Enhancing Athletic Performance through Internal Rotation
    24:39- Optimizing Athletic Performance through Body Mechanics
    38:05- Enhancing Athlete Performance with Water Resistance
    48:44- Enhancing Performance Through Relative Motion Training
    57:47- Anterior Pelvic Orientation Impact on Athletes
    1:03:16- Pelvic Pressure and Box Squat Performance
    1:06:54- Late Bias Development in Single Leg Position
    1:13:57- Targeting Weaknesses for Effective Strength Training
    1:16:18- Pelvic Pressurization for Enhanced Weightlifting Performance
    1:17:26- Seated Squat Jump for Targeted Strength

    (8:50) "There are no solutions. There are only trade offs."(Bill Hartman) - Rick Franzblau

    (19:31) "It's just understanding, like, there can be more low-hanging fruit in terms of trying to achieve a shape that will help you either with power production or distributing load a little bit more evenly." - Rick Franzblau

    (33:56) "That is something to be careful of, too. Is like, oftentimes people look at the example of the best in the world and the adaptations that they developed, but the other million people that try to do it that way, they broke along the way in the process." - Rick Franzblau

    (38:24) "Player development is not matching the hardware with the software." - Rick Franzblau

    (52:38) "Everything is just kind of dumping forward because of the shapes that they've created." - Rick Franzblau

    (1:00:39) “So because they're not going to have the ability to descend that anterior (pelvic) outlet. So you work foam, rolling techniques, stuff like that, to reduce some of the areas of the muscle, the muscles that are holding the anterior orientation. If it's bow legged representation, you may have to, you know, be very specific of that in terms of undoing some of the muscle tensions and all that. But then eventually you may be working to like a. A really high box squat at first.

  • This week’s guest is Adarian Barr. Adarian is a former college track coach, inventor, educator, and international speaker on human movement. He co-authored “Let Me Introduce You” with Jenn Pilotti. Adarian has been a primary mentor of mine in athletic movement and has made various appearances on this podcast.

    Where much of athletic performance and track world focus on enhancing movement through generalized cues or techniques, Adarian works in the world of joints and levers to understand the nuances of movement. Through these nuances, we can better understand training theory, cueing, and exercise application.

    On today’s podcast, Adarian discusses recent Olympic races, the role of the feet, shins, and arms in movement, hamstrings, isometrics, and much more. This was a deep dive into important nuances of the total movement equation, and discussions with Adarian are always a tremendous learning experience.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio and Athletic Development Games.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    1:01- Sprinting Mechanics and Strategy in 100m Final
    9:49- Strategic Foot Placement and Leaning in Sprints
    16:32- Optimizing Performance Through Efficient Joint Interactions
    18:20- Athletic Success Through Dynamic Joint Mechanics
    26:50- Joint Stopping Importance for Running Efficiency
    28:49- Optimizing Movement Efficiency Through Space Awareness
    39:38- Enhancing Force Output Through Lever Systems
    44:30- Downhill Sprinting for Enhanced Athletic Performance
    56:51- Joint Control for Optimal Exercise Performance
    59:06- Pressure Detection Influence on Movement Coordination
    1:02:43- Hamstring's Compression Role in Targeted Training
    1:06:52- Dynamic Resistance with Chain Training
    1:09:24- Joint-Specific Compression in Isometric Training
    1:15:14- Asymmetric Roles of Sprinting Legs

    "All we're doing really when we move about is figuring out how to make space to move into space. What space am I trying to move into and what's in the way of that?" - Adarian Barr

    “If you really want to guard somebody, get into a shin space and watch how they have to go in a whole different direction because the body's not going to let them” -Adarian Barr

    "People talk about, like, Fergus Connelly's work and, well, what is offense? It's creating space. What is defense? It's taking away space. And that could happen with all the players on the field or even in a one on one situation. It's, you know, wherever it is, that concept is universal." - Joel Smith

    “And we see it in hurdles where in this ipsilateral pattern where what's happening? My lead leg trail arm, which is on the same side, you know, or side by side. And what am I going to do? I'm going to move my trend arm forward to force my lead leg down. That's ipsi lateral pattern…. the ipsilateral patterns are faster than the contralateral pattern. I want to affect the same side, that's all it is” -Adarian Barr

    "The arms just add a little bit to this at that point in time; because you have this collision going on and the body's doing what? Slowing itself down. Now, at that point in time, all you have is what body weight? It's a little bit more now. So the arms itself is going to have just a little bit more input to get an output. That's how levers work. Levers are so cool because if you got a seesaw and there's no input, what does seesaw do? Nothing."  -Adarian Barr

    “That's the whole thing about it. Levers are designed to make things easier. No matter how you look at it, they're designed to make things easier”

    “(In bridging movements) So when I lay on the ground, I just made another joint between my back and the ground… the whole body on a global and local system is different based on the fact you added two joints and t...

  • This week's guest is Joel Reinhardt. Joel is an Assistant Athletic Performance Coach and Sports Science Coordinator for San Jose State Football. He has extensive experience from his previous roles at Stanford, UMass, and Nicholls State, where he was involved in sports performance and sports science. Joel has been a previous guest on this podcast and has an intuitive and data-based approach to preparing athletes for the specific demands of sport.

    As the integration of training with on-field practice becomes more prevalent, the dynamics of physical preparation are undergoing a significant shift. The weekly layout of a team sport preparation is now mirroring the systematic approach of a track and field cycle, addressing key qualities throughout the week based on specific areas of emphasis. This evolution is a key aspect of today's discussion with Joel Reinhardt.

    Joel has built brilliant training systems based on sports science and the integration of key athletic qualities. In today's episode, Joel covers many aspects of physical preparation in football, emphasizing key attributes that lead to improved robustness and game speed. Joel also discusses the nuances of multilateral speed and deceleration, weekly training layouts, overcoming fear and downregulation, and much more.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, Plyomat, and Athletic Development Games.

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    9:03- Tailored Training for Optimal Player Performance
    17:28- Optimizing Athlete Performance in Summer Camps
    19:05- Optimizing Athlete Performance through Training Adjustments
    29:04- Strategic Directional Variation in Athletic Training
    30:12- Game-Like Speed Development Drills for Athletes
    44:47- Organic Deceleration Training for Athletes
    52:09- Optimizing Football Performance Through Game Speed Training
    54:12- Game-Specific Drills for Speed and Agility
    59:19- "Fearlessness for Enhanced Athletic Speed Performance"
    1:05:16- Preseason Training for Football Performance Success
    1:13:06- Maximizing Performance with Reduced Collision Exposure

    "I like thinking of how. I mean, to me, the variability of play and sport, it's. It's like magic. It's just the way it ignites an athlete." - Joel Smith

    “And we intentionally would script that to be much more open field. You know, receivers getting downfield more, that sort of work. And then the Tuesday Thursday, they still have football work. So they're, you know, it's different than summer one that was truly extensive on the Tuesday Thursday, like, hey, summer two, Tuesday Thursday, I'm gonna, you're gonna have moments where you need to run full speed”

    “And it can be scary sometimes because if you don't do a controlled burnt, I, you know, fall camp ends up being a true forest fire that, you know, burns down houses and whatnot, and then everybody's injured. Or you can do the opposite and go a little too crazy during fall camp or during summer, too. And then guys don't make it to the starting line, but it's that happy medium of, like, really pushing it. But then it's still a little intimidating as a performance coach because you still have to light stuff on fire to do a controlled burn”

    “So it's like, how fast can we accelerate on Mondays? What's our top, top speed on Wednesdays? And then what's our highest deceleration capabilities on Fridays? Because then we were able to compare”

    “I think he used it specifically talking about the increased chance of falling, which that goes into not looking forward, but it's like your body is going to regulate you down a certain amount if he thinks you're going to get hit or you're going to fall to the ground. And so how can we desensitize you to those things and then also give you physical qualities to help you in those scenarios?”

    "The more you can be aware of, the faster you can perceive it. And the less you can be afraid,

  • This week’s guest is Piotr Maruszewski. Piotr is the Short Sprints and Hurdles Coach at the UMCS University of Lublin, Poland, and has held the position of Polish Athletics National Team Coach, where he prepared athletes for major events at the international stage, as well as being a current speed climbing national team coach. Piotr is a strength and conditioning Coach with solid track and field roots, specializing in multi-sport speed development. Piotr has studied from many of the greatest coaching minds in the world and has helped athletes to incredible results.

    Although traditional strength training and sprint constraints can be effective, it’s important to question whether there are not more specific methods available. Of the many tools in the training toolkit, some of the most powerful include the family of fast eccentric and oscillatory isometric training.

    On today’s podcast, Piotr discusses the nature of rhythm in hurdling, an angular approach to sprinting, and takeaways from his learning with Adarian Barr. He also discusses bodyweight isometric holds and special strength training methods for his athletes, centering around how he works the fast eccentric and isometric overloads for the elastic and muscular archetypes. Piotr has learned from many of the greatest minds in the world of training and has gotten tremendous results from his brilliant integration.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, and the Plyomat

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    2:00- Instinctual Approach and Rhythm in Hurdling
    7:01- Galloping Technique for Efficient Hurdling Success
    12:31- Dance Skills Enhancing Athletic Performance in Sports
    27:56- Angular Momentum in Sprinting Technique
    35:08- Timing and Adaptation in Sprinting Techniques
    46:05- Oscillatory Isometrics for High-Level Sprint Training
    49:41- Kaiser Hits for Strength Development in Athletes
    55:58- Enhancing Athlete Performance through Oscillatory Movements
    1:01:24- Speed-Focused Progression in Kaiser Training
    1:06:58- Cultural Variations in Athletic Training Intensity
    1:10:14- Run-Specific Isometric Training for Healthy Tendons
    1:20:04- Efficient Running with Angular Momentum and Leverage

    Piotr Maruszewski Quotes
    "When you find the rhythm of the play, they enjoy their bodies and mind, just appreciate the state they are in due to maintaining some rhythm or managing the rhythm."

    "If I can provide a value to whoever is going to listen to our conversation, explore levers and their role in human body's motion."

    “The fastest soccer players are absolutely squatted runners”

    “So I'm finding those, those very short oscillatory motions and being on the under, you know, Kaiser squat, you know, the, the compressed air. It's. It's absolutely like, like a cornerstone of my strength training programming to, through whatever population I'm working with soccer players, handball hand, female handball players, speed climbers, and, of course, my sprinters and hurdlers”

    “I’m not interested in supramaximal eccentric training, I’m interested in super fast eccentric training”

    “We are the combination of muscles that pull, and strings that transfer the forces; but the only forces that the muscles create is pulling from the inside, and even when you push something, your muscles are pulling”

    “I apply a light sled to the squatted run, because then the sense of pulling is increased”

    “Various types of ISO are the pinnacle of my strength training”

    Show Notes
    Oscillating squats with a national level sprinter


  • Rob Assise is a jumps coach and mathematics teacher at Homewood Flossmoor High School (2023 Illinois State Track Champions). He is also a writer, a regular “Track Football Consortium” speaker, and a multi-time guest on this podcast. In addition to high school sports, he owns the private training business Re-Evolution Athletics.

    Having good reactivity in the feet carries nuance with it. Some athletes can use their feet exceptionally well for sprinting or straight-ahead pursuits. Others have foot dynamics that allow them a better conversion of horizontal energy to vertical. Ultimately, the goal is to understand why athletes use their strategies and find areas of improvement specific to the individual.

    On today’s podcast, Rob covers ideas on intersections of sprint and jumps training in track and field, athletic asymmetry, plyometric coaching, speed and power complexes, and a nuanced discussion on the nature of foot placement in sprinting and plyometrics, on the level of both performance and injury prevention. Rob is a humble and experienced coach, and I’ve always loved having a chance to sit down and talk training with him.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, and the Plyomat

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    1:00- Using Sprint Float Sprint Methods in Track Jumpers
    10:00- Understanding Sprinting Better by Being a Jumps Coach
    21:03- Enhancing Sprint Performance through Training Variety
    27:00- Impact of Sports Tools on Running Mechanics
    30:17- Utilizing Asymmetry for Optimal Athletic Performance
    31:55- Addressing Athlete Asymmetry for Optimal Performance
    42:31- RSI Scores and Foot-Ground Interaction Patterns
    48:24- PVC Pipe Balancing for Foot Strength
    55:54- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Varied Plyometrics
    57:54- Enhancing Sprinting Performance Through Plyometrics
    1:02:01- Dynamic Foot Contact Options for Performance Optimization
    1:02:01- Dynamic Foot Placements Enhance Plyometric Training
    1:03:06- Enhancing Plyometric Performance Through Midfoot Engagement

    (7:43) "The best thing that happened to me as a sprint coach was focusing on the jumps. It just allowed me to kind of see things from a little bit of different perspective because on the Runway you're really not at maximum speed."

    (15:49) "When you do things that the brain finds interesting, your brain doesn't give a damn about volume."

    (32:20) “In general, when we're looking at asymmetry with a 1080 or something, like bounding, hopping, whatever, I usually just use, like, a 10% marker. So, like, if that asymmetry is greater than 10% or maybe approaching 10%, maybe we're going to tease in some things to try to get a little bit more of a balance”

    (42:31) “I've had sprinters who have had crazy good RSi scores. And they come over to the jumps and I'll have them, like, bound or hop, and they're going to have a contact that's more flat or rolling and they just can't do it. It looks like incredibly labored. It's like they just don't want to. They almost refuse to contact that rear part of their foot”

    (44:30) "Those athletes who struggle accessing that rear part of their foot, they were more prone to hamstring injuries."

    (48:52) “Very few people are going to hit a forefoot contact gallop”

    About Rob Assise
    Rob Assise has 20+ years of experience teaching mathematics and coaching track and field at Homewood-Flossmoor High School. He also has coached football and cross country, and is also the owner of the private training business, Re-evolution athletics. Additional writing of his can be found at Simplifaster,

  • Andrew Paul is the Director of Performance and Rehabilitation for the Oklahoma City Thunder. He is both a sports performance coach and a physical therapist.  Andrew has learned from a variety of performance and biomechanics experts and has a deep knowledge of individual factors in athletic movement, training, and performance.

    Individual factors in athletic movement and understanding the nuance of training in the athletic equation are where the future of training and performance is heading. At high levels of sport, this understanding becomes increasingly important to maximize players' health and vitality while catering to their primary performance drivers.

    Last time on the show, Andrew talked about the difference between propulsive and absorbing actions, as seen on court and in training. For this episode, we dig into Andrew's take on movement screens and how particular types of athletes tend to be biased to excel in those tests. We also deeply discuss forefoot and rearfoot-oriented elastic athletes and mid-foot dominant athletes and how these aspects play out in court movement and training. This was another fantastic discussion with a brilliant performance mind.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, and the Plyomat

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.


    2:50- Joint-specific Movement Analysis for Enhanced Functionality

    5:19- Triple Extension and Force Absorption in Movement

    9:29- Forefoot Elastic Athlete Performance Monitoring Techniques

    13:00- Acceleration Strategies Based on Foot Elasticity

    17:35- Hip Internal Rotation in Rearfoot Elastic Athletes

    19:32- Foot Type-Tailored Training Strategies for Athletes

    29:31- Tailoring Foot Loading Strategies for Athlete Performance

    34:08- Optimizing Performance Through Tailored Foot Exercises

    36:15- Enhancing Balance with Specialized Discs Training

    48:10- Tailoring Warm-Up Routines for Athletic Types

    58:53- Jump Performance Insights: Movement Strategies Unveiled

    1:06:59- Versatile Athletes with Multiple Movement Styles

    (2:27) "And I think the evidence on that's pretty clear. I did go through a phase in my career where I was using (FMS) pretty heavily, particularly when I was in college, because I think the functional movement screen is meant to be used at scale. And in my current environment, we only deal with 18 players and so we don't really need anything that's utilized at scale." - Andrew Paul

    (3:40) Propulsive movers tend to rely on deep ranges of motion. And the reason why they rely on those things is because they're using a long concentric pushing action to create momentum, they tend to have more access to range of motion. They tend, and something like the FM's score higher than, than someone who's very fascial or elastic in nature. - Andrew Paul

    (14:42) "Rear foot elastics really use their tripod well when they go from horizontal to vertical." - Andrew Paul

    (22:40) “The fore-foot elastic to me is built for the long jump. Yes, it's like these are the guys that jogged on the court and dunk from the free throw line, but they're also the guys that don't have, like, a power dunking ability. Like they need a lot of runway to get their way up there. And then the rear foot elastic is a lot what you're talking about there. They, they kind of have to move in a spiral”

    (27:28) "I define the midfoot as when a majority of your weight is on the back side ball of your foot." - Andrew Paul

    (29:47) “And we, in jumping drills, we'll go barefoot and we will define. If you land on your toes and you rock back to your midfoot,

  • Chris Korfist and Dan Fichter are this week’s guests. Between the two of them, they have decades of successful coaching in the world of track and athletic performance training. They have each had a substantial journey in their study of human performance, and have made a substantial impact on the field in the process.

    Many years ago, Chris and Dan were on the podcast talking about the “DB Hammer” system, and how it impacted aspects of their speed and power training, particularly the individualizing aspect of auto-regulation and “drop-offs”.

    For today’s podcast, Chris and Dan get into details of their evolving approach to speed training, particularly on the level of complexes, and the methods they use to break limiting barriers of their athlete’s full potential.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, and the Plyomat

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers.  Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software.

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    9:03- Coaching's Transition to Information Abundance Era
    12:48- Training Philosophies for Enhanced Coaching Performance
    21:38- Neurological Tailored Training for Enhanced Performance
    29:48- Fly Tens for Maximal Speed Development Training
    32:12- Real-Time Feedback Enhancing Athlete Performance
    37:21- Enhancing Performance Through Diverse Sensory Inputs
    41:03- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Neurological Challenges
    48:51- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Reflex Integration
    53:47- Real-time Performance Monitoring for Athletes
    1:02:30- Enhancing Coordination Through Water Bag Training
    1:08:52- Competitive Station-Based Training for Athletic Performance

    (00:10:50) "People just accumulate knowledge, or not so much knowledge, but information. They read it once and they store it somewhere. But back in the day, you didn't. Things took time, and so you had time to actually work through things because you may only get one article a month or something like that, and that's all you're getting. And so go ahead, work through that and try things and experiment. But today you can just go download 20 podcasts, look at three Instagram posts, you know, YouTube, and think you're an expert all of a sudden. And there's been no time to. To let things stew, to let things grow inside your own head and to take your own look at things and create your own system." - Chris Korfist

    (00:13:17) "You need to understand this stuff from the inside out." – Dan Fichter

    (00:32:37) "And then when you see it, then you start to be able to feel it. And when you can feel it, then you can change it." – Dan Fichter

    (34:50) I think oscillating isometrics may be one of the most profound training techniques out there. I really do in terms of teaching what movement really is and how. – Dan Fichter

    (38:36) I kind of do the same thing with overspeed. Again, there's a fear factor there that you're going to go faster than you thought - Chris Korfist

    (53:47) You know, we were putting our 1080 numbers up on a. A projector so everyone could see. We put our. We tied our timer up to a projector. - Chris Korfist

    (01:06:25) "The first thing is how good of timing does this athlete have?" - Joel Smith

    (01:14:23) "Getting strong is easy. Now, getting him fast, that's a challenge." – Dan Fichter

    Show Notes:
    How to Get Fast: Vol 1


    About Dan Fichter
    Dan Fichter owns and operates WannaGetFast Power/Speed Training, a sports performance training business in Rochester, NY that offers training to elite athletes.

  • Today's podcast features a Q&A with Joel Smith. Questions this round revolve around facets of sprint complexes, jump training, reactive strength, youth sports, and much more.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr’s Gym Studio, and the Plyomat

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to: Lilateam.com

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers.  Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software.

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    1:48- Optimal Squatting Form for Athletic Performance

    8:13- Enhancing Sprint Acceleration with Shin Angles

    13:38- Progressive Volume Approach in French Contrast Training

    22:02- Enhancing Athlete Recovery Through Energetic Practices

    30:29- Creative Development Through Imaginative Play in Youth Sports

    40:17- Efficient Torque Transition with Power Cleans

    47:14- Enhancing Speed and Recovery with Varied Movements

    52:02- Optimizing Sprinting Technique Through Varied Drills

    55:19- Enhancing Distance Running Efficiency with Elasticity

    59:05- Enhancing Athlete Performance through Hurdles Training

    1:03:45- Dynamic Athlete Engagement in Marinovich's Training

    (2:26) "My point for this, or the place of balance that I would lean towards is simply trying to help athletes have good general squatting mechanics and not so much squatting mechanics that force the ankle mobility or force the knees forward, but more a total body squat that helps the whole body to have this nice sequence of external to internal to external rotation that can line and stack the joints up well and then works with that."

    (18:13) "Take a step back and see what one set can do for you."

    (45:49) "The art of question asking, I think, is a really huge piece in finding understanding. It's been absolutely essential in my own development."

    (56:12) "Distance running, the more efficient every step, is ultimately less energy in each step. That's going to mean every. Every step. You're going to have less fatigue, you're going to have more energy at the end of the race, and it's a big deal."

    (1:02:59) "Ultimately, that true passion, that reason you got into this thing and the thing that you enjoy doing yourself, you love doing that movement, that style of training yourself, and you can intake that and run it through, you can embody it. That also helps your learning."

    About Joel Smith
    Joel Smith is the founder of Just Fly Sports and is a sports performance and track coach in Cincinnati, Ohio. Joel hosts the Just Fly Performance Podcast, has authored several books and coaches in both the high school and private sector.

    Joel was a strength coach for 8 years at UC Berkeley, working with the Swim teams and post-graduate professional swimmers, as well as tennis, water polo, and track and field. A track coach of 17 years, Joel coached for the Diablo Valley Track and Field Club for 7 years, and also has 6 years of experience coaching on the collegiate level, working at Wilmington College, and the University of Wisconsin, LaCrosse. He is currently coaching high jump at Milford High School.

    Joel has coached 4 national champions, multiple All-Americans, and NCAA record holders in track and field. In the realm of strength and conditioning, his programs have assisted 5 athletes to Olympic berths that produced 9 medals and a world record performance at Rio in 2016.

  • Today's podcast features Chris Chamberlin and DJ Murakami. Chris Chamberlin is the Head Coach and Director of Education at Weckmethod and has over 15 years of coaching experience. He is a leader in innovative thought in the fitness industry, focusing on movement efficiency, and works with athletes and individuals of all levels. DJ Murakami is a coach with over 15 years of experience in various movement practices like bodybuilding, Olympic weightlifting, strongman, movement culture, rock climbing, and more. He has created training courses like Chi Torque and the Predator Protocol, and mentors coaches and fitness enthusiasts through his organization, Human Strong.

    Various methods exist to understand human body function, including respiration, joint position, and movement assessment. Julien Pineau's "Torque Chains" simplifies this process, focusing on muscle layout and sensation of movement. Chris and DJ, incorporating ideas from Julien and David Weck (coiling), created a course called "Torque Chains." This course explores movement using internal and external torques ("fire" and "ice"), variations of these torques, and transitions between modes during complex movements.

    In today's episode, Chris and DJ delve into "fire" (ET) and "ice" (IT) torque chains. They discuss their applications for different populations, exercise implications, strengths vs. weaknesses, muscle chains' relation to psychology, running applications, and more. These concepts offer a profound understanding of body function, presenting an effective approach to movement analysis.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr, the Plyomat, and LILA Exogen.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    3:59- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Torque Analysis

    10:58- Enhancing Training Outcomes Through Torque Strategies

    19:40- Optimizing Training Through Torque Chain Alignment

    30:53- Transformation through Physical Activities: Athlete Perspectives

    37:34- Stimulating Exercises for Enhanced Athletic Performance

    44:36- Optimizing Movement with Internal Torque Cues

    51:48- External Torque and Connective Tissue Dynamics in Athletes

    55:56- Torque-Driven Running Styles and Mindsets

    1:02:59- Maintaining Balance: Constraints in Training Programs

    1:06:55- Exploring Movement Patterns for Athletic Performance

    1:10:36- Optimizing Athletic Performance Through Torque Training

    1:12:52- Improving Movement Efficiency Through Torque Exploration

    1:20:59- Effective Muscle Targeting with Alternating Torque Patterns

    1:27:30- Emoji-Based RMT Training Certifications

    (4:13) “We were primarily looking at the chains of muscles bilaterally, creating torque, internal and external. External. And then what I saw, Chris and David were really going, like, deep, like a PhD process into spiraling this torque as deep as they could through their body. And I'm like, oh, well, if you could. Well, you could mix and split the torque so you could do it the other way” DJ Murakami

    (00:10:28) "I tend to listen to what the body's already doing or what I'm seeing from somebody, and I'll amplify it if all feels good, or I'll try the opposition of it if it's not." - Chris Chamberlin

    (12:03) An easy one to visualize is like, for hinging, like a sumo powerlifting, sumo deadlift would be more toward the ET. So that's the fire. And then for ice, we could think like a hinge, or the first part of picking up a stone or sandbag. DJ Murakami

  • Today's podcast features Andrew Sheaff. Andrew is a swim coach, most recently working at the University of Virginia where the Cavaliers won multiple NCAA team championships.  He is also the author of ‘A Constraints-Led Approach to Swim Coaching’, a book that examines how to build skills organically during the training process.  He is currently consulting with clubs and coaches to help them improve their skill development strategies.

    On the last show Andrew spoke on empowering the technical development of the athlete, free from overcoaching, as well as how to create lasting change in technique and performance.

    On today’s episode, Andrew talks about timing and central motion factors in athletic movement, optimizing constraints for individual athletes, the art of scaling constraints up and down, aspects of over-speed and under-speed methods and much more.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr and Plyomat.

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    9:31- Optimizing Swimming Performance under Fatigue

    14:06- Optimizing Performance Through Central Motion Perception

    22:21- Enhancing Performance with Swimming Paddles

    24:26- Cross-Sport Insights for Swim Skill Development

    30:01- Purposeful Constraints for Athlete Development in Coaching

    37:05- Tailored Coaching for Athlete Performance Optimization

    40:09- Enhancing Swimming Performance with Training Gear

    43:38- Enhancing Performance Through Varied Training Stimuli

    46:15- Enhancing Swimmer Training with Strategic Tools

    55:49- Progressive Resistance Training for Efficient Swimming Strokes

    58:49- Enhanced Athletic Performance through Varied Challenges

    1:02:18- Tailored Training for Enhanced Swimming Performance

    (00:06:39) "When something's working 15-20, 25% of the time, that's not good." - Andrew Sheaff

    (00:14:57) "Where that speed comes from is actually good timing around the center of the body." - Joel Smith

    (00:16:30) “In terms of helping them figure it out, what I do is I try to really challenge that rhythm in lots of different ways. So, like, you can have them go at really high rates, really low rates. You can alternate back and forth.” – Andrew Sheaff

    (00:22:00) Helping them perceive that rhythm is really important, and then they just need a general sense of it. And then it's like, then you can start challenging it and pushing it, and then they start to figure out how to do it in various contexts under pressure. And that's ultimately what's going to help them race successfully. ” – Andrew Sheaff

    (00:29:00) Because, you know, if I put a pair of fins on, you know, ten different swimmers, there's going to be a general impact of those fins, but there's also going to be a specific impact for each swimmer because the fin and the swimmer interaction, and those interactions are going to be a little bit different. – Andrew Sheaff

    (00:44:17) "If you're running like 6x200s with the wind at your back, you get the exposure of running a little. Feeling easier, feeling faster, feeling more elastic for that." - Joel Smith

    (00:49:00) “Another example would be with the paddles. That can help them feel like what it's like to hold water. But then you take the paddles off with some swimmers, and they hate the feeling of it because it feels like they're pulling with toothpicks. And then the other opposite extreme, sometimes you have swimmers use the tennis balls and you open them back up and they feel like their hands are gigantic and it feels awesome to them. But sometimes you open the hands back up and their hands feel gigantic and they feel like they can't control them like the...

  • Today's podcast features Liz Gleadle. Liz is a three-time Olympian, high-performance consultant, and TEDx speaker. After retiring in 2022, Liz had a transformative epiphany, recognizing the profound impact of emotions on posture, movement quality, and power production. At that moment, she decided to "un-retire" and train with a whole new approach to rewire her mind and movement patterns for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

    There is a wealth of material in training and coaching on exercises, sets, reps, parameters, and "positions" athletes should be in. In general, much of movement training is based on static ideas, positions, or black-and-white constructions. The reality of movement, training, and performance runs much deeper, is more connected, and has a far greater richness to it.

    On today's podcast, Liz speaks on her process of infusing dance, flow, and connection into the throwing javelin while also leveling up athletically. Liz digs into key aspects of training: "training side-quests," connectivity, overcoming fear in movement, and facilitating a dynamic ecosystem of training, learning, and growth. Liz has an expansive perspective on the deeper process of athletic movement, and this episode pushes into a new and powerful space of human performance.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr and Plyomat.

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Liz Gleadle Main Points
    6:12- Enhancing Athletic Performance through Dynamic Choreography
    14:03- Choreographic Approach Enhances Javelin Precision
    22:39- Dynamic Preparatory Routine for Javelin Practice
    28:43- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Foot Proprioception
    32:49- Building Confidence to Overcome Hurdle Fear
    40:14- Precision Development Through Varied Javelin Weights
    42:10- Discover Technique through Varied Javelin Weights
    50:34- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Dance and Connection
    53:03- The Intricate Connection of Successful Jumping
    58:07- Sensory Communication Through Hands and Feet
    1:06:49- Embodiment of Rhythmic Self-Expression through Dance
    1:10:41- Enhancing Athletic Performance Through Rhythmic Movement
    1:12:48- Gratitude-Driven Precision in Javelin Throwing

    2:55 "I started diving into all the different ways that I had been holding myself back due to my thoughts about my lack of athleticism, my lack of being able to jump, my lack of explosiveness, my klutziness, and I realized that it had completely dictated the way I moved as a thrower and as an athlete, and it had completely held me back from reaching my peak." Liz Gleadle

    7:25 “I think it's almost like sometimes coaches crave static for certainty. Oh, we're certain about this static thing, and that's how we can measure progress. But in reality, the actual being in the movement and embodying it, there's certainly. Yeah, it's definitely. You're getting into dancing territory now” Liz Gleadle

    17:20 “When I say dance, I don't mean choreographed dance or having to follow a specific way of moving. I mean exploring in time relative to music and really simple movements, but feeling a connection to your body” Liz Gleadle

    17:40 “When we hit that beat, we get dopamine. When we feel a connection from one side of our body to the other, we get another huge hit of dopamine. If we do it in conjunction with other people, even something as simply as bouncing in time, we get a massive hit of oxytocin. And all these things make us learn faster” Liz Gleadle

    24:50 “I'm constantly asking myself, where do I feel like? Do I have the connection line all the way from fingertip to toe across my body, on the same sides of my body, between my legs,

  • Today's podcast features strength coach, educator, and consultant Justin Lima. Justin owns the Strength Coach Network and has extensive experience as a strength coach in American Football across the B1G, ACC, Ivy League, and CAA. He holds a Ph.D. in health and human performance and has significantly contributed to the development of numerous coaches and athletes.

    In athlete development, zooming out and viewing the entire training process is crucial. Understanding a sport's skill and physical demands is essential for effectively complementing an athlete's sport play with strength, speed, and conditioning programs.

    In today's episode, Justin discusses balancing a speed program with sport, the nature of in-game speed, 1x20 strength programming, alternative power training methods, and the importance of collaboration between strength and sport coaches. Justin is a comprehensive and practical thinker and communicator, offering a profound perspective on the sport training process.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr and Plyomat.

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at https://teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at www.plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    3:46- Enhancing Coaching Through Strength Training Synergy
    9:18- Strategically Tailored Sports Training Schedules
    12:21- Optimizing Athlete Training Through Coach Collaboration
    15:09- "Preference for Strength Programs in Track Coaching"
    24:45- Enhancing Game Speed Through Max Velocity
    30:10- Tailoring Speed Development Programs for Athletes
    32:41- Rotational Training Plan for Athletic Success
    47:25- Progressive Learning Approach for Young Athletes
    50:07- Strength Building Through Systematic Progression and Variation
    59:19- "Optimizing Muscle Mass with One by 20"
    1:00:49- One by 20 Training for Weight Class Athletes
    1:02:18- Enhancing Athlete Performance with Alternative Power Training
    1:08:10- Overtraining Risks from Olympic Lift Preferences

    Justin Lima Quotes
    (00:25:10) “So in a GPP phase, you know, we're going to talk about 1x20, but I called it 1x20 on the field, where we would need to get some, accell, some max velocity, some curvilinear, some change in direction, and some agility work just a little bit each day” Justin Lima

    (00:30:50) “oh, it's minimal effective dose. What about, like, max recoverable volume? How can we push, right. It doesn't always need to be do the least amount of work to get it done. Like, sometimes you have to actually bake the cake, do the difficult things so that way they can hold on to those gains longer. And that minimal effective dose can be, you know, it is valuable at the time that you go to apply it” Justin Lima

    (00:32:41) “Instead of trying to tell them, hey, run it, you know, 80% of your max velocity. Sure, no, run as fast as you can, but we're going to constrain your arm so you can't hit that max velocity” Justin Lima

    (00:39:00) “I work with Desmond at the University of Iowa, and they tried saying that he was slow because he ran a 4.54 40 in his pro day. Why was he first team All Pro punt returner and second team All Pro corner in 2018? Because he was game fast. Like game fast. Understood. Understood when to accelerate, understood when to change direction”Justin Lima

    (00:41:00) “Another example was Daniel Raymond hit 22 miles an hour, this fastest recorded speed ever. But he was in Pads. But like you said, he was on the backside of a play where they were running like a swing pass to the running back, and he had to take a pursuit angle dive, shoestring, tackle him. And in that process, he ran the fastest he's ever ran wearing pads, which shouldn't happen, but it's because he had that external. I've gotta go”

  • Today's podcast features NBA performance coach Andrew Paul. Andrew is the Director of Performance and Rehabilitation for the Oklahoma City Thunder. He is both a sports performance coach, as well as a physical therapist, and utilizes his wide-ranging expertise in his position. Andrew has previous experience in the NCAA, as well as with military special operations, and was named the NBSCA strength coach of the year in 2022-2023.

    As the sports performance profession moves forward, we are understanding that training is not a one-size fits all experience, while finding new ways to classify athlete archetypes, exercise classifications, and how to piece it together to meet the needs of an athlete. Part of what makes training and coaching enjoyable is seeing the diverse range of athletic movers, and the optimal exercises and concepts by which to create their programming.

    On today's podcast, Andrew discusses key differences between muscular and elastic movers in basketball and related training implications. He goes into propulsive and absorption-based exercises, range of motion concepts based on athlete types, and how to assign individualized training based on strengths, weaknesses, and the needs of an NBA season. He also speaks on slow-tempo work, connective tissue health, foot training, and much more on this information-dense podcast. Andrew is pushing the envelope in high-performance training, and I really enjoyed this conversation.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr, the Plyomat, and LILA Exogen.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    6:18- Momentum Generation and Force Absorption Techniques
    8:48- Tailoring Training Programs for Athlete Movement Styles
    12:12- Movement Styles: Muscular vs. Fascial Preferences
    15:58- Optimizing Workouts for Fascial and Muscular Movers
    22:10- Chains for Novice Lifters in NBA Training
    26:36- Explosive Strength Training for Elastic Athletes
    37:51- Enhancing Connective Tissue Quality Through Training
    39:21- Holistic Approach to Athletic Development
    45:18- Viscous Range Training for Tendinopathy Recovery
    49:46- Optimizing Stiffness for Athletic Performance Safely
    52:55- Injury Risk Profiles in Different Movers
    1:06:23- Foot and Ankle Characteristics in Athletic Movement
    1:18:41- Training Dynamics: Matching Momentum for Athletes

    Andrew Paul Quotes
    (00:10:14) “I think the hard part, so being able to observe athletes in an unbiased manner and is a very difficult thing for strength coaches to do. And the reason why I think that is, is that I grew up as an Olympic lifter. I gained a lot of confidence in the weight room, and I became a strength coach because of that, because that's kind of where I grew up” – Andrew Paul

    (24:00) “There's nothing more explosive and elastic than what's going on in the court” – Andrew Paul

    (25:00) “A heavy step up for someone who has an asymmetry is a very propulsive, dominant movement, particularly a higher step up. When you start getting into lower, lower step ups, you're starting to deal with more like a elastic range” – Andrew Paul

    (00:39:59) "The more you train for high outputs in a course, in an 82-game season, the more you're going to have issues related to output, which is like strains." - Andrew Paul

    (00:44:00) "I just think there's so much to be said about just finding things that feel good, that help the tissues” - Joel Smith

    (00:47:58) "It's so easy to start blasting kids early. You know,

  • Today's podcast features coach Tim Anderson. Tim is the co-founder of Original Strength and has been a personal trainer for over 20 years. He is an accomplished author and speaker known for streamlining complex ideas into simple and applicable information. Tim is passionate about helping people realize they were created to be strong and healthy. He has written and co-written many books on this subject, including The Becoming Bulletproof Project, Habitual Strength, Pressing RESET, and Original Strength Performance.

    Tim's message is simple yet powerful: We were created to feel good and be strong throughout life. Many systems, philosophies, and assessments start with clients and athletes feeling broken, while Tim's work blends a positive message with functional strength and restorative movements. The longer I go through my journey as a coach, athlete, and mover, the more I value Tim's work, and I have incorporated many of his ideas into my own methods and programming.

    On today's episode, Tim and I discuss fluidity of movement, body tension, and creativity, followed by a discussion on utilizing a variety of speeds in training. Much of our talk centers around the benefits of slow movements and how these can, in turn, benefit much higher velocity motions, as well as ideas on how these fit in training complexes. Tim speaks on this and much more in this episode.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr, the Plyomat, and LILA Exogen.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points:
    2:09- Enhancing Well-Being through Natural Movement Integration
    2:42- Movement Exploration: Learning Through Curiosity
    6:24- Exploring Fluid Movement for Enhanced Performance
    11:58- Dynamic Seagrave Warmup for Track Athletes
    15:39- Embodied Awareness for Enhanced Well-Being
    16:32- Dynamic Speed Integration for Athletes
    20:36- Enhancing Body Control Through Slow Movements
    32:28- Enhancing Physical Expression Through Creative Movement Exploration
    48:41- Fluid Movement Inspired by Childlike Joy
    54:11- Animal-Inspired Visualization for Enhancing Movement Patterns

    Tim Anderson Quotes
    "You have to experience what it feels like to you so that you get that connection between your mind and your body. Otherwise you're disconnected." - Tim Anderson

    “So I'm a huge fan of exploring slow motion in movements. Now, I do primarily do that, like during pressing reset, like say for crawls or rolls or rocks. But you can, you can do it with any, any movement whatsoever. And the beautiful thing about going slow, though, is that it teaches you so much about your body, but it also exposes the areas of, of your movement that you don't really have control of yet” - Tim Anderson

    “Sugar Ray Leonard, like, he was extremely, he was lightning fast, but he would also do super slow shadow boxing to, like, where like it trick photography, slow motion.” - Tim Anderson

    "It's not that going fast isn't great for you. It's just that it's only one end of the spectrum. You got all this other room that you can play in and learn from that actually will help you move faster when you do want to go fast." - Tim Anderson

    "So it's not beyond just moving slow. Um, is to. To kind of be curious to see where you can move. Like, a lot of times your body will. It'll give you barriers. You know, a lot of people say, well, I can't move that way because I get stuck right here. Great. Like, use that. That barrier to learn from it." - Tim Anderson

  • Today's podcast features coach Bobby Whyte. Bobby is an athletic performance and basketball skill enhancement trainer in northern New Jersey. He trains players from multiple sides of the athletic equation (strength, speed, skill, general physical development) and has been known for the "good drill" ideology and training system.

    In the world of modern sports performance, coach Bobby Whyte's approach stands out for its comprehensive nature. It's not just about 'speed' or 'skill ', but a balanced integration of all aspects of athleticism. This approach reassures athletes that their training is not one-dimensional, but a wide-spanning pyramid of development.

    In today's episode, Bobby speaks on his process to help take basketball players to the edge of their ability, speaking from his perspective as both a basketball skills coach and athletic development coach. This show hits on filling the right bucket an athlete needs, at the right time, taking an integrated view on transference to the game itself, versus a more compartmentalized view. He also keys into the 7 first principles he uses, and refers to, to help push athletes to the overall edge of their ability. Also discussed are the importance of unstructured play, creativity and fun in the development process.

    I love these conversations because they help to push the envelope of how the entire athlete training process unfolds, not only on a singular skill or strength side of things.

    Today’s episode is brought to you by TeamBuildr, the Plyomat, and LILA Exogen.

    Use the code “justfly25” for 25% off of any Lila Exogen wearable resistance training, including the popular Exogen Calf Sleeves. For this offer head to Lilateam.com

    TeamBuildr is an online software for coaches and trainers. Use the code “JUSTFLY” for a free 30 day trial of the TeamBuildr software at teambuildr.com.

    The Plyomat is a functional, intuitive, and affordable contact mat for jump and plyometric training and testing.  Check out the Plyomat at plyomat.net

    View more podcast episodes at the podcast homepage.

    Main Points
    2:36- Biomechanical and Mental Focus in Athletics
    8:22- Exploring Athletes' Mental Edge in Sports
    13:15- Skill Progression and Creative Athletic Training Approach
    14:59- Game-Specific Skill Development in Athletic Training
    16:52- Dynamic Drills for Creative Basketball Training
    25:55- Enhancing Basketball Performance through Comprehensive Strength Training
    32:00- Unstructured Play for Skill Development in Sports
    42:25- Ball Handling Impact on Basketball Speed
    46:35- Enhancing Basketball Skills Through Dunking Drills
    52:17- Creative Skill Development Through Low Rim Dunking
    53:42- Fun Training Activities Boost Skill Development Naturally
    1:04:20- Optimizing Player Development through Training Principles
    1:13:27- Mastery through Obsession: Training Hunting Dogs & Basketball

    Bobby Whyte Quotes
    (8:40) "The top performing athletes are willing to go into the unknown, right? They don't have fear of the unknown." - Bobby Whyte"

    (12:33) "The more I'm willing to step into this kind of experimental role of guidance with these athletes, I start to see it doesn't matter as much about what I'm doing, but the intention behind what I'm doing. And that's bringing them to the edge of their ability in the direct line of what their goals and dreams are." - Bobby Whyte

    (35:03) "Kids that couldn't do something, now they can do something. All right, now they can do that. Let's raise the bar a little bit higher. Let's make it a little bit more complex. What else can they do? What else can they do? What else can they do? And that's what I'm. That's it." - Bobby Whyte

    (44:00) “My guess would be that the best athletes, right, their time (sprinting while dribbling) a ball is a lot closer to their time without a ball than, than the lesser basketball players” - Bobby Whyte

    (46:39) "That is normal. That is right now what happens everywhere,