
  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #70: with Luca (@Real_JuveSnob)

    A trip down memory lane with a fellow Canadian. This was the last podcast in the vault before my hiatus and I think it shows a very good idea of where we were and some of the talking points that still are running true now. Dybala contract still hasn't been resolved.

    In this podcast, we talked about a numerous amount of topics before the Juve-Atalanta game. We talk about Dybala's contract situation and discuss getting Porto in the knockout stages. I really want to see a response from the Juventinita family and see how they think we've progressed just coming out of a mercato, as well as preparing for the last part of the season with Villareal in our sights.

    Please drop your thoughts below, I'm really looking forward to hearing what you have to say. Next podcast to discuss the mercato that Juve just had, mamma mia. Thanks for all the support and please share this to keep me motivated.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)

    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)

    iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353

    Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA

    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn

    Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #69: with my boys Nilesh (@Nilesh_N08/@JuventusHQ) and Mason (@VeSiBlog)


    This podcast has been in the making for a very long time and I'm so happy that I was able to put this out, mind you a little late, with such great friends of mine. They have supported me through thick and thin so it was great to drop out of my hiatus and talk Juve again with special people. FYI the intro is a work in progress so don't grill me to hard, its a one man show over here.

    In this podcast, we go through a variety of topics involving Juve and the Nazionale because there has been quite a gap in time since I've been able to speak on Juve. Firstly, talking about where I've been and what I'm up to but quickly into the summer that was Un Estate Veramente Italiana to discuss the Champions of Europe and how great it was to be apart of this history. Then we get into the usual Juve talk, which easily begins into what happened last year to Pirlo being sacked and Allegri being brought back in. Next we got into the preseason/first part of the season and our reaction to the CL Draw. Then the usual transfer discussions which brought about key issues on Dybala's contract extension and McKennie's behaviour so far. Next I rated how I thought Juve progressed through the mercato this summer as well as some pieces I feel Juve need to acquire. Lastly to look ahead into the season as well as some predictions on this season already in progress. I'm so happy to be back and I hope this journey continues to be as thrilling as this first episode back was. Grazie and enjoy.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)

    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)

    iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353

    Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA

    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn

    Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

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  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #68: with the Legends of Twitter Mo (@mohammedgharib), Luigi (@Luigi________), and Angelo (@DonMarchisio)

    This podcast I think you’re going to love, great personalities and ideas just talking Juve and a sprinkle of social issues at the end. Should’ve been out a while ago but enjoy now.

    In this podcast, I continuously confuse Luigi with Max because of the name on his zoom name tag. I can confirm his name is Luigi hahah. Unfortunately Drew and Anto couldn’t make it but that is the business of podcasting but it took nothing away from the podcast. I brought together a list of topics to discuss with the boys and I hope you enjoy what we had to say and don’t take us too seriously. After all it’s Juve and to deal with all of things we say it was nice to have a laugh with some really nice guys. So as we ramp up in the new year I hope to continue with the great guests, new and familiar. Grazie and enjoy.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #67: with Daniel (@DanielJanicas)

    After much time of falling asleep and figuring out that I should’ve had this out earlier, I finally can release this video. Yes it should have been before Genoa but life goes on and I always say these are standalone videos.

    In this podcast, we bring the usual fun atmosphere and discuss our differences and how we feel about the team. I find these videos even though late show how our reasoning can be applied and how accurate we really are or not. We go through the usual talking points that continue to be brought up daily. Those are, how Pirlo is doing as a coach, how the team is lining up and whether we like that, how the team is tactically performing, how we’ve looked so far, and what to look forward to in the future. I hope you enjoy this before the game today and I look forward to working with Daniel a lot more this year. This episode and the one before that Daniel has been on goes to show fans of all kinds, types can get along as well have a very constructive and positive conversation, we’re a lot more similar than we think. Enjoy!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #66: with Abhi (@DYBALAMASK15)

    A difficult test of scheduling finally works out and I’ve never been shy to throw out a late podcast so check out this journey into Juve-Barca with Abhi and I. We cover it all, news, formations, post game interviews and so much more.

    In this podcast, we bring on a brand new guest that is on the other side of the world and it turns into such a blast of an episode. Another very familiar face from Twitter explains to me how he became a Juve fan and how it all started for him even though it was relatively a new fandom. Then bust down all the news that we can before getting into the lineup as well as looking into what Abhi’s thoughts were about the team so far. Then we get into the usual rhythm and dish out some match facts to supplement the minute by minute game recap. Next we rank our 3 Up, 3 Down performances and let’s be frank there was really no one in the negative. Then some very nice words in the post game interview section as we lead into discussing the Juve-Genoa game that had taken place the same day we did the podcast. Next we’re grateful to have fan questions for us and we get into those as best we can. Lastly we talk about Abhi’s favourite Juve moments, one of the most important games the last few years. I hope you enjoy and show us the love with some more great questions. Enjoy!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Caffè alla JuventinitĂ  Episode 4

    Just over an hour until game time and it’s time to be updated on the news! I’m sure you have a lot of opinions on what has gone on in the past few days so please drop some comments with your thoughts!! Can we keep rolling and getting results or is this match a recipe for disaster? Forza Juve!

    In this episode I did a deep dive into the social media space, scouring for various sources of news and I give my honest opinion!! Yes there was a lot of news to wrap up and I hope to see your thoughts in the comments? Should We buy Pogba?? Should we sell Dybala?? Who should start against Barca?? So much to talk about including some thoughts on today’s game as well as what we need to go through. Then I bring it back a quick second for some Torino Juve, derby della Mole, too players and end with the quotes of the postmatch. Also I give you what Bonucci and Pirlo have said about the Barca game as well as much much more. Enjoy and drop some comments!!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #65: with Rami (@barca__daily1)

    A Clash of Titans or A Glorified Friendly, that is the question everyone will be asking today! I hope to cover as much of this game and preview it all for you amazing fans while adding the perspective of a Barca fan to cover all bases.

    In this podcast, Rami and I skip past all the media hype as of late and mainly focus on what needs to be done for Juve or Barca to secure the first spot, as both teams have qualified. We discuss the recent forms of each club and really see what the problems are on both sides as well as looking at the match facts, a tale of the tape so to speak. Lets all enjoy this game because it could be the last matchup between Messi and Ronaldo, what careers. Then we confirm and discuss each squads formations and I ask Rami for his take on Barca's squad. Then we get into the keys of the match and see what it will take for each club to come out with a win. Lastly, as always we make our predictions as to who we think will score and win, drop your predictions below. Then a rampant discussion on a variety of topics ensues and I enjoy that always, so I hope you do to. I have to thank Rami for taking the time to come on and I hope you enjoy this podcast before the big game today. Forza Juve and I hope for a great performance today.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)

    Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)

    iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353

    Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA

    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790

    Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn

    Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #64: with Dean (@75Massaro)

    We finally got off the rollercoaster that was Juve-Torono, and what a ride it was. What seems to be a regular occurrence in these fixtures, late game drama leaves the stress and nerves through the roof. Dean and I break it down for you in an initial take!

    In this podcast, Dean and I first get into the reason for him choosing the black and white stripes. After hearing his great story we get right into the game by generally speaking about what we thought, our first statements. Then I divide the game by bringing up 4 interesting questions/topics that we discuss thoroughly to get to the bottom of a lot of hot button topics on social media. First we talk about the man of the match as well as how we saw Cuadrado in this game. Then we go into the midfield shambles in this game and discuss how there was no linkup. Next we go into the attack and why it was so bland in this game, was there any connection or were the strikers on an island. Lastly we talk about our Mister, Pirlo for many games this season has been lacklustre, he hasn’t made the right moves, provided the right setup/tactics and haven’t made the necessary changes to turn the tide of some awful games. Lastly we talk about some memorable moments in Juve history, as well as talk about some other sports. I hope you enjoy this and I’ll for sure have Dean back on in the future!

    Check out the Derby Della Mole La Panchina video I did with Al, James, and Auber:


    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #63: with Mason (@VeSiBlog)

    Was looking forward to having Mason back on the podcast to see how he was doing as well as the massive growth he’s achieved with his blog!! This is an on time edition of the Post Game of Juve-Dynamo Kiev. Had a lot of fun and as you’ve seen so far, Mason will be featuring a lot more!

    In this podcast, Mason and I discuss how things are going into his great success, Vecchia Signora Blog and all of the great things he’s doing! As always I like to feel out repeat guests by seeing how they see the team playing now and we move into the important news of the moment. Then we look at the formations as well as some key statistics I like to look at after every game. Next it’s straight into the moment by moment actions that I’ve recorded and think are the most noticeable to talk about! I believe that at this point we should be accepting but also sharp in what we see. After all the match talk we go into the 3 Up, 3 Down picks pretty happy and finish off with the post game comments that can tell us so much. A little talk on the week ahead and what to expect. Thanks so much for the mass of all the questions, I really loved being able to answer all of your great questions. Lastly a quick look at the sham, I call ESPN FC, top 100 list. I hope you enjoy this one, and I’m happy to call a bunch of these Juve creators my friends. Thanks everyone!

    Check out Mason’s Blog, Vecchia Signora Blog:

    Link: https://www.vecchiasignora.org/

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #62: with Drew (@UncleDrewSC) and Anto (@Gianni86923215)

    What a quick collaboration that wasn’t even supposed to happen and not being able to make time for an international guest from Singapore opened up the opportunity for these to shit disturbers. What a blast I had on this episode and I really hope you enjoy it with these two Twitter legends.

    In this podcast, Drew, Anto, and I try to decipher what the f**ck happened in our game with Benevento, finally getting back in the groove of podcasts and after this release we will be rolling on in order, as well as on time. Again it was a lot of fun because Anto is a good friend and it was nice to get to know Drew as well because he was a new guest. We start off by finding out what made Drew choose to become a Juve fan. Then we get into the news headlines at the time and get our take. But we progress as usual after any game and start with the match stats and formations. Then we follow it up by discussing the actual moments, minute by minute. After that we look at the post match comments from Pirlo and other players, to quickly look at the following matchup. And get a memorable moment out of Drew, even though he’s a pretty new fan. This was a fiery episode and such a blast so I hope you enjoy it.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - https://twitter.com/juventinitadal (@JuventinitaDAL)Insta - https://www.instagram.com/juventinitadal/ (@JuventinitaDAL)iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #61 with Davide (@daily_juve)

    What should have been before the Benevento game and I’m going to use this, one, to feature my great guest again, two, to check if we know what we’re talking about, three, to hopefully make the day easier. Enjoy!

    In this podcast, Davide and I try to come to terms with what a mediocre performance and last minute win against Ferencvaros. As always we crack on with the (kinda) latest news and go through everything I usually would but unfortunately Benevento has been played already. So what I want you guys to do is check me on my thoughts, we’re we right in what we thought about the game. Did it happen, were we accurate, were we completely wrong. Definitely trying to get back to schedule after today. Also get the questions and comments in, because we answer at the end of the podcast always and love to interact.Thankfully we got a lot of questions for us so we answer them all, thanks as always. And that wraps up the podcast. Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy what we have lined up in the future.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Caffè alla JuventinitĂ  Episode 2

    Here we go with the second video up and we get into quite a bit! We look at all of the news headlines out there and drop my take, as well as a condensed preview for the game today! Finally the Khedira Saga and my thoughts about him a few spicy words for the journalists.

    In this episode I did a deep dive into the social media space, scouring for various sources of news and I give my honest opinion!! Then we talk about all things Juve-Dynamo Kiev, starting with the lineup and match facts. Then we look at what will happen during the game as well as giving my prediction. Update of the table from Serie A and finally my take on the whole Khedira saga. Stay tuned for another episode after work and I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • JuventinitĂ : Back to Black and White Podcast #60 with Farrukh (@forzapiemonte)

    Post Match of Juve-Ferencvaros, better late than never and I could not live with myself if I don’t get these episodes out and I think this game was so crucial to see if Juve could move on from their mediocre start to bring forth multiple wins.

    In this podcast, Farrukh and I try to come to terms with what this late win against a mediocre squad, let’s be real. It was awesome to bring back on my friend who was the second guest on the podcast, only episode broken down into two parts, it was a pleasure as always. We get into some older headlines, before we run right into the game with formations and match facts to start. Then we break down the game minute by minute so that we explain what really is going on. We wrap with the 3 Up, 3 Down segment and we look forward to the upcoming game(s) as when we recorded we had already played Benevento so that was fresh in our minds. Thankfully there were a lot of questions for us so we answer them all, thanks as always. And that wraps up the podcast. Thanks for all the support and I hope you enjoy what we have lined up in the future.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Caffè alla JuventinitĂ  Episode 1

    FINALLY THE NEW LOGO IS HERE!!! And the official launch of Cafè alla Juventinità is finally live! Hopefully you enjoy the show and more upgrades to come so stay tuned.

    In this episode we drop the caffè like it’s hot and I think Nespresso really needs to pay me some royalties or something. Then I decompress with some calmer words on what I’m seeing and how that affected us in our last game against Benevento. Lastly the Dybala incident at the end of the game and I state my point of view, let me know if you agree or not! Stay tuned for another episode after work and I hope you enjoy this episode!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Caffè alla JuventinitĂ  PILOT Episode 2

    Finally the second video has been dropped and some obvious update on the whole situation that has been plaguing my work. Hopefully we finally bring this to a halt and push forward in the right way. Well here is some halftime content for you.

    Next we get into some the coffee of the day and some congratulatory business for some special people who have hit some special milestones and deserve some praise. Then to wrap up, I discuss Maradona's passing and what I think it means to celebrate or respect a legend of the game. Also weigh in on what Juve's effort of saying farewell was and how I feel about the chatter on Twitter.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDAL

    Insta - @JuventinitaDAL

    iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353

    Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA

    Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790 Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn

    Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Caffè alla JuventinitĂ  1:

    We embark on a brand new journey alongside the Juventinità podcast that I’ve loved making for you guys. That podcast doesn’t stop, more content on the daily. I feel for the fans who are limited for time and want a short but sweet to the point video. Well now we’re here and the content has just begun.

    This one goes out to Auber who frequently keeps in touch and motivates me when I feel unproductive. Finally was able to come through for you bro! Hope you and all the fans who send in such great support for me and the podcast. Thanks to everyone who has contributed and who will contribute in the future.

    After a lengthy monologue that I put together I hope the concept can stick, it will be a place for missed previews, rants, specific topics, and various new concepts that I’ve been developing. So today we get into the basics of the Juve-Ferencvaros match that will take place today and we cover all the news at the moment of recording. Then we look at the game and we have my thoughts, with talking points about the formation and player selection as well as Pirlo’s pregame presser. I really hope you guys enjoy it! Let’s get Nespresso to sponsor me! Hahah

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Juventinita: Back to Black and White Podcast #59 with Farhan (@TurinTactician)

    This episode finally gets us back into game mode as we exited the international break to come up against Cagliari at home. This show covers everything that went on during the game as well as some specific commentary from Farhan and I. A truly comprehensive Post Match of Juve- Cagliari. Enjoy and welcome back.

    In this podcast, Farhan and I get into how he became a Juve fan as he currently resides in Germany but is from Bangladesh. Then we power through the current news which consists of a lot of game facts and some news to project what could happen later in the week. Like clockwork, we move into the game, by discussing the formations, as well as continuing to point out some important stats. Next into the minute by minute match recap where we discuss the actual moments in the game and finish with the usual 3 best and 3 worst in the 3 Up, 3 Down segment. Next as usual is the post match comments as we try and put together our thoughts on what our coach and players thought, which then leads us to the future and some brief words on the next game. Thanks as always to Louis and Nilesh for the questions and I hope to read a lot more in the future. This episode ended spectacularly because of the discussion and stories that Farhan brought to the Juventinita family. I talked about some of my personal relationships and it gave us some more reason to talk. Thanks Farhan for coming on and I hope to have you back in the future. Thanks as always to the best fans! Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks. Twitter - @JuventinitaDAL Insta - @JuventinitaDAL iTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353 Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbA Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790 Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKn Podbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Juventinita: Back to Black and White Podcast #57 with Max (@Maccaswell)

    This episode swings back into reality and dives right into the international break.....well that was a cliff dive, from being pissed about Juve to having nothing really to talk about. But we make it work and it was a fun conversation with Max as always.

    In this podcast, Max and I get into it right away with the news and what this great international break has to offer.....it was nice having a familiar face back and taking the pod down a level. We look at various major themes and talking points that have been trending in the Juve social universe and we have our takes. I try and allow Max to get his opinion out there because I’ve had my fair share of conversation over the past few podcasts. Get ready for a big slate of guests, now that I finally dropped this pod!! Thanks for support, see you soon.

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/

  • Juventinita: Back to Black and White Podcast #56 with Anthony (@_AnthonyJuve)

    Well this episode is going to be polarizing and get a lot of heads turning, last episode was downright comedy and this is downright fire from the get go. The Juve fans have pushed my buttons for too long and now throwing in a US Election with the combination making me lose my mind. Enjoy.

    In this podcast, Anthony and I, actually scratch that, I rant for the opening monologue like I’m on a mission to straighten the course of this woeful fan base. Unfortunately I’m able to have a guess who was very well spoken and let me go for the first little bit. Thanks Anthony, returning guest, and we eventually get into the news that is most pressing. Then the usual formation and match stats portion if the show. Followed by the minute by minute game recap that literally walks you through what went down at 4:30am. Then we get into what’s to come next with some talk on the international break and the usual pleasantries at the end of the show. Thanks Anthony, again for sticking with it tonight. Thanks for all the support from the fans and fuck the haters. To higher and better places with this club!

    Please drop a comment on what you liked, hated, agreed, disagreed, and what you the fans want to hear in the future. On iTunes please drop a rating and subscribe/follow on all platforms that would be greatly appreciated. Subscribe on all your favorite platforms and please spread it around for more and more Juventini to enjoy. Thanks.

    Twitter - @JuventinitaDALInsta - @JuventinitaDALiTunes Podcast - https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/juventinita-back-to-black-and-white-podcast/id1517324353Google Podcast - https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9mZWVkLnBvZGJlYW4uY29tL2p1dmVudGluaXRhYmFja3RvYmxhY2thbmR3aGl0ZS9mZWVkLnhtbASoundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/user-87001790Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/show/7x3OsYthR1bZcNOdzMSEKnPodbean - https://juventinitabacktoblackandwhite.podbean.com/