Blues, Gospel, Negro Spirituals, Jazz, Rhythm & Blues, Soul, Funk, Rap, Reggae, Rock’n’Roll… l’actualité de la musique fait rejaillir des instants d’histoire vécus par la communauté noire au fil des siècles. Des moments cruciaux qui ont déterminé la place du peuple noir dans notre inconscient collectif, une place prépondérante, essentielle, universelle ! Chaque semaine, L’épopée des musiques noires réhabilite l’une des formes d’expression les plus vibrantes et sincères du 20ème siècle : La Black Music ! À partir d’archives sonores, d’interviews d’artistes, de producteurs, de musicologues, Joe Farmer donne des couleurs aux musiques d’hier et d’aujourd’hui. Réalisation : Nathalie Laporte. *** Diffusions le samedi à 13h30 TU vers toutes cibles, à 20h30 TU sur RFI Afrique (Programme haoussa), le dimanche à 16h30 TU vers l'Afrique lusophone, à 17h30 TU vers Prague, à 21h30 TU vers toutes cibles. En heure de Paris (TU +1 en grille d'hiver)
Artin has been blind since he is 3 years old. The "Blind Dance Radio show" is DJ Artin's weekly creative outlet, presenting the latest EDM club tunes from all over the world.
Through cooperations with DJ's like Martin Garrix, Armin van Buuren and Nicky Romero and radio airplays, the show receives recognition the dance scene.
For bookings:
[email protected] -
Mixes of best russian djs
- Live Love Create ! Magic people, welcome to my music space on SC , music is my life and passion. You will find here my mixes, original tracks and remixes. If you wish, you can support my art:
live love create - let's enjoy every moment of our life and let's be kind to each other - we are one
booking : gagarin _at_
media project : -
also visit and subscribe to my side projects: (ambient / dub ) (techno / deep / psy ) (techno / house / progressive)
Gagarin Project is a collective of conscious artists, music producers, dancers and DJ's. We explore the realms of mind expanding music, psychedelic grooves for body and soul. Our music are not limited to a certain genre, juggling between ambient, modern psychedelic & bass music, psytrance and techno. Gagarin Project is the international collaboration that has evolved from the ideas of conscious living, kindness and love to other humans, our brothers and sisters. Moreover it’s activity is greatly inspired by the values and traditions of ancient civilizations, universal principles of love, natural and healthy lifestyle. Gagarin Project collective have performed at the biggest festivals all over the Europe, USA, Brazil and Asia.
Apart from performing as the collective of artists, Gagarin Project is highly involved into development of project, a web media dedicated to promotion of quality downtempo / midtempo music and events.
Reality is a creation of our mind. We change our-self – we change the world around us. Live Love Create !
more info:
visit our media project:
#electronic dance music project
current location:
Planet Earth
love & light,
gagarin project
✅ -
Want to know how I've sold over $1,000,000 of beats online without relying on tons of subscribers or social media followers? The Midi Money Podcast is going to pull back the curtain and share how you can do the same. --> Learn more at
Veteran music journalist Prezident Bejda brings you nothing but underground music from around the globe. Join Prez each week with interviews with Legends, Pioneers and Underground Talent. Check out one of the Original Hip hop Podcasts!
Sveiki, šiame kanale galesit išgirsti Power gang'o ruošiamus podcastus, kuriuose kalbam muziką, sportą, automobilius ar madą. Ačiū visiems, kurie prisijungia prie mūsų podcasterių būrio! Jei ir tu turi ką papasakoti - rašyk [email protected] ir siūlyk savo idėjas, kurias galėsi įgyvendinti mūsų studijoje!
Découvrez mes mashup, mes délires et sons perso ici
Teaching online means that you can now share your passion with students around the world. Through this podcast, I help you use new technology, engaging teaching methods, and killer business tactics to build an online business that you love!
My 7 years of online teaching experience combined with a tech savvy personality make me the perfect guide for you as you build your online studio. It’s not easy learning about a million new online teaching skills all while trying to juggle family life and manage your current students. The good news is, I’m here to help.
Tune in a for a brand new episode every Monday at 8 AM Mountain Time! See you then! -
Proposée par Pau et Cie sur Radio Campus Pau, slam session met en lumière les poètes locaux et le mouvement slam dans son ensemble. Un cocktail poétique et musical original et percutant à écouter sans modération !
Tai Kasetės tinklalaidė. Pasakosime atlikėjų bei grupių istorijas, nagrinėsime įvairius darbus muzikos idustrijoje, domėsimės įvairiomis temomis susijusiomis su muzikos kūrimu bei jos viešinimu.
Visos laidos išlaikomos mūsų Patreon remėjų bei mūsų pačių. Didelis ačiū StartFM studijai už galimybę įrašyti kokybišką garsą turinčias laidas.
@ka_se_te -
„Kelionė Biblijos puslapiais“ - tai kasdienis 30 min. trunkantis radijo pasakojimas, kuriame pamažu keliausime per visas Biblijos dalis - Senąjį ir Naująjį Testamentą. Šio pasakojimo metu susipažinsite su praeities tikėjimo didvyriais bei sužinosite, iš kur kilęs krikščioniškas tikėjimas.
„Kelionė Biblijos puslapiais“ eteryje skamba jau nuo 1967 metų ir pelnė milžinišką radijo klausytojų pripažinimą. Remiantis klausytojų laiškais galima teigti, jog daugeliui ši programa turėjo didžiulį teigiamą dvasinį poveikį.
Daugiau informacijos -
Podcast by Ryan Sullivan
Atviras žvilgsnis į šiuolaikinės muzikos tikrovę. Šarūno Nako ir Mindaugo Urbaičio laida šeštadieniais 22.07 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ.
„Radiocentro“ laidą „Vakarop su Vyteniu“ klausyk šiokiadieniais nuo 16 val., o geriausius epizodus rasi mūsų podcaste „Vakarop su Vyteniu“.
Special mixes and live recordings of Partyzanai label artists
performances at clubs, venues, radio stations and other events. Check out for more info. -
Основной стиль: Deep House
Music from Pop to Techno
UNTS is a bi-weekly house music podcast.
Twice a month we present one hour of house music, disco, electro and breakbeats mixed by some of the most interesting DJs crawling around the underground.
If you enjoy our sound please follow us for more! -
Interviews with Artists to get a behind the seen look into the music industry.