
  • Michael Breen is a writer & consultant who first came to South Korea as a correspondent in 1982. He's covered North & South Korea for several newspapers, including the Guardian, The Times & the Washington Times. Few are more knowledgeable about Korea than Michael Breen, a trained journalist who's lived here for many years & whose connections go right to the very heart of the country. His new book, The New Koreans, explains the history, the business & the culture of South Korea, as well as where its future lies.

    Michael Breen recently discussed his new book at a public event hosted by Barry Welsh of the Seoul Book & Culture Club. In this two part episode, Breen first talks with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland about The New Koreans, followed by a Q&A with those in attendance at the event hosted by Barry Welsh.

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  • Smoking habit data released in 2016 reports that despite recent price increases for a pack of cigarettes in South Korea, more than 20% of young smokers will continue smoking. To find out what those results mean, Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland spoke with University of Illinois at Chicago Health Policy Center director Dr. Frank Chaloupka & American Cancer Society economic & health policy research senior data analyst Qing Li. Find more info on the research cited in this report at http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/nation/2016/06/116_206738.html.

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  • The Nikkei Asian Review recently published a piece on rather surprising Moon Jae-in supporters leading up to the special election he won to replace former President Park Geun-hye who current remains jailed following her impeachment. Moon's support from this group was so surprising, it's even been dubbed "the great sensation". Who are they? North Korean defectors.

    Melbourne-based reporter John Power has spent several years living in & writing about the Korean Peninsula & continues to cover issues affecting the area. John spoke with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland about his recent report for the Nikkei Asian Review & the research he conducted into the divide among North Korean defectors' preference for presidential candidates & plans for future engagement with Pyongyang. Find more of John's findings in his story, "North Korean defectors divided on Seoul détente", at http://asia.nikkei.com/Politics-Economy/International-Relations/North-Korean-defectors-divided-on-Seoul-detente

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  • ConsumerAffairs.com writer Amy Martyn recently wrote a piece titled "Booze, bribes and propaganda: The company that promises 'safe' travel in North Korea" regarding the tour company American college student Otto Warmbier took (Young Pioneer Tours) before being detained for allegedly stealing a poster. After being sentenced to 15 years of hard labor, the world didn't get an update on his case until recently when North Korea allowed Warmbier, by then in a coma, to return to the US where he died several days later. Martyn spoke with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to discuss her reporting on how Young Pioneer Tours handled the incident & changes now taking place at the tour company since Warmbier's death. Find more of Amy Martyn's reporting at https://www.consumeraffairs.com/about/staff/amy-martyn/

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/otto-warmbiers-dprk-travel-company-young

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  • Barry Welsh's "Seoul Book and Culture Club" recently played host to author Michael Breen, who discussed his newly released book "The New Koreans". To better understand the text & the Q&A session contained in this podcast, in our previous episode, Korea FM spoke with Breen about "The New Koreans" & why it was written. Now, in the final chapter of that discussion, we bring you audio of the Q&A with author Michael Breen & those in attendance at Barry Welsh's public meeting of the Seoul Book & Culture Club.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/q-a-with-the-new-koreans-author-michael-

    Download the full episode at http://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/12150609/2017_06_19_the_new_koreans_q_a.mp3

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  • A 2016 education report from The Economist asks if higher wages or less working hours make a better teacher. While South Korea has one of the highest wages for public teachers in the OECD, public teachers in the ROK also spend double the average amount of time on administrative tasks. Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland spoke with Economist data journalist Slavea Chankova & Ellen Sherratt, the co-Deputy Director of the Center on Great Teachers & Leaders & senior researcher at American Institutes for Research, to find out more. Find more info on teacher pay vs work hours at http://www.economist.com/blogs/graphicdetail/2016/04/daily-chart-18

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  • Seoul-based reporter Steven Borowiec recently wrote an article for Aljazeera English titled "Why young South Koreans are turning away from religion". Borowiec spoke with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to discuss the personal stories & data from his research, as well as the educational & job pressures that appear to be behind the trend. Read more about the issue in Steven Borowiec's article at http://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/2017/05/young-south-koreans-turning-religion-170524144746222.html

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  • Recently, Seoul-based think tank The Asia Institute held a peace march in the capital. The event was open to the public, & peace activist Yoh Kawanaka was invited to travel to Seoul from Japan to participate. Kawanaka spoke with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to discuss the peace march, her wish for better relations between South Korea & Japan, & new Japanese laws she says prevent activists' voices from being heard. Find more info on the Asia Institute's peace march at http://www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/opinion/2017/05/197_229737.html

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/peace-activist-yoh-kawanaka-on-improving

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  • The Asia Institute is a Seoul-based think tank that addresses global issues with a focus on Asia, committed to presenting a balanced perspective that takes into account the concerns of the entire region for current trends in technology, international relations, the economy & the environment. Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland has covered several of their talks & lectures over the last few years & recently spoke with Asia Institute Director & Kyung Hee University professor Emanuel Pastreich about their upcoming "Korea Peace March" this Sunday, May 14th in the Gwanghwamun area of Seoul. Find more info on the march at https://www.facebook.com/events/123090044918802/.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/asia-institutes-korea-peace-march-this-s

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  • Recently a column appeared on NKNews.org that directly made light of how US President Donald Trump has influenced what’s going on here on the Korean Peninsula, & it didn’t paint the new president in a very good light. Under the title “How Donald Trump is seriously undermining the South Korea-U.S. alliance”, the article begins with a description of how things generally operate here regarding North Korea, noting that “As long as North Korea is able to make life a living hell for whoever attempts to engage in regime change or regime collapse… it will always have that assurance that they will not be pushed too hard," & for that reason, "the United States & South Korea (& Japan to a certain extent) have coordinated closely over the years to deter North Korea as much as possible.” However, the article is quick to note that things have now changed, & that after Donald Trump’s electoral victory, it has been "nothing but one bumbling fiasco after another.”

    NKNews.org's John Lee, a political blogger focusing on economic & political issues as they pertain to Korea & the United States, spoke to Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland about the article, thoughts on what's currently unfolding on the Korean Peninsula, & how in his mind, US President Donald Trump has degraded the relationship between the ROK & the United States. Read John Lee's article at https://www.nknews.org/2017/04/how-donald-trump-is-seriously-undermining-the-south-korea-u-s-alliance/.

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  • Recently, over 1,000 foreign runners participated in the Pyongyang, North Korea Mangyongdae Prize International Marathon. Held every year since 1981, the race only began accepting participants from outside North Korea in 2014, & the very next year, Laura Imkamp was one of those who traveled to North Korea to participate. The Shanghai-based German expat spoke to Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to describe her experiences & what she learned while running the event.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/running-the-pyongyang-marathon-as-a-fore

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  • Last year, the head of Singapore's Health Promotion Board announced new plans to fight diabetes that focus on educating the public on the health risks of eating white rice based on research data from the Harvard School of Public Health that links daily consumption of white rice to an increased risk of developing diabetes. Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland spoke with Harvard Professor Dr. Qi Sun & University of Sydney researcher Dr. Bruce Neal to learn more about how white rice has been linked to the disease.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/does-eating-too-much-white-rice-cause-di

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  • Earlier this month, a panel discussion titled “The Glass Zoo: Women in Journalism” was jointly organized by media start-ups Korea Exposé & Mediati, moderated by Korea Expose managing editor Haeryun Kang & Mediati manager Mijin Lee. Much of the audio of that discussion is contained in this podcast episode as well as a brief interview with panel moderator & Korea Expose managing editor Haeryun Kang. Find more about the event at https://koreaexpose.com/glass-zoo-tales-veteran-women-journalists/.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/the-glass-zoo-women-in-south-korean-us-j

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  • A US aircraft carrier & other vessels appear to finally be on their way to the Korean Peninsula, a human rights group is calling on China to not force 8 North Korean refugees back to the DPRK, and a South Korean company has come under fire for their depiction of differences between Korean and foreign intestines. All that & more on the latest Korean News Update podcast episode from Korea FM.

    Stream the episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/us-aircraft-carrier-finally-en-route-to-

    Download the full episode at http://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/11707220/2017_04_24.mp3

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  • Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye’s presidential career began & ended with firsts, & while countless pieces have been written on the protests that led to her removal from power, one recent writeup from the Canadian weekly current affairs magazine Maclean's makes the case that that South Korean youth, & the forces they control, are perhaps behind it all. Maclean's writer Dave Hazzan, formerly based in Seoul, joins Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to discuss his article & what it reveals about the power of South Korean youth. Read Hazzan's full article at http://www.macleans.ca/politics/worldpolitics/in-south-korea-the-young-rise-up-against-a-president-and-a-society/.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/young-koreans-challenging-politicians-th

    Download the full episode at http://api.spreaker.com/download/episode/11679537/2017_04_21_korean_protests_led_by_young_generation_with_dave_hazzan.mp3

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  • This Saturday, April 22nd the “March For Science” will take place around the world as “the first step of a global movement to defend the vital role science plays in… health, safety, economies, and governments.” It’s no coincidence that date is also Earth Day, & alongside the main march in Washington, D.C., more than 500 cities around the world will also participate. Seoul & Busan will hold their own marches, & Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland recently spoke with March For Science Busan organizing member Jennifer Blackman to discuss why she, & other foreigners & South Koreans in the area, will be marching at 10 am on Earth Day, April 22nd, at Busan’s Peace Park. Find more info on the Busan March For Science at https://marchforsciencebusan.wordpress.com/. Info for Seoul's March For Science is available at https://www.facebook.com/MFS170422/.

    Stream this episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/march-for-science-taking-place-saturday-

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  • China warns there will be “no winner” in an armed North Korean conflict that could start “at any moment”, Vice President Mike Pence will arrive in Seoul on Sunday, & despite an economic boycott over THAAD, South Korean exports to China have risen. All that & more on the latest Korean News Update podcast episode from Korea FM.

    Stream the episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/china-warns-no-winner-in-north-korean-co

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  • Tensions on the Korean Peninsula are rising with the arrival of a US aircraft carrier, overseas voting is up, ex-president Park Geun-hye could soon be indicted, & coffee is king. All that & more on the latest Korean News Update podcast episode from Korea FM.

    Stream the episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/tensions-rising-on-korean-peninsula-over

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  • The concentration of fine dust particles in South Korea’s air is the worst since 2015, the ROK has test fired a new long range ballistic missile, a Busan-based expat has been thrust into the spotlight after alleging discrimination by South Korean police, & an iconic Hollywood symbol will soon be replicated in Seoul. All that & more on the latest Korean News Update podcast episode from Korea FM.

    Stream the episode online at http://www.spreaker.com/user/seoulitup/korean-air-pollution-at-2-year-high-rok-

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  • Colombian Leo Mendoza has lived in South Korea for 16 years. He's married to Korean & is a well known member of the Busan community for his work with a local dog shelter. Recently, he & his wife were shopping at Costco, & according to Mendoza, he was attacked by an older Korean man after a disagreement over how he & his wife spoke to the man's family after their young daughter was almost hit by a car. After police arrived on the scene, it became clear to Mendoza that he & his wife's request to file charges was not being taken seriously, & after several hours explaining their version of events to authorities at multiple police stations, the tables were turned as Mendoza's attacker claimed he was the victim, & Leo was told by police he was being arrested for assault. He & his wife quickly tuned to Facebook to describe their version of events on a public post that quickly went viral, & Mendoza also spoke with Korea FM reporter Chance Dorland to tell his story & warn other foreigners in South Korea to not get involved in other people's affairs as racism & police discrimination will likely cause foreigners to lose their rights. Find more of Leo Mendoza's version of events on his Facebook page here - https://www.facebook.com/shindogsleo/posts/10208301678881858.

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