
  • Continuing their series on "Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," Larry and LaVerne Kreider highlight the importance of demonstrating agape love towards both those we lead and those in our lives. They emphasize that it is through Christ living and working within us that we are empowered to exhibit this transformative and selfless form of love.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “Compassion gives people a path out of their pain.”“Agape love is love without expectancy of return.”“I can tell when I have lost my passion for Jesus when I make decisions based upon what it will cost me versus the glory that Christ will receive.”—Floyd McClung


    James 1:2-31 Corinthians 13There is great security in knowing that even in times of difficulty, God’s intention toward us is always love.Colossians 3:12Matthew 7:12John 13:34-35John 17Romans 12Philippians 2:2-7The focus of our ministry or business should not be self-consuming but rather should be centered on advancing the Kingdom of God.Love is a decision we make to allow Christ’s love to flow through us rather than live by how we feel.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderThe Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming by Henry Nouwen

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.


  • Larry and LaVerne Kreider discuss the importance of having a vision and challenge listeners against rushing the process. They also share three key steps: receiving the vision, allowing it to be tested, and finally implementing that vision to see it fulfilled.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “Wise leaders recognize that the process of sharing vision, building trust, and taking enough time for God’s people to own the vision is so important.”


    Proverbs 29:18Habakkuk 2:1-3Our perception of timing is often different from God's timing.2 Timothy 2:2

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry Kreider

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

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  • Embracing conflict as an asset rather than a liability may seem challenging. Join Larry and LaVerne Kreider as they provide practical and biblical principles on approaching conflict in a healthy manner, bringing conflict resolution while honoring and valuing people and their feelings in the process.

    Six Steps to Resolving Conflict:

    Gain agreement that a problem exists.Identify the consequences up front.Pray together, in faith, asking the Lord for wisdom and possible solutions.Mutually agree on an action.Follow up and measure progress.If the conflict cannot be resolved, receive help from an objective and trusted outsider.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “It’s really important we value the person we are in conflict with.”“As leaders, we need to be prepared to handle conflict in a biblical way.”“We must allow conflict to be an asset rather than a liability.”


    Matthew 5:9Philippians 1:29In conflict, seek to understand before seeking to be understood.Matthew 18:15-17Galatians 6:1-2The intention should always be restoration.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry Kreider

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • In this episode, Larry and LaVerne Kreider discuss how a surrendered heart brings us to a place of total dependency on God. They emphasize how this reliance on God is intertwined with our prayer life and provide valuable guidance—based on their personal insights and experiences—on effectively communicating with and connecting to the Lord through prayer.

    House of Prayer Rooms:

    The Family RoomThe Adoration RoomThe Declaration RoomThe Surrender RoomThe Provision RoomThe Forgiveness RoomThe Freedom RoomThe Protection RoomThe Warfare RoomThe Kingdom RoomThe Power RoomThe Exaltation Room


    Dependency comes from a surrendered heart.We experience incredible freedom when we recognize that without Jesus, we are incapable of doing anything.John 15Psalm 121:2Galatians 2:20Luke 11:1-4Isaiah 56Mark 11:17

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderYour Personal House of Prayer: Unlocking Twelve Unique Rooms Found in the Lord's Prayer by Larry Kreider

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Larry and LaVerne Kreider emphasize the importance of how we respond to criticism as they continue the "Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership" series. They acknowledge that criticism is inevitable in life but challenge us to walk in graciousness and be aware of the dangers of borrowing offense. Larry and LaVerne share how God can use criticism in our lives to shape and grow us, highlighting how it can be an avenue for constructive growth and development. They remind us that regardless of what people may say or think about us, we are loved and accepted by God, and that should be our main source of identity and security. Join Larry and LaVerne as they offer practical insights on how to respond to criticism in a way that honors God and leads to personal growth.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “An effective leader accepts criticism and learns to grow in the process.”“Offense is probably one of the devil’s biggest tactics to throw leaders off.”


    Romans 12:91 Peter 5:15-16The wisdom of the Holy Spirit is released to work as we give up our desire to control and fix a situation.James 3:17God desires for us to maintain a sense of graciousness amid differing opinions.When we take offense, we become blinded to the issues in our own lives.Proverbs 18:19Matthew 13:57Matthew 18:7Luke 7:23John 16:1Psalms 139Hebrews 12:15Mark 11:24-261 John 3:1

     Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry Kreider

     Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • In their return to the studio, Larry and LaVerne Kreider dive into the topic of transition, offering valuable insights on navigating these periods in a Godly and healthy manner. They acknowledge that while change can be exciting, it also can bring feelings of loss for both leaders and their teams. Join Larry and LaVerne as they discuss the importance of not rushing the process, giving care and concern to yourself and others, and how communication during times of transition is crucial.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “Transition almost always precedes an invitation from God to join Him in what he wants to do next.”“The process is so important.”“Good leaders bring people along with them in the process.” 


    Not moving too quickly is an important key when in transition.Communication with your team is vital.Change and transition test our identity.Walking through transition with care and concern—for yourself and others—gives space to process the feelings of loss that change can bring.Acts 6Habakkuk 2

     Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderThe Table GroupMe, Myself, and Bob: A True Story About Dreams, God, and Talking Vegetables by Phil Vischer

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.


  • On this episode of “Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," Larry and LaVerne Kreider continue their discussion, focusing on the test of priorities. They delve into the four essential rhythms of life: work, rest, worship, and play, discussing how these priorities can easily become idols and distract us from God’s purposes. They also share valuable insights on how to bring these rhythms into balance by practicing the presence of God in our lives. Join Larry and LaVerne as they offer practical advice and biblical wisdom on how to navigate the challenges of leadership.

    The Four Rhythms of Life:


    Quotable Quotes:

    “An effective leader determines what his or her priorities really are in life.”


    1 John 5:21Ezekiel 14:3By centering our lives around the presence of God, we find a greater balance in life’s rhythms.Galatians 2:20Colossians 1:26-27Find an integrated approach to work, rest, worship, and play.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderHealthy Leaders: How to Develop a Clear Sense of Identity and Direction  by Keith YoderThe Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence

    Related Resources:

    DOVE InternationalDOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Releasing the people in our lives is challenging. Larry and LaVerne Kreider explore how to lead with a heart and attitude of surrender, empowering those we lead to be all God has destined them to be. Drawing from their personal experience, Larry and LaVerne share valuable guidance on navigating the journey of releasing others, including the process, struggles, and immense joy that comes from seeing the individuals we serve and care for flourish.  

    Quotable Quotes:

    “An effective leader knows how to empower others.”“We need to continually nurture the next generation.”


    The struggle to release often comes from a control issue in our lives.We are called to be spiritual fathers and mothers.1 Corinthians 4:151 Kings 192 Kings 2The act of releasing is incredibly powerful, as it enables us to support and empower others to surpass and accomplish greater things than we can do or have done.Proverbs 22:61 Samuel 17:38-40

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderDOVE InternationalThe Cry for Spiritual Fathers and Mothers by Larry Kreider

     Related Resources:

    DOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Larry and LaVerne Kreider share their insights on the significance of teamwork, the value of diverse viewpoints, the importance of honoring each team member, and the blessing of servant leadership. Join them as they explore these topics and provide valuable perspectives on how to cultivate a strong and successful team.

    Four Commonalities of Effective Teamwork:


    Quotable Quotes:

    “Jesus modeled teamwork.”“Every person on a team is important.”“A real key is finding people who are different than we are to serve together on a team.”“Honor is like giving room at the table.”


    God is a team player: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.John 5:17-19A big mistake leaders can make when working with a team is thinking that everyone thinks like them.The power of teamwork lies in uniting individuals with diverse perspectives to achieve a common mission.Titus 1:5As leaders learn to work with their team, they often undergo a deep transformation in their own lives.Isaiah 54It’s important to honor and value how each team member is wired.Romans 12It can take 10 years to see if your team’s values are aligned.Psalms 133

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderDOVE International

    Related Resources:

    DOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • In their ongoing series "Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership," Larry and LaVerne Kreider explore the importance of self-honesty, accountability, and the humbling act of letting go of pride. By embracing genuine humility, they share how it positively impacts our lives and leadership roles.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “I have met two classes of Christians: the proud who imagine they are humble, and the humble who are afraid they are proud. There should be another class: the self-forgetful who leave the whole thing in the hands of Christ and refuse to waste any time trying to make themselves good. They will reach the goal far ahead of the rest.” —A.W. Tozer“Pride, I find, gives a leader an exaggerated sense of his own importance.”“At the heart of humility is honesty. Knowing who you really are and admitting it honestly is humility. Pride can only develop in the heart of someone who refuses to be honest with themselves.” —Floyd McClung“Often, we learn to walk in humility by submitting to authority.”“Humility is not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.” —Rick Warren


    1 Peter 5:5-7Walking in humility allows God’s grace and divine favor to be present in our lives.In essence, humility acknowledges that apart from Jesus, we can do nothing.Isaiah 57:14-15Matthew 11:29James 3:17James 3:14-16

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderDOVE International

    Related Resources:

    DOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.


  • Drawing from their wisdom and personal experience, Larry and LaVerne Kreider begin a new series inspired by Larry's book Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership. Providing invaluable insights and guidance on overcoming the challenges and tests that leaders face, Larry and LaVerne begin the series by sharing how to discover your calling and navigate it with integrity.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “An effective leader will discover his calling and then trust God to manifest it.”“We need to know we are doing what we are doing because God has called us.”“Our calling will be tested.”


    Hebrews 12:7God’s character reveals that all His intentions are love for us.As we walk through tests, God is doing a transformation in our lives.James 1What we learn from life’s tests can become a sword in our hand to help others.Romans 12Our greatest calling is to walk with Jesus.When discovering and processing your calling, ask yourself, “What do I do that I feel God’s pleasure? What gives me energy?”1 Corinthians 1:1Our calling becomes clearer as we learn from the tests we walk through.Focus less on the calling and more on the One who calls.  

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Passing the 21 Tests of Leadership by Larry KreiderPassing the 21 Tests of Leadership audiobook by Larry KreiderDOVE International

     Related Resources:

    DOVE International Succession PlanOur Journey with God by Larry and LaVerne Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Ron Myer joins Larry Kreider in the studio for the final episode of a five-part series on the fivefold ministry. Ron and Larry delve into the importance of the teaching gift and its crucial role in anchoring individuals in the foundational truths of God's Word. 

    Ephesians 4 Gifts:

    Apostles – GovernProphets – GuideEvangelists – GatherPastors/Shepherds – GuardTeachers – Ground 

    Quotable Quotes:

    “A teacher is someone who can take something complex and make it simple and easily understood.”


    Ephesians 4James 1:21A teacher directs their attention towards God's Word and holds a deep concern for its proper and accurate teaching.A teacher often derives as much, if not more, fulfillment from the process of preparing a message as they do from its actual delivery.A teaching gift is so important and critical to make sure that people are grounded in God’s Word.Place yourself in an environment that will cause you to grow in your gift.

     Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Fivefold Ministry Made Practical by Ron MyerContact Ron Myer at DOVE International

     Related Resources:

    “Ron Myer on Understanding Fivefold Ministry”“Ron Myer on Understanding How You’re Wired”

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • In this episode of the ongoing “Fivefold Ministry Made Practical” series, Ron Myer and Larry Kreider engage in a heartfelt conversation about the pastoral gift. Together, they explore the defining characteristics of this gift, its fundamental nature of care and love for people, and its significance in the context of a leadership team. 

    Ephesians 4 Gifts:

    Apostles – GovernProphets – GuideEvangelists – GatherPastors/Shepherds – GuardTeachers – Ground 

    Quotable Quotes:

    “A pastor is someone who cares about the people.”“Many people who are leading local churches function under a gift-mix.”


    Ephesians 4For individuals leading a local church, it is imperative to possess a compassionate and caring heart, as well as to function in some capacity in the pastoral gift. However, if a lead elder’s primary gift is not pastoral, it is crucial to include individuals on their team who have the pastoral gifting, ensuring a well-rounded team that can effectively minister to the needs of the congregation.A true pastoral heart is willing to pour out and invest into people without getting anything in return.John 10A pastor sees the potential in people and is willing to invest in them to see that potential fulfilled.You don’t need a title to start functioning in your pastoral gift—find someone to love and pour into.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Fivefold Ministry Made Practical by Ron MyerCell Groups and House Churches: What History Teaches Us by Peter BuntonContact Ron Myer at DOVE International

    Related Resources:

    “Ron Myer on Understanding Fivefold Ministry”“Ron Myer on Understanding How You’re Wired”

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • In the third episode of a five-part series, Larry Kreider is joined by Ron Myer, the author of Fivefold Ministry Made Practical. Together, they dive into a candid discussion on the evangelistic gift—its significant strengths, potential weaknesses, and the crucial role of accountability. Ron draws from his personal experiences to impart valuable wisdom on this fivefold gift. 

    Ephesians 4 Gifts:

    Apostles – GovernProphets – GuideEvangelists – GatherPastors/Shepherds – GuardTeachers – Ground

     Quotable Quotes:

    “The developing of your gift is your responsibility.”“I need to place myself in the right environment to grow.”


    Matthew 4:19Ephesians 4The goal of the evangelist is to connect people with God, connect people with other people, and then connect and equip those people to share Jesus with others.There are opportunities all around us, every day, to share Jesus with people.The pastor and teacher are strengtheners.The prophet, evangelist, and apostle are lengtheners.An evangelist needs to guard against stretching the truth and exaggeration. 

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Fivefold Ministry Made Practical by Ron MyerContact Ron Myer at DOVE International 

    Related Resources:

    “Ron Myer on Understanding Fivefold Ministry”“Ron Myer on Understanding How You’re Wired” 

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Ron Myer returns to the studio to continue the five-part series on the fivefold ministry. This week, Ron and Larry discuss practical ways to develop the prophetic gift while walking in humility, honor, and wisdom. Stay tuned to gain a deeper understanding of the prophetic gift and how to nurture it in your own life, ministry, and interactions with others. 

    Ephesians 4 Gifts:

    Apostles – GovernProphets – GuideEvangelists – GatherPastors/Shepherds – GuardTeachers – Ground

    Quotable Quotes:

    “God will never speak contrary to His Word.”“A prophet wants to see people connect with God.” 


    The prophetic gift today is to encourage, draw people to the Lord, and help give definition to what people are sensing in their own hearts. It is never meant to take away from an individual’s ability to personally hear from the Lord.Weigh a prophetic word against the Word of God, not against the vessel you received it from.1 Corinthians 14The prophetic word is not about our voice being heard, but about hearing the voice of the Lord.It’s your responsibility to develop your gift. 

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Fivefold Ministry Made Practical by Ron MyerContact Ron Myer at DOVE International

    Related Resources:

    “Ron Myer on Understanding Fivefold Ministry”“Ron Myer on Understanding How You’re Wired” 

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Ron Myer joins Larry Kreider to embark on a series delving into the fivefold ministry and exploring each unique gift in greater detail. In this episode, Ron and Larry discuss the characteristics and functions of the apostolic gift and the ways in which it is used both within the church and the marketplace. Tune in to gain a deeper understanding of the apostolic gift and its impact on ministry and leadership. 

    Ephesians 4 Gifts:

    Apostles – GovernProphets – GuideEvangelists – GatherPastors/Shepherds – GuardTeachers – Ground 

    Quotable Quotes:

    “When you see something that’s growing [and] multiplying, that’s an apostolic gift in function.”“All fivefold gifts are designed to train and equip the saints for the work of ministry.”“The apostle has the ability to understand the other gifts and bring them together in unity and move them forward.” 


    Ephesians 4:11-12The apostle is a builder, planter, extender, and expander.An apostle has a passion to pour into people’s lives and to see them released to be all that God has called them to be.Romans 121 Corinthians 12Apostles find accountability from other apostolic leaders who understand the gifting as well as the mistakes that can be made.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Fivefold Ministry Made Practical by Ron Myer

    Related Resources:

    “Ron Myer on Understanding Fivefold Ministry”“Ron Myer on Understanding How You’re Wired”

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • By exploring history, Dr. Peter Bunton sheds light on the valuable lessons we can glean about cell groups and house churches. In conversation with Larry Kreider, Peter delves into the experiences and methodologies of prominent early Reformers such as Martin Luther, John Wesley, Martin Bucer, and others. This insightful discussion leads us to discover the rich insights and practical approaches we can apply today. 

    Quotable Quotes:

    “I have found by experience that one of these [people] has learned more from one hour’s close discourse than ten years’ public preaching.” —John Wesley“Small groups are so important for people to be discipled.”“Looking at church history is important.” 


    Historically, cell groups and small groups have been called many names including conventicles, bands, collegia pietatis, classes, and societies.Martin Luther’s theology started to pave the way for the idea of small groups.Ulrich Zwingli and Martin Bucer were a few of the early Reformers to implement small groups.A well-known Puritan leader, Richard Baxter, spoke of having “more success” in discipling those who came to the conventicles than “from all my public preaching to them.”Matthew 18:19-20 

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Cell Groups and House Churches: What History Teaches Us by Peter BuntonHouse to House by Larry Kreider 

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Merle Shenk and Larry Kreider discuss honoring one another when navigating team leadership in marriage, family, and ministry. Merle shares the importance of relational intelligence, guarding your heart from the enemy’s negative narrative, and practical steps to avoid burnout. 

    Quotable Quotes:

    “We need to guard our hearts as if our very life depends upon it.”“Life is learning.”“Buy-in is ownership.” 


    We are called to treat others based out of our service and heart for the Lord, not based on how they treat us.When we assume we know the motives of others, we are hindered from understanding the true reason for their actions.Proverbs 4:23John 7:38Intentionally scheduling things that restore and fill you will help to prevent burnout.When your team starts expressing visions as their own, it's a clear indication that you have buy-in. 

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    Keep Your Love On! Connection, Communication & Boundaries by Danny SilkCrucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High by Joseph Grenny, Kerry Patterson, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler, and Emily GregoryEncountering the Supernatural by Kevin Kazemi, Larry Kreider, and Merle Shenk

    Related Resources:

    The Cry for Spiritual Fathers & Mothers by Larry Kreider“Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk on Their Succession Plan”

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.

  • Bobby Alger joins Larry Kreider via Zoom to explore the principle of first-fruits giving while sharing inspiring stories and testimonies that shed light on the power and significance of first fruits. Bobby and Larry discuss the distinction between tithing, offerings, and first fruits as well as practical advice on how to honor God with our finances.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “First fruits is connected to increase.”“Tithe is connected to positioning and protection.”“Offerings relate to generosity.”“There’s something powerful about honoring the Lord with the first fruits of what we have.”


    First-fruits giving is an honor gift presented to the Lord.Nehemiah 10In the Old Testament, first fruits primarily centers around physical increase.In the New Testament, first fruits primarily centers around spiritual increase.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    The Caused Blessing by Robert HendersonCrossroads Community ChurchCrossroads Community Church YouTube channelBobby Alger video, “First Fruits Explained”

    Related Resources:

    “Tony Fitzgerald on First Fruits & Kingdom Marketplace Leadership”The Tithe - A Test in Trust by Larry Kreider

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.


  • In this episode, Dr. Peter Bunton returns to the studio to talk about his book titled Succeeding at Succession: Founder and Leadership Succession in Christian Organizations and Movements. Peter and Larry delve into a range of topics, such as founder syndrome, mission drift, and routinization. Drawing from his extensive research, personal experience, and insight, Peter provides practical wisdom on how to approach succession in a healthy and honoring way.

    Quotable Quotes:

    “Sometimes founder succession can be a bit more difficult than other kinds of succession.”“In a Christian movement, or church network, it’s not a business. We build with relationships. It’s not a bureaucratic function.”“Succession is inevitable.”


    Mission drift happens when an organization shifts away from its founding purpose.In a succession process, routinization—although often needed—has the potential to become overly bureaucratic.A denomination often starts out as a movement but can gradually shift into routinization.Many founders struggle to release their ministry or organization to a new leader.It is important to respect and honor the culture you are working with and navigate the succession process accordingly.Take time to make tacit (unspoken) knowledge spoken.

    Mentioned in Today’s Episode:

    “Larry Kreider & Merle Shenk on Their Succession Plan”Succeeding at Succession: Founder and Leadership Succession in Christian Organizations and Movements by Peter BuntonBuilt to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies by Jim Collins and Jerry I. Porras 

    Related Resources:

    60 Great Founders: So That’s How They Started! by Geoffrey Hanks“Overcoming Fears in Leadership Succession” by Peter BuntonThe Christian Leadership Alliance named Peter’s latest book, Succeeding at Succession, as one of “12 insightful books on managing risk and leading wisely” in winter 2023 

    For more information about Larry Kreider, his books, daily devotionals, small-group resources, or other teachings, visit larrykreider.com.