Good Morning:
Bosnian: Dobro jutro Pronunciation: DOH-bro YOO-troGood Afternoon:
Bosnian: Dobar dan Pronunciation: DOH-bar danGood Evening:
Bosnian: Dobra večer Pronunciation: DOH-bra VE-chehrHow are you:
Bosnian: Kako si? Pronunciation: KAH-ko seeGood:
Bosnian: Dobro Pronunciation: DOH-broNot Bad:
Bosnian: Nije loše Pronunciation: NEE-yeh LOH-shehHello:
Bosnian: Zdravo Pronunciation: ZDRAH-voHow can I help you/What can I get you:
Bosnian: Izvolite? Pronunciation: IZ-vo-lee-tehCan we get a table for two:
Bosnian: Možemo li dobiti sto za dvoje? Pronunciation: MOH-zheh-mo lee DOH-bee-tee stoh zah DVOH-yehYes, you can:
Bosnian: Da, može. Pronunciation: Dah, MOH-zheh.Can I have two coffees:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti dvije kafe? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee DVYEH KAH-fehCan I get sugar:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti šećer? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee SHEH-cherCan I get milk:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti mlijeko? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee MLYEH-koCan I get two beers:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti dvije pive? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee DVYEH PEE-vehCan I get three portions of ćevapi:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti tri porcije ćevapa? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee TREE POR-tsyeh CHAY-va-paCan I get two coffees and three portions of ćevapi:
Bosnian: Mogu li dobiti dvije kafe i tri porcije ćevapa? Pronunciation: MOH-goo lee DOH-bee-tee DVYEH KAH-feh ee TREE POR-tsyeh CHAY-va-pa -
In this episode we will try to combine some of the words and phrases we used to chat at a caffe and order a coffee
Episodes manquant?
In this episode we ask where are you going and we answer.
In this episode we are going to practice asking simple questions and getting responses.
This is a recap episode for numbers.
This episode focuses on you, me, they, and them.
In this episode we are going back in time to do some basic refreshers.
In this episode we focus on verbs to build up a little bit of vocabulary. There is a small introduction to conjugation to get us familiar with it.
In this episode we learn how to say a few names of domestic animals.
Of course! Here’s the translation to Bosnian with the pronunciation:
**How are you?**
**Kako si?** (KAH-koh see?)
**To have**
**Imati** (EE-mah-tee)
**I have**
**Imam** (EE-mahm)
**I have twenty-six years**
**Imam dvadeset šest godina** (EE-mahm DVAH-deh-set shest GOH-dee-nah)
**Godina** (GOH-dee-nah)
**Godine** (GOH-dee-neh)
**I have a dog**
**Imam psa** (EE-mahm psa)
**I have a car**
**Imam auto** (EE-mahm OW-toh)
**I have a sister**
**Imam sestru** (EE-mahm SEHS-tru)
**I have a house**
**Imam kuću** (EE-mahm KOO-choo)
**I have a bicycle**
**Imam bicikl** (EE-mahm BEE-tseekl)
**Ti** (tee)
**You have a cat**
**Ti imaš mačku** (tee EE-mash MAH-chkoo)
**You have nice eyes**
**Imaš lijepe oči** (EE-mash LEE-yeh-peh OH-chee)
**I have**
**Imam** (EE-mahm)
**You have**
**Ti imaš** (tee EE-mash)
**I had**
**Imao sam** (EE-mah-oh sahm)
**I had two dogs**
**Imao sam dva psa** (EE-mah-oh sahm DVAH psa)
**I will have**
**Imat ću** (EE-maht choo)
**I had two flowers**
**Imao sam dva cvijeta** (EE-mah-oh sahm DVAH TSVYAH-tah)
**What do you have?**
**Šta imaš?** (SHTAH EE-mash?)
**Do you have a garden?**
**Da li imaš vrt?** (DAH lee EE-mash VRT?)
**I have a dog**
**Imam psa** (EE-mahm psa)
**I have a sister**
**Imam sestru** (EE-mahm SEHS-tru)
**I have a husband**
**Imam muža** (EE-mahm MOO-zha)
**I have a wife**
**Imam ženu** (EE-mahm ZHEH-noo)
**I have a girlfriend**
**Imam djevojku** (EE-mahm DYAY-voy-koo)
**I have a TV**
**Imam TV** (EE-mahm TEH-veh)
**What do you have?**
**Šta imaš?** (SHTAH EE-mash?)
**Do you have a TV?**
**Da li imaš TV?** (DAH lee EE-mash TEH-veh?)
**Do you have a car?**
**Da li imaš auto?** (DAH lee EE-mash OW-toh?)
**You have a boyfriend?**
**Ti imaš dečka?** (tee EE-mash DECH-kah?)
**Do you have a ride home?**
**Da li imaš prijevoz kući?** (DAH lee EE-mash PREE-yeh-vohs KOO-chee?)
In episode ten we ask a few questions to get to know a person and we practice responding.
Here are the translations of the phrases into Bosnian along with pronunciation:
English | Bosnian | Pronunciation
Hello and good afternoon | Zdravo i dobar dan | Zdrah-voh ee doh-bahr dahn
Your family | Tvoja porodica | Tvo-yah poh-roh-dee-tsah
How are you | Kako si | Kah-koh see
Are you good | Jesi li dobro | Yes-ee lee doh-broh
Are you ok | Jesi li u redu | Yes-ee lee oo reh-doo
Do you have kids | Imaš li djecu | Ee-mahsh lee djeht-soo
Yes | Da | Dah
No | Ne | Neh
Yes, I have two sons | Da, imam dva sina | Dah, ee-mahm dvah see-nah
Do you have any daughters | Imaš li kćeri | Ee-mahsh lee kch-eh-ree
I do have | Imam | Ee-mahm
I don't have | Nemam | Neh-mahm
How many | Koliko | Koh-lee-koh
I have two daughters | Imam dvije kćeri | Ee-mahm dvee-yeh kch-eh-ree
I have a dog | Imam psa | Ee-mahm psah
I have a cat | Imam mačku | Ee-mahm mach-koo
Do you have a wife | Imaš li ženu | Ee-mahsh lee zheh-noo
Do you have a spouse | Imaš li partnera | Ee-mahsh lee pahr-tneh-rah
Do you have a husband | Imaš li muža | Ee-mahsh lee moo-zhah
Do you have a grandma | Imaš li babu | Ee-mahsh lee bah-boo
Do you have a brother or a sister | Imaš li brata ili sestru | Ee-mahsh lee brah-tah ee-lee seh-stroo
Brother | Brat | Braht
Sister | Sestra | Sehs-trah
Brothers | Braća | Braht-chah
Sisters | Sestre | Sehs-treh
Do you have kids | Imaš li djecu | Ee-mahsh lee djeht-soo
Kids | Djeca | Djeht-sah
What is the name of your cat | Kako se zove tvoja mačka | Kah-koh seh zoh-veh tvo-yah mach-kah
In Episode 9: Episoda broj devet we do a small recap and we learn to ask and respond when someone asks where are you from
Please note the below translations are slightly different from the episode. This will help you learn slightly different phrasing.
English | Bosnian | Pronunciation
Hello and how are you all? | Zdravo i kako ste svi? | Zdrah-voh ee kah-koh steh svee?
Are you good? | Da li ste dobro? | Dah lee steh doh-bro?
Episode number nine | Epizoda broj devet | Eh-pee-zoh-dah broh-y deh-vet
Zero | Nula | Noo-lah
One | Jedan | Yeh-dahn
Two | Dva | Dvah
Three | Tri | Tree
Four | Četiri | Cheh-tee-ree
Five | Pet | Peh-t
Six | Šest | Shehst
Seven | Sedam | Seh-dahm
Eight | Osam | Oh-sahm
Nine | Devet | Deh-vet
Ten | Deset | Deh-seht
Twenty | Dvadeset | Dvah-deh-seht
Thirty | Trideset | Tree-deh-seht
Forty | Četrdeset | Cheh-tr-deh-seht
Fifty | Pedeset | Peh-deh-seht
Sixty | Šezdeset | Sheh-zdeh-seht
Seventy | Sedamdeset | Seh-dahm-deh-seht
Eighty | Osamdeset | Oh-sahm-deh-seht
Ninety | Devedeset | Deh-veh-deh-seht
One hundred | Sto | Stoh
Fifty-three | Pedeset i tri | Peh-deh-seht ee tree
Seventy-eight | Sedamdeset i osam | Seh-dahm-deh-seht ee oh-sahm
Episode number nine | Epizoda broj devet | Eh-pee-zoh-dah broh-y deh-vet
Where are you from? | Odakle ste? | Oh-dah-kleh steh?
I am from Sarajevo | Ja sam iz Sarajeva | Yah sahm eez Sah-rah-yeh-vah
But where are you from | Ali, odakle ste? | Ah-lee, oh-dah-kleh steh?
What do they call you | Kako se zovete? | Kah-koh seh zoh-veh-teh?
They call me | Zovu me | Zoh-voo meh
I am | Ja sam | Yah sahm
How old are you/ How many years do you have | Koliko imate godina? | Koh-lee-koh ee-mah-teh goh-dee-nah?
I am 32 years old | Imam trideset dvije godine | Ee-mahm tree-deh-seht dvee-yeh goh-dee-neh
Years | Godine | Goh-dee-neh
Year | Godina | Goh-dee-nah
Hello | Zdravo | Zdrah-voh
Nice to meet you/Glad to meet you | Drago mi je da vas upoznam | Drah-goh mee yeh dah vahs oo-pohz-nahm
I am fifty-five years old | Imam pedeset pet godina | Ee-mahm peh-deh-seht peht goh-dee-nah
In Episode 8: Episode broj osam we learn about food, hunger, and yes/no
Zdravo, kako si? (Zdra-vo, ka-ko see?) - Hello, how are you?
Hrana (Hra-na) - Food
Jesti (Yes-tee) - To eat
Jesi li gladan? (Yes-ee lee gla-dan?) - Are you hungry? (masculine)
Jesi li gladna? (Yes-ee lee gla-dna?) - Are you hungry? (feminine)
Gladan (Gla-dan) - Hungry
Da (Da) - Yes
Ne (Ne) - No
Ja sam (Ya sam) - I am
Ja nisam (Ya nee-sam) - I am not
Želiš li jesti? (Zhe-lee-sh lee yes-tee?) - Do you want to eat?
Hoću (Ho-choo) - I do/I will
Neću (Ne-choo) - I won’t/I don’t
Supa (Soo-pa) - Soup
Želiš li supu? (Zhe-lee-sh lee soo-poo?) - Do you want soup?
Da (Da) - Yes
Ne (Ne) - No
Hoću (Ho-choo) - I do
Neću (Ne-choo) - I don’t
Želim supu (Zhe-leem soo-poo) - I want soup
Ne želim supu (Ne zhe-leem soo-poo) - I don’t want soup
Pita (Pee-ta) - Pita
Jesi li gladan? (Yes-ee lee gla-dan?) - Are you hungry?
Hoćeš li pitu? (Ho-ches lee pee-too?) - Do you want pita?
Hoćeš li ćevape? (Ho-ches lee che-va-peh?) - Do you want ćevapi?
Hoćeš li sarmu? (Ho-ches lee sar-moo?) - Do you want cabbage rolls?
Sarma (Sar-ma) - Cabbage rolls
In Episode 7: Episoda broj 7 we are going to learn about the weather and the seasons.
Dobro jutro (Doh-bro yoo-tro) - Good morning
Dobar dan (Doh-bar dahn) - Good afternoon
Zdravo (Zdra-vo) - Hello
Kako si? (Ka-ko see?) - How are you?
Dobro? (Doh-bro?) - Good?
Ok? (Ok?) - Ok?
Super? (Su-per?) - Super?
Nije loše? (Ni-ye lo-she?) - Not bad?
Kakvo je vrijeme? (Kak-vo ye vree-yemeh?) - How is the weather?
Vruće (Vroo-cheh) - Hot
Hladno (Hlad-no) - Cold
Zima/Hladno (Zee-ma/Hlad-no) - Winter/Cold
Hladno je (Hlad-no ye) - It’s cold
Ljeto (Lyeh-to) - Summer
Jesen (Ye-sen) - Fall
Proljeće (Prol-yech-eh) - Spring
Kakvo je vrijeme u Sarajevu? (Kak-vo ye vree-yemeh oo Sa-ra-ye-voo?) - How is the weather in Sarajevo?
Fino (Fee-no) or Lijepo (Lee-ye-po) - Nice
Gdje si? (Gd-ye see?) - Where are you?
Kakvo je vrijeme gdje si ti? (Kak-vo ye vree-yemeh gd-ye see tee?) - How is the weather where you are?
Je li hladno? (Ye lee hlad-no?) - Is it cold?
Je li vruće? (Ye lee vroo-cheh?) - Is it hot?
Koje sezona je? (Ko-ye say-zona ye?) - Which season is it?
Koje je sezona je gdje si ti? (Ko-ye say-zona ye gd-ye see tee?) - What is the season where you are?
In Episode 6 - Episoda broj 6 we will learn how to ask for directions.
Kako si danas? (Ka-ko see da-nas?) - How areyou today?
Jesi li dobro? (Yes-ee lee doh-bro?) - Are yougood?
Dobro? (Doh-bro?) - Good?
Pardon? (Par-doune?) - Excuse me?
Gdje je? (Gd-ye ye?) - Where is?
Gdje je toalet? (Gd-ye ye toa-let?) - Where isthe bathroom?
Izvinite, gdje je WC? (Eez-vee-nee-teh, gd-ye vey-cey?)- Excuse me, where is the bathroom?
Tamo? (Ta-mo?) - Over there?
Ovdje (Ovd-ye) - Here
Pardon, gdje je muzej? (Par-don, gd-ye yemoo-zey?) - Pardon, where is the museum?
Pardon, gdje je hotel? (Par-don, gd-ye yeho-tel?) - Pardon, where is the hotel?
Pravo (Pra-vo) - Straight
Pardon, gdje je Hotel Internation? (Par-don,gd-ye ye Ho-tel In-ter-na-tsyon?) - Pardon, where is Hotel Internation?
Tamo, pravo (Ta-mo, pra-vo) - There, straight
Pardon, gdje je banka? (Par-don, gd-ye yeban-ka?) - Pardon, where is the bank?
Lijevo (Lee-ye-vo) - Left
Banka je lijevo (Ban-ka ye lee-ye-vo) - Thebank is left
Izvinite, gdje je WC? (Eez-vee-nee-teh, gd-ye vey-cey?)- Pardon, where is the bathroom?
WC je pravo i desno (Vey-cey ye pra-vo eedes-no) - The bathroom is straight and right
Desno (Des-no) - Right
Pardon, gdje je Hotel Internation? (Par-don,gd-ye ye Ho-tel In-ter-na-tsyon?) - Pardon, where is Hotel Internation?
Lijevo (Lee-ye-vo) - Left
Pardon, je li hotel lijevo? (Par-don, ye leeho-tel lee-ye-vo?) - Pardon, is the hotel to the left? Ne, on je lijevo (Ne, onye lee-ye-vo) - No, it is to the left
Hvala vam (Hva-la vam) - Thank you
Nema problema (Ne-ma pro-ble-ma) - Noproblem/It's nothing
Nema na čemu (Ne-ma na che-moo) - You'rewelcome
Da (Da) - Yes
Ne (Ne) - No
100 metara lijevo i 20 metara desno (Sto metaralee-ye-vo ee dvay-de-set metara des-no) - 100m left and 20m right
In Episode 4 - In "Epizoda Broj Cetri" we will learn numbers
Welcome: Dobro Dosli (Dob-ro dosh-lee)
Number: Broj (bro-y)
Numbers: Brojevi (bro-yevi)
Zero: Nula (Nu-la)
One: Jedan (YEH-dan)
Two: Dva (DVAH)
Three: Tri (TREE)
Four: Četiri (CHEH-tee-ree)
Five: Pet (PEHT)
Six: Šest (SHESHT)
Seven: Sedam (SEH-dam)
Eight: Osam (OH-sam)
Nine: Devet (DEH-vet)
Ten: Deset (DEH-set)
As you continue counting, you can use the same pattern by combining the words for the tens and units. For example:
Eleven: Jedanaest (YEH-da-na-est)
Twelve: Dvanaest (DVAnaest)
Twenty: Dvadeset (DVA-de-set)
Thirty: Trideset (TREE-de-set)
Forty: Četrdeset (CHEH-tr-de-set)
Fifty: Pedeset (PEH-de-set)
Sixty: Šezdeset (SHEZ-de-set)
Seventy: Sedamdeset (SEH-dam-de-set)
Eighty: Osamdeset (OH-sam-de-set)
Ninety: Devedeset (DEH-ve-de-set)
To form larger numbers, you can combine the words for hundreds, thousands, and so on, following a similar pattern.
In Episode 3 we learn how to introduce ourselves and how to say goodbye
Ja sam - I am
Mene zovu - I am called
Drago mi je - Nice to meet you
Vidimose - See you later
Do videnja - Goodbye (Until we meet again)
Vozdra - Hello
Bok - Hello
Desi - What's up?
Sta ima - What's going on?
Nista - Nothing
Repeat from Episode 2
Kako ste - How are you?
Cao - Hello or goodbye
Dobro vece - Good evening
Hvala - Thank you
In Episode 2 we will ask people how they are and then reply ourselves.
Repeat from Episode 1
- Cao - Hello
- Zdravo - Hello (formal)
Kako si? - How are you? (Singular and/or informal)
Dobro - Good
Kako si ti? - How are YOU?
Super - I'm great
Ok - Ok
Nisam lose - Not bad
Kako ste? - How are you (Formal and/or plural)
Dobro - Good
Kako ste vi? - How are YOU (Formal and/or plural)
Hvala - Thank you
Hello and welcome to the Learning Bosnian Podcast. A free podcast for anyone interested in learning the language from the basics to intermediate.
In Episode 1 we will learn how to greet people.
Cao - Hello and Bye (informal)
Zdravo - Hello (formal)
Dobro Jutro - Good Morning
Dobar Dan - Good Afternoon
Dobro Vece - Good Evening
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