Rebuilders is an initiative started by Red Church to help churches, leaders, and believers grapple with the issues presented by an increasingly secular society. We firmly believe God is preparing to move and is rebuilding His Church with particular building blocks to enable her to flourish in a post-Christian, secular world.
Howdy and welcome to the Mark Driscoll podcast, where “it’s all about Jesus”!
Each week you can expect unfiltered and unapologetic Bible-teaching, Real Men talks on what it looks like to be a man of God in a world gone mad, interviews with world-changing leaders, and more!
Please rate, review, and share if you enjoy listening.
For more from Pastor Mark, click here: -
Drawing upon four decades as a family caregiver, Peter Rosenberger offers a lifetime of experience as a lifeline for fellow caregivers.
Christian leaders join Dominic Steele for a deep end conversation about our hearts and different aspects of Christian ministry each Tuesday afternoon.
We share personally, pastorally and professionally about how we can best fulfill Jesus' mission to save the lost and serve the saints.
The discussion is broadcast live on Facebook then available in video on our website <u><b><a href=""></a></u></b> and via audio podcast. -
Join Fr Rob Galea, Jessica Bond, Claire Forbes and Augie Angrisano for weekly conversations about the upcoming Sunday Mass readings and relevant life topics from a Catholic perspective.
We are located in Cairns – Tropical North Queensland, Australia . A vibrant, authentic, committed and compassionate people of all ages outworking their gifts and talents for the good of others and for the glory of God. Our church is committed to raising, training and empowering people for life.
A chef and a theologian step up to the microphone and out flows the Woven podcast. As a former professional chef currently striving to mother as a verb, Rebecca Cochran sees life and faith through the lens of food and community. Rebecca Peet is a theologian, writer and speaker who believes intimacy with Jesus is the cure for what ails you and sees biblical knowledge as not only approachable but essential for the everywoman. With humor and vulnerability, Woven seeks to encourage women to live balanced lives right where they are- in the arms of Jesus.
Welcome to the Brigid & Josh Show! This is the podcast where we talk about stuff young Catholics should care about.
Commentary and opinion about news and current events.
Faith-based conversations exploring all the seasons of life. Hosted by Beth Parkes, the founder and creator of State of Wellness, a blog, lifestyle brand and online space that aims to encourage women to reach their full potential. Beth is a Certified Personal Trainer and Psychology Graduate. Expect to laugh, learn and be inspired as she covers topics ranging from faith to wellness and fitness, motherhood, marriage, business and the juggle of life in an unfiltered way. An intentional space of encouragement and love.
These podcasts are the essence of a couple dozen emails I wrote to my daughter and two daughters-in-law at their request about the art of being a wife. After our other three daughters married I pulled out, refreshed them and sent them to the new brides. Other young women were interested in hearing what I’d learned in marriage so I refined the originals and added a few more and the result was a good summation of my life lessons. It became a book called Letters to My Daughters. In these podcasts I hope you will find encouragement and help for your marriage, and maybe you can avoid some of the mistakes I made!
- Barbara -
Tommy and Desnekka Taylor are the founders of purpose driven coaching, a global online marriage coaching practice and creators of the number one marriage program - Marriage 2.0 with a 98% success rate.
After they went through everything there was to go through quadruple times over in their marriage they went on to build a global marriage coaching empire helping inspire and empower couples and individuals to save their marriages when everyone else told them to end it.
They have been featured on top level podcasts and shows and their training’s impacts 1000’s of people around the world.
And for all our fans out there!
If you’ve gotten any value from this podcast, don’t forget to go to to get over 30 Plus Hours Of Free Marriage Training Content! We’re giving away bonus training and programs if you join the facebook group.
Don’t forget…
We only spread our message when you share this knowledge with others that need it, so if you enjoy this episode, please share it on your social and tag @tommyanddesnekka, and don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast on iTunes and give us a 5-star rating, so you don’t miss any other great episodes.
To book a free 15 min Marriage Clarity Call to see if we can help and it’s a good fit, go to:
For more info on Tommy and Desnekka as well as marriage 2.0, go to: - Free Training for couples - Free Training for standing spouses - Main Website
Trevor Lee is the artist who designed the intro and outtro.
Labeled as a leader in Houston music by Ky Meyer of Muzik Houston -
Heart of Mission is a podcast about God's amazing global mission. The Heart of Mission podcast is packed with valuable global mission conversation that you won't find anywhere else – hear from CMS missionaries, global mission experts, and pastors. Listen in for insightful conversation, talks, panels, live stories and more, all focussing on God's global mission. For a world that knows Jesus.
Run Like a Woman shines a light on the experiences of ordinary Australian Christian women.
From stories of resilience to practical advice, women share about their lives and how their faith has guided, sustained and grown them.
Hosted by Penny Mulvey and Bec Abbott, Run Like a Woman is part of the Eternity Podcast Network, which thousands of listeners tune into every week.
We hope this podcast will offer you encouragement, community and inspiration.
“Hearing raw, honest stories from other Christian women is a truly powerful thing. Even if their experience is different to mine, I have found it relatable and often healing. It resonates with me for a long time afterwards." – a Run Like a Woman listener -
Join host Andrew Pratt in exploring Faith, Culture and Church. Through the lens of a young adult serving in Church today.
Every week on Undeceptions we’ll explore some aspect of life, faith, history, culture, or ethics that is either much misunderstood or mostly forgotten. With the help of people who know what they’re talking about, we’ll be trying to ‘undeceive ourselves’ and let the truth ‘out’.
Hear from kids ministry leaders from all over the world sharing their thoughts, ideas and leadership principles.
Listen to sermons and teaching from OneHope Baptist Church. Moolap Campus: Sundays 9am | Barrabool Campus: Sundays 10:30am and 6pm
Soul Search explores contemporary religion and spirituality from the inside out — what we believe, how we express it, and the difference it makes in our lives
Featuring Host, SkyWatchTV COO Joe Ardis Horn, best selling author, Dr. Tom Horn, SkyWatchTV examines topics that most churches and Christian media prefer not to discuss. Ghosts, demons, giants, UFOs, spiritual warfare, conspiracies--topics that drive Christians to look outside the church for answers.
Also featuring SimplyHIS, a women’s ministry podcast that focuses on your relationship with God, interpreting the Bible, and forming a sisterhood based on encouragement with host Katherine Horn, Reverend Donna Howell, CEO of Whispering Ponies Ranch Nita Horn, and Charisse Parton. SimplyHIS will make you laugh, cry, and rejoice all in the same episode!
Listen to daily world news updates from longtime broadcaster and best selling author Derek Gilbert in his show 5-in-10 that explores news from a Christian and prophecy perspective.