
  • How To Get Ripped For Summer... In this podcast Lee Hayward and Jeff Samataro will share the ultimate guide on how to lose body fat and achieve a lean muscular physique quickly and sustainably.

    From effective diet plans to intense workout routines, we'll cover it all to help you burn that stubborn belly fat and get the ripped beach body you've always wanted.

    Whether you're a fitness beginner or a seasoned athlete who's looking to take things to the next level. This podcast is packed with actionable tips and tactics that will help you reach your weight loss goals and rock that beach bod with confidence.

    If you want to get ripped for summer, you need to start sooner than later, so let's get to it...

    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Progressive Overload is the foundation of strength training. And when you're brand new it's easy to add an extra 5 pounds to a lift, or pump out an extra rep per set, etc. But as you become more advanced those 5 pound jumps in weight become harder and harder to make. And a lot of times guys end up getting injured when trying to increase the weight from week to week.

    In this video, we explore another variation of progressive overload for advanced lifters. This goes totally against what you've probably been doing, but it can help you break through plateaus, and do so while preventing injury in the process.

    Whether you're a powerlifter, bodybuilder, or just a hardcore fitness enthusiast who's looking to get stronger, this podcast will help you understand how to better use progressive overload and steady state strength training in your fitness journey.

    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

    Download a Free Copy of my Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF. This is the exact system that I used to lose my gut and get back in shape after I became a father in my 40's:

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  • How Do You Prevent Muscle Loss While Dieting?

    This is a challenge that many guys deal with when training for fat loss. Maybe you can relate if you've been following a fat loss cutting program, eating a calorie deficit, working out regularly, doing cardio, and even losing weight on the scale. But you feel weaker, you look flat, your body is depleted, and start losing muscle along with the bodyfat... NOT GOOD!

    In this podcast you're going to discover how to preserve lean muscle mass while shedding unwanted pounds. Following an extreme low calorie cutting diet can often lead to muscle loss, but with the right approach, you can maintain your hard-earned muscle while achieving your body recomposition goals.

    We'll explore the methods used within the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program to prevent muscle loss while dieting, including the importance of protein intake, progressive resistance training, and other essential tips to help you stay lean and strong in your 40's and beyond.

    Whether you're a fitness enthusiast or just starting your weight loss journey, this video is packed with valuable information to help you achieve a healthier, more toned body. Learn how to diet smart, not hard, and keep your muscles intact.

    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Fitness On A Budget. Want to get fit without breaking the bank? You're in luck! In this podcast, we'll show you how to workout and get in shape for literally pennies on the dollar. It's absolutely possible to get in your best shape without spending a fortune. From free workout equipment, and free gym memberships, to knowing where to get the best bang for your buck with high protein food we've got you covered.

    Say goodbye to expensive gym memberships and going broke at the grocery store and and say hello to a fitter, healthier you (and a healthier wallet) - Once you learn How To Get Fit On A Budget!

    Here are the time stamps for the money saving tips covered...
    0:00 - Intro
    1:40 - Fitness On A Budget - Get Fit Without Going Broke?
    2:55 - The Poverty Diet.
    3:39 - What's More Important - Training OR Nutrition?
    4:08 - Focus On The Workouts First.
    5:05 - Jeff's first home gym.
    6:50 - The Minimalist Home Gym Set Up.
    8:42 - How To Get A Good Home Gym for FREE.
    9:45 - Finding Killer Deals on Facebook Marketplace.
    9:55 - The $40 home gym - Olympic Rings.
    11:55 - Olympic Ring Exercises for Beginners.
    13:27 - Training at Home With Resistance Bands.
    14:00 - My Second Hand Home Gym Set Up.
    16:00 - How to get a FREE Gym Membership.
    17:17 - Thinking Outside The Box - Ask How Can I Afford That?
    17:37 - Public Fitness Parks / Calisthenics Parks.
    18:37 - The Muscle Beach Gym.
    19:37 - Saving Money On Bodybuilding Nutrition.
    20:30 - Where are you needlessly spending extra money on food?
    21:21 - True Story - Not being able to afford food.
    22:15 - How Jeff has stretched his grocery dollar further.
    24:09 - Shopping at Local Farmers Markets.
    25:03 - Eating High Volume / Satiety Foods.
    25:58 - Buying Cheap High Quality Carbohydrate Foods.
    27:00 - Making Food Choices To Satisfy The Whole Family.
    30:05 - Teaching Your Kids To Eat Healthy By Your Example.
    31:55 - Many Lessons Don't Get Taught - They Get Caught.
    32:37 - Fresh Fruits & Veggies - VS - Frozen Fruits & Veggies.
    33:37 - The Avocado Guy and his $7 Avocado's.
    36:20 - Getting Great Deals on Produce at Local Farmers Markets.
    37:21 - Getting Great Deals on Seafood at Local Fish Markets.
    38:03 - Inexpensive High Protein Food Options.
    40:42 - Buying Fruit and Berries for Half Price.
    41:31 - Affordable Fitness & Nutrition Programs Through Your Local Community.
    43:50 - Free Fitness Resources, YouTube Videos, and Online Coaching.
    46:15 - Getting One-On-One Support Beyond The "How To Stuff".
    47:27 - Suffering From Information Overload.
    50:37 - The Truth Is NOT Sexy.

    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Are you making these common bodybuilding mistakes? In this video I'm going to share the biggest mistakes that I've made when I started working out that held back my growth and progress in the gym.

    In this episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding podcast, I'm joined by some of my coaching students within the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program and we discuss the top 3 mistakes that guys make when trying to get in shape, and provide you with real world action steps to fix them so you can accelerate your muscle gains and fat loss in the future.


    Here are the time stamps for the topics covered...
    0:00 - Intro.
    2:48 - The 3 Phase Muscle After 40 Blueprint.
    4:40 - The Next Level - Pass On What You've Learned and Inspire Others.
    5:48 - You Can Start Building Muscle In Your 50's and Beyond.
    7:00 - Don't Compare Your Results To The Fitness Influencers.
    8:30 - The 3 Mistakes You Must AVOID In Order To Achieve Your Fitness Goals.
    8:45 - The Quick Fix Seeker - VS - Long Term Sustainability.
    9:20 - Yo-Yo Dieting - Losing Weight In The Short Term & Re-Gaining It Back Again.
    10:56 - Mike's Experience With The Carnivore Diet & Intermittent Fasting.
    11:20 - Losing Weight with Ozempic.
    12:22 - Losing Muscle when Dieting.
    13:25 - Learn From Others Mistakes - VS - Learning The Hard Way Through Your Own Mistakes.
    13:43 - The Victim Mentality - It's Not My Fault...
    14:45 - You Have More Control Over Your Health & Fitness Than You Realize.
    16:28 - The Hero - VS - The Villain.
    19:06 - The Debate To Ban Sports From School.
    20:41 - It's The Food Companies Fault You're Fat.
    21:38 - You Can Eat The Best Diet - OR - The Worst Diet - It's Your Choice.
    23:24 - Book Recommendation - Salt, Sugar, and Fat...
    26:51 - The Perfectionist - Why Striving For Perfect Is Hindering Your Progress.
    28:00 - Information Overload & Contradictory Opinions.
    29:13 - Give Yourself Permission To Take Imperfect Action.
    32:20 - Mike's Liberating Experience After Letting Go Of Perfectionism.
    33:48 - How High Achievers Deal With Stress At The Elite Level.
    36:18 - Eustress VS Stress (i.e. good stress vs bad stress).
    38:00 - Optimal Protocols For Studying And Learning - (Action vs Preparation)
    39:33 - Stop Overthinking And Figure It Out As You Go.
    40:25 - Get In The Water If You Want To Learn How To Swim.
    41:05 - The Difference Between Process & Accomplishment.


    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Unlock the full muscle building potential with these advanced training methods! In this podcast, Nick Nilsson share's his Return To Prime advanced training system that will help you discover your hidden strength and spur on unique muscle growth like a beginner all over again.

    Whether you're an athlete, weekend warrior, or simply looking to get rid of the Dad Bod and get back in shape - the training methods covered in Return To Prime will help improve your daily life, health, strength, and fitness.

    Get ready to unleash your full potential and discover the incredible strength that your body is capable of.

    Download a copy of the Return To Prime Program at:

    Follow Nick Nilsson on Facebook at:

    On Instagram at:

    On YouTube at:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Are you tired of setting New Year's fitness goals and have them fizzle out by February?

    In this episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast, we're going to do a deep dive into the Top 5 Mistakes people make when trying to get fit in the new year. From unrealistic expectations to poor workout planning, we're going to break down the 5 root causes of failure.

    By learning where most people fail, you can then focus on doing the opposite and set yourself up for success towards making lasting changes and building your best body in 2025.

    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to: https://www.leehayward.com/video

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail: [email protected]

    Download a Free Copy of my Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF. This is the exact system that I used to lose my gut and get back in shape after I became a father in my 40's: https://leehayward.com/blog/muscle-after-40

  • Do you know the one thing that all successful bodybuilding transformations have in common? Whether you're trying to lose weight, build muscle, or increase fitness, strength, and athletic performance - there's one thing that sets apart those who achieve their bodybuilding and fitness goals from those who don't.

    And it's not genetics, it's not skill, or having the perfect training program, etc. While those things do contribute to your success for sure. There's one thing that is much BIGGER that will ultimately determine whether you succeed or fail at achieving your bodybuilding and fitness goals.

    In this podcast, we're going to dive into the most important trait that ALL successful body transformations have in common. Plus you're going to learn how to can apply this to your own fitness journey. Once you have this in place, all the other aspects of eating a sustainable diet plan, to following a consistent workout routine, and everything else will naturally fall into place.


    If you would like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]

  • Do you often feel not motivated to workout? Does your procrastination and laziness hold you back from going to the gym? Do you find yourself giving into temptations and cheating on your diet?

    Maybe you find that motivation comes and goes in spurts. Where sometimes you're super motivated to go to the gym and workout, but it never lasts long enough to see your fitness goals through to completion. Then before you know it you find yourself quitting the gym, falling back into old habits, relapsing and going back to square one and having to start all over again.

    In this episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast we're going to discuss the number # 1 reason why most guys lose motivation to workout and fall short of ever hitting their fitness and fat loss goals. Plus we'll provide you with some practical tips and strategies to overcome the obstacles and challenges that stand in your way.


    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Complementary Coaching Call with Lee then e-mail: [email protected]

    If you'd like to learn more about the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Program, just download my Free PDF ebook at: https://leehayward.com/blog/muscle-after-40

  • In today's episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding podcast we're going to do a deep dive into why you are still struggling to lose bodyfat and keep it off over the long term.

    This goes way beyond just scratching the surface with low level tactics like what's the best workout, what the best exercises, sets, reps, calories, and macros, etc... Because we're going to focus on the bigger picture principles that you need to master in order to achieve a lasting fitness and fat loss transformation while enjoying the process!

    Once you implement these 3 success principles into your lifestyle - you'll unlock the secret to boosting your energy, losing weight, and achieving your fitness goals and sustaining them without feeling like you're suffering it out on some extreme cutting diet, and without killing yourself in the gym.

    These are the same 3 principles that I teach my personal coaching students within the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program. And if you'd like to learn more about that, then you can download a FREE Copy of my Muscle After 40 Blueprint PDF ebook at the link below:


    Here are the time stamps for the podcast topics:

    0:00 - Intro
    2:22 - Step 1 - Stop gaining fat and setting yourself back.
    3:56 - How To Achieve A Lean Body Re-comp.
    5:01 - Real Examples of guys who have achieved a Body Recomp.
    9:12 - Why people get fat over the holidays and how to avoid it.
    10:20 - Why diets fail to work over the long term.
    11:17 - The Crash Diet Cycle and why you always regain the weight back again.
    16:10 - Information Overload why fitness and nutrition is so confusing.
    17:04 - Lifestyle Builders vs Crash Dieters.
    18:12 - Examples of guys who have lost over 100 pounds and kept it off.
    21:15 - The 3 Phase System To Achieve a Sustainable Fitness and Fat Loss Transformation.
    25:28 - My personal Muscle After 40 Transformation.
    26:38 - Yo-Yo Dieting going from fat to lean and back to fat again.
    32:08 - How to make lasting change inevitable without willpower.
    33:25 - You’re the average of the 5 people you spend time with.
    37:06 - Seeing your true potential for losing fat and getting in shape.
    41:22 - The problem with relying on willpower to get in shape.
    44:46 - The Habit Creation Process and using it for good.
    47:35 - The #1 Habit that determines if you will go to the gym or not.
    49:30 - The #1 Habit that determines if you eat healthy or not.
    52:44 - How to eat whatever you want and not get fat.
    54:10 - How to create a calorie deficit without giving up your favorite foods.
    56:44 - Holiday eating survival guide to lose fat before the New Year.
    59:50 - Screw The Diet - It’s Christmas.
    1:00:30 - Enjoy your holiday meals without getting fat in the process.
    1:06:51 - How you can workout less while still getting lean.
    1:11:12 - The most important thing that drive fat loss results more than anything else.
    1:11:35 - How much exercise it takes to lose 1 pound of body fat.
    1:14:31 - You can take this 3 step system and apply it for yourself.
    1:15:12 - How we can implement this 3 step system together.


    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Tired of feeling guilty about overindulging during the holiday season? Want to enjoy your favorite treats and holiday meals without gaining weight and sacrificing your health fitness goals?

    In this podcast, I'm joined by 2 of my personal coaching students - both of who have lost over 100 pounds - and we're going to discuss our top 10 fat loss strategies to help you STOP holiday weight gain and stay on track so you head into the New Year with momentum and ahead of the game.

    From clever meal prep ideas, to simple exercise tweaks, to knowing how to deal with friends and family over the holidays - we've got you covered.

    Say goodbye to those unwanted pounds and hello to a happier, healthier you. Get ready to take control of your weight loss journey and make this holiday season your best and healthiest one yet!

    Note: you can join the Free Lean Body Re-Comp Masterclass at the link below:

    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can contact Lee by email at: [email protected]

  • How do you motivate someone to get in shape? Fitness Motivation is tricky because everyone knows what they should do, but very often we just don't feel motivated enough to do it.

    In this podcast we're going to show you how to discover real world strategies that will help you unlock the secrets to achieving your health and fitness goals!

    We'll dive into the key factors that drive YOUR fitness success. From finding your why, to reprogramming your mindset, and increasing the motivation to follow through with better nutrition and exercise habits.

    You'll hear first hand what it takes to reach your full potential and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle. Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast trying to motivate someone else - OR - you're just starting out and need to motivate yourself. This podcast will help you take your fitness journey to the next level. Get ready to discover the habits, strategies, and mindset shifts that will help you achieve long-term Total Fitness Bodybuilding success.


    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Complementary Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • If you're stuck in a rut and not seeing the gains you want in the gym... You may be making some of these ten weight training mistakes that could sabotage your fitness goals without even realizing it.

    It's time to optimize your workout routine! So in this podcast we're exposing the top 10 most common mistakes that are holding you back from reaching your fitness goals. From poor form to inadequate rest days, we'll cover it all.

    Learn how to identify and correct these mistakes to take your workout routine to the next level and start seeing the results you deserve. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned gym-goer, this video is a must-watch to optimize your workout routine and achieve your fitness goals.

    Here are the top 10 most common weight training workout mistakes that are holding you back from building muscle and achieving the lean muscular body you want.

    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Ever wondered how those jaw-dropping fitness transformations are achieved? From drastic weight loss to gaining muscle mass, the incredible fitness "Before" and "After" photos that have become a staple of social media.

    But have you ever stopped to think about what really goes into creating those incredible transformations?

    In this podcast, we're going pulling back the curtain to reveal the secrets behind those astonishing before and after photos - from clever editing and posing to dedicated training and nutrition plans, we'll explore the real story behind fitness transformations that will make you rethink everything you thought you knew about getting fit.

    So, if you're ready to separate fact from fiction and get a dose of reality, then make sure to watch this one to learn what it really takes to achieve a REAL World Fitness and Fat Loss Transformation.


    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Are you struggling to get past fat loss plateaus and can't seem to shed that last layer of stubborn bodyfat? Well in today's episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding Podcast we'll do a deep dive into the top 3 mistakes that could be preventing you from getting lean and ripped.

    From metabolic adaptations to hidden calories, we uncover the common pitfalls that can derail your fitness and fat loss goals. Learn how to identify these roadblocks and discover proven strategies to overcome them. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced dieter, this podcast will provide valuable insights to help you break through your fat loss plateau and get back on track to building the lean muscular physique that you deserve.

    If you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching with Lee Hayward, you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Are you trying to eat healthy food, exercise regularly, but still struggle to lose weight and notice the scale creeping up? In this eye-opening video, I'm going to reveal 10 sneaky "healthy foods" that are actually sabotaging your weight loss efforts and making you get fat... Or at least preventing you from losing fat...

    From seemingly innocent snacks, to old school family favorites, and popular meal choices - these food items are providing hidden calories and unhealthy ingredients that can lead to weight gain.

    Listen in to today's podcast as I break down each food, explain why they're causing you to gain weight, and share some better alternatives that you can enjoy instead.

    Don't let these deceptive foods derail your fitness and fat loss goals!

    Make sure to watch until the end for tips on how to read labels and choose better options that will support your fat loss goals.

    If you have any questions or if you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching Programs you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • Are you ready to transform your body and lose your gut? In this podcast, we unveil "The Ultimate Fat Loss Program" designed to help you shed excess weight in a safe and healthy manner - while still enjoying your life in the process.

    This weekend we're going to be launching another FREE 5-Day Lose Your Gut Challenge. Which is a virtual coaching program that will show you exactly what you need to do to lose your gut and keep it off for life without feeling like you're suffering it out on a crazy low carb cutting diet.

    You'll Discover How To:
    - Accelerate fat loss without going to extremes and starving yourself
    - Optimize your eating and exercise habits for maximum results
    - Stay committed and overcome common obstacles and mental blocks

    You can register for the FREE 5-Day Lose Your Gut Challenge at:


    During today's podcast we're going to break down proven fat loss methods that have worked for literally hundreds of guys and share expert insights that can help you achieve your ultimate fitness and fat loss goals so you can achieve the body you want. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to refine your approach, you'll benefit from today's episode. Don’t wait any longer to start your transformation!


  • Are you struggling with losing fat and shedding those extra pounds? In this podcast we'll dive deep into the reasons why you are not getting as lean as you'd like, despite your best efforts.

    Discover the TRUTH about fat loss dieting that many people overlook! We'll explore common misconceptions, the role of metabolism, and the importance of fueling your body for building a lean muscular physique - and not just starving yourself to try and lose weight as quickly as possible.

    Learn about the key factors that are critical to your weight loss journey and how long term consistency trumps short term intensity. You'll discover some proven action step and strategies that you can start applying right away to help you get started today on the right track to achieving your fat loss goals.

    Make sure to watch this one until the very end to learn the secrets to sustainable fat loss while enjoying your life in the process. So you can finally master your metabolism and take control of your health, fitness, and feel confident in your own skin.


    Register for The FREE 5 Day Lose Your Gut Challenge at:

  • Are you ready to supercharge your fat loss journey? In this podcast Jeff and myself talk about how to "Optimize Your Environment for Faster Fat Loss!"

    We'll dive deep into real world strategies that you can implement in your day to day routine to enhance your weight loss efforts.

    From optimizing your home routine, to being more mindful about your food choices when eating at family dinners and restaurants, to surrounding yourself with people who are going to pull you up to a higher level with your strength training and cardio workouts. You'll discover how your environment plays a crucial role in achieving your personal fitness goals.

    Learn practical tips to create a supportive atmosphere that encourages healthy eating, regular exercise, and a positive mindset. We'll cover essential hacks like optimizing your kitchen, organizing your workout space, and even the psychological impacts that your friends and family play on motivation and discipline.

    Whether you're just starting or looking to break through a plateau, this podcast is packed with actionable insights to help you shed those extra pounds faster and more effectively.

    Optimize your environment and watch your fat loss progress accelerate!


    If you have any questions or if you'd like to learn more about one-on-one Fitness & Nutrition Coaching Programs you can schedule in for a Free Strategy Session Coaching Call with Lee at: https://www.leehayward.com/call

    E-mail: [email protected]

  • In this episode of the Total Fitness Bodybuilding podcast we delve into the ONE trait that unites all successful athletes, trainers, and sports enthusiasts. Regardless of their sport or level of experience, this common characteristic is what drives them to excel and achieve their goals more than anything else.

    Join in as we explore the importance of this simple, but unique trait, and learn how it manifests in the lives of top performers. You'll also discover practical tips on how YOU can cultivate it in your own life. Whether you're an aspiring athlete, a seasoned trainer, or simply passionate about fitness, this video is a must-watch for anyone looking to elevate their performance and mindset.

    Don't miss out on discovering what could be the key to your success! Make sure to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell for more content that inspires and motivates you to reach your full potential and live life to the fullest!


    If you would like to apply for the Muscle After 40 Blueprint Coaching Program, just go to:

    If you have any questions, you can e-mail:
    [email protected]