Spirit kept showing me that Its not your time. shhh! Patience. Karma is coming back around. Let the Energy Return to them.
Shop with me on Instagram at LibraMoon73.
Join our Tribe on FBGroup at Libra Moon 73.
Follow Me on TikTok: LibraMoon73
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Sexual Unions are Sacred. Its a Transfer of Energy. There is a give and take of energy between two Light Beings. Its able to Heal your Auric Field if the Intentions are of higher frequency.
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Episodes manquant?
Spiritual consciousness. Excuse the interruptions at a few places, spirit decided to interrupt the recording!!
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Vincent Kennedy #Fooked Drops? What's their plan? Patriots have the Playbook.
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Lets talk about inner development and how these two moons can assist in that. Crystal Recharge.
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A discussion with my husband, Jason, about issues in the media and society.
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My Co-Host today has been a "Conspiracy Theorist" for decades. Join me today as we hop down the Rabbit Hole. Find Murray at One From The Bunker on his Podcast.
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Jump in the rabbit hole with me. Where We Go 1 We Go All. Worldwide.
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Symbolism will be their downfall. I discuss the Evil Cabal and the Elites. Their demise has came to an end.
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The big Reveal will happen soon. End Times? Elites in Demonic Rings? Watch the Signs & Symbols they express.
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Take the journey through Empath Land with Leigh, as you discover Squirrels & sneaky Snakes. lolz
Join us, Monday Morning at 8am (est) on Anchor, Spotify, Google Podcast, and Radio Public.
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Seems pretty scary after you step into the work that needs to be done for yourself. Buckle up. Its a Wild Ride.
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Its Powerful and Deep, Gritty Topics. Lets talk about it.
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Ohhh! the Self Sabotage that I embedded in myself was Intense. Lets Reprogram Your Mind Space.
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Snip Snip! Do we really need to hold onto past childhood traumas??? What if they don't resonate with us...currently in 2020? Lets Talk About It.
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Oh! Goodness. Mind blowing to say the least. Learn the signs & protect yourself. --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leighdaniel73/support
Find that Sweet Spot and Heal Yourself. Lets Talk About It.
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I swear ...you are not Crazy. Lets talk about the signs and symptoms of your Awakening.
Massive Energy Shifts, Grasp them and Apply what you're Learning in your own Life.
--- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/leighdaniel73/support