This podcast will cover themes related to raising kids. The host will take psychoanalytic, parenting, and educational perspectives when parenting or working with children. Each episode will answer questions about challenging situations children and adults can find themselves in. Furthermore, the idea that it is necessary to provide blankets and boundaries for kids will be explored. Artwork was done by Elisa Keane and music is from Uppbeat.
A Podcast Dedicated To the Students, For the Students and By the Students. Let's Get Ready to Rock Out Loud!
Lezione di Geografia Italiana, Storia e Religione
information about changing your major in college
In the time of a never-before-seen climate crisis, Stanley, Earth's maybe saviour will come (cue the trumpets)!
In this hilarious podcast, young people learn that saving the planet is easier than they thought. A selection of "co-hosts" who all seem strangely familiar will help you to discover environment-saving tips and tricks that you can definitely do at home! -
中文說故事 / 台語說故事 / 睡眠音樂 / 讓親子在幸福愉悅的氣氛中一起入眠。
1.【睡前故事】 中文說故事 + 台語說故事
2.【睡眠音樂】 聽完睡前故事後, 聽合適的睡眠音樂或白噪音進入夢鄉。也有適合激發智力發展的莫扎特古典音樂,很適合親子聆聽,以及準媽媽做為胎教音樂。
Here is a website about sleep, with sleep music and bedtime stories, good dreams, tomorrow is full of hope again, good day, good night!
Bedtime Stories: Now that more and more young people and children cannot speak Taiwanese, Xiaoqi wants to contribute to the inheritance of Taiwanese and tell classic stories in Chinese and Taiwanese. The reason why classic stories can be passed down for hundreds of years and never tire of listening to them is precisely because these stories are classic enough, and there are also stories written by Xiao Qi himself. Hope you will enjoy it.
晚上用 Podcast 及 YouTube 都可以聽小七媽咪用中文和台語說故事,以及好聽的睡眠音樂:
✦各類合作請洽:[email protected]
Key Word:
兒童故事, 說故事, 童話故事, 經典故事, 中文故事, 中文說故事, 台語故事, 台語說故事, 小七媽咪, 小七媽咪說故事, 說故事, 講故事, 讀故事, 床邊故事, 睡前故事, 安徒生童話, 格林童話, Story, Stories, 睡前音樂, 睡眠音樂, 故事, 音樂, 晚安, 童話, 寶寶故事, Music, Bedtime Music, Bedtime Story, Bedtime Stories, Sleep,
Powered by Firstory Hosting -
A monthly news podcast from Holy Family Senior School. Each month we will be going through some of the main news from our school and beyond.
Halooooo Kalakiiiii
Whether you're a dog owner or you work with dogs, this is the podcast for you. The podcast covers everything dog within the training & behaviour world. From puppy blues, reactive dogs, separation anxiety, dog training tips and everything in between. Co-authors Louise Campbell-Pierson (@caninefriendsuk) and Jay Gurden (@goodguardianship) delve in to a new topic each week. Louise Campbell-Pierson is an award winning dog trainer & behaviour consultant specialising in separation anxiety and puppy training. Jay Gurden is a behaviour consultant and qualified family dog mediator, specialising in reactivity.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We look at different parts of Lord of The Flies
Radio Ognjišče vse od prvega dne misli tudi na najmlajše poslušalce. Radi jim prebiramo zgodbe, z veseljem pogledamo v Sveto pismo, širimo obzorja s Šmarnicami in bogatimo domišljijo s pravljicami, ljudskimi in umetnimi zgodbami. Vemo, da ima pisatelj George Martin prav, ko pravi: "Kdor bere knjige, živi tisoč življenj." Skrbno izbiramo, prijazno prebiramo in iskreno vabimo: prisluhnite podcastu Zgodbe za otroke. Bere Jure Sešek.
Povezovanje prebranega s tvojim in mojim vsakdanom
Izbor ljudskih pravljic in drugih zgodbic za lahko noč ali dolgočasno vožnjo z avtom.
Psychology for parents
Ogrnemo te v pripovedni svet slovenskega ljudskega izročila in ti predstavimo slovenske ljudske zgodbe v vsej njihovi igrivosti, mističnosti ter avtentičnostina sodoben način. Pripovedujemo v narečju!
Jutranja rubrika za otroke.
Radijska igra za otroke je žanrsko raznolika. Giba se od personifikacij do umetniške pripovedi. Ta radiofonska zvrst je nadgradnja pripovedovanja pravljic, torej kompleksnejša zvočna oblika, ki pri najmlajšem poslušalstvu krepi slušno senzibilnost, abstraktno mišljenje in nagovarja njegove notranje svetove. Po večini je namenjena starostni skupini 3+ do zaključka druge triade OŠ oziroma dopolnjenega 11. leta starosti.
HowHow! Sva Dona in Marko PoPasje, na pasji misiji s HOWastično skupnostjo lovilcev slinastih poljubčkov!
PoPasje je ljubezen do živali, učenje sproščenega življenja s psom, je slinast lajfstajl aktivnih vodnikov, stičišče živalskih storitev in aktivnosti vseh vrst, namenjenih dvigu kvalitete sobivanja, poglobljenemu sodelovanju s psom in spoznavanju sebe skozi oči živali.
Že 12. leto se učimo razumeti univerzalen jezik psov, ga vnesti v današnjo družbo in ga predajati ljudem, ki so mu pripravljeni prisluhniti. Mi2 sva njihov glas ... -
Tune in for the best amputation recovery and care tips for three legged pets, and their people. Hosted by the Tripawds Blogs community founders Jim & Rene, and spokesdog Wyatt Ray. Keep listening for interviews and informative discussions with veterinary surgeons, oncologists, rehab therapists and other specialist veterinarians as well as pet parents sharing their own amputation recovery experiences, treatment plans, and results for their own amazing three legged dogs and cats. Learn more and contact the hosts at