On today's "Let's Talk Money with Dave and Reb" podcast, Dave and Reb look at how our Covid-19 lockdown has influenced our growing use of online shopping, online payments, mobile pay, credit cards and debit cards. From recent media reports, the first five weeks of lockdown showed a reduction in Canadian spending by 75 per cent, with a drop in use of cash by 62 per cent, while the use of other money tools was on the rise, compared to the pre-Covid spending behaviours. To read the full story and see the statistics go to https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/coronavirus/are-canadians-ready-to-go-cashless-after-coronavirus-1.4970838. To hear their conversation and get tips on how to remain connected to your money while using all these tools, tune in. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching company leading people to financial hope and freedom through consistent coaching and accountability. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information. Aired:July 10th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
What do you do when you know something needs to change in your finances but you don't know where to start? On today's "Let's Talk Money" podcast, Dave and Reb offer a whirlwind of advice, but the bottom line is: don't be lazy, think about your purpose, and build an emergency cushion! To read the articles they reference you can go to https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/hide-and-seek/201410/the-psychology-laziness, and https://moneyning.com/money-tips/19-ways-laziness-is-costing-you-money/. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching company leading people to financial hope and freedom through consistent coaching and accountability. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information. Aired:July 3rd, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Episodes manquant?
It's only a few days from Canada Day, and it is the first time in many years that we are not celebrating our national birthday on Ottawa's Parliament Hill. However, that doesn't mean we won't be celebrating in our backyards around the country! Just as celebrating Canada Day is important, so also is celebrating financial milestones and victories. On today's "Let's Talk Money", Dave and Reb talk about the importance of celebrating financial goals in your journey to debt-free living. Listen in to this show sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching company leading people to financial hope and freedom. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information. Aired:June 26th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb welcome Abbotsford Pastor Pam Dyck back for the second week in a row on "Let's Talk Money". On today's show they talk about the importance of asking for help, and how our pride can keep us from asking. James 4 tells us that we don't have because we don't ask. Jesus spoke to His disciples, about asking, seeking, and knocking. This is a timely discussion for the Body of Christ as economic uncertainty has hit so many Canadians close to home. Tune in and listen to this show sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a financial coaching company encouraging people to walk in hope and freedom with God in their finances. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information. To learn more about the Pastor Pam Dyck and the book she recently released called Soul Restored, go to pamdyck.com. Aired:June 19th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb invite their long-time friend and Pastor Pam Dyck to join them in a discussion about becoming cheerful givers, and how the western church has been shaping our ideas about giving to God. In light of all that is happening in this global pandemic environment, they tackle this topic in hopes of encouraging listeners to give and share not just their finances, but time, talent and other resources. Tune in and listen to this show sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a financial coaching company encouraging people to walk in hope and freedom with God in their finances. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information. To learn more about the Pastor Pam Dyck and the book she recently released called Soul Restored, go to pamdyck.com. Aired:June 12th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Regular guest Rev. Ray Borg joins Dave and Reb on "Let's Talk Money" to review the bible study resources available through Financial Discipleship Canada's ministry arms Compass Canada and notmine.ca. Originally written by Howard Dayton, Your Money Counts, Navigating Your Finances God's Way, Money and Marriage God's Way, along with several other studies and resources are available through the website. Together they speak about the wisdom God brings through the Scriptures that are highlighted in these studies. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a social enterprise corporation assisting people on their financial journeys through financial coaching, practical advise and Godly counsel. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information, or go to notmine.ca to find the resources talked about on today's show. Also on today's show there is a book giveaway. Your Money Counts by Howard Dayton is up for grabs. Just go to the More Than Enough facebook page and share the radio show link. Your name will be put in a draw and we will contact the winner next week!Aired: January 24th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
In further conversation today following last week's show, Dave and Reb dig through the topic of Kingdom Investing: where to start, and how to invest in kingdom priorities with our time, resources, finances, relationships and opportunities. Making time with God a priority is crucial to understanding what to invest and how. This kind of giving is more about relationship and less about a set of rules. To hear more of their discussion, tune in to the show that is sponsored this week by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching company helping people find hope and freedom in their finances.Aired: January 17th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Lynn Fraser, former owner of More Than Enough Financial, joins Dave and Reb on today's show to share about her journey in Southeast Asia and how Kingdom Investing has changed her life for the better. She shares the joy in giving her life to God and His purposes. To learn more, or to join in Lynn's journey, by investing financially, email info@morethanenough.ca. Today's show has been sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a financial coaching company helping people find hope and freedom in their finances and in their walk with God. Go to www.morethanenough.ca to learn more.Aired: January 10th, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
At the start of this new year, Dave and Reb look at the reference points in our lives that can encourage good financial decisions, but also those that don't. They tackle how we compare ourselves to our neighbours, and how that affects our financial decisions and our happiness. Looking at Proverbs 23:17, they share God's perspective and how He admonishes us not to let our hearts envy others, but instead to be zealous for the fear of the Lord. On today's show they reference a podcast called the Happiness Lab Episode 3 A Silver Lining by Dr. Laurie Santos (https://www.happinesslab.fm/). Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough, a financial coaching company that helps bring financial hope and freedom into people's everyday lives. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for more information.Aired: January 3rd, 2020 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
It's the end of the year, and Dave and Reb look back on 2019 with Rev. Ray Borg from Financial Discipleship Canada. They discuss how intentionality and commitment is so important in our financial journey, as well as understanding how our love of money can affect our relationship with God. They continue to encourage people to depend on God in the year ahead and commit to "putting your hands on the wheel of your finances" and don't take them off. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a financial coaching, mortgage and tax preparation company that helps people find hope and freedom on their financial journey.Aired: December 27th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb love the Christmas season, and they love the story of Jesus’ coming. For the second year in a row, they have decided to share this story with their podcast listeners, and invite you to picture yourself in the story of Christ’s birth. Are you a shepherd receiving the news, or the Innkeeper perplexed by the young pregnant woman before him? Imagine what it would have been like for any of these people as they became witnesses to this great story of redemption. Pause.Listen or read along. Imagine.Pray.Give thanks. Interspersed in today’s recording are songs from several Christian artists including Brian Doerksen, Amy Grant, For King and Country, and others. Dave and Reb forego talking about money, and instead encourage listeners to focus on the magnificent story of Jesus’ first coming.Aired: December 20th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb talk about the heart issues around money today, specifically in light of this Christmas season. They want to remind us that God sent His Son to be the physical presence of God's goodness, redemption and love in our lives. On our financial journeys we can forget that He is Emmanuel - God with Us! Jesus came and entered our mistakes, our muck, our joys and our victories. There is no financial mistake or victory too great that He won't walk with us through them. On today's show, Dave and Reb want to encourage listeners with that truth - He is Emmanuel, God with us! Tune in and listen to their conversation. Today's show is sponsored by More Than Enough, a financial coaching company that helps bring financial hope and freedom into people's everyday lives.Aired: December 13th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb love hearing stories, and on today's show Sean and Roz Woodland share their spiritual and financial journey based on a proverb they love from Proverbs 15:22: "Plans go wrong for lack of advice; many advisors bring success." Before they were married five years ago, they attended one of the monthly Financial Fitness Seminars, offered through More Than Enough. As they share their journey on today's show, you will hear how they moved from financial "wreckage" to financial "stability" by learning the tools of communicating, planning, and walking in financial unity. It hasn't been easy and they say they can still disagree, but listeners will be encouraged to hear of their commitment to God and each other on this journey. To register for the next Financial Fitness Seminar, go to www.morethanenough.ca and click on the seminar link in the top right corner of the page. Today's show has been sponsored by More Than Enough Financial - a financial coaching business that helps bring financial hope and freedom into everyday lives.Aired: December 6th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
On today's show, Dave and Reb speak with Kingston mortgage broker Jeff Stafford about how to "prepare, prepare, prepare" for buying a home in a very "hot" market. They agree that inviting the Lord into every one of these transactions is an important part of this huge financial decision. They also discuss how to build a team around you that has your best interest at heart in the real estate market. To learn more about Kingston Mortgage Solutions go to https://kingstonmortgagesolutions.com/. To contact Jeff Stafford directly email Jeff@kingstonmortgagesolutions.com. To access some of the statistics found on today's show go to this Ottawa Business Journal article https://obj.ca/article/ottawa-housing-market-stays-hot-through-august-home-sales-10.Aired: November 29th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Ottawa Mortgage Broker Susanna Penning joins Dave and Reb on Let's Talk Money today to talk about what you need to prepare for buying a home, or renewing your mortgage. In each client conversation, Susanna discusses property, down payment, credit score, employment and job stability, and cash flow affordability. To hear them dig into how to prepare for a mortgage, tune in and listen. Today's radio show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a coaching company helping people find hope and freedom in their walk with God and their finances. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for information regarding their mortgage, tax, coaching and education departments. Or call 613-520-4157.Aired: November 22nd, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
As part of November's theme topic "Being Prepared in Your Finances", More Than Enough tax specialist and business coach Bron Vasic, helps Dave and Reb unpack how people can get prepared for the 2020 tax season which is just around the corner. Together, they look at Proverbs 24:30-34 and warn people not to procrastinate in complying with Canada Revenue Agency guidelines. Today's radio show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial, a coaching company helping people find hope and freedom in their walk with God and their finances. Go to www.morethanenough.ca for information regarding their mortgage, tax, coaching and education departments. Or call 613-520-4157.Aired: November 15th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Black Friday and Christmas sales are coming but are you prepared? Dave and Reb continue their month long theme of preparing financially, and look at the upcoming season of spending. With billions of dollars being spent on Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Christmas purchases, they want people to be aware of how much they have to spend, and to be committed to their purchase plans. With advertising promising happiness with every purchase, Dave and Reb are not here to discourage spending, but simply want to raise awareness of the lies marketing tells us, and the wisdom needed as consumers during this time of year. This week's show is sponsored by More Than Enough Financial. Go to www.morethanenough.ca to learn more about how you can prepare yourself financially in your personal spending, your mortgage planning, and your tax preparation.Aired: November 8th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Dave and Reb are talking about Preparing Yourself Financially during the month of November, and today they start with a focus on some of the "Daveisms" or phrases that float around the More Than Enough office. "Plan what you spend and spend what you plan", "Live on less than you make", and "Give every dollar a name" are some of the phrases that Dave and Reb use to help remind themselves, and others, to plan, prepare and be wise with money. Listen to their conversation to learn about intentional diligence and how to prepare yourself financially. This radio show is sponsored by Financial Discipleship Canada. Go to notmine.ca to connect with a financial stewardship community and find the Biblical resources you need that will help you live in financial freedom. Aired: November 1st, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
On Let’s Talk Money today, Dave and Reb look back at their two month focus of prayer and finances that highlights our daily walk with God, and many stories of how God answers our financial prayers. Reading through John 9 and the story of the blind man receiving his sight, they compare physical blindness to our own financial blindspots. Today's show is the last show of the series that highlights prayer and finance. It is part of the two month focus where Dave and Reb encourage listeners to get in touch with the More Than Enough prayer team if they have any personal or financial prayer requests. Call More Than Enough at 613-520-4157, or email their office at prayer@morethanenough.ca.Aired: October 25th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
Thanksgiving brings a time for us to consider what role gratitude can play in our finances. Today, Dave and Reb on Let’s Talk Money, detail how gratitude can be a tool in your finances. The wear and tear of life can leave us feeling exhausted and can lead us to complaining. Thanking God helps us cultivate a financial perspective rooted in hope and freedom. Today's show highlights prayer and finance. It is part of the two month focus where Dave and Reb encourage listeners to get in touch with the More Than Enough prayer team if they have any personal or financial prayer requests. Call More Than Enough at 613-520-4157, or email their office at prayer@morethanenough.ca Aired: October 11th, 2019 on CHRI Radio 99.1FM in Ottawa, Canada.For questions or to schedule an appointment with a More Than Enough team member, e-mail david@morethanenough.ca or call 613-520-4157. Visit morethanenough.ca for more information.For more CHRI shows, visit chri.ca.
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