
  • "There's four key components that I focus on in my work and my programs. The environment [ ]. There's behaviour. You would be shocked if I told you that almost every single thing that we do from the moment we wake up until the moment we go to bed, is an amalgamation of the quality later that night of how we sleep." Dan White

    Dan White and I discuss the critical role of sleep in our daily lives. He outlines four key components - environment, behaviour, psychology, and culture - that influence sleep. We delve into Dan's personal experiences with sleep, why quality trumps quantity, and how our modern lifestyles impact our sleep and circadian rhythms. Dan shares valuable insights into the interplay between sleep, health and well-being, and performance at work. We also touch on Dan's initiatives with Sleep Better, Live Better Foundation which focuses on educating younger generations about the benefits of proper sleep habits. Throughout, Dan stresses the value of simple solutions, like spending time outdoors and integrating natural light into daily routines, to improve sleep and health.

    Daniel White is a Registered Nutritionist (MSc, ANutr) and Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) with extensive educational, research and clinical experience in the fields of nutrition, psychology, stress management, sleep science, health education and human behaviour change. Daniel educates people on how to radically transform their lives whilst spreading his passion for a natural and holistic evidence-based approach to health and well-being.

    Connect with Daniel

    Through social media: LinkedIn and Instagram

    Visit his website

    Check out Sleep Better Live Better Foundation

    Resources Mentioned

    Why We Sleep, Matthew Walker

    The Biology of Sleep & Your Unique Sleep Needs | Huberman Lab Guest Series with Dr. Matt Walker

  • "The one thing ..... there's so many. I would probably say, as a reaction to your question, trust yourself and other people." Kevin Chevis

    Kevin Chevis shares valuable insights from his extensive career in a variety of leadership roles, highlighting his diverse experiences, including with mergers, acquisitions, and navigating financial challenges. He discusses the significant shift he experienced from merely selling products, like speed cameras, to engaging in initiatives that make the world safer. Kevin emphasises the importance of developing intimate, trusting relationships with clients and suppliers, focusing on long-term goals, and fostering open communication. He discusses the impact of a strong internal company culture that values empathy, trust, and effective communication and fosters environments where people are motivated to contribute and succeed. Kevin recounts the challenges and successes of working in international and diverse environments, including navigating cultural differences in multinational teams. Throughout the episode, Kevin reflects on his career milestones, the impact of mentorship, and his belief in trusting and supporting employees for better business outcomes.

    Kevin Chevis has extensive international experience running technology-based companies. He has been involved in several MBO/MBI deals involving Private Equity, all with successful exits. He is an innovative thinker, with excellent communication skills, P&L experience and a proven ability to lead and drive strategic development, cultural change, sales and client service on a global basis.

    Connect with Kevin:

    Reach out to him on LinkedIn

    Resources Mentioned:

    Leading Beyond the Numbers by Susan Ni Chriodain

    Helen Joy at People Spark

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  • "Susan, I've taken enough time with these questions. Firstly, I just want to say, I'm thankful that I've met you. And two, this is an absolutely brilliant book and I love it." Matt Phelan

    In this episode I celebrate the launch of my new book Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work. The book was launched during a LinkedIn Live on Monday May 13th with the help of Matt Phelan, who wrote the foreword to the book, and Dr. Susanne Evans. The book has already achieved bestseller status in three Amazon categories in the UK. We explore the key themes, some takeaways and personal reflections including the creative process, navigating self doubt and what I hope the legacy of the book will be. Please do purchase, read and review the book to help spread its impactful message.

    Matt Phelan is a dad, founder, business adviser & keynote speaker as well as being a proud geek (his words!) and supporter of decent people. He believes that the future of tech is human and co-founded The Happiness Index to try and positively shape the future of work in a small but important way. Matt has written two books ‘Freedom to be Human: The business case for happiness’ and most recently ‘The Happiness Index: Why today's emotions equal tomorrow's business success.’ He also hosts the insightful ‘Happiness and Humans’ podcast.

    Dr Susanne Evans creates change, one story at a time. She is on a mission to change the way transformations are managed in organisations. She founded Feldspar Consulting in 2007 to help her clients lead change in a more human, effective way through her work as an organisation change consultant, trainer, coach and researcher. Susanne is a storyteller and is writing ‘ChangeStories: How to have powerful conversations, tell inspiring stories and build engagement for transformation’ which is due to be published in November and is the host of the engaging ChangeStories podcast.

    Resources Mentioned

    Follow this link to purchase Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work

    If you would like to read a preview of this book follow this link.

    If you would like to watch the LinkedIn Live click here

  • "Variation is the norm, that actually we're all unique. We are all different. And even how we approach learning and decision making, we're all different." Susan Ni Chriodain

    In this special episode of 'Life Beyond the Numbers,' I take on a unique role as the interviewee, giving Dr. Susanne Evans the reins to explore the themes, inspirations, and key takeaways from my about to be launched book, 'Leading Beyond the Numbers.' This episode not only showcases the book's concepts but also reflects on the broader implications for personal development and organisational change. We shed light on why embracing individual differences and genuine self-expression in professional settings is not just beneficial but essential for creating more engaging and effective workplaces. We conclude with emphasis on the SEE-SAW acronym (Sleep, Eating & Hydration, Exercise, Sense-making, Awareness, Wisdom) as a practical framework for capturing the essence of this book.

    Susan Ni Chriodain is a leadership coach, facilitator and experienced finance director Susan Ní ChrĂ­odĂĄin who sits at the nexus of business and emotion and in her book Leading Beyond the Numbers she reveals how to reintroduce humanity into the workplace, for improved engagement and fulfilment, benefiting both individuals and organisations.

    Dr. Susanne Evans, host of ChangeStories podcast and founder of Feldspar Consulting, was the guest host on this episode.

    Connect with Susan

    On LinkedIn

    Resources Mentioned

    Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work is published on May 14th 2024 and can be purchased from https://mybook.to/LBTN

    Lisa Feldman Barrett

    Episode #126 Slowing Down - Professor Giana M. Eckhardt

    Episode #127 The Performance Paradox - Kerry Cullen

    Episode #128 Alignment - Ana Bernardes

    Episode #134 I Feel Like Me Again - Jo Hunter

    Episode #67 Being Yourself - Eamon FitzGerald

  • "When momentum really comes into play so much of the background noise fades further into the background. And then momentum builds momentum. You become unstoppable, mostly!" Susan Ni Chriodain

    In this episode you are invited to explore the multifaceted journey of writing and self-discovery, offering a glimpse into the challenges and rewards. I delve into the inner and outer challenges faced during the writing process, including self-doubt, perfectionism, and the importance of acknowledging progress. And I discuss the transformative impact of sharing the manuscript. I also emphasise the value of commitment, momentum, asking for help, and adapting personal routines to enhance your creativity and productivity. And I talk about celebrating the arrival of the book!

    Leading Beyond the Numbers: How Accounting for Emotions Tips the Balance at Work will be published by Practical Inspiration Publishing on May 14th, 2024.

    Connect with me:

    On LinkedIn

    Through my website: Beyond the Numbers

    Resources Mentioned:

    Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work will be published on May 14th 2024 by Practical Inspiration Publishing. It is available for pre-order online at major booksellers and on Amazon.

    David Whyte: Consolations and Start Close In

  • "Most of the time we're not listening, really listening. We're actually just thinking, what do I want to say next or what shall I say next? And just listening for the odd word or phrase that we need to hear in order to meaningfully respond in a way that satisfies us." Rob Lawrence

    Rob Lawrence and I talk about the power of sound, the art of listening, and the journey of discovering and living one's truth. We delve into how our truths can be buried under societal expectations and the significance of listening — to both our inner selves and others — in uncovering and aligning with our truths. We also touch on the power of sound beyond its conventional appreciation, highlighting Rob's deep connection with sound and its impact on him. Rob shares insights from his personal journey, including a pivotal choice. He also talks about his podcast 'Inspirational Creatives,' its evolution, and his passion for collaboration and helping others find their voice and truth.

    Rob Lawrence is a qualified audio producer, author, podcaster and certified coach who helps creative entrepreneurs, high-achieving professionals and business leaders embrace the power of sound to broadcast messages worth listening to. As an audio production coach, he helps his clients hear the meaning and messages beyond their words, before helping them use technology and broadcasting tools to guide their audiences into powerful explorations, dialogues and conversations of the topics that matter most to them. Prior to this Rob had a 21-year career in Information Technology and audio production, led award-winning teams and helped revolutionise communications for major European and Australasian corporations and brands.

    Connect with Rob

    On LinkedIn

    Through his website

    Resources Mentioned

    Inspirational Creatives Podcast

  • "Basically it's books that we recommend a lot or books that have really changed our practice." Dr. Susanne Evans

    In honour of World Book Day and the value of reading Dr. Susanne Evans, David Lee and I recorded a conversation that explores a wide range of reads that have significantly impacted us including personal development, reflective practice, storytelling, neuroscience and touching on historical events such as the Rwandan Genocide. We each share insights on books that have changed our life, practice, or perspective, accompanied by anecdotes and a deeper look into the themes and lessons of selected works. This conversation offers listeners a rich tapestry of knowledge and a massive list of 'must-reads' for anyone looking to expand their understanding of themselves and the world through literature.

    The following titles are included in our conversation

    The Right Questions by Debbie Ford

    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    Presentation Zen by Garr Reynolds

    Frequency by Penny Pierce

    Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

    The Joy of Appreciative Living by Jacqueline Kelm

    Reflective Practice in Medicine by John Launer

    On Being Certain Robert A. Burton

    Don't Bite the Hook by Pema Chodron

    Season of Blood by Fergal Keane

    Bittersweet by Susan Cain

    The Long Win by Cath Bishop

    The Soul's Code by James Hillman

    Time to Think by Nancy Klein

    Quiet by Susan Cain

    Prayer to the Great Creator by Julia Cameron

    Dealing with a Difficult Co-Worker by David Lee

    Leading Beyond the Numbers by Susan Ni Chriodain

    ChangeStories by Dr Susanne Evans

    Dr Susanne Evans is an organisation change consultant, trainer, coach and researcher on a mission to change the way that transformations are managed in organisations. She founded Feldspar Consulting in 2007 to help her clients lead change in a more human, effective way. As well as writing and speaking about organisation change, Susanne hosts open storytelling workshops, supporting organisations and individuals in writing a compelling story for themselves, and she is the host of the popular ChangeStories podcast.

    David Lee is a coach, consultant, workshop facilitator, keynote speaker, and author, who loves creating a win/win/win relationship between people and the organizations they work for. He helps leaders and leadership teams learn how to become "people whisperers", and by doing so, increase their ability to make their organization THE choice for "A List Talent" and inspire the best in their people.

    Connect with Susanne

    On LinkedIn

    Through her website: Feldspar Consulting

    Listen to Change Stories podcast

    Connect with David

    On LinkedIn

    Through his website Human Nature at Work

  • "Imagine if we create this whole chain of psychologically safe environments that every single individual in that chain had that sense of psychological safety. The innovation, the creativity and the sheer drive, growth, productivity and all of those things mean that we would be leaping forwards in terms of how we do things and generating new opportunities and new ways of doing things and better ways of doing things." Helen Joy

    Helen Joy and I talk about how innovation and psychological safety are intrinsically linked. Helen highlights that a lack of psychological safety in the workplace stifles innovation by preventing people from expressing their ideas out of fear of judgment or humiliation. We chat through practical steps for fostering psychological safety at the individual, team, and organisational levels to create a conducive environment for innovation. Furthermore, we explore the challenges of maintaining such an environment across different parts of an organisation and the critical role of trust in building psychological safety. By addressing these challenges, organisations can unlock the full potential of their teams, enhance retention, and drive innovation.

    Helen Joy is on a mission to change workplaces for the better by supporting that critical middle management level to develop the skills, knowledge and confidence to lead. She has more than 20 years experience in management training and her passion is in Leadership and Management Development, particularly for new and aspiring managers. Through People Sparks' bespoke, interactive programmes, Helen coaches businesses to create and motivate great managers, develop skills and confidence, and build environments that drive success.

    Connect with Helen

    On LinkedIn

    Through her website People Spark

    Resources Mentioned:

    Amy Edmondson

    How Psychological Safety Powers Innovation on YouTube

  • "Insights" is a compilation episode that explores themes of resourcefulness, inner resources, and personal responsibility in accessing those resources.

    Through excerpts from previous episodes in 2024, you are introduced to various perspectives on living vibrant lives, self-leadership, the significance of listening to one's inner voice, and taking personal responsibility for one's joy and mindset.

    Insights includes excerpts from:

    02:30 Karina Rook, Episode 159 Freedom to be Human

    05:45 Claudia Anghel, Episode 161 All Roads Lead to Centre

    09:30 Nathan Simmons, Episode 167 A Future Possibility

    13.45 Caroline Tanja Banz, Episode 158 Wake Up!

    17.45 Beth Stallwood, Episode 165 WorkJoy Formula

    19:15 Andy Brown, Episode 166 Emotional Overdraft

    22:00 Karina Rook, Episode 159 Freedom to be Human

  • "This book is about telling a different version of a story. That might begin to rebalance and imbalance. It is about leading beyond the numbers and still knowing our worth contribution and value. It is about recognising people as people and not as numbers on a payroll or statistics in a report." Susan Ni Chriodain

    In this solo episode I talk more about my upcoming book, Leading Beyond the Numbers: How Accounting for Emotions Tips the Balance at Work. The focus today is on the title. I talk about leading - leaders and leadership. I talk about 'beyond' and what that means. And I talk about 'the numbers' and leading beyond them.

    I am the host of Life Beyond the Numbers Podcast. I've recently written my first book which will be out in May '24. I believe that the future of work relies on us harnessing the power of conversation so we interact with one another with intention and integrity. I help people have more fulfilling work-lives by guiding them to see their uniqueness to let it shine through.

    Connect with me:

    On LinkedIn

    Through my website: Beyond the Numbers

    Resources Mentioned:

    Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work will be published on May 14th 2024. It is available for pre-order online at major booksellers and on Amazon.

    Episode 145 Facilitate People with John Fairhurst

  • "What we need to then do, though, is, rather than trying to create tomorrow based on all the clutter and the stuff that has and hasn't worked, we need to rewire to a future possibility." Nathan Simmonds

    Nathan Simmonds and I discuss the importance of facing life challenges, overcoming personal struggles, and finding the strength to embrace a new path. Nathan shares his compelling life story, detailing how he navigated through personal challenges, including overcoming Crohn's disease, teenage bullying and a battle with drug addiction. Utilising his experiences and learnings, Nathan highlights the importance of understanding human dynamics, psychology, and adopting a reflective approach to address and overcome life's obstacles. Furthermore, he delves into the realms of leadership, hypnotherapy, and the effectiveness of future progressions in realising one's potential.

    Nathan Simmonds specialises in delivering training experiences that go beyond the ordinary to ignite self-motivated, deeply aware, and conscious leaders. His training programs are designed to cultivate stronger relationships, enhance communications, and instil deep empathy while nurturing the talent of the future. He does this by combining practical tools, leadership psychology, and neuroscience, as a catalyst for innovation and creative problem-solving that propels leaders and businesses forward.

    Connect with Nathan

    Through his website

    Through LinkedIn

    If you have a more spiritual slant check out


    Yet to launch eutopianpeople.com

    Resources Mentioned

    Hurt people, hurt people by Dr. Sandra Wilson

    The Great Work of Your Life by Stephen Cope

    Dr. Joe Dispenza

    Tony Robbins

    Karina Rook episode #159 Freedom to be Human

  • "An Emotional Overdraft is the way that founders and entrepreneurs and leaders subsidise a business at the cost of their own mental or physical reserves and that can be very unhealthy and very damaging." Andy Brown

    Andy Brown and I discuss how acknowledging and understanding our emotions is crucial, not just for business owners, but for anyone in a workplace. Although emotions and feelings might not be mainstream thinking for all business leaders yet Andy assures us it is coming. We delve into his book 'Emotional Overdraft', and Andy explains that an emotional overdraft leads to burnout, overwhelm and is causing “invisible damage” with hidden costs. We might think it is inevitable, it isn't. Andy takes us through some of the ten drivers of an emotional overdraft. He also tells us that if he had a tattoo it would say: Your feelings are a measure of your thinking.

    Andy Brown is a Non-Executive Director, leadership coach, speaker and author. He provides coaching to leaders in people-based businesses, enabling them to make better decisions and to build more valuable businesses. Over the years, Andy has recognised that most leaders subsidize their companies at the expense of their own wellbeing, which he refers to as the ‘emotional overdraft’. This insight has enabled him to save numerous clients from burnout and stress and, at the same time, made their businesses more resilient. Andy was voted ‘Outstanding Non-Executive Director 2021’. Andy produces a twice-monthly newsletter for entrepreneurs, founders and leaders, called “Rambling On About Emotional Overdraft”. He has written hundreds of articles on leadership and business growth and has lectured at the University of Brighton.

    Connect with Andy:

    Through his websites https://emotionaloverdraft.com/ and https://etc.co.uk/about/

    On LinkedIn

    Resources Mentioned:

    Emotional Overdraft by Andy Brown

    Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown

    Carole Robbin Interpersonal Dynamics "Touchy Feely Course"

    Three Principles

    Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

    Episode #162 Never Think You Are Reaching Too High with Mags de Valois

  • "I always think about the work joy formula as how do you actually go from where you are to getting more joy in your life?" Beth Stallwood

    Beth Stallwood highlights the importance of personal responsibility for one's joy in a work environment. She talks us through her journey of discovering joy in her work. She cleverly contrasts work joy from work gloom. We cover the three key components of work joy: Engagement, Energy, and Experimentation. Beth also highlights the importance of self-awareness and responsibility in creating happiness at work. She proposes the concept of 'squads' that you build from your network, and discusses six roles they can play in your career. She further suggests tracking joyful moments at work to build a more joyful experience.

    Beth Stallwood is a consultant, facilitator, podcast host, author and qualified executive coach with over 15 years’ experience. Her mission is to help people create and cultivate more WORKJoy. Beth’s coaching style balances support and challenge in equal measure, enabling people to empower themselves to achieve their goals. With experience across commercial, public sector and not-for-profit environments, Beth’s diverse background has allowed her to be highly agile in her approach, adapting to fit the context, culture and needs of each person on the WORKJoy Way programme. With a focus on the UK market, she has honed her skills in developing future leaders who can adapt, contribute and lead in an ever-changing world.

    Connect with Beth:

    Through her websites: Beth Stallwood and Create WorkJoy

    On LinkedIn

    Resources Mentioned:

    WORKJoy: A toolkit for a better working life by Beth Stallwood

    Resources to download from Beth's website

    WORKJoy Jam Podcast

    Episode 128, Alignment, Ana Bernardes

  • "I delve into that in the book - the fact that none of us ever really know what's going on for someone else." Susan

    In this solo episode I talk about my upcoming book, Leading Beyond the Numbers: How Accounting for Emotions Tips the Balance at Work. I talk about the inspiration behind the book. I read out some of the endorsements I have received to date. And I read some extracts from two separate chapters that include personal anecdotes and reflections on the importance of emotions and the integration of mind and body in the workplace.

    I am the host of Life Beyond the Numbers Podcast. I've recently written my first book which will be out in May. I believe that the future of work relies on us harnessing the power of conversation so we interact with one another with intention and integrity. I help people have more fulfilling work-lives by guiding them to see their uniqueness to let it shine through.

    Connect with me:

    On LinkedIn

    Through my website: Beyond the Numbers

    Resources Mentioned:

    Leading Beyond the Numbers: How accounting for emotions tips the balance at work will be published on May 14th 2024. It is available for pre-order online at major booksellers and on Amazon.

    How Emotions Are Made by Lisa Feldman Barrett

    Emotional Agility by Susan David

    Permission to Feel by Marc Brackett

    Cassandra Speaks by Elizabeth Lesser

    Episode 28, Breakthrough with Gib Bulloch

    Episode 80, Why Do I Have to Fake it? with Greta Solomon

    Episode 107, Be In the Room with Ellen Leith

  • "If there's one huge piece of advice I can give, it's pick your lane and stay in it .... Don't worry about what anyone else is doing, just decide what you want, decide how you're going to get that and focus." Sally Oddy

    Sally Oddy, an established entrepreneur, shares insights about her journey from being an employee to become a successful business owner. We delve into the details about her experience with burnout in a corporate environment which led her to change her career path and start a marketing consultancy. She shares how she transitioned from this to teaching others to do their own marketing. Sally outlines detailed advice for anyone planning to start a business, highlighting the importance of thorough planning, getting the basics right, and making strategic decisions based on long-term rather than short-term goals. Sally also shares her views on the challenges faced in the online business world and the misconceptions around 'quick success' in this field. The concept of 'membership' and 'mastermind' programs are explained with their respective benefits. If you are thinking about starting your own business or in a start-up phase this episode is one you won't want to miss.

    Sally Oddy is a Strategic Powerhouse who shares no-nonsense systems, tactics and strategies that will completely transform how you operate your business! Working with Self-Led Soulpreneurs, she pours over 20 years experience into their hearts, minds and businesses and turned running an online business into a simple and clearly defined system enabling you to make a consistent income online and have the confidence, tools and skills to make it happen! She is on a mission to inspire you to fulfil your potential, live life to the full, and impact thousands of lives along the way!

    Connect with Sally:

    Through her website

    On LinkedIn and Instagram

    Resources Mentioned

    Episode 76 Limitless with Emma O'Brien

  • "Never think you reaching too high. If you want to do something, go for it, go for what you actually want." Mags de Valois

    Note: This episode from the archives was originally episode #13 on Oct 20th, 2020. For this episode I have recorded a brief introduction and a summary at the end with my key takeaways.

    Margaret de Valois shares her journey of embracing her individuality while navigating the corporate city world and breaking the mould. We talk about how much more rewarding it is to make active choices and really consider what it is that you want to do in life. We talk about stereotypes, how she felt as if she was in "a controlling relationship with the City" and her relocation to Cornwall. We also delve into her love of people, communication and pensions as well as her experience with the London Philharmonic Choir.

    Margaret de Valois is an award-winning seasoned City professional now living in Cornwall. She qualified as an actuary and works as a Business Coach who helps businesses generate great ideas and plan practical strategies to guarantee business growth. And she is a co-host of the TV show Thinking Women.

    Connect with Mags

    Through her website

    Thinking Women TV

    Resources Mentioned

    State Pension - UK Gov website

  • "I'm consistently, continuously discovering this... I discovered that the key is the centre. Not losing your centre. This message constantly comes to me, all roads lead to centre. Because of course it's normal, human, to go into extremes." Claudia Anghel

    Claudia Angel talks about her transition from a traditional career in human resources to working with the resources of humans and guiding them in life. Claudia reflects on a pivotal moment that reshaped her career path. It happened after the end of a 13-year-long career with a multinational organisation that she loved. The end was abrupt but it lead to a significant life transition for Claudia. Claudia talks about the power of pausing and then pivoting and finally merging. During this time Claudia discover the Gene Keys — a system derived from ancient wisdom dating back 5,000 years ago. She talks about how Gene Keys provide insights into different aspects of your life, including work-life and various existential topics.

    Claudia Anghel founded the holistic HarRa Center for Gene Keys students as a space to creatively express their gifts and grow together. Following a traditional career in human resources including working as an international HR professional Claudia made a shift from human resources to working with people's inner resources and guiding them in life. Claudia loves to bring people together in an energy of trust, familiarity, and collaboration.

    Connect with Claudia

    Through her website

    Through the Gene Keys website

    On LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram

    Resources Mentioned

    The Answer to How Is Yes by Peter Block

    PWN Global: Professional Women’s Network

    Gene Keys

    The Art of Contemplation by Richard Rudd

  • "Every conversation we have is co-created with other people."

    In this solo episode I reflect on the influence of creative thinking in daily life. The World Economic Forum's top 10 skills of 2023 highlights creative thinking as the second top skill. Although creativity is often linked to monumental achievements or works of art, creativity emanates from all humans in our everyday activities. It is the ability to bring something into existence that didn't exist before. Acknowledge the creativity you exhibit in your daily lives, from creating meals to creating conversations.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The World Economic Forum Top 10 Skills

    Michael Neil

    Aengus Fletcher on ChangeStories

  • "We are always at our best when we have freedom to be human. And what I mean by that is when we remember, or lean into, what makes us human, oh my gosh, that's octane for our performance and it's so much easier." Karina Rook

    Karina Rook is an advocate for the virtue of 'freedom to be human' in our work-lives. In our conversation we cover the importance of genuine connection, overcoming stress and burnout, the role of rest and recovery and the concept of authentic self-leadership. We discuss the art of listening to our intuition, and nurturing attributes that light us up. Karina underscores her belief that humans are wired for success, and that compassion, understanding, and freedom to be human, dissolve barriers to optimal performance. And we discuss intriguing research that demonstrates, surprisingly, that performance only accounts for 10% of career success. Image or perception by others is 30% and networking or visibility contributes a whopping 60%.

    Karina Rook is the founder of Ventures Green Ltd. and has embarked on a mission to empower women in their pursuit of holistic well-being. Her qualifications span biology, business, nutrition, mindfulness, and coaching, woven with 24+ years of empowering individuals, teams, and businesses in the corporate world. She stands against workplace inequality and believes every woman deserves to shine. Ventures Green is built upon values of freedom, interconnectedness, stardust, and adventure. She is the host of the Freedom to be Human podcast.

    Connect with Karina

    Through her website Ventures Green

    On LinkedIn

    Celestial Coach on Instagram

    Freedom to be Human podcast

    Resources Mentioned

    Harvey Coleman career success research

    Dr. Dorian Dugmore

    Good to Great by Jim Collins

  • "This is my mission, I think this is what I really want to do and what I'm born to do, to help people wake up." Caroline Tanja Banz

    Caroline Tanja Banz shares her journey of self-discovery, which led her to 'marry herself' symbolically as an act of self-love and commitment to her own needs. Prior to this she said she had been a chameleon, adapting to situations and people around her instead of understanding herself. We delve into the Enneagram, a model of human psyche. Caroline advocates for the Enneagram as a powerful tool for understanding our behavioural patterns, deepening our relationship with ourselves and others, and ultimately awakening to our true selves. We talk about this tool in the context of the work environment. And we cover the importance of self-reflection.

    Caroline Tanja Banz felt since she was a child that one day she would like to do something to make a difference. At first she wanted to be a musician, but then she completed a commercial apprenticeship. Then she became a mother to two wonderful boys. Music has accompanied her over the years and she still loves to bring joy to people with her music. When she later studied law, she learned a lot of practical things, but soon knew that this was not fulfilling her long-cherished desire. Today she is a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC) and a trained Enneagram Coach. She loves her profession and has always enjoyed supporting people. Nature and sustainability are very close to her heart.

    Connect with Caroline

    Through her website Be Your True Self

    Resources Mentioned

    Be Your True Self sung by Caroline Tanja Banz

    The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

    Episode 120, Reconnecting with Sam Allen