We've heard it before and probably many times along the self awareness journey, just let go! Although what does that really mean on a soul level. For me I share and explore this with you in this episode.
When it comes to my spiritual journey there were a couple of areas of my life which I hoped would change or improve. Its not that they didn't but it was my agenda of thinking being on a spiritual path was to change or improve those areas that created a lot of challenge. I share how I noticed this and what then I did in response. Enjoy!
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It’s taken me years to put what I share i this video into practise, but it was the awareness of this that started to really shift my experience of life. Things started to become less stressful and overwhelming almost immediately
Its been a tough week and I didn't want to necessarily share today, but then again I don't want to be just some positive person. I want to be real and open about life and who I'm being. So I'm going to show you how I evolve through my own pain or any discomfort in life and the process I use to do so.
Freedom is such a big thing in many ways to us, although have you considered that it may also scare you. Because if you are truly free right now, what excuses would you have for thinking you may not be able to do something you love in life?
This is raw and real, I'm kicking off without necessarily being 'ready'... although I'm ready now because I feel it and I trust that more than anything. The cool thing is that you'll be able to see how this all unfolds, step by step, moment by moment. Here we go!