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    Título: Resistencia [Endurance]
    Subtitular: Un año en el espacio [A Year in Space]
    Autor: Scott Kelly
    Narrador: Noé Velazquez
    Formato: Unabridged
    Duración: 15 hrs and 5 mins
    Idioma: Español
    Fecha de publicación: 01-11-18
    Editor: Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial
    Categorías: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Resumen del editor:
    Antes de conquistar Marte, debemos aprender a sobrevivir en el espacio.
    Un libro ejemplar sobre el triunfo de la imaginación humana, la fuerza de voluntad y las maravillas infinitas de la galaxia.
    Scott Kelly es el hombre que más tiempo ha pasado en el espacio, 340 días, durante los cuales ha visto y vivido cosas que prácticamente ninguno de nosotros veremos o experimentaremos nunca.
    A través de su increíble historia, Kelly nos revela un entorno absolutamente hostil al ser humano y cuáles fueron los retos más extremos que tuvo que afrontar: los devastadores efectos corporales, la tristeza y la soledad que conlleva estar separado de los seres queridos, el total y absoluto aislamiento de todas las comodidades terrestres, los catastróficos riesgos de chocar contra basura espacial y, aún peor, la amenaza angustiante de ser incapaz de ayudar si algo malo ocurre en casa.
    En Resistencia la humanidad, la compasión, el sentido del humor, el entusiasmo y la determinación de este héroe moderno resuenan en cada una de sus palabras. Su mensaje es una fuente de inspiración para generaciones futuras y su relato personal cautiva desde la primera página.
    Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.

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    Title: Analysis of Scott Kellys Endurance
    Author: Milkyway Media
    Narrator: Dwight Equitz
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 23 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 01-10-18
    Publisher: Milkyway Media
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Endurance: A Year in Space, a Lifetime of Discovery (2017) by Scott Kelly is the memoir of a retired American astronaut who spent nearly a year on the International Space Station (ISS) starting in 2015. Alternating between scenes from the ISS and the story of his life, Scott describes the emotional and physical demands as well as the many rewards of being an astronaut.
    Purchase this in-depth analysis to learn more.

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    Title: Charles Lindbergh: A Short Biography: Famed Aviator and Environmentalist
    Subtitle: Thirty Minute Book Series, Book 23
    Author: Doug West
    Narrator: Gregory Deal
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 1 hr and 1 min
    Language: English
    Release date: 12-04-17
    Publisher: C&D Publications
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    The 25-year old Charles A. Lindbergh climbed into his single-engine monoplane, Spirit of St. Louis, and took off for Paris, determined to win the $25,000 Orteig Prize promised to the first pilot to fly nonstop between New York and Paris. For the next 33 hours, as he navigated through storms across the perilous Atlantic Ocean, news of his attempt circled the globe, making him an international celebrity by the time he reached Paris.
    He returned to the United States a national hero with a ticker-tape parade that drew millions - awarded every possible award from the Medal of Honor to Times Man of the Year, commemorated on a US postage stamp within months, and celebrated as the embodiment of a modern American. Follow the story of this bold young man as he journeys into manhood and the controversies that would cloud his sterling hero image.

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    Title: Alan Shepard: Higher and Faster
    Subtitle: Heroes of History
    Author: Janet Benge, Geoff Benge
    Narrator: Tim Gregory
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 5 hrs and 52 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 10-09-17
    Publisher: YWAM Publishing
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Alan Shepard gripped the abort handle and braced his feet against the capsule floor. Five, four, three...don't screw up, he muttered. Two, one, zero, liftoff.
    Alan felt himself rising into the sky. He could scarcely believe it. The boy who grew up with a passion for flying was off on the ultimate flight - to space!
    Alan Shepard's boyhood fascination with flight led him from constructing model airplanes in his grandfather's basement to attaining national hero status in the race to space. Rooted in hard work and education, this pioneer's dreams of flight came true as he became not only the first American launched into space but, later, one of the privileged few to walk on the moon.
    When he wasn't soaring above the clouds, astronaut Alan Shepard used his expertise to benefit others, raising money to fuel the dreams of science students and guiding NASA missions. The achievements of this high flyer - America's "Lindbergh of Space" - inspire all who dare to live their dreams.

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    Title: Freud in Love: The women of Sigmund Freud
    Subtitle: Perspectives on Psychoanalysis
    Author: Lazaro Droznes
    Narrator: Gary Miller-Youst
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 56 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 07-25-17
    Publisher: UNITEXTO LLC
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Fiction drama based on the clandestine relationship of Sigmund Freud with his sister-in-law Minna Bernays, who, to make things even worse, lived in the same house with all his family. This relationship has been lately confirmed with historical evidence and has been one of the best kept secrets in Freud's life. Martha Bernays and her sister Minna lived together 40 years in Vienna with the 5 children of the Freud family, and shared the love of one of the scientists that made the greatest contribution to the change of sexual behaviors during the 20th century.

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    Titolo: Galileo Galilei
    Autore: Roberta Dalessandro
    Narratore: Enrico Cimmino, Roberta Barbiero, Marcello Pozza
    Formato: Unabridged
    Durata: 52 mins
    Lingua: Italiano
    Data di pubblicazione: 06-30-17
    Editore: GoodMood
    Categoria: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Riepilogo Editore:
    "Il pensiero logico, da solo, non ci può fornire conoscenze sul mondo dell'esperienza e termina in essa. Le proposizioni puramente logiche sono vuote davanti alla realtà. È grazie a questa conoscenza e soprattutto per averla fatta penetrare a colpi di martello nel mondo della scienza, che Galileo è diventato il padre della fisica moderna e soprattutto delle scienze naturali moderne". Albert Einstein.

    Nonostante le sue scoperte rivoluzionarie, il grande scienziato sentì di definire Galileo Galilei come padre della fisica moderna e di tutte le scienze naturali.

    Questo audioBook che fa parte della collana "Biografie Storiche", ripercorre la sua vita, ed è arricchito da testimonianze e contributi del tempo.
    ©2017 GOODmood (P)2017 GOODmood

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    Titolo: Il premio Nobel (Audionews)
    Autore: Emilio Crippi
    Narratore: Lorenzo Visi
    Formato: Unabridged
    Durata: 1 hr
    Lingua: Italiano
    Data di pubblicazione: 06-13-17
    Editore: Area 51 Short
    Categoria: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Riepilogo Editore:
    Il premio Nobel rappresenta un insieme di premi internazionali annuali assegnati in una serie di categorie da istituzioni svedesi e norvegesi in riconoscimento di progressi accademici, culturali o scientifici.

    Il Nobel costituisce un prestigiosissimo premio, ma nel corso della sua lunga storia iniziata nel 1901 non sono cerco mancate le polemiche, le critiche e alcuni celebri rifiuti da parte dei premiati. Inoltre il Nobel è ampiamente considerato come il premio più prestigioso a disposizione dei campi della letteratura, della medicina, della fisica, della chimica, della pace e dell'economia. Le premiazioni si svolgono ogni anno a Stoccolma, in Svezia, con l'eccezione del premio per la pace, che viene assegnato a Oslo, in Norvegia.

    Ma chi fu esattamente colui che istituì questo premio e quali sono stati i casi più curiosi che hanno interessato le assegnazioni dei premi Nobel? Come per ogni cosa è giusto partire dall'inizio, dalle origini, e perciò cominceremo col conoscere meglio la figura di Alfred Nobel, la persona che creò l'omonimo premio.
    ©2017 Area51 Publishing (P)2017 Area51 Publishing

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    Title: The Mathematician John Forbes Nash Jr.: A Short Biography
    Subtitle: 30 Minute Book Series, Book 16
    Author: Doug West
    Narrator: Gregory Diehl
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 47 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 05-23-17
    Publisher: C&D Publication
    Ratings: 5 of 5 out of 1 votes
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    At first glance, John Forbes Nash Jr. seemed to have it all: a PhD from Princeton, a beautiful wife, and a fantastic job teaching mathematics at MIT. He had no idea that at the age of 31, his entire life would fall apart, and it would take decades of hospitalization before his brilliant self would reemerge from the hell of schizophrenia - not unlike a butterfly trapped too long in a cocoon. After a long bout of relative obscurity, mental illness, and poverty, Nash was ultimately awarded - seemingly out of the blue - the Nobel Prize in Economics. At some point during his illness, the world had forgotten about John Nash the man, but that didn't stop people from remembering all that he'd accomplished in his youth. His work has shaped many areas of industry and academia and has helped solve many important problems. Ultimately, John Nash pushed past the constraints of his brilliance and madness and found redemption.

  • Please open https://hotaudiobook.com ONLY on your standard browser Safari, Chrome, Microsoft or Firefox to download full audiobooks of your choice for free. Title: Friedrich NietzscheSubtitle: A BiographyAuthor: Katie CraigNarrator: 5395 MEDIA LLCFormat: UnabridgedLength: 18 minsLanguage: EnglishRelease date: 04-12-17Publisher: Katie CraigRatings: 3.5 of 5 out of 2 votesGenres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology LeadersPublisher's Summary:Friedrich Nietzsche was a German philosopher, cultural critic, poet, philologist, and Latin and Greek scholar whose work has exerted a profound influence on Western philosophy and modern intellectual history. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869, at the age of 24.Nietzsche's body of work touched widely on art, philology, history, religion, tragedy, culture, and science, and drew early inspiration from figures such as Schopenhauer, Wagner, and Goethe. His writing spans philosophical polemics, poetry, cultural criticism, and fiction, while displaying a fondness for aphorism and irony. Some prominent elements of his philosophy include his radical critique of truth in favor of perspectivism; his genealogical critique of religion and Christian morality, and his related theory of master - slave morality; his aesthetic affirmation of existence in response to the "death of God" and the profound crisis of nihilism; his notion of the Apollonian and Dionysian; and his characterization of the human subject as the expression of competing wills, collectively understood as the will to power. In his later work, he developed influential concepts such as the übermensch and the doctrine of eternal return, and became increasingly preoccupied with the creative powers of the individual to overcome social, cultural, and moral contexts in pursuit of new values and aesthetic health.

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    Title: The Man Who Painted the Universe
    Subtitle: The Story of a Planetarium in the Heart of the North Woods
    Author: Ron Legro, Avi Lank
    Narrator: Wes Super
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 3 hrs and 10 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 03-24-17
    Publisher: Wisconsin Historical Society Press
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    As a young boy Frank Kovac Jr. fell deeply in love with stargazing, painting glow-in-the-dark constellations on his bedroom wall and inviting friends to an observatory he built in his Chicago backyard. As he reached adulthood, Kovac did not let go of his childhood dreams of reaching the stars. He began scheming to bring the universe home. While working at a paper mill as a young man, Kovac tirelessly built a 22-foot rotating globe planetarium in the woods. Despite failures and collapses, the amateur astronomer singlehandedly built a North Woods treasure, painting more than 5,000 glowing stars-dot by dot in glowing paints. Today, Kovac and his unique planetarium take visitors to the stars every day.
    The Man Who Painted the Universe: The Story of a Planetarium in the Heart of the North Woods introduces listeners to the mild-mannered astronomy enthusiast whose creativity, ingenuity, fervor, and endurance realized a dream of galactic proportions. The story of this stargazer from Wisconsin's North Woods so inspired two newspapermen, authors Ron Legro and Avi Lank, that they sought to document the story of the Kovac Planetarium for a new generation of stargazers and dreamers.

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    Title: Sigmund Freud: A Biography
    Author: Bob Clark
    Narrator: Damien Connolly
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 19 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 03-22-17
    Publisher: Bob Clark
    Ratings: 3 of 5 out of 2 votes
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the father of psychoanalysis, a clinical method for treating psychopathology through dialogue between a patient and a psychoanalyst. Freud was born to Galician Jewish parents in the Moravian town of Freiberg, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He qualified as a doctor of medicine in 1881 at the University of Vienna. Upon completing his habilitation in 1885, he was appointed a docent in neuropathology and became an affiliated professor in 1902. Freud lived and worked in Vienna, having set up his clinical practice there in 1886. In 1938 he left Austria to escape the Nazis and died in exile in the United Kingdom the following year.
    In creating psychoanalysis, Freud developed therapeutic techniques such as the use of free association and discovered transference, establishing its central role in the analytic process. Freud's redefinition of sexuality to include its infantile forms led him to formulate the Oedipus complex as the central tenet of psychoanalytical theory. His analysis of dreams as wish-fulfillments provided him with models for the clinical analysis of symptom formation and the mechanisms of repression as well as for elaboration of his theory of the unconscious. Freud postulated the existence of libido, an energy with which mental processes and structures are invested and which generates erotic attachments, and a death drive, the source of compulsive repetition, hate, aggression, and neurotic guilt. In his later work Freud developed a wide-ranging interpretation and critique of religion and culture.
    Psychoanalysis remains influential within psychology, psychiatry, and psychotherapy, and across the humanities. As such, it continues to generate extensive and highly contested debate with regard to its therapeutic efficacy, its scientific status, and whether it advances or is detrimental to the feminist cause.

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    Title: Encounter With the Infinite
    Author: Robert Schneider, Benjamin Phelan
    Narrator: Mark Ashby
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 56 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 09-29-16
    Publisher: The Believer, McSweeney's
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    How did the minimally trained, isolated Srinivasa Ramanujan, with little more than an out-of-date elementary textbook, anticipate some of the deepest theoretical problems of mathematics - including concepts discovered only after his death?

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    Title: Albert Einstein
    Subtitle: The Most Popular Genius
    Author: J.D. Rockefeller
    Narrator: Allen Smithee
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 47 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 09-13-16
    Publisher: J.D. Rockefeller
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Science often entails continuous studies, discoveries and innovations. Before, everything in this world seems vague, as to how everything works, how things are formed and how they exist. However, this changed because of our skillful scientists, who spent years to investigate and come up with theories about certain aspects of this world. One of the great scientists, who has influenced and continues to inspire people, is Albert Einstein.
    If you are new to science, you will perhaps find that some of his ideas will take time to get used to. But if you take the time, you will realize how great his works are! Encounter Albert Einstein as you listen through every chapter of this book.

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    Title: Dr. Travis Stork
    Subtitle: Understanding the Life and Lessons of the Creator of the Doctors Diet and the Doctors Talk Show
    Author: Dr. Ruth Carr
    Narrator: Joel Allen
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 34 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 08-30-16
    Publisher: Dr. Ruth Carr
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Travis Stork is one of the most well-known doctors in the United States. After working as a physician in a Tennessee hospital, he realized that he could help the world become a healthier place. Working with patients taught him that there were many misconceptions about general health and this was due to the fact that most people had not been educated about proper health. This book was created to teach people all over the world about Dr. Stork and the important contributions that he has made to the world. Whether you already know who Dr. Stork is or if you have never heard his name before, you are going to learn something new. Once more people realize the value of medical education and the positive impact it can have on their lives, more doctors will realize the value in offering important information to the world. Dr. Stork has made it his mission to educate the world about health through a variety of different media. Television is Dr. Stork's most well-utilized method of communication because he is very well accepted by a wide range of audiences. Here is a preview of what you'll learn when you download your copy today:

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    Title: Labyrinths
    Subtitle: Emma Jung, Her Marriage to Carl and the Early Years of Psychoanalysis
    Author: Catrine Clay
    Narrator: Karen Cass
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 11 hrs and 12 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 08-11-16
    Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Limited
    Ratings: 3 of 5 out of 1 votes
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    The story of Emma and Carl Jung's highly unconventional marriage, their relationship with Freud and their part in the early years of psychoanalysis.
    Emma Jung was clever, ambitious and immensely wealthy, one of the richest heiresses in Switzerland when, aged 17, she met and fell in love with Carl Jung, a handsome, penniless medical student. Determined to share his adventurous life and to continue her own studies, she was too young to understand Carl's complex personality or conceive the dramas that lay ahead.
    Labyrinths tells the story of the Jungs' unconventional marriage and their friendship and, following publication of Jung's The Psychology of the Unconscious, subsequent rift with Freud. It traces Jung's development of word association, notions of the archetype, the collective unconscious, the concepts of extraversion and introversion and the role played by both Carl and Emma in the early development of the scandalous new psychoanalysis movement.
    In its many twists and turns, the Jung marriage was indeed labyrinthine, and Emma was forced to fight with everything she had to come to terms with Carl's brilliant, complex character and to keep her husband close to her. His belief in polygamy led to many extramarital affairs, including a ménage a trois with a former patient, Toni Wolff, that lasted some 30 years. But the marriage endured, and Emma realised her ambition to become a noted analyst in her own right.

    Critic Reviews:
    Praise for Trautman's Journey:
    "Brilliant." (Observer)
    "A minor masterpiece." (Independent)
    "A truly remarkable story uncovered with immense skill." (Daily Telegraph)
    "Fascinating." (Mail on Sunday)
    "Sober, detailed, well-told account." (Guardian)

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    Title: Eureka!
    Subtitle: 50 Scientists Who Shaped Human History
    Author: John Grant
    Narrator: Mark Meadows
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 8 hrs and 22 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 08-02-16
    Publisher: Dreamscape Media, LLC
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Galileo, Einstein, Curie, Darwin, Hawking - we know the names, but how much do we really know about these people? Galileo gained notoriety over his battle with the Vatican, but did you know that this father of modern science was also an accomplished lute player? And Darwin of course discovered the principle by which new species are formed, but his bold curiosity extended to the dinner table as well. (And how many people can say they've eaten an owl!) From lutes and owls to astronomy and evolution, Eureka! explains how these scientific geniuses have shaped our understanding - and how they spent their free time as well.

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    Title: Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Author: Smartbios
    Narrator: Shane Morris
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 22 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 07-22-16
    Publisher: Smartbios
    Ratings: 3 of 5 out of 2 votes
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    If you want to learn more about one of the most fascinating people of our time, you have come to the right place. You will enjoy stepping into the mind of Neil deGrasse Tyson, and uncovering some of the secrets of the universe. I cover his early life, his rise to fame, his interests, and his views. Nowhere else will you find such an in depth biography such as this.

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    Titolo: L'enigma di Biancaneve
    Autore: Ugo Leonzio
    Narratore: Luca Sandri, Stefania Graziosi, Anahì Traversi, Mario Cei, Silvia Cohen, Alessia Vicardi
    Formato: Unabridged
    Durata: 3 hrs
    Lingua: Italiano
    Data di pubblicazione: 07-15-16
    Editore: Fonderia Mercury srl
    Categoria: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Riepilogo Editore:
    Se volete sapere la vera storia di Alan Turing, che per comodità definiremo "l'uomo che ha inventato il (nostro) futuro" dobbiamo ricorrere a un mito del cinema e a uno della letteratura molto più che a codici ed equazioni. Il primo, 2001 Odissea nello spazio di Stanley Kubrick è la preistoria del futuro che stiamo vivendo adesso. Il secondo mito lo dobbiamo a Philip Dick e il suo "Blade Runner" che è il presente da cui ci stiamo allontanando per andare verso un innominabile ignoto. Infine, Turing ci ha permesso di entrare nel labirinto della sua mente, attraverso un terzo mito, il capolavoro di Walt Disney "Biancaneve e i sette nani". Andava a vederlo tutti i giorni e canticchiava in modo ossessivo il motivetto della strega eccitata davanti al bollore funesto del calderone che deve contagiare la mela rossa con il veleno del sonno eterno.

    Quando morì aveva 41 anni e molti progetti che forse avrebbero cambiato il mondo. Subito dopo quell'8 giugno, qualcuno cominciò a pensare che i Servizi segreti di Sua Maestà, avessero generosamente contribuito alla sua scomparsa, ma la verità, ammesso che ce ne sia una, è molto più affascinante e misteriosa.

    Regia di Ugo Leonzio.

    >> Questo audiobook in edizione integrale vi è offerto in esclusiva per Audible ed è disponibile solamente in formato audio digitale.
    ©2014 RSI (P)2014 Fonderia Mercury Srl

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    Title: Richard Feynman
    Subtitle: A Biography
    Author: Steve Bailey
    Narrator: Chester L. Proctor IV
    Format: Unabridged
    Length: 14 mins
    Language: English
    Release date: 07-11-16
    Publisher: Steve Bailey
    Ratings: 3 of 5 out of 2 votes
    Genres: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Publisher's Summary:
    Richard Feynman was an American theoretical physicist known for his work in the path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, the theory of quantum electrodynamics, and the physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, as well as in particle physics for which he proposed the parton model. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman, jointly with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga, received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965. He developed a widely used pictorial representation scheme for the mathematical expressions governing the behavior of subatomic particles, which later became known as Feynman diagrams. During his lifetime, Feynman became one of the best-known scientists in the world. In a 1999 poll of 130 leading physicists worldwide by the British journal Physics World, he was ranked as one of the 10 greatest physicists of all time.
    He assisted in the development of the atomic bomb during World War II and became known to a wide public in the 1980s as a member of the Rogers Commission, the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. In addition to his work in theoretical physics, Feynman has been credited with pioneering the field of quantum computing, and introducing the concept of nanotechnology. He held the Richard C. Tolman professorship in theoretical physics at the California Institute of Technology.
    Feynman was a keen popularizer of physics through both books and lectures, including a 1959 talk on top-down nanotechnology called "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom", and the three-volume publication of his undergraduate lectures, The Feynman Lectures on Physics. Feynman also became known through his semi-autobiographical books Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! and What Do You Care What Other People Think?

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    Titolo: Il meglio di Steve Jobs
    Autore: vari
    Narratore: Gianfranco Miranda
    Formato: Abridged
    Durata: 1 hr and 2 mins
    Lingua: Italiano
    Data di pubblicazione: 06-24-16
    Editore: goWare srl
    Valutazioni: 3 su 5 su 1 voti
    Categoria: Bios & Memoirs, Science & Technology Leaders

    Riepilogo Editore:
    I testi che seguono sono tratti e liberamente adattati e rielaborati da dichiarazioni pubbliche di Steve Jobs, interviste e memorie che lo riguardano. Avendo l'estensione di un tweet (max 140 caratteri) sono totalmente decontestualizzati, mantenendo tuttavia intatto il loro valore di sentenze e insegnamenti morali e comportamentali. I materiali sono presentati in ordine cronologico e quindi possono essere collegati a episodi e fasi della vita e dei tempi di Steve Jobs. Buon ascolto e ispiratevi!
    ©2016 goWare (P)2016 goWare