Every parent can relate to taking your kids on vacation or doing something fun and special for the day and having a bit of a tyrant the day after. In this podcast Mamapang shares a bit of the why and what to do about a Stimulation Hangover.
We've learned a new skill now how do we put it into practice. Mamapang discusses how we have to practice new skills or using new tools and how she offers assistance.
More info at Https://Thepathwaystoparnetingcom
574 386-7150
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Using what we know about what children need to process their big emotions, Mamapang shares a new perspective on the old phrase Misery Loves Company.
574 220-2797
Are you and HSP? Are you raising one or in a relationship with one? Let's discuss and learn something new about HSP's Please reach out with questions and ways you may be living with or parnting through HSP. My links are in my bio.
We can always become better listeners. I'm currently working with a group to improve my listening skills. We are always able to refresh and learn more skills. In this podcast that is exactly what I'm covering. When is it the most difficult for you to listen? Leave me a comment here or go to. mamapangspodcast@gmail.com
or here https://www.thepathwaystoparenting.com
Listen away, an thanks for tuning in.
What about our anxiety. How and why do our kids pick up on it? What do we do about it. Listen to this podcast and find the answers.
Also you can reach out at 574 386-7150
This episode helps you know when to step in and help your child with their emotion of anxiety. Listen and let me know what you think.
Have you and your child been dealing with anxiety? It's really been ramped up for many of us. Here I share a few cues on when to step in and how. Listen and review!
Mamapang is back. This is just an update for where I've been and how I want to move forward.
Mamapang shares her thoughts on gift giving this holiday season.
Mamapang shares some ways to get through and even enjoy the 2020 Holidays.
Mamapangs answers a follow up question to go deeper into the emotional bell curve.
email Mamapangspodcast@gmail.com.
Mamapang talks about her own recent triggering experience and how it reminded her to use the same techniques of stepping in and holding a big emotion and then moving through the entire bell curve of that emiotion.
MP opens up a thoughtful dialogue about mindsets. What are some types of mindsets and are the default settings and are they changeable? Are they useful in some circumstances and not in others?
MP discusses the voice in a child’s head and how we need to help them learn to have that voice be kind and caring towards ourselves.
MP talks about the issue of overprotective parenting style and how it’s taking away the natural consequence of life which is were so much of our learning takes place.
MP talks about being intentional in parenting.
MP helps break the ice about talking with kids about sex.
Guest Info: Elly Wynia.com
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MP shares that there is hope in mending relationships.
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