You are this faceless, formless Awareness that is everything, and everything is you. You are limitless. However, it is the character that you play that believes that it is very limited and perceives reality in a limiting way. The way you perceive reality is the way you create such a reality; this is why, as you awaken to who you truly are, your perception and, therefore, your life changes.
Enjoy today's podcast as I discuss this important topic.
If you need my help, you can reach out to me through my website at: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
I had a very recent client whose case I thought would be an excellent case study for making this podcast.
Affirmations and techniques can be powerful tools if used correctly, but they often fall short unless you truly embody the change you seek in the now, in imagination (your inner self/ the inner man).
Simply repeating affirmations doesn’t create lasting transformation unless you become them on a deep, inner level...
If you need my person help, you can reach me at: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
Episodes manquant?
As Neville taught, whatever you conceive as true becomes fact. So the question I ask you today is, what are you conceiving to be true for you?
It's one thing to use techniques to aid the physical manifestation of your desire, but it's another to agree with yourself beyond the moments you practice your techniques.
So, how do you know that you do or don't?
This is what I am discussing in today's podcast.
You can find all my coaching services and courses right here: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
Your feeling (who you believe that you are) is projected out, right now, into your physical world.
So, the ONLY question you need to ask yourself is, WHO AM I?
If you are someone fearing, reacting to, or complaining about your 3D situation, you need to understand who you truly are and what the 3D is.
If you need my help, visit my website here: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
What are "other people," and how to change the behavior of someone that you would like to experience differently? Using Neville's own words, I am discussing the subject of changing other people's behavior, along with my own experience.
If you need my help, visit my site at: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
#manifestingwithsylviane #manifestingwithsylvianepodcast #nevillegoddardteaching #nevillegoddardquotes
In today's podcast, I'm using Neville's words from his lecture, The Secret of Imagining, from 1970, to help you see that there are no circumstances outside you.
For coaching, you can visit my website at: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/coaching-with-sylviane/
Your assumptions are what make your life because your assumptions, good, bad, and neutral, harden into fact.
In today's podcast, I discuss Neville's second lesson - Assumptions Harden Into Fact. Be sure to listen!
#manifestingwithsylviane #nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardteaching #nevillegoddardquotes
You can find my website here: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@manifestingwithsylviane
Who is your I AM?
How many I AM do you need?
Do you believe in second causes..?
In this podcast, I am discussing what is I AM, with the help of one of Neville's quotes.
If you need my help, check my website: ManifestingWithSylviane
#thelawofassumption #nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardteaching #nevillegoddardquotes #IAM #firstprinciple
You are not truly “manifesting” anything in the sense that you don’t have to be conscious about it.
Furthermore, you are not pulling anything towards you, either.
When you do become conscious about creating your world, you need to get out of the state of “manifesting” and “getting” because the state you need to be in is the one of ALREADY BEING and HAVING.
In today’s podcast, I am explaining what this means and what the use of techniques should be in all of that.
Website: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
When you hear that imagination is the only reality, what do you hear? What does this mean for you?
Are you still imagining that 3D is "real" and imagination is "make belief?"
For coaching, visit my site at: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
#nevillegoddard #nevillegoddardteaching #thelawofassumption #imagination #imaginationisreality
For coaching, check my website: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
In Neville's lecture that I used in today's podcast, The Mystery of Forgiveness, what he and scriptures call FORGIVENESS is probably not what you think if you think of "forgiveness" in the way that society thinks of forgiveness. So, if you want to know what forgiveness really means and what it means for YOU, be sure to listen to today's last-of-the-year podcast!
If you need my personal help, be sure to visit my website: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
To get my help and courses, visit my website: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
If you need my personal help, please visit my website here: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
If you need my help, all my packages are found on my website at: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
Manifest Your SP Masterclass: https://sylviane-nuccio.thinkific.com/
Manifesting With Sylviane Website: ManifestingWithSylviane.com
Manifest Your SP Masterclass: https://sylviane-nuccio.thinkific.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sylvianenuccio/
Website: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
#lawofassumption #manifestingwithsylviane #manifestingwithsylvianepodcast #nevillegoddardquotes #nevillegoddardteachings #imaginationcreatesreality #states #statesofconsciousness #manifestingdesire
Your 3D reality is you because it is your inner man projected out on the screen of your life, so what does it mean when you react to it?
For more information about the law of assumption and manifesting your desires, go to my website: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/
You can also follow me on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sylvianenuccio/
If you need my personal help, go to my Website: https://www.manifestingwithsylviane.com/wp-admin/
I’m sure you’ve come across the idea that you can manifest your specific person without focusing on your self-concept. While there is some truth to this, it’s essential to grasp the full spectrum of self-concept to comprehend its implications fully. This is the topic I’ll be exploring in today’s podcast.
Website: https://manifestingwithsylviane.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sylvianenuccio/
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