Serach Bas Asher was the one to tell Yaakov that Yosef was alive and revive his spirits, and she was rewarded with eternal life. Some stories about her life and what we can learn from her.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.
We have had many miracles in Jewish History, and many miraculous victories as well. What was unique about Chanukah that they made it into a Holiday? An approach based on the Pnei Yehoshua.
Frielichen Chanukah
Episodes manquant?
When Yosef was sold to the House of Potifar, he was blessed with tremendous Siyata Dishmaya, and eventually place in charge of the home. The Torah says Potifar saw Hashem was with Yosef and was impressed by that. How does an Oved Avodah Zarah like Potifar get impressed by Yosef's connection to Hashem?
Have a good Shabbos
Shimon and Levi took vengeance on the city of Shechem for what was done to their sister. However, Yaakov was upset at them, and they were punished for it when Yaakov gave the Berachos at the end of his life. What was their Heter, why was Yaakov upset at them, and what lessons can we learn from the story?
Have a good Shabbos
Many times we go through challenges, and it can be to believe it's a blessing in disguise. Stories from the Parsha, and how we can extrapolate from them to our own lives.
Have a good Shabbos
We find the Torah gives many more details and stories about the lives of Avraham and Yaakov, than it does about Yitzchak. Why is Yitzchak so much less discussed than the other two Avos?Have a good Shabbos.
Avraham Aveinu had Eliezer swear before sending him out to find a wife for Yitzchak. Ideas on why he chose this to swear on from the Chiddushei Halev and Rav Elya Baruch Finkel.
Have a good Shabbos.
Avraham Avinu was given Ten Nisyonos, among them to chase away Yishmael, and to shecht Yitzchak. How can a loving father do that to his son BiSimcha? Did he do it by suppressing his love for his children, by overriding that love with love of Hashem? An analysis based on the ideas of Rav Simcha Zissel Broide in different approaches to controlling our emotions in the Service of Hashem.Have a good Shabbos.
BH we had a hiatus for Simchas, now ready to start the 5th season of Shiurim. Avraham Avinu was given the power to give Brachos, a power we all have as Yidden. The Brachos of Malki-Tzedek and the critique are also in this weeks Parsha. Some thoughts on showering others with Bracha and Giving thanks to Hashem.
Have a Great Shabbos
We come to judgement day this year on the heels of a complicated year. One of the lessons we see from the differences in the Hamas attack versus the Iran attacks is Hashem's complete control over the world. How can we use it to humble ourselves and focus on His Kingship before the Yom Hadin?
Wishing you a K'sivah V'chasimah Tovah and a meaningful and fulfilling year.
As we approach Rosh Hashana we need to be focused on Teshuva and self-growth. Some insights from Rabbeinu Yona and the Ramban on the Siyatah Dishmaya Hashem provides us when we try to tap into our innate goodness and do Teshuva.
Thank you for being a listener again this past year. Appreciate your support.
Have a K'Sivah V'chasimah Tovah and a good Shabbos.
Chazal tells us the Mitzvah to Walk in the Ways of Hashem means to emulate Hashem's Middos. How can we learn from Hashem's Chessed and Rachamanus, and try to emulate them?
A K'sivah V'chasimah Tovah and a Gut Shabbos
The Torah warns us to protect our selves from evil during times of war. Some insights into the dangers of our Yetzer Hara in times of pressure.
Have a good Shabbos
It's an honor to have my good friend Avi Friedman on the podcast. Avi runs his own time management coaching business called Managed Minds, and has learned a great deal about truly living with Bitachon from his experience with entrepreneurship and the lack of a set paycheck.
Hope you enjoy his insights.
Have a good Shabbos.
Elul is a time to focus on the fundamentals. The Mishna in Avos says the world stands on judgement, truth and peace. Chazal learn important fundamentals in all three areas from the third pasuk in the Parsha.
Have a Ksivah Vchasimah Tovah and a wonderful Shabbos
The Parsha talks about the Halachos of an Ir Hanidachas, and how we should destroy it. How can we destroy a whole city of Jews in Eretz Yisrael without it being harmful to us and to our people?
Have a Wonderful Shabbos
In this week's parsha, we have a Mitzvah to thank Hashem for the good in our lives. We also have a Mitzvah to realize all our challenges in life come from a loving Father. An exploration of how Rabbeinu Yona connects these two Mitzvos.
Have a wonderful Shabbos
Found a beautiful idea in the Midrash Raba about why Moshe is buried in Chutz Laaretz and how it helps us in the current Galus. How it really is for our benefit, and a sign of the love Moshe had for the Jewish people.
Hope you enjoy, always appreciate any questions or feedback.
Have a great Shabbos.
In honor of the Simcha, wanted to share a vort on how we should react to others Simchas, and how we can bring more Bracha into our lives.
May we continue to share in Simchas.
Have a wonderful Shabbos.
When we went to fight Midian, we sent 12,000 to fight, 12,000 to guard the supplies, and 12,000 to daven. Why did we need to bring 12,000 soldiers to daven on the battlefield, why couldn't they daven in shul? An idea from Rav Yechezkel Levenstein on one of the fundamentals of prayer.
Have a wonderful Shabbos
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