Peter checks things out in Phoenix as he unexpectedly accepts a job in Phoenix. Recorded Jul 18 as I was driving to PHX.
Recorded June 21, 2021, Peter recaps all the trials and tribulations of his job searching. Many comically bad errors have occurred.
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EP 38: Recorded on April 18, 2021, driving on the way to Las Vegas, Peter summarizes his job search follies and also partially let’s go of the idea of living in Las Vegas.
To no one’s surprise, Americans are watching more TV than ever before. Peter tries to dissect why and if that’s a good thing or not.
Peter also gives his thoughts on the dramatic rise of real estate prices in SoCal. -
Peter reads the news about the recent uptick on Asian American attacks and how he feels about it. He also talks about past “experiences” he’s had dealing with the subject. Also, Peter remembers March 2020, the eve of Pandemic shutdown.
**Please note this was taped before the recent Atlanta shootings.** -
A sleepless night, so Peter hops on and gives thoughts of what is better for finding work, being a generalist or a specialist.
Peter recaps his 2020 new year resolutions: 1.No new clothes purchases
2. No Chinese Food for a year
3. No Alcohol consumption during even months
4. Move out of Condo
Then he talks 2021 resolutions:
1. Back to corporate world
2. No facebook on my phone
3. Dating goals -
Peter talks about how he almost bought another house to speed up his move out of his own condo. However, getting approved for loans as a self-employed individual isn’t so easy.
Taped a couple weeks ago, Peter discusses his experiences doing Doordash part-time. He goes into the process and the pros and cons of it all. A viable full-time option? Part-time side-hustle?
Peter gives some updates on his job search. Results aren’t promising. Then discussion into technology and the real estate industry.
Peter talks about his working at a polling place during the 2020 presidential election. Peter updates his career aspirations.
After working a night shift and feeling lonely, Peter remembers the early days of the pandemic when celebrities like Ellen were comparing the pandemic to jail. Turns out they were more right than everyone thought.
Peter dabbles into some thoughts about the upcoming Nov 2020 election, including Prop 16 and other California propositions.
Peter reviews the book “Why Customers Leave and how to win them back” by David Arvin.
Another episode of Peter driving and updating on current events. Peter enjoyed the movie theater and watching Tenet. Peter questions if it is wise to continue in Southern California or seek fortunes elsewhere.
Peter also talks about being an enumerator for the US Census for 5 weeks.
*Sorry about the sound qualities recording in my car and trying to navigate the road at night. -
Peter tried out recording while driving, driving from Las Vegas back to SoCal. The genius of Elon Musk and Tesla is amazing. Toastmasters is a great club to join. Finally, has the coronavirus affected home prices in Southern California?
Coronavirus is still going on and Peter has had a difficult time plotting for the future. Also getting stuff stolen sucks. Unstructured, just Peter thinking out loud.
Peter manages to find some sanity during the extended Coronavirus shelter-in-place time. In addition, he reviews one of the most influential books he's read, Emergency by Neil Strauss. This is a great book and deals with the various aspects of survival prep, from hunting to urban survival. Also, the CERT program is discussed in length, which inspired Peter to join a local CERT program as well.
Peter returns as a new solo podcast. This episode is rough, but will improve as things get under way again. Peter talks how things have been going between the last episode. He discusses warehouse life. Finally, the Coronavirus has affected everyone and we're all in for the long haul.
Leslie and Peter have a discussion about Leadership after Peter read Jocko Willink and Leif Babin's book, EXTREME OWNERSHIP. Real life applications of how to use leadership principals is also discussed.
Leslie discusses the importance of a balanced diet.
Peter recalls the time he took some edibles in Las Vegas.
*Taped in late October 2019, sorry for the sound issues.*
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