Welcome to season 2, Episode 12!!
Check out episode 12 to see why our little apple love its tree.
Our verse is John 4:19 "We love because He first loved us!"
Welcome to season 2, Episode 11!!
Can you guess what is in store for the humble shoemaker?
Our verse is 1 Thessalonians 5:18 "Be thankful in all circumstances!"
Credit to Emily McNally for music!
Episodes manquant?
Welcome to season 2, Episode 10!!
Let's see what happens when our unlikely trio tells their friends the good news!
Our verse is Psalm 150:6 "Let everything that has breath, praise the Lord."
Welcome to season 2, Episode 9!!
Let's see what happens when our unlikely trio tells their friends the good news!
Our verse is Psalm 16:11 "In your presence is fullness of joy."
Music/Sound effects credit:
Background Music: "Across the Savannah" by Aaron Kenny
Welcome to season 2, Episode 8!!
Let's see how an unlikely trio handles an unlikely journey!
Our verse is John 7:37-38 "Jesus stood and cried out, 'If anyone is thirsty, let him come and drink ...and I will give him living water."
Music/Sound effects credit:
Background Music: "Across the Savannah" by Aaron Kenny
Welcome to episode number 7!
We'll follow two brothers and see who will build on the rock and who will build on the sand.
Our verse is Luke 11:28 "Blessed are those, who hear the word of God, and do it"
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Music/Sound effects credit:
"Indian Group Traditional Music by Florian Reichelt (https://www.instagram.com/florianreichelt/)
"Hail, Interior, Light, A.wav" by InspectorJ (www.jshaw.co.uk) of Freesound.org
Written and created exclusively by MetaTales.
Welcome to episode number 6!
Let's see how King Canute responds when the people in his Kingdom think he is more than a King.
Our verse is Psalm 139:14: "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made."
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Credit to Emily McNally and Strobotone for awesome music!
Written and created exclusively by MetaTales.
Welcome to episode number 5!
Beauty goes in search to find her true love and she won't accept just anyone.
Special music by Emily McNally
Our verse is 1 Peter 5:6: "Humble yourself, and God's mighty hand, will lift you up, at the right time."
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Welcome to episode number 4!
Let's see what happens to Good Pig, Wise Pig, and Peaceful Pig as they build their houses and face the Big Wolf...
And let's see how we can build our own strong house!
Our verse is John 14:6: "I am the truth, the way and the life"
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Hello MetaTales friends!
Listen for information on MetaTales release dates and plans for the year + some fun news regarding the end of the season!
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Welcome to episode number 3!
Our first retelling of a Bible Story, from Luke's Gospel, chapter 12!
Follow our rich farmer and see just how well his greed served him.
Our verse is Romans 2:4 "His kindness leads us to repentance."
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Credit to Marni Singsong for awesome music!
Written and created exclusively by MetaTales.
Welcome to episode number 2!
A retelling of Goldilocks and a lesson just about how sinister greed can be and how gracious the Lord can be.
Our verse is Isiah 54:8 "With everlasting kindness, I will have compassion on you."
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Credit to Marni Singsong for awesome music!
Written and created exclusively by MetaTales.
Welcome to Meta Tales first podcast! Mr. Rich and Mr. Poor.
A story on how one man's greed gave him more than what he bargained for.
Our verse is Romans 10:9 "If you confess, with your mouth, Jesus is Lord, you will be saved"
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