Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each episode, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. In this episode, Michelle addresses how the act of artistic expression, particularly through poetry, is a lifelong journey of self-reflection and personal transformation.
Below are links to articles about the topics discussed in the episode. This is not an exhaustive list and our listeners are encouraged to research these topics on their own as well:
Justice for Our Sisters and Earth Mother - Women's March 2021
Hawai'i People's Fund
“Her Blue Body Everything We Know” by Alice Walker, 1991
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics or share your thoughts at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud
Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each episode, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. In this Mother’s Day episode, Michelle addresses the topic of mental health and generational trauma among AAPI women through the lens of the 2022 movie, Everything Everywhere All at Once.
Below are links to articles about the topics discussed in the episode. This is not an exhaustive list and our listeners are encouraged to research these topics on their own as well:
Suicides Among American Indian or Alaska Native Persons — National Violent Death Reporting System, United States, 2015–2020A24 Reddit Thread, "Life Has Changed After Everything Everywhere All At Once"
Daniels Duo's Tweet about Everything Everywhere All At Once quoted in the Salon article "The Daniels on the ADHD Theory of 'Everything Everywhere All At Once,' Paper Cuts and Butts" by Hanh Nguyen
“Everything Everywhere All At Once' has the best take on mental health you never expected” by Rebecca Ruiz
“Asian American young adults are the only racial group with suicide as their leading cause of death, so why is no one talking about this?” by Amelia Noor-Oshiro
NAPAWF's website, “Mental Health Among AAPI Women”
Newport Institute’s website, “The Facts About Asian American Mental Health and Suicide Rates”
Mental Health Resources:
Mango Tree Counseling and Consulting (Philadelphia Area)
Mango Tree Counseling Youtube Channel
Asian Mental Health Collective
Huffington Post article written by Brittany Wong, “How to Find a Therapist Who Focuses on Asian American Mental Health”
988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
The Crisis Text Line
National Alliance on Mental Illness Helpline (NAMI)
The Trevor Project
The Trans Lifeline
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics or share your thoughts at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud
Episodes manquant?
Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each month, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. This month, Michelle addresses the Supreme Court’s Decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and the impact that limiting life-saving healthcare will have on women of all demographics.
Below are links to articles about the topics discussed in the episode. This is not an exhaustive list and our listeners are encouraged to research the topics discussed on their own as well:
Public Opinion Polls About Legalized Abortion and Reaction After Supreme Court Decision:
Six-in-ten Americans Say Abortion Should be LegalWhat the Data Says About Abortion in the USMore Women are Registering to Vote. How Could that Affect the Midterms?What we Don't Know About the Effect of Abortion on the Midterm ElectionsThe Maternal Mortality Crisis in the US:
CDC Maternal Mortality RatesWilson Center Maternal Mortality RatesThe Century Foundation Maternal Mortality RatesWorld Health Organization Maternal Mortality RatesThe History of Childbirth in the USRacial Disparities in Maternal and Infant Health"When the Water Breaks" from the Philadelphia InquirerTrump Judicial Appointments and Abortion Ban Ballot Measures in the Midterm Elections:
"Servants of the Damned" Author David Enrich NPR interviewAbortion Ballot Measure: What Proposal 3 Would Do in MichiganRepublicans Fight Abortion Backlash with Ads - and Stealth Website EditsKansas Recount Confirms Results in Favor of Abortion RightsPlanned Parenthood Action FundNY Times Stacy Abrams interview: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/20/us/politics/stacey-abrams-abortion-georgia.html
“Cinderella Step Sisters” by Toni Morrison full text: https://zora.medium.com/toni-morrison-in-her-own-words-562b14e0effa
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics or share your thoughts at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud
Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each episode, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. This episode, Michelle addresses allyship between communities of color focusing on the history between the Black and Asian communities.
Thank you to Quincy Stalworth for promoting the podcast!
Below are links to articles about the topics discussed in the episode. This is not an exhaustive list and our listeners are encouraged to research the topics discussed on their own as well:
Christina Lee Alliance website: https://www.thechristinaalliance.org
Time Magazine article on forced sterilizations from 2019: https://time.com/5737080/native-american-sterilization-history/
A Conversation with Native Americans on race by the NY Times: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=siMal6QVblE
Helen Zia, Asian American Dreams: https://helenzia.com/books/asianamericandreams/
“Racist Love” essay by Frank Chin and Jeffery Chan: https://www.dartmouth.edu/~hist32/Hist33/chin%20Racist%20Love.pdf
Jamie A Swift article on Yuri Kochiyama: https://aaww.org/celebrating-100-years-of-yuri-kochiyama/
Michelle Myers interview on Quince Questions: https://anchor.fm/quincequestions/episodes/Ep--94-Dr--Michelle-Myers-erqcei/a-a4ribn8
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics or share your thoughts at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud
Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each month, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. This month, Michelle addresses the troubling pattern of violence against AAPI women and shares a poem from her students.
Thank you to Gabby Lee and Haeun Lee for allowing the use of their poem “That Asian Girl”
Below are links to articles about the topics discussed in the episode. This is not an exhaustive list and our listeners are encouraged to research these topics on their own as well:
Michelle Go: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/nyc-subway-station-death-michelle-go-leaves-asian-americans-reeling-rcna12650
Christina Lee: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/02/23/christina-yuna-lee-murder-asian-american-women-fear/
The Atlanta Spa Shooting: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/atlanta-shootings-what-korean-language-media-told-us-that-the-mainstream-media-didnt-1149698/
Go Fund Me page for Christina Lee: https://www.gofundme.com/f/christina-yuna-lee-memorial-fund
Statement from Michelle Go’s family: https://twitter.com/CeFaanKim/status/1483215500075278337?s=20&t=VlKWBg5_Hc8YiJR5V1bEkQ
Atlanta Spa Vigil by the Korean American Association of Greater Atlanta (KAAGA): https://326vigil.org/
The State of Safety for Asian American and Pacific Islander Women report by NAPAWF: https://www.napawf.org/our-work/march-2022/state-of-safety?fbclid=IwAR0MEMNVLHEnQ_CSZswW5EgWM6_EGccDu5jM2IBbJLO0WIb_8rOoGeWt7So
Vincent Chin: https://aapi.umhistorylabs.lsa.umich.edu/s/aapi_michigan/page/chin
Joseph Ileto: https://www.dailynews.com/2019/08/10/two-decades-after-a-chatsworth-postal-worker-was-shot-and-killed-because-the-shooter-thought-he-looked-latino-a-family-is-fed-up-with-no-action-we-are-better-than-this/
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics or share your thoughts at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud
Welcome to the first episode of Mind Your Margins with Michelle Myers!
Michelle Myers draws on her experience as a professor, activist, and poet to foster a space for listeners where it’s humanly possible to make humanity possible. Each month, Michelle discusses difficult topics with a focus on practicing mindfulness and self-care as well as on claiming a personal space of acceptance, healing, and compassion. This month, Michelle introduces herself and discusses how her life's work has led her to starting a podcast.
You can find Mind Your Margins on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and you can email suggestions for topics at [email protected]
Host: Michelle Myers
Producer: Myong McCloud