Jorge and Luis host this episode. Luis talks about the 15th anniversary of ColdBox and how Ortus as a company has shaped itself throughout the years alongside ColdBox. Additionally, he talks about how the views of the company have matured over the years and how casting his vision has helped him achieve his goals. Luis highlights the last 5 years as being the most formalized and active years in the company
Jorge and Luis discuss the importance of Patreons and how Ortus is helping the ColdFusion community by pushing new horizons. New features are coming to the Box family of frameworks including asynchronous programming and serverless programming, as well as: ColdBox Debugger, a visualizer, Electron app, Websockets and reactivity at the ColdFusion level.
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Luis and Jon host this episode. Jon speaks about his introduction to ColdBox as he was trying to modernize a legacy application. He stuck with the framework since the structure and the modularization made him a better developer. They speak about the importance of Open Source and the benefits that come with having a huge community that’s constantly giving ideas and having code that one can adapt for their needs. The next big thing Jon looks forward to inside ColdBox is asynchronous programming as it would open a new horizon for the language itself.
Jon’s driving force of solving problems elegantly pushes him to stay modern in the world of programming; taking inspiration from things happening in other languages. Sometimes to adapt those concepts into Coldfusion and other times to get ideas. They both discuss the importance of community and how the cfml one needs more participation even if it’s just a small one from new people that may eventually form part of it.
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Episodes manquant?
Luis and Brad host this episode. Brad talks about his experience with Coldbox and how with his previous company they chose it as their new framework thanks to the great amount of documentation present for it. He also talks about how interceptors have become a game changer to shift towards event based programming. The integration of an async manager that would allow Java libraries in Coldfusion is something Brad is excited about as it would bring a whole new path of options to go through. Luis and Brad talk about the state of programming languages and how they are overlapping each other and how companies now choose a language that best suits them and mostly not because of the features anymore. This has led to legacy applications being abandoned because they believe that language is no longer working for them when in reality it is a matter of modernization. Brad talks about things that he would love to see in the future for Coldfusion like serverless and Docker. Finally, they also talk about the state of the Coldfusion community and the language itself. The image it has towards the outside is that of an old language and the community tends to be older developers. They speak about possible solutions and how a better community with newer developers could be the spotlight Coldfusion needs.
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Luis and Eric host this episode. They talk about celebrating the 15 year anniversary since the release of ColdBox and the various iterations and features that have been added over time. Eric talks about his favorite thing inside ColdBox other than modules and his excitement for the addition of Async programming in the future for ColdFusion and ColdBox. Eric tells the tale of his journey from being a system analyst to a programmer and how the introduction of ColdFusion and eventually ColdBox changed his career path. They discuss the importance of testing and getting to know the process and the tools needed for an essential part in development which is sometimes neglected or overlooked. Eric speaks about his experience with working in Open Source projects and how the concept helps everyone involved and the people who might come in the future make their code theirs despite using someone else's framework. Both Luis and Eric enjoy taking concepts in other languages and translating them to ColdFusion.
Eric speaks from personal experience with video tutorials and highlights the importance of services like CFCasts which make it easier and accessible for new developers to be able to begin programming without feeling the gate-keeping of the older generations. In the future he hopes features like webhooks and step debuggers are added to ColdFusion.
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Watch full video online on YouTube - https://youtu.be/_iasxoqAreY
What’s the best way to get a hold of Charlie?
Charlie’s Twitter - https://twitter.com/carehart
Charlie’s Website https://www.carehart.org/
Charlie’s CF411 site of ~2,000 tools/resources http://cf411.com/
Blog - Come learn about getting started with CF Docker images at CF Summit 2019
Link to CF Summit PreConference Page
https://cfsummit.adobeevents.com/preconference/Blog - Speaking at CFCamp 2019, for the 10th time!
CF Camp Session Link
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Blog Post - Filing issues for things like ColdFusion docs, Docker images, PMT, CFFiddle, and even the bug tracker itself
https://coldfusion.adobe.com/2019/08/filing-issues-things-like-cf-docs-docker-images-cffiddle-pmt-even-bug-tracker/ -
Interview with Sam Knowlton - Betting the business on Modern CFML
View the Video Version on YouTube https://youtu.be/4JtTV3Plb64Questions answered in this episode
When did you start working with ColdFusion?
When did you do before working with ColdFusion?
Why did we ask you to speak at ITB
Let’s do the Slideshow
Tell us more about InLeague
Tell us about the apps - technology and architecture
What’s the best way to get a hold of you?Sam’s Twitter - https://twitter.com/mordantwastrel
InLeague website - https://www.inleague.io
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Interview with Brian Klass - Undifferentiated heavy lifting with AWS
View the Video Version on YouTube https://youtu.be/ZJ4fbaQQbaE
Questions answered in this episode
When did you start working with ColdFusion?
When did you do before working with ColdFusion?
Why are you using AWS with ColdFusion?
What was the first thing you started using AWS for?
What types of things are you doing in AWS?
Video PipelinesTranscription and TranslationStep functionsHow many developers in your Team? Who does the AWS work?
You have a Blog Series on AWS Step Functions, tell us about it
Give us a rundown of where ColdFusion does its piece, and how does it hand off to AWS, and what roles do they perform?
Are you going to be speaking at CF Summit?
Try out the Free Tier from AWS, you could run a lot under the free tier.
My blog runs on AWS for only $0.53 cents a month.
AWS Conferences
AWS Summit Conference are free, and all over the world.ReInvent is a huge conference with 60,000 plus people.What’s the best way to get a hold of you?
Brian’s Blog - https://brianklaas.net/
Brian’s Twitter - https://twitter.com/brian_klaas
You can also find Brian on the CFML Slack
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Video form available on YouTube - https://youtu.be/Gszald5wHXM
Find out more about Pete, Foundeo and their products
Pete’s Twitter - https://twitter.com/pfreitag
Foundeo’s Twitter - https://twitter.com/foundeo
Foundeo website - https://foundeo.com/
Fixinator.app - https://fixinator.app/
Cfdocs.org - https://cfdocs.org/
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Video form available on YouTube - https://youtu.be/o69XqHow0uc
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