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In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Nikos Sotirakopoulos challenge the exploitation theory of value at the root of many attacks on capitalists by both the political left and right.
Among the topics covered:
How the exploitation theory is entrenched in mainstream political thought;
How the exploitation theory fails to grasp how the capitalist produces value;
How mainstream defenses of capitalists fail to grasp how they produce value;
How capitalists benefit all of us immensely by increasing our productivity;
Rejecting the Marxist “pyramid of exploitation” for Rand’s “pyramid of ability.”
Mentioned in this podcast is Ayn Rand’s novel, Atlas Shrugged.
The podcast was recorded on February 21, 2025, and released on February 26, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
A new ARI podcast series gives you a window into ARI’s educational programs by showcasing our faculty as they discuss books of recent interest. The series, the ARI Bookshelf, premiered on August 6 with an episode discussing Wolfram Eilenberger’s book The Visionaries. Panelists included Ben Bayer, Jason Rheins, Greg Salmieri, and Shoshana Milgram.
The visionaries of the book’s title are four mid-twentieth century female philosophers: Simone de Beauvoir, Hannah Arendt, Simone Weil, and Ayn Rand.
Through interweaving biographies of these four figures, the book aims to show, as its subtitle puts it, “the power of philosophy in dark times.” According to Ben Bayer, “this was a very interesting book to read, especially because of the kind of novelistic quality of it, where you’re not just reading about their ideas, but you’re seeing what’s happening in their lives […] against the backdrop of some pretty dramatic geopolitical events of the period.”
Among the topics covered:
Panelists’ general takes on the book;
How Simone Weil’s philosophy causes her to martyr herself;
The thematic unity of the four figures;
The significance of the four figures being women;
The book’s sloppy treatment and misrepresentation of Rand;
How the book whitewashes evil;
Why the book may be worth reading.
The video premiered on August 6, 2024. -
Episodes manquant?
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Tristan de Liège discuss why the traditional conception of forgiveness is evil and indicate how to think of it from an Objectivist perspective.
Among the topics covered:
How forgiveness is conventionally understood;
Why the idea of “forgive and forget” enables injustice;
Why forgiving a murderous dictator like Putin would be horrific;
Why a rational view of forgiveness must be rooted in justice;
The story of Mosab Hassan Yousef as an example of earning forgiveness;
How healing from injustice comes from maintaining a positive value context, not forgiveness;
Whether there is need for a separate concept of forgiveness.
Recommended in this podcast are the Ayn Rand Lexicon entries on “Mercy,” “Justice,” and “Moral Judgment.” The podcast was recorded on February 14, 2025 and posted on February 19, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
What is at stake in the Russia/Ukraine and the Israel/Hamas conflicts? What are America’s interests in the chaotic Middle East? How do we evaluate China’s global ambitions and its claims on Taiwan? What’s the impact of foreign policy on the 2024 campaign trail? How does Objectivism help us unpack these and related issues? Panel discussion featuring Yaron Brook, Peter Schwartz, and Scott McDonald, moderated by Elan Journo, with extensive audience Q&A.
Recorded live on June 16 in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024. -
Join one of ARI's many online educational courses. Our new "Flex" option allows you to take these courses at your own pace, whenever you have the time, while also still retaining the benefit of having your questions answered and your assignments graded by a real instructor. Browse our catalog now: https://aru.aynrand.org/
In the age of social media everyone’s a self-proclaimed pundit, tweeting or posting on current events whether or not they possess any relevant knowledge or expertise. Meanwhile, our culture is saturated with stale, conventional thinking. People are taken in far too easily by false alternatives, tribalism, and superficial perspectives utterly lacking in nuance or principle.
In this sample class—based on the full-length ARU course of the same name—Yaron Brook and Onkar Ghate will share their insights into how they approach thinking about current events, how they acquire sufficient knowledge to comment meaningfully on any given topic, and how they use Objectivism as a lens to clarify even the thorniest of issues.
Recorded live on June 15 in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Elan Journo and Ben Bayer discuss the moral travesty of the Gaza deal and the intellectual bankruptcy it reveals in foreign policy thinking.
Among the topics covered:
Why the Gaza deal will not bring peace but ensure further aggression by Hamas;
How the lopsided hostage release deal is a win for Hamas;
How the Gaza deal is short-sighted and self-sacrificial;
How Trump’s “real estate” deal would reward Gazans for their aggression;
How the Gaza deal reveals a blindness to the role of ideas in motivating aggression.
Recommended in this podcast are ARI’s “Resources on Israel, Palestine, and the Middle East," Elan Journo’s book What Justice Demands, and Ben Bayer’s article “We Ignore the Unconditional Right to Self-Defense at Our Peril."
The podcast was recorded on February 12, 2025, and released on February 14, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get you podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
Accelerate your understanding of Objectivism today by joining one of our many online educational courses. Our new "Flex" option allows you to take these courses at your own pace, whenever you have the time, while also still retaining the benefit of having your questions answered and your assignments graded by a real instructor. Sign up now: https://aru.aynrand.org/
This sample class is based on the full-length ARU course of the same name by Don Watkins and Tal Tsfany. The full course explores the principles and attitudes that will help guide students in their work, career, and the world of business more generally. A major focus is on what the application of these ideas looks like, explored in part through a series of interviews and discussions with Objectivist businessmen, entrepreneurs, intellectuals, and professionals in various fields.
The session focuses on the nature of a fulfilling career, how to select a career, and key tips for building a fulfilling career.
Recorded live on June 17 in Anaheim, CA as part of OCON 2024. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Robertas Bakula discuss the latest developments of the Department of Justice’s vicious antitrust persecution of Google.
Among the topics covered:
How the antitrust attack on Google is driven by hatred of its productive virtues;
How the DOJ's remedies for Google's alleged crime punish their success;
Google’s failure to challenge the government’s right to persecute them;
Why calling out the evil of antitrust would give Google the moral high ground;
How the Trump administration is just as bad as Biden’s on antitrust prosecution;
What Google and other persecuted businesses can do to defend themselves.
Recommended in this podcast are “Open Letter to Google’s Sundar Pichai and Team,” which is the first project of ARI’s Atlas Circle initiative, the previous podcast episode on “The Vicious Antitrust Case Against Google,” and Ayn Rand’s essay, “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business.”
The podcast was recorded on February 5, 2025 and released on February 7, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Elan Journo interviews, Bud Brigham, a lifelong entrepreneur and the founder of multiple successful companies, most notably Atlas Energy Solutions. Mr. Brigham built his career on a vision of innovation and an uncompromising commitment to individualism, values deeply informed by Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism. In this interview, Mr. Brigham shares how The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged inspired him to take bold risks and create lasting value in the energy sector.
Among the topics covered:
Introduction to the Roundtable and to Bud Brigham;
What motivates Brigham’s continuing entrepreneurship;
How Brigham’s companies innovated to overcome economic and technological challenges;
Brigham’s battle to build the innovative Dune Express, the world’s second-longest conveyor belt transporting fracking sand;
How Objectivist ideas have inspired and empowered Brigham’s career;
How Brigham works to encourage industry peers to stand up on principle against demands for regulation;
Brigham’s advice for young entrepreneurs;
Brigham’s favorite passage from Ayn Rand.
The interview with Mr. Brigham occurred at a recent ARI Donor Roundtable on January 25, an event usually available exclusively for donors. If you'd like to participate in the next Roundtable event, consider joining ARI as a supporter. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Elan Journo discuss Trump’s blanket pardon of all the people involved in the January 6 attack on the Capitol.
Among the topics covered:
How Trump’s blanket pardon lets outrageous evil off the hook;
How Trump’s claims about the 2020 elections and the January 6 attack are arbitrary;
How Trump and many Republicans are attempting to rewrite reality;
How the pardons normalize political violence and reflect the tribalism of our culture;
Why the blanket pardoning is an attack on the Constitution and the rule of law.
Recommended in this podcast are the podcast episodes “The Storming of the Capitol” and “The January 6 Hearings.”
The podcast was recorded and posted on January 22, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Ben Bayer analyze Mark Zuckerberg's recent comments on Facebook’s policy changes and whether they truly represent a victory for free speech.
Among the topics covered:
How Facebook’s content moderation is not a violation of free speech;
How the government’s intimidation of Facebook is a violation of free speech;
How both the Biden and Trump administrations intimidate Facebook;
How CEOs, like Zuckerberg, morally sanction the attacks against them;
Why CEOs, like Zuckerberg, need a principled defense from intellectuals.
Mentioned in this podcast are Ayn Rand’s article “’Have Gun, Will Nudge’” in The Objectivist Newsletter and Ben Bayer’s article “Facebook: Censor or Victim?”
The podcast was recorded on January 15, 2025 and released on January 16, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Tristan de Liège and Nikos Sotirakopoulos discuss David Goggins’ idea that suffering is central to the pursuit of values.
Among the topics covered:
The popular idea that embracing suffering is essential to a successful life;
David Goggins’ incredible life and character;
Why life is not fundamentally about overcoming suffering;
What makes Goggins’ message inspiring, despite its misconceptions;
Why Objectivism views happiness, not suffering, as the ultimate purpose of life.
Recommended in this podcast are Ben Bayer’s “Don’t Resign Yourself to Suffering, Combat It” and the podcast episode on “Should We Accept Suffering as Part of Life?”
The podcast was recorded on January 6, 2025 and released on January 9, 2025. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Nikos Sotirakopoulos discuss how to make one’s life purposeful, without falling for the sacrificial tropes popular in our culture.
Among the topics covered:
Why aiming at a challenging, effortful life should not be equated with suffering;
How to evaluate Jordan Peterson’s notion that meaning is found outside of one’s life;
What is wrong with pursuing purpose by bearing others' burdens;
Why achievement, not suffering, is the essence of human life and morality.
Recommended in this podcast are Ayn Rand’s novels Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead.
The podcast was recorded on December 17, 2024 and released on January 1, 2025. Listen and subscribe from your mobile device on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Ben Bayer and Agustina Vergara Cid explore the true meaning of Christmas by examining the history and philosophical significance of our holiday practices.
Among the topics covered:
The secular meaning of Christmas;
A proper view of Christmas’s commercial aspects;
Why some people are antagonistic towards the Christmas spirit;
How the doctrine of original sin undermines Christmas joy.
Mentioned in this podcast are Ben Bayer’s articles “Give the Gift of a Guilt-Free Christmas” and “The Meaningful Delights of a Worldly Christmas,” and Onkar Ghate’s essay “An Atheist’s Tribute to Christmas.”
This podcast was recorded on December 18, 2024 and released on December 23, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Elan Journo analyze the moral significance of the fall of the Assad regime in Syria and its replacement by jihadists.
Among the topics covered:
Why authoritarian regimes, like Assad’s, are fundamentally weak and unstable;
How the future of the Middle East is constrained by anti-freedom ideologies;
How the media coverage of Assad’s fall is blind to the crucial role of ideas;
How altruism prevents us from seeing others regimes, like Hamas, as evil;
Why America’s security depends on deterring bad actors, not nation-building.
Mentioned in this podcast are Onkar Ghate’s and Elan Journo’s co-authored book Failing to Confront Islamic Totalitarianism, Journo’s book What Justice Demands: America and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict , and Journo’s and Yaron Brook’s coauthored essay "The Banality of Putin and Xi."
This podcast was recorded on December 17, 2024 and posted on December 20, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of The Ayn Rand Institute Podcast, Onkar Ghate and Nikos Sotirakopoulos discuss the reaction to the assassination of the UnitedHealthcare CEO and the hatred towards businessmen in America.
Among the topics covered:
Examples of the culture treating businessmen as a persecuted minority;
How CEOs provide value in health care despite government controls;
Why saying that denying medical claims is violence perpetuates real violence;
How seeing health care as a “right” distorts people’s view of insurance companies;
How socialized medicine turns health care providers into serfs, not traders.
Mentioned in this podcast is Ayn Rand’s lecture “America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business,” also available in her book Capitalism: the Unknown Ideal.
The podcast was recorded on December 13, 2024 and posted on December 18, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of New Ideal, Brandon Lisi and Agustina Vergara Cid discuss the backstory of the newly-published “lost” Mike Wallace-Ayn Rand interview from 1960.
Among the topics covered:
Historical background of the “lost” interview;
Rand’s role as a public intellectual during the 1960s;
How Rand’s intellectual confidence shines through in the interview;
How the Ayn Rand Archives recovered the recording;
Upcoming projects of the Ayn Rand Archives.
Mentioned in this podcast are Rand’s first and fourth interviews with Wallace, Letters of Ayn Rand and the online archive exhibit, and Rand’s letter “To Senator Barry Goldwater”
The podcast was recorded on December 10, 2024 and posted on December 12, 2024. Listen to the discussion below. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of New Ideal, Ben Bayer and Agustina Vergara Cid discuss Donald Trump’s promise to enact mass deportations of millions of illegal immigrants.
Among the topics covered:
How Trump’s plan to enact mass deportations would have massive costs;
Why the Alien Enemies Act does not justify mass deportations;
How the Alien Enemies Act would grant Trump immense new powers;
Why mass deportations would fail to secure our borders or enhance national security;
Why mass deportations would threaten the rights of American citizens;
The importance of respecting the rule of law while also treating peaceful illegal immigrants justly.
Mentioned in this podcast is the New Ideal podcast episode with Ben Bayer and Agustina Vergara Cid “The Absurdity of Calling the U.S.-Mexico Border Crisis an 'Invasion'.”
The podcast was recorded on December 5, 2024, and posted on December. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of New Ideal, Onkar Ghate and Nikos Sotirakopoulos discuss the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian war in Western media.
Among the topics covered:
The corruption of the Western media’s reporting of the conflict;
Why reporters can’t escape moral judgment;
The anti-Israel bias of the media;
How the conflict could be reported objectively;
How altruism drives the non-objective anti-Israel reporting.
The podcast was recorded on November 18, 2024 and released on November 27, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts. Watch archived podcasts here. -
Podcast audio:
In this episode of New Ideal, Sam Weaver and Tristan de Liège discuss Atlantic writer Derek Thompson’s idea that Americans are afflicted by a religious obsession with work that he calls “workism” and their view of the role of work in human life.
Among the topics covered:
Thompson’s view on work and why it's worth talking about;
Why making work central to one’s life doesn’t entail adopting a religious perspective;
Understanding what causes burnout and lack of fulfillment in work;
The Objectivist perspective on work.
Mentioned in this podcast are Ayn Rand’s novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged, her essay “Causality Versus Duty”, Gregory Salmieri’s essay “The Act of Valuing (and the Objectivity of Values)” in A Companion to Ayn Rand edited by Allan Gotthelf and Salmieri, and de Liège’s Ayn Rand University course Philosophical Perspectives on Work.
This podcast was recorded on November 7, 2024, and released on November 20, 2024. Listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcast. Watch archived podcasts here. - Montre plus