
  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, it’s an election year, so the dial on the ‘crazy meter’ is locked on at 10+. There is a lot of talk about Christian Nationalism going around, and while it’s connected to Donald Trump it’s not coming from Trump, it’s coming mostly from the Evangelicals and the apostles of the New Apostolic Reformation. A few years ago, we recommended you watch a Netflix documentary entitled ‘The Family’, all about Douglas Coe and the rise of the ‘Christian Right’ in the early 1980’s in Washington, DC. If you haven’t watched it, you need to. Tonight we open our King James Bibles to see exactly what the ‘mandate’ to Christians living in the Church Age might be, and exactly what our relationship to our government and global society should be as define by scripture. SPOILER ALERT: by attending this Bible study you will never again think for a second that America ever will be, or can ever be, great again. But what you will come away with is a new appreciation for the unique role of the Bible believer in these rapidly-escalating end times we find ourselves in.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, many things are happening this week, all of which have major impact on the world order. Israel is going ahead with its planned invasion of Rafah after Hamas has killed 4 IDF solders in an attack on Kerem Shalom on Sunday. Amazingly, after all the bombing by Israel, Hamas seems to be alive and well, and able to attack and do damage at will. Eight decades after the end of the Holocaust, Israel again faces a “ruthless and brutal” enemy who seeks its destruction, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared at the official state Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony at Yad Vashem on Sunday evening. The leader of Communist China, Xi Jinping, has sent a signal to the international community that he considers French Leader Emmanuel Macron to be the  powerbroker in Europe by coming to the continent and visiting only Macron. That's a huge step forward for our 'man of sin' candidate Emmanuel Jean Michel Frederic Macron. In America, the incessant chanting of 'Genocide Joe!' has led to reports that the Biden administration has stopped shipments of ammunition to Israel. Russia’s nuclear forces exercising isn’t exactly unheard of, but this is the first time such a thing has been announced in advance, making clear the apparent intent to intimidate. Today our cup is filled to overflowing with all the end times news you need to know about on this episode of the Prophecy News Podcast!

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  • The mugshots you see at the top of this article were obtained by Fox 4 News In Dallas, and they are a representative sampling of the people who have been 'helping' the college students across America to protest in support of Hamas terrorism and a free state of Palestine. I don't think it would be racist to say that nearly all of them are of Middle Eastern descent, as well as being well past the age which most people attend college at, that being 18 to 21. Could it be possible that that 'champion of Democracy' George Soros paid their bus fare to attend the festivities? I think so. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are living in a time of tremendous deception, which you'll remember Jesus says is the first sign of the end times, and here on Day 1,509 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve, it is thick as pea soup and swirling all around us. Hero of the Left Vladimir Lenin is supposed to have said that in order to bring in the Communist Revolution, you need a lot of 'useful idiots' to bear the cost and the brunt of the battle. Oh the irony of watching children being educated in a college costing as high as $90,000 per year, yet not having enough brains to know to empty their boots when it's raining. Idiots indeed. But George Soros, who orchestrates it all with his millions in endowments and grants to Liberal attack groups is smart, he is very smart, as smart as a fox you might say. On this episode, get ready for the Summer of Blood 2.0 as the buses prepare to roll to your town with the rioters. Also, we bring you the latest on the Donald Trump Trial in New York, Emmanuel Macron's willingness to send troops to fight Russia, and what the New World Order has been up to lately...don't miss it!

  • Last Sunday, Hollywood actor Russell Brand told the world he 'got baptized and became a Christian', last year hundreds of people were baptized in the wake of the 'Jesus Revolution' movie, Kanye West had his children baptized in Israel, and the list goes on and on. What you rarely, if ever, hear, is a biblical testimony of salvation that should absolutely precede the 'glorious!, awesome!, I feel so clean!' moment of water baptism. More importantly, what does your King James Bible have to say about baptism? Let's find out. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, every time a famous person gets baptized, the knee-jerk reaction is always to believe they've also gotten saved, and that is a theologically dangerous place to be. John the Baptist baptized people, but it was with the understanding that it was preparing them to meet the Lamb of God who taketh away the sins of the world. Peter preached water baptism that was connected to salvation, true, but he was preaching to Jews awaiting the Kingdom of Heaven at the Second Advent. The apostle Paul does not preach baptism at all, in his gospel salvation is by grace through faith alone. What must I do to be saved? Believe the gospel, full stop. Tonight we show you the dispensational nature of water baptism, and exactly where it belongs in the life of a born again Christian living in the Church Age.

  • Tornadoes killed four people in Oklahoma and left thousands without power Sunday after a destructive outbreak of severe weather flattened buildings in the heart of one rural town and injured at least 100 people across the state. More than 20,000 people were still without electricity hours after tornadoes began late Saturday night. The destruction was extensive in Sulphur, a town of about 5,000 people, where a tornado crumpled many downtown buildings, tossed cars and buses and sheared the roofs off houses across a 15-block radius. “You just can’t believe the destruction,” Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt said during a visit to the hard-hit town. “It seems like every business downtown has been destroyed.” The condition of Oklahoma is very much the condition of our entire nation, a true end times state of emergency. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Midwest took a severe hit this weekend with tornadoes, hail storms and thunderstorms. Many NTEB’ers were in the direct path of the storms, and it was a terrifying time. 2024 is an election year, and another storm is brewing right now which threatens to inflict great damage on our nation just as it did last time it happened in 2020. Colleges and universities are shutting down for the summer, and many graduation ceremonies have already been cancelled. This storm is pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel, and it is a tremendous excuse for the anarchist factions that plague America to once again storm our streets, burning down buildings and killing innocent people. America is a nation on the brink, and it will only take just another, little end times push to send it over the edge. In other news, Joe Biden is convinced he has Donald Trump on the ropes and packing for prison, will his plan succeed? All this and more on today’s episode!

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at 4 groups of people that we rarely talk much about, but who deserve to have their ‘work’ brought to the light so they can get full credit for it. The two main groups are the Pharisees and Sadducees who, while they have some overlapping similarities, are quite different. Pharisees and Sadducees were constantly fighting with each other when they weren’t looking to convert disciples to their cause. Scribes maintained the scripture scrolls and books, a necessary job, but they too lapped into apostasy and error. Bringing up the rear, the Herodians mixed political power from Herod with a thin veneer of spirituality that is much more at home in Revelation 17 and 18 than just about any place else. Tonight, we show you from scripture just who these people were, and why what they taught was so very dangerous. Their doctrine is alive and well here in the 21st century in the form of the Alexandrian Cult of bible ‘scholars’ whose fulltime job it is to corrupt the word of God.

  • 1933 was a watershed year for global events, yet it is only in retrospect that these things are obviously apparent. Some people alive during that time saw the ‘writing on the wall’ while many, or even most, did not fully appreciate the importunity of their times. We who find ourselves alive here in 2024 stand at a similar tipping point, with many ‘asleep at the switch’ as ominous global events and indicators relentlessly fire away. Students of Bible prophecy know the supreme importance of the Jews and trials during 1933, and what that might mean for us here today. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we look at the sickening events unfolding across college campuses in America and Europe right now, where massive protests are calling for an end to the nation of Israel, and for ‘death to the Zionists’. The encampment at Columbia University has been among the most militant of the dozens that have spring up at university campuses across the nation, with pro-terror and antisemitic rhetoric rampant. Jewish students report being harassed by participants and excluded from entry, so much so that a Columbia rabbi encouraged them to leave campus for their own safety. The Columbia encampment has also tried, without any authority to do so, to keep out journalists. Today we look at what’s happening across America and around the world to ‘connect the dots’ to Bible prophecy regarding the Jews and the coming WWIII.

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we open our King James Bibles to look at Israel, the glory of God, and Jerusalem, the city of the great King. Unto the Jews were committed the ‘oracles of God’, Jesus is the King of the Jews, and His word prophecies about His land in the last days. In our study, we will come across scripture that will tell us the types of events related to Israel that will be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and things that happen to Israel as they do to any other nation. Here at the end of the Church Age, we are so close to the Rapture, (and so excited to fly), that we can tend to ‘help God out’ a little bit, and push the hands of His clock forward. But that won’t work! On this episode, we look at the prophecies related to Israel in the end times and the requirements that must be met before God’s clock can advance. By knowing the difference between the prophetic and the profane, (common events not related to scripture), it can help you to be ready for when the words of the prophets truly begin to come to pass. Tonight’s Bible study is Part #3 in a series.

  • Today’s Podcast is not really all that much about Taylor Swift, though we will touch on her and her music as we progress. But Swift is absolutely a marker on the end times road that illuminates a larger truth, and that is that this world, made up of predominantly lost people, is now preparing itself on nearly every level for the soon-coming arrival of Antichrist. Should Christians be listening to Taylor Swift and her music? To quote a line from one of her songs ‘…darling, I’m a nightmare dressed like a daydream’. There’s your answer from Taylor herself. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Taylor Swift began her record-smashing ‘Eras Tour’ in March of 2023 and it is slated to conclude in December of 2024. One of the hallmarks of this tour was the incredible amount of young children who have attended these concerts, with their moms and sometimes their dads standing right alongside them. They are called ‘Swifties’. The Taylor Swift ‘experience’ has now transcended mere music and has become a culture unto itself, a lifestyle if you will, with a definite agenda. 3 days ago, Swift dropped her latest album called ‘The Tortured Poets Department’, and songs like ‘Fortnight’ visually reminds you of 19th-century mental institutions where people were literally tortured for their thoughts. What about those millions of children along for the ride on the ‘Eras Tour’? They now get dropped into this dark and swirling musical cauldron, and it is a terrifying place to be. All this, however, is only one tiny part of the spirit of violence, anger and wickedness that is now enveloping our world. The music of Taylor Swift and all the others is not so much the problem as it is the soundtrack of the coming time of Jacob’s trouble. On this episode, we show you the ever-rising spirit of Antichrist that is preparing the lost of this world to receive the counterfeit Christ, and be warned, it is not a pretty picture.

  • On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we open our King James Bibles to look at Israel, the glory of God, and Jerusalem, the city of the great King. Unto the Jews were committed the ‘oracles of God’, Jesus is the King of the Jews, and His word prophecies about His land in the last days. In our study, we will come across scripture that will tell us the types of events related to Israel that will be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and things that happen to Israel as they do to any other nation. Here at the end of the Church Age, we are so close to the Rapture, (and so excited to fly), that we can tend to ‘help God out’ a little bit, and push the hands of His clock forward. But that won’t work! On this episode, we look at the prophecies related to Israel in the end times and the requirements that must be met before God’s clock can advance. By knowing the difference between the prophetic and the profane, (common events not related to scripture), it can help you to be ready for when the words of the prophets truly begin to come to pass. Tonight’s Bible study is Part #2 in a series.

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Israel today launched a limited and highly specific air strike on the nation of Iran in such a way that caused very little damage but sent a very powerful message. That message was Israel telling Iran that your nuclear facilities are next, and if you don’t think we can or will do it, try us and see what happens. In boxing, this is known as setting you up with the jab, knockout punch comes next. Remember when Joe Biden told Iran not to strike Israel, and they did? Remember when Joe Biden then told Israel not to retaliate, and they just did today? Seems that while Israel very much values US support, they don’t take what Biden says seriously and neither does Iran. No one takes Joe Biden seriously, he is a symbol of American weakness at a time when America very much needs to project strength. Russia and China don’t take Biden seriously, either, and that’s a problem. On today’s episode, we bring you the very latest end times news from the Middle East and around the world!

  • Over the past 7 months, Israel has consistently been in the news headlines, not the least of which occurred last weekend when the Jews were attacked with a blistering volley of drones and missiles from Iran. Was that attack one that fulfilled scripture, or do we file it under the ‘wars and rumours of wars’ category? Hmm, that can be a hard question to answer, but it’s one we definitely need to discern properly. It’s been well said that Israel is God’s time clock of Bible prophecy, so we would do well to synch our clock with His clock. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we open our King James Bibles to look at Israel, the glory of God, and Jerusalem, the city of the great King. Unto the Jews were committed the ‘oracles of God’, Jesus is the King of the Jews, and His word prophecies about His land in the last days. In our study, we will come across scripture that will tell us the types of events related to Israel that will be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy, and things that happen to Israel as they do to any other nation. Here at the end of the Church Age, we are so close to the Rapture, (and so excited to fly), that we can tend to ‘help God out’ a little bit, and push the hands of His clock forward. But that won’t work! On this episode, we look at the prophecies related to Israel in the end times and the requirements that must be met before God’s clock can advance. By knowing the difference between the prophetic and the profane, (common events not related to scripture), it can help you to be ready for when the words of the prophets truly begin to come to pass.

  • Far Left CNN reports that “Trump has already warned that if he wins in November, he will dedicate his second presidency to “retribution” and will use the powers of the presidency to go after his foes, including the Biden family. The moment Trump shows up in the courtroom on Monday will be one of unfathomable drama and a test for members of the pool of citizens who will be vetted for service on a jury like none other in American history.” CNN wants you to be very afraid as they dance with unbridled glee at the prospect of a Donald Trump imprisonment. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the Two-Tier Justice System we have in America becomes more obvious and entrenched by the day. No, I am not saying that Donald Trump is not guilty of what he’s being charged with, but what I am saying is that Joe Biden, who is equally guilty, is not being charged. Why? Because he is Barack Obama’s third term ‘front man’, and as such is protected from all his various crimes. When Donald Trump says that, if elected in November, he will exact revenge on his political enemies, what he’s really saying is that he will act then as Joe Biden and his crew act now. Somehow, Liberals are appalled and offended by this. In addition to this, we look at what Israel may be planning to do to Iran, the probability of WWIII, Civil War, and the continued rise of the sprit of the coming Antichrist. Looks like another busy day here on the front lines of the end times!

  • In our daily morning Bible study this week, we’ve been going through the first 8 chapters of the book of Matthew, and what a wonderful walk through scripture it has been. Everything related to the Sermon on the Mount is directly connected to what we call the ‘constitution of the Kingdom’ that will be present during the Millennium. One thing that stands out right away is how very different it is from what Jesus commissioned Paul to preach in the book of Acts. The Kingdom of Heaven versus the Kingdom of God. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, they make Bibles with the word of Jesus printed in red so they stand out, but that is perhaps not the best way to present the Lord’s gospel. Why? Because everything that the apostle Paul taught in what he calls “my gospel” is also the words of the Lord Jesus Christ, just different from Matthew, Mark and Luke. Jesus presents one gospel on salvation, Paul presents a different one. Jesus says one thing about marriage and divorce, Paul has a different take on it. Jesus shows you people who at one time were believers who lose their salvation, Paul shows you that born again believers are sealed and can never lose it. Paul’s gospel is clearly not the same as the gospel Jesus preached, but he received it from Jesus and was commanded to preach it. Are you confused? Many people are who have bibles with the words ‘rightly dividing’ removed from it, for in that lies the key to understand the differences, and similarities, in the gospel of Jesus and the gospel of Paul.

  • Iranian media reported that Tehran has also launched its first round of ballistic missiles towards Israel, which have an even shorter flight time than the cruise missiles. A third wave of drones has now been launched at Israel. Israel said tonight that its airspace was shutting down at 12:30am local time. Iraq also announced it was shutting down its airspace and suspending all air traffic on Saturday from 11:30pm local time to 5:30am tomorrow. Syria and Jordan also have declared a state of emergency. It's game on. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, Israel right now exists in a state of war with the nation of Iran, and with their proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon. Hundreds of drones and ballistic missiles are flying toward the Jewish state, as Iron Dome gets the workout of its life. The United States is vowing to defend Israel with everything they have, with destroyers and battleships strategically placed in the Red Sea. On this special episode, we cover all the breaking news coming out of the Middle East as it happens!

  • On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the scenarios involve attacks by Tehran’s proxies in Syria and Iraq, for which Iran delivered drones out of warehouses in recent days, according to advisers to the IRGC and the Syrian government. Iran and its allies could also attack the Golan—a disputed territory annexed by Israel from Syria in 1981—or even Gaza, they said, to avoid an attack within Israel’s internationally recognized territory. Another option would be to strike at Israeli Embassies, notably in the Arab world, to show them that friendly ties with Tel Aviv could be costly, these people said. Meanwhile, the international community has been scrambling to avoid an escalation. Everywhere you look, wars and rumours of wars, exactly how your King James Bible says it will be in the last days. Today we cover all the breaking news coming out of the Middle East, as well as what you need to know about the new ‘Civil War’ movie that’s out in theaters today.

  • Maybe you think you know the story of the events that took place when God, working through Moses, parted the Red Sea, congealed the waters to allow the Hebrews to pass over on dry land to deliver them safely out of the hands of their enemy, the Egyptians, But did you also know that event is connected to the deeps, the frozen firmament and the Jordan River? There's a whole lot more of the story to tell than what's been told. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, Moses was an amazing man, and biblically as we shall see, he was a wonderful type of Jesus Christ in many ways. The parting of the Red Sea, which I believe literally happened exactly as the Bible says it did, contains much more in its storehouse than simply the mind-blowing miracle of the waters parting. It is also a beautiful picture of God's promises to the Jews, His promises to the born again Church, and His miracle working power in every dispensation. If you think you know what happened at the Red Sea, we invite you to come and learn the 'rest of the story' about the Red Sea, the Deeps and the frozen firmament up over your head.

  • There has been a marked uptick in global event on the political stage, increasing and troublesome failures throughout the American transportation pathways, and a very noticeable increase in natural phenomenon like earthquakes, lightning storms, and today we have the 'path of totality' Solar Eclipse of 2024. Looking out my studio window as I write this, noticing a huge increase in chemtrails over the past few days. As Day 1,484 of 15 Days To Flatten The Curve comes into view, there is a lot of end times activity going on, and we bring it to you today. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, conspiracy theories, unfounded rumours and Bible truth all seem to be swirling together right now, making it difficult to know what to believe and which way to look. But we only need open King James 1611 'scripture of truth' to navigate our path forward through all this end times craziness. Did you know that, right now, the George Soros Fund Management company is looking to take over radio? His entities are spending hundreds of millions of dollars to control the airways to disseminate their progressive Socialist message, just as he funded a takeover of America's district attorneys a few years ago. On Friday, the new movie 'Civil War' is released in theaters, a perfect bookend to last year's American civil war movie 'Leave The World Behind'. Over in Israel, things are either about to implode or explode, depending on who you listen to, but one thing's for certain, Israel is in a tough spot right now. Join us today as we remove our sunglasses to stare directly into the epicenter of the 'path of totality' that is the unbelievable end times in which we find ourselves!

  • Earlier today, NTEB’er Gregory Kyle posted a video to our site from a group called ‘Tomorrow’s World’ with a working title of ‘The Rapture Debunked In 3 Questions’, asking if anyone had ever heard of these people before. So naturally I checked it out. The group is a ministry from the Living Church of God, an offshoot of the old Worldwide Church of God led by Herbert W. Armstrong who taught a mix of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormonism, and British Israelism with a touch a Seventh Day Adventist thrown in for fun. These are the people telling you there is no Church Age Pretribulation Rapture, but it doesn’t end there with the cults. There are plenty of mainstream Christian denominations who are trying to ‘debunk the Rapture’ as well, so tonight we debunk them. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, someone is trying to steal your faith in one of the most-precious promises that God has for His children in the Church Age, the Pretribulation Rapture! But it’s not just the cults who are doing this junk, more often than not the attacks, and that’s exactly what they are, come from fellow Christians about whom Paul said “Desiring to be teachers of the law; understanding neither what they say, nor whereof they affirm.” Amen. So tonight, we will take the entire 22-minute ‘Debunking The Rapture’ video, answering every point they raise, rightly divided and dispensationally correct. And in doing so, give you the all the tools you need for the next time a fellow Christian comes alongside you looking to steal your ‘blessed hope’.

  • A pharmaceutical industry consultant for vaccines and the founder of Canada-based BioNiagara who organized the meeting, John Fulton, expressed his concerns. “This appears to be 100 times worse than COVID — or it could be if it mutates and maintains its high case fatality rate,” he said. “Once it’s mutated to infect humans, we can only hope that the fatality rate drops.” Uh-huh, we’ve seen this movie before. On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the news headlines are screaming a lot of things these days, war between Israel and Hamas, Israel and Iran, the ‘path of totality’ of the solar eclipse on Monday, the release of the new movie ‘Civil War’ a few days after that, and oh, one more thing, bird flu is shaping up to be the next pandemic. That’s right, bird flu, or more accurately, songbird flu. If you’re waiting for the ‘powers that be’ to slow down a little bit, maybe give you a little break so you can catch your end times breath, that’s not gonna happen. I was in the barber shop yesterday getting my haircut, and the everyday casual conversation sounds just like the deepest conspiracy theory of ten years ago. It has settled into public consciousness, and everyone knows what’s going on, even if they don’t know what time it is from a biblical perspective. Today we bring you the latest on the (coming?) Bird Flu pandemic, breaking news on Israel and Iran, and what Donald Trump is looking at over the next 7 months.